Chapter 1 - Family?

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A lazy person.

That's what I am.

I'm the kind that only preferred to watch in the sidelines instead of partaking in it, already knowing that someone else will do all the rescuing, screaming, apologizing, and helping.

But when the young boy, so innocent and oblivious what was going to happen to him, had a car speeding up to him with the intentions of not stopping, my own body moved on its own.

I pushed the boy on the other side of the street where he was safe.

Though, I supposed I actually moved on purpose because I saw no one was looking, no one was paying attention, no one seemingly cared at all.

Guess I'm the hero this time. I thought with an inward chuckle until I finally felt it. The pain.

It was coming from my side, already so painful that I had the urge to scream.

An even more overwhelming pain came from my neck for a few seconds squashed that urge before it was over.

I felt nothing.

I was watching my own headless form, people screaming and crowding around, feeling a bile rise up my throat. I'm not a big fan of close up real blood.

I looked at the people around.

That was the same moment that I realized that some people were like me to an extent.

Sure, they're not as lazy as I am but we're the same in the watching-in-the-sidelines attitude.

No one wanted to get involved and it was obvious they don't want to get hurt or, even worse, die.

Humans disliked pain, after all.

But I was one of those who hated pain. It was that reason why I'm lazy and not getting involved in something. It was too much effort that moving a single limb is already so hard.

It was then that reality crashed down to me.

I'm dead.

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time but I couldn't. I don't have any regrets but I don't want to leave my life behind.

My brother and I sometimes got along but that was normal for siblings.

My sister and I never liked each other (an actual achievement if you ask me, it's hard to hate someone for so long).

My father can go screw himself.

My mother is the only one I got along with.

I don't have any friends for the sole reason that I don't want to trust anyone again.

My bestfriend from when I'm still in Grade school had moved on and forgot about me when we entered separate Middle Schools.

My other bestfriend betrayed me when she was the only one I had left.

Now that I had properly looked back on my own shitty life, I realized I do have a single regret.

A sudden tug at my whole being made me look away at the scene.

I wish, I thought sadly, I could have taken my traitor of a friend with me. But alas, I don't want to die alongside her so she can go fuck herself.

Then everything went black.


I didn't really know what happened to me next.

All I know is that I'm in a seemingly warm place.

Like a-hug-from-someone-you-loved kind of warm. I wanted to stay here.

But that was not to be (thinking proper words are kind of new for me). I was suddenly squeezed in a very painful way.

It wasn't such a nice place anymore. It was still warm but I was surrounded by squishy liquid.

I suddenly pictured myself as a squished bug. Yuck. Ew. Brain, you're not being helpful here.

I trashed as much as I could in this cramped place. I wanted to get out of here, dammit!

The top of my head suddenly got hit by cold air.

Yes! I'm almost out.

I felt something grab my head and pulled oh-so-carefully until I was all out. Cold air hit me full on as I blatantly realized that I'm naked and cold, yes, very cold.

I suddenly wished that I was back in whatever place that I was in. It was warmer there.

I was suddenly slapped in my backside. It hurt. Come on! Who the fuck slaps someone on their backside like that?!

Tears welled up at the corner of my eyes and I, embarrassingly, cried, much to the displeasure of my pride.

It was screaming at me to 'stop crying!' Yeah, it was obvious I didn't listen to that bastard.

I calmed down when I was wrapped in a warm blanket (much better) and was handed to someone who started cooing at me in an obviously Japanese language, a woman.

Wait. Handed to someone? Being able to feel pain... Crying...

Wasn't I already dead?!

I could still feel, I could still cry, picture disturbing words, have my pride nag me.

Was all that crap about me dying all just a dream?

It was so real.

I was sure I died.

I saw my own headless form when I was in my ghost self!

I even almost puked at the mass of blood pooling under my dead body...

But... I feel so small. I can't open my eyes and my body's like pudding. Gah! I can't move much!

If I died and was still very much alive, my mind quickly went to the theory that seemed to fit all this happening to me.

I'm reincarnated.

I'm reincarnated.

I'm reincarnated.

And I'm a baby... Was that supposed to be possible?

I... guess..?

I'm a living proof to that now.

In my first life, I always thought that reincarnation was for those people good/kind enough to live again not like me whose lifelong goal is to murder my traitorous friend.

I inwardly sighed.

Hopefully, my life here is better than my previous one.

If not, I'll involve myself in another accident to kill myself.


If only I actually wanted to die... I had plans to live my life to the fullest in this new one, that's for sure.

Though, there a question that just recently popped up.

Am I a girl or a boy?

I paled.

I don't think I can handle being a guy. I'm a girl in my previous life.

I started wriggling around, intending to feel myself since being a new born baby; I still can't open my eyes.

Only, I couldn't.

This blanket is like a cocoon that's only showing my head.

My new mother started speaking to someone (thank God for Japanese lesson, being an Otaku has its perks, eh?)

"I have decided on her name-" YES! I'm still a girl! "She will be Rei." She stroked my cheek lovingly, "Uchiha Rei."

Uchiha? As in the Uchiha?

