#75 Derek Forbort (Not Requested) LA KINGS

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<3 FORBS<3



He was adorable absolutely adorable . Derek's hands cupped my face his thumb rubbing your cheek, pecking my lips randomly. We were cuddled up under a fuzzy blanket as the fire warmed our bones, we were at Derek's parents house in Duluth MN. He spent last Christmas with me and my family and they absolutely adored him, so now it was my turn to meet the parents, they were honest to the mountains the sweetest people ever. Sitting on the couch we watched ELF, but we really didn't pay any attention to it.  Cuddling into his chest I sat between Derek's legs looking up at him he smiled down at me leaning down a little his lips coming for mine. We kissed for a while, a cute little 2am make-out session. 

"My family loves you, my mom even asked me when we're going to get married and I told her soon." 

"Oh really how soon?" A goofy smile covered his face, cheeks turning pink. I cooed peppering his face with kisses, that beard of his tickling me, Derek laughed. That laugh was music to my ears. 

"Y/N you're killing me!"  

"With love!" Derek and I laughed his hands slipping under my shirt both of our smile growing. Laying my head on his shoulder, he kissed the side of my head holding me tight against him as we fell asleep. 

*Next morning* 

The next morning I woke up in those same strong arms that held me last night, only thing different a big warm comforter covered us. The morning news on the TV looking up Derek was passed out, looking to the recliner Mr. Forbort waved smiling. Waving back Derek's grip tightened lips pressing to my head, looking to the side there was a sleepy, smiley Forbort. 

"Mornin' handsome," I whispered pecking his lips. 

"Hmmmmmm," he hummed back hiding his face in my neck, my fingers instantly went for his hair tangling themselves in it. We shared a cute cuddly moment, making his dad's smile widen. 

"Well, well, well  the love birds are awake!" Derek's brother teased. Derek hummed placing kisses to my neck. 

"sleepy still?" 


"Should we go upstairs?" 


"But you just said." 

"We're not moving and that's that. " Derek's dad, brother, and I laughed. Derek smiled kissing my neck a few more times before coming out of his hiding spot, just as he was about to say something his mom came in. 

"Time for breakfast everybody!" Getting up Derek grabbed my hand and pulled me into him so his crazy brothers didn't run me over. Once it was free and clear to get up I did but Derek remained on the couch. 

"come on lazy let's go!" 

"Lazy! I had a tough couple days of training before we got here!" 

"excuses, excuses, excuse! You're just lazy! ADMIT IT REK!" He sat up hands on his knees, eyes narrowed.

"I am not lazy! Y/N YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" 

"NOPE! REK IS LAZY, REK IS LAZY!!!" I chant dancing in a circle hands doing some random motion in the air. 

"YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT!" Stopping I looked at him for a split second, making a run for it. Running for the kitchen I hid behind his mom. 

"hmmmmm where could Y/n be???? Is she over here? Is she..... AH HA!" Rek jumped out in front of me shouting. I screamed and ran, sadly he caught up to me. Grabbing my waist Derek lifted me in the air spinning me around, I laughed as he set me down pushing hair out of my face. We smiled at one another eyes twinkling. 

"caught you," he whispered leaning down capturing my lips in a romantic kiss. Claps filled the room making us pull apart, looking at his family they all wore wide bright smiles. 

"Time for breakfast?" I ask looking back at Rek. 

"Time for breakfast!" 


I love Forbs so much! I really hope he'll get some major ice soon, I'd love to see him kill it! 

Requests are open, message or comment if you'd like one!

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