#93 Rob McClanahan (Requested) 1980's Men's Olympic Hockey

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Rob's POV*

"Soph are you almost ready sweet heart?" I call up the stairs to my wife who has taken 30 minuets over the time she said she would be ready making us a tiny bit late for the dinner we were heading to. Waiting for a moment to hear something back I sighed and got ready to call her again, only to be shut up by the beautiful young woman at the top of the stairs looking like one of those fashion models. No Sophie looks a million times better than a model. Her melodious laugh filled my ears making me snap out of my daze also causing my cheeks to redden from the staring, slowly walking down the stairs she threw a wink my way and headed for the door leaving me drooling once again.

"Hey Robby ya comin'?" That sweet honey drippin' voice pulling me from my day dream of picking her up shutting the door and having a night of some adult fun. "Yeah I'm ready lets go." Sophie reached out taking my hand the diamond wedding ring glistening in the sunset sky as we walked to the car, opening up the door she slid in. Bending down I pressed my lips to her's closed the door and headed to my side slipping in and once again pressing our lips together. Starting the car I looked both ways before slowly pulling out and heading down the road. Tonight was a sort of two year reunion dinner for the gold medal 1980's Men's Olympic Hockey Team that I was on. It was a great experience and I had made some great friends sadly we all didn't keep super close after the games due to our lives after college. That's when I had met Soph and a year later we were engaged then a year after that and we were married. Tonight the boys were going to meet her for the first time, well correction everyone besides Herb, and Pav would meet her for the first time.

Pulling up to John 'Bah' Harrington's house we park and I chuckle seeing Pavelich on the front porch with John drinking a beer and enjoying the warm spring night. Getting out of the car they cheer and stand up heading for us, opening Sophie's car door she giggles nervously at the two giants coming for us.
"Well if it wasn't Robby McClanahan himself!" John declared.
"Lookin good boy! How's the NHL treating ya? And who is the pretty-"
Just then a young woman appeared declaring that dinner was ready. With that we headed in my arm slipped around Soph's waist giving her hip a squeeze helping her to relax. When we walked in I instantly spotted Dave Silk with his arms around a petite girl with red hair wedding bands sparkling, then there was Jack 'OC' Callahan with a young lady his arm around her waist their lips meeting softly making Buzzy Schneider grown, and then there was Mike Eruzione arms wrapped around a girl chuckling at something she had said. It looked to me like a great deal of these guys were married.

We stood in the threshold of the house as Bah tried to get everyone's attention,
when the nice polite one didn't work he cupped his hands around his mouth and took a deep breath "HEY EVERYONE ROB'S HERE!" The room fell quiet for just a moment all heads turning to look at us that was the calm before the storm. A bunch of the boys headed over to say hello but stopped just short waiting for me to introduce the gorges drop dead dream woman next to me.
"Everybody this is my WIFE Sophie." "Wife!" They all shouted together clapping smiles on everybody's faces. Without warning I was pulled from Sophie back out to the porch for a beer or two with the guys.

Sophie's POV*
"Hi, I'm Kelly O'Callahan it's really nice to meet you, I hear a lot about the good ole days and your husband is always mentioned. My husband is Jack."

"Oh! Jack O'Callahan! I know who your husband is! Charlestown Killer right?" Kelly laughed and nodded "yes that's him alright, I'll introduce you when they're done with their catching up."

"Sounds good." Just then a petite girl with red hair and a little roundish belly stuck out her hand and I gladly took it.

"Hi, I'm Rachal. My husband is Dave, Rob and him roomed together my husband talks about him all the time"

"It's lovely to meet you, oh yes! Silky right? How many more months?" I ask gesturing to her round belly. Rachal giggles and smiles softly, "3 but I swear it needs to pop out sooner so I can sleep." We all laugh and take sips of our drinks when another girl with sort of reddish hair sticks out her hand "Manca Eruzione. My husband is Mike the guy you can barley understand because his accent is so thick." We burst out into fits of giggles "it's true though!" Kelly laughed. Just then two muscular arms wrapped around me and three other guys walked in taking places besides their wives. "Hello gorges, making friends I see." Rob whispered kissing my cheek resting his chin on top of my head "hi handsome, yes I am they're very nice." "I'm glad." Our lips met for a quick peck before the boys began to introduce themselves.

"Dave Silk, BU, soon to be dad." He beamed.
"Mike Eruzione, BU, luckiest man." He pressed a kiss to Manca's lips.
"Jack O'Callahan, BU, happiest man." Kelly and him pecked lips and I smiled brightly at each one of them "Sophie McClanahan, UMD, worlds happiest woman." They cheered and gave me gently hugs. The rest of the night was spent talking laughing and just all around enjoying time catching up with old/new friends.
Requests are open! Comment or message me if you'd like one. :) "

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