I paled again.

Who the fuck are you woman?! If you're one of the still living breathing Uchiha Clan then get me outta here!

I don't want to die so young! And if you're the wife of the last Uchiha, Sasuke, then good. I won't die for a long time.

"Wise choice, Mikoto." A man's voice said.


"Thank you, Fugaku." My 'mother' replied.

Ah... looks like I am going to die young...

My parents are the Uchiha Patriarch and Matriarch!

Why do I suddenly feel faint?

"What's wrong with her? Why is she turning so pale?!" My 'mother' said in a panicked voice.

I didn't hear what others in the room said because for the second time, everything went black.

I didn't know I was that shocked.


When I finally came around (Damn, still can't open my eyes), I faintly recognized a futon and comforter from where I currently laid.

Since I didn't have needles in me and a machine beeping in the room, I supposed that they thought I only fell asleep, paling in exhaustion in the process.

I tried opening my eyes using a lot of effort. It was hard but I managed. My vision is still blurry but even without my eyesight; I could tell it was already late night.

If the silence, lack of chirping, and wind blowing outside was any indication. I also didn't notice anyone's calm breathing in the room so I guess I'm alone.

After a while, my vision steadily grew better and soon, I can see perfectly but not entirely since its night.

I still can't believe that I have been reincarnated.

An Otaku part of me was shaking in excitement, wondering if I'm the sibling of the famous Uchiha Brothers or if I replaced one of them, while the sensible part of me was telling me that I'm not suppose to be here.

It's all wrong.

You don't belong here.

Is what it said. It oddly sounds like me. Me of my past life. It kind of hurts to have myself talk to me like that.

So what if I'm not? I countered, Why did I even get sent here if I don't belong here? I'll only do my best to prevent the worse things to happen.

You'll just end up screwing everything.

Your failure will lead to countless of lives lost.

I might as well give it my all. It's not like I'm going to stay here forever. I'll die sooner or later.

You only stole that body and life from its rightful owner.

You don't have any rights to call it all as your own.

Why even let me have this body? The real Rei could have just taken it back or at least even fought me for control!

But she didn't.

You're fighting against an infant child.

That's when guilt started to gnaw on me.

Other me was right.

I'm fighting for control in this body against a real infant. The rightful owner of this body.

The real Rei only has the thinking capabilities of a baby. She doesn't stand a chance.

I wasn't even aware that I was fighting for control.

If there was something that I could do then I could have just chosen not to be reincarnated.

I didn't choose to steal someone's life away from them!

If ever, I could have chosen to just be a ghost in this world than a human being.

That way, I won't have to worry about having someone else's body and I won't be feeling all this guilt.

God, why make my life so difficult?

It was then that I noticed that the sun had already risen.

I've been too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice anything, at all. I didn't even notice that I have been staring far too long at the same spot, the ceiling.

If someone was with me the whole time that I was awake, they would have thought that I'm like a mindless baby.

A soft sound of steps (almost non-existent if you didn't listen carefully) was what I heard next and I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

It wouldn't do well if they found an awake baby staring at nothing and not making any sound at all.

That would have been weird.

I willed myself to relax and to even out my breathing so that I actually looked asleep.

Soft whispered conversation was what I heard and I strained to hear what they were talking about until the door suddenly slid open to the side.

I tried to calm the erratic beating of my heart when I almost jolted. Man, can't they at least give a warning of sorts? I almost had a heart attack!

Few people were crowding around me and I can now hear what they were saying because of the close distance.

"Sasuke, Itachi, meet your new baby sister, Rei." Mikoto said.

It was followed by a happy cheer of a young Sasuke and someone stroking my cheek.

I unconsciously (okay, consciously) leaned my head towards the person's hand.

When it retreated back to its owner, I chose that moment to 'wake up'. I opened my eyes 'innocently' and blinked 'innocently' at everything around.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mikoto and Itachi froze.

I actually don't know why but I found out when Sasuke (aww, so cute~) crawled to where I am, peered straight at my eyes, and said, "Pwetty Bwue!" (Pretty Blue).

Blue? Wha-?



I have a different eye color from the Uchihas?

That must be a surprise. But why do they have to be all shocked? That wasn't a big deal, was it?

Now that I mentioned it, I don't think I even heard that there was anyone in the Uchiha Clan who has a different eye color from the norm Coal Black.

I guess I'm the first Uchiha to be that person.

And I have Blue colored ones at that. Why can't I have a blood red one? That would have been cool.

I'll have some resemblance from one of my favorite OCs.

But I guess blue is okay, too. I wonder what shade mine is?

My stomach growled and I (to act like a baby) made tears pool at the edge of my eyes and started sniffling.

Ready to bawl my eyes out if they didn't snap out of their shocked selves.

They hopefully did and I was immediately at Mikoto's arms.

I'll never get over the embarrassment of having a freakin' nipple shoved into my mouth.

And to think the Uchiha brothers were watching, too! Oh God, the horror!

Hey, at least I'm not the only one embarrassed.

That's an interesting shade of red, Itachi.

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