I Have a Question.....

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1• What  5 passions do you have and why?

2• What 5 things make you happy?

3• What popular notion do you think the world has wrong?

4• If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

5• If you could eat lunch with anyone dead or alive who would it be?

6• Who's your favorite band?

7• What's your favorite song by them?

8•Do you know all the words to the song you listed above?

9•What's album by your favorite band?

10•Favorite lyric ever from them?

11•If you had to pick a song that explains how you feel at the moment what song would it be?

12•What's your favorite book and why?

13•Who's your favorite person in that book?

14•Favorite line in the entire book?

15•What's your favorite movie?

16•How many times have you watched it?

17•Tea or coffee?

18•Artemi Pan or Andrew Shaw?

19•Kaner and Bread man or Kaner and Tazer?

20•What made you smile today?

Hey ya'll so I hurt my foot a couple days back and have been on the couch resting so I thought I'd come up with a tag! All these questions are original so I
Hope ya like it!

I Tag-

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