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This is for one of my best friends NeverStopDreaming95 :). "76."" "76."



I smiled as Manca walked toward the ice, hips swishing back and forth that stunning smile adorning her face eyes locked on me. A smile crawled its way onto my face, that's my girl. Manca and myself met back on the first day of try outs she checked me against the boards and out played me in every way. 5 months later we were still going strong, it proved a lot of the guys wrong. Most of them said we wouldn't even last three weeks together, seeing as she a Minnesota girl and I'm a Boston man. Boy were they wrong! Lastly, on the ice Manca made her way to me that smile spreading. Stopping in front of me I reach out and pull her into me.

"Hello there cutie," I smile pecking her lips. Manca's hands rested on my chest "hello good-lookin', ready for practice?" "I'm looking forward to skating, seeing you play and beat the other guys, but I'm not looking forward to getting yelled at by Herb." Manca smiled and siezed my hands skating backwards "look I know it's sucks getting yelled at baby but you're on the team! You've got solid skating skills it'll all work out I know it will." She stopped when her back hit the boards arms wrapping around my neck gently bringing my head down to press our lips together. 

"OI! Save it for the bedroom!" Morrow shouts laughing. We ignore him and continue to kiss my gloved hands resting on her hips. 

"GET SOME RIZZ! BOYS THAT'S OUR CAP!" Jack hollers making all the boys break out into a roar of laughter. 

"HEY MAC #2 REMEMBER HE'S A HOCKEY PLAYER HE LOVES TO SLAM BODIES!" Rob calls making us pull apart. Manca dropped her arms pushing away from me she speeded toward him, smashing him right into the boards everyone laughing as he dropped to the ice. Looking up at his best friend he pouted and Manca laughed evilly jabbing him with the end of her stick before offering him a hand helping pull him up. Mac doing most of the work. Once up Jack's hand rests on Rob's shoulder, "dude you just got checked by a girl, now that's just sad." Rob's brows knitted together and he shot OC a look "she caught me off guard....." Everyone broke out into laughter, skating over I smiled patting Rob's back "hey dude at least it was Mac #2 and not just some random girl." I flashed my smile at the beautiful girl who only stood a few inches away. Right as Manca was about to say something Herb beat her. 

"EVERYONE WARM UP THEN GET ON THE BLUE LINE! AND I SWEAR IF I SEE ANYONE WAISTING TIME  I WILL MAKE YOU SKATE EXTRA LAPS!" We all exchanged looks hastily getting into a circle to stretch and get ready for the torture Herb had waiting for us. 


Herb had us test running a play when it happened. I was skating following Buzzy down shouting at him to pass the damn puck, ignoring me the entire time Buzz made it to the net shooting only to have Jimmy save it. 

"BUZZY THE GIRL WAS OPEN THE ENTIRE TIME! WHY THE HELL WAS THE PUCK NOT PASSED! I REMEMBER TELLING YOU TO PASS!" Herb shouted slapping his stick down, sending ice chips flying. 

"Sorry coach won't happen again." 

"YOUR DAMN RIGHT IT WON'T! RUN IT AGAIN!" Buzz shot me a look a quiet sigh leaving his lips as we got in position for the millionth time. The moment the puck was dropped Johnson pushed past Jack, passing the puck to Coxy, who passed to Buzz, who was about to pass to me when Strobel smashed into me, my body smacking into the boards. That's when I felt it. Dropping to the ice I moaned as I landed on my hip a shooting pain running through my body, "OW!" I exclaim making everybody stop. Rizzo skated right for me dropping to his knees a worried expression on his face, "what's wrong? Are you okay? What hurts? What the hell Stro-" "RIZZO!" he went silent instantly, "I'm okay just hit my hip nothing big just help me up okay?" "Okay." Taking me by my arms he hoisted me up once I regained my balance he let go only to have me fall with a shriek of pain. Dropping back to his knees Rizz helped me sit up against the boards pulling off my helmet setting it besides me taking my hand in his glove kissing the top of it. "What hurts baby-girl?" "My hip, it feels funny its tingling." "On a scale from 1 to 10 how bad?" "10." 

"Mac don't be such a chick," Oc commented skating over looking down at me Rob following his lead. "yeah don't be such a girl." Right as Rizz was about to say something Herb cut him off "Manca can you try standing again?" "Yeah coach I can try." Grabbing onto Oc and Rob's hands they pulled me up standing close by in case I were to take another fall. The second they let go of me my legs began to wobble as I started to fall out Rob catching me mid fall.

"No, nope no more hockey for you. No more for my baby-girl." Rizz stated taking me from Robby holding me against him. 

"Oh come on man it's probably bruising, don't be such a girl Mac." Jack commented earning narrowed eyes from Rizz. 

"I agree with Rizzo, she can barely even stand. Rizz take her to Doc, then straight back here understood?" Herb looks at my boyfriend. He nods picking me up carrying me to where Doc waited. Setting me down his lips pressed to my forehead his big brown eyes filled with worry, "I love you. Call me when you find out." I nod pecking his lips. 

*Later on* 

Sprawled out on the bed Rizz laid beside me his fingers running through my hair. "So how long does a dislocated hip take to heal?" "Well it depends they want me to rest for two weeks than they'll look at again. Rizz I'm scared......" He smiled kissing my forehead squeezing me gently "sweetie there's no reason to be worried about anything happening to your spot on the team. You've got it locked down. Just remember one thing. " "Okay what's that one thing?" "I love you." I smiled brightly "I love you too Rizz, I love you too." 


:) <3 Our Mickey Mouse!!!! Love him to death :). Requests are open! Comment or message if you'd like one. 

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