#68 Marian Hossa (:D) Chicago Blackhawks

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This for my bestie hockeyobsessed70 I really hope you enjoy it!

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Kylie's POV*

It was Christmas eve and the twins were excited. Their squeals and Christmas music filled the house as I watched the precious moment play out in front of me. Jackson and Peter were running around chasing their daddy around the tree wide smiles on their little faces, making me smile. Marian was such a great dad and such an amazing husband we loved him so much! Sitting down next to me out of breath with two little 1 years old waddling after him arms stretched out making the little sound they came up with to be held. Scooping up Jackson and Peter I held them close to me kissing their heads trying to cuddle with them, but they weren't interested in mommy. They wanted daddy. Wiggling out of my grip they  climbed onto their daddy who pretended to sleep, the boys exchanged looks giggling Peter leaned down and kissed daddy's forehead. Peter continued to kiss Marian's forehead while Jackson crawled onto his stomach scooting his butt to try and 'wake up' daddy. The boys did everything to wake him but nothing happen crossing their chubby arms I giggled knowing what my husband was doing. 

Leaning down my lips pressed to his giving him a small peck, his beard tickling my skin. His eyes opened and he grabbed Peter sitting him on his stomach smiling widely tickling their tummies. Giggles filled the air as Jackson and Peter both pointed at me smirking. Marian raised his eyebrows up and down smirking back at them turning his head to look at me. I shot up running for it. 

"COME BACK HERE MRS. HOSSA!!! WE NEED YOOUUUU!" Marian yelled chasing after me. I slid to a stop looking side to side seeing the twins walk in one way and my husband in the other. THEY TRAPPED ME! "Now Marian I don't think tickling is necessary  is it?" He stopped lowering his hands looking at me. "Ya know what love I think your right," he smiled wrapping his arms around me resting his chin on my shoulder, turning my head I got a sweet kiss and that's when he did it. Marian's fingers danced all about my sides and one hand tickled the back of my knees causing me to squeal and beg him to stop. 

"I WILL NEVER STOP! UNLESS I GET A KISS!" Grabbing his shirt I pulled him to the ground giving him a kiss. Instantly the tickling stopped and I laid on my back smiling as Marian pulled me into his side, Jackson crawled on me laying his head on my chest as Peter mimicked his brother. Both rubbing their eyes. We exchanged looks and smiled, standing up we carried the boys to bed giving them a quick diaper change and laid them down. Kissing the small little lips we wished them a goodnights sleep and closed the door . Without a warning Marian picked me up carrying me back downstairs to the couch grabbing my favorite red fuzzy blanket wrapping it around us he pulled me tight against him. My legs were tangled with his, while my arms were wrapped around his, our faces only an inch away from each other. His fingers pushed away hair that fell in my eyes the roughness of those calloused fingertips made me smile. 

"Thank you." 

"For what love?" I asked burying my face into his chest smiling. 

"For the best gift of all. Our family. You gave me two healthy babies, I couldn't ask for anything better. I love you so much." Marian's eyes brimmed with water making me tear up. A few tears slipped from his eyes as he pressed his lips to mine. Pulling away I cuddled into him slipping my hand under his shirt smiling at the warmth of his skin. "Your welcome honey. I love you" " I love you more Kylie." 

With that we fell asleep. 


opening my eyes Jackson and Peter held onto the couch grinning at me. 

"Bhahfiforgdghdddsodgfgdgdgdpgogjdjgd!" Jackson exclaimed throwing his hands up losing balance causing him to fall on his butt. I laughed and leaned forwards kissing Peter's nose while Jackson pulled himself back up clapping his hands together. "You want a kiss from mommy?" Jackson squealed and smiled reaching for me with his little hand. Leaning forward my lips pressed against his head. Marian walked in holding two mugs filled with hot coco smiling brightly when he saw I was awake. 

"Merry Christmas mommy!" 

"Merry Christmas daddy!" Marian smiled and pecked my lips when he sat down handing me my mug.

"Okay let's get present opening started!" I exclaim standing up and placing small easy to open gifts in front of the boys. Sitting down the got to work on trying to open them Marian and myself taking video and photos. Once they were open it revealed two little matching Hossa jerseys. They squealed as if they actually knew what it was. After opening all the gifts under the tree except one that was labeled to Marian from Santa.

"what could this be?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged and watched him unwrap it, opening the box. His mouth dropped. Picking up the positive pregnancy test he looked at me with wide shining eyes. "Is this serious? Are we actually pregnant again?!" "It's real," I smiled. Setting the box down Marian stood up grabbing my hands and standing me up, dropping to his knees his lips pressed against my stomach. 

"Hey little baby it's your daddy, I can't wait to see you. Treat your mommy good ya hear," He was crying as he held onto my sides his face buried in my stomach. Running my fingers through his hair I massaged his scalp smiling widely. Standing up Marian's hands cupped my face pressing our lips together in the worlds best kiss, as we kissed hands tugged at our shirts. 


"FSOGIHDFGDOG9U904R7498UHGDFGDFGD!" The boys yelled making us laugh, pulling away we both picked up a baby bouncing them slightly kissing their cheeks. 

"look it's snowing!" I point to the window, walking over so Peter could see. Marian followed my lead standing next to me my head rested on his shoulder. Wrapping his arm around me I lifted my head pecking his lips a few times. 

"Merry Christmas my love." He mumbled against my lips kissing me again.

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:D Requests are open! Message me if you'd like one. :)

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