Chapter 2 - Growing Up and That Mysterious OP Book

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A few months passed and I was officially nine months old.

The Blue eyes incident caused a ruckus in and outside the Clan.

Heck, the news about the blue-eyed Uchiha spread throughout the Shinobi World.

I was apparently the topic of gossips in the Village for months.

I'm probably being talked about right now.

(I don't see the big deal about it. It's just an eye color. S'not like I can freeze someone with just one glare. I know, I've tried.)

Now, being the anti-social girl that I am in my past life, I hated all the attention that I'm getting.

It's because I can get embarrassed easily and the constant teasing from people back at my world didn't help. If only, it even got worse.

Because of that, I hated people who like to soak up all the attention like an overly sized sponge that expands for, like, all eternity.

Yeah, you can just guess why I'm anti-social.

Anyway, I have met my 'Father' when he got assigned to take care of me on his day-off from all the Clan Duties.

Everyone was out.

All I can say is that, Fugaku sucks at taking care of me. He may be a great Clan Leader and a man but, really, he sucks at taking care of babies.

This was proven when he heated up the bottle of milk, he placed it in an oven and said bottle exploded.

He tried to make another, only to nearly poison me.

When he changed my diaper, I ended up looking like a mummy.

And when putting me to bed, he read me a story about the War instead of the usual fairy tales.

I thought he would have gotten used to this seeing as he had two kids born before me.

Who would have guessed he didn't have any experience of taking care of a baby?

(I mean, seriously, what kind of Father reads their youngest child -a girl no less- something about The War? If I was a normal baby, I would have grown up acting like a General with a stick shoved far up his ass.)

But I suppose I'm not one to talk. I also suck at taking care of babies, especially toddlers.

My cousin's daughter was a devil's reincarnate.

Whenever she sees me, she'll tug at my hair painfully, snatch my precious gadgets that I'm using, and/or push me roughly out of their house.

It shouldn't hurt but she hits me in the stomach! Evil little child, she is.

So whenever I had the chance, I always get even with her and cackle/grin madly when she cries. It didn't matter that she'll turn and tattletale to my grandmother.

I'm out of their house before she even spoke about it (Or deny it, hoping that she won't say my name when she goes into her nonsense babble).

But, I really appreciate Fugaku's hard work. It's been a while since I last felt a father's concern for me.

I was only 7 when my own left for another woman. Back then, I didn't feel anything.

My Papa is an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in South Korea so when he left us it was like he was only going back to his work but this time he never came back.

I didn't understood yet back then then but then but I must've caught the gist of it when I saw my Mom crying one night.

I still didn't minded.

I mean, every weekends, we stayed with my Papa's family a little ways away from home, the woman that he went off with was nice enough, and we still received financial support from him for a few years before he cut us off completely so I'm good.
Apparently, my family doesn't think so.

They hate him and I didn't understand why but I never tried to change their view of him for the next 7 or so years. At least, my cousin understands.


At one time, Shusui came to visit Itachi.

I wasn't allowed out of the house with Mikoto or any of my brothers so no one knows what I look like except from the blue eyes thing so he was pretty escastic to see me.

Even going as far as to hug (read: choke) me, much to my annoyance.

"She's so cute, Itachi~" Shusui said as he continued to hug the shit out of me and didn't notice the blue shade that my skin is turning into until Itachi had to rip me out of his grasps.

I have never been so grateful to breath oxygen again.

"Do not try to murder my sister." There was an underlying threat in his voice that Shusui pointedly ignored and he reached for me again.

My brother held me away, "No."

"But Itachi-" he whined and shut up when Itachi glared at him, "Fine." He pouted.

He actually looked pretty cute when he did that but that doesn't mean I'll let him hug me again.

I snuggled closer to Itachi gratefully and after that, he pretty much banned Shusui from hugging me.



That didn't stop him from visiting me a few times a week and trying to hug me when I wasn't supervised by Itachi, only to get a rattle thrown at his face every single time he tried.

I sometimes use blocks whenever he hid them.

Mikoto was faintly amused by this and Fugaku was proud because I apparently had a perfect aim.

Even though I'm using it to throw things at my touchy-feely cousin. Gah, I can't believe I'm related to him.

Shusui is amazing when he is older but right now?

He is like a kid with too much hyper-ness. I seriously wonder how the hell Itachi put up with him.

I can't even handle someone like him.

Sure, it's pretty adorable at the start but once it happens to you every single day... well.

But, at least, to all the horrifying experiences I have suffered, there is a good thing.

I can now crawl, stand for like 3.5 seconds, and speak one-word sentences.

It hurts to stand, though. Not much of a good thing but a good thing nonetheless.

Besides, it's really boring to just lie around and stare at the ceiling whenever I'm awake and not hungry.

Trying to make my point across by baby gestures was even harder than trying to stand up whenever I'm hungry.

I definitely refused to cry just to get some fucking attention.

Which led me to what I'm doing right now, crawling around.

Mikoto always left the door of my room slightly ajar when I started to crawl so that I can wander whenever I feel like it (this hands aren't that strong for me to slid it open by myself).

At least, I'm wearing an onesie. My knees hurt when I crawl with bare legs.

Sasuke then came into view.

He was walking in an awkward wobble/jump in the hallway when he saw me. He brightened and went over to me.

He grabbed my hand and pointed the way to his room, "Let's pway, Wei!" (Let's play, Rei!)

My eyebrow made a slight twitch as I smiled at him.

I can't believe he is going to become a fucking crazy bastard in the future. He's so cute it's just hard to believe.

I nodded, smile in place.

He trudged first before I followed in a slow pace since I'm crawling.

I almost made it there, about two feet left, after a billiony gazillion years (six minutes) when I was suddenly lifted off the ground.

I made an undignified yelp and looked at my capturer, it was Itachi.

He lifted a single brow at me, "Where are you going?"

Is being pretty a genetic thing? I think it runs in the Uchihas.

Proofs of that are Madara, the Future Itachi, the Future Shusui, and the Future Sasuke.

I almost face-palmed.

I can't believe I'm thinking about this right now.

I blinked innocently at him, 'I don't know what you're talking about', is what I thought then, slightly hoping he couldn't miraculously develop telepathy to read my thoughts.

Behind us, Sasuke's head stuck out of his room to check up on me to see if I was still alive and not taking in one million breaths per second from exhaustion.

He eep-ed when he saw Itachi holding me.

I turned to Itachi, grinning cheekily and pointing at Sasuke, "Pway!" (Play!) Might as well put up my baby/innocent act.

He sighed, but agreed nonetheless.

No one can resist my cute face. He placed me down on a futon inside Sasuke's bedroom, giving Sasuke a stern look as if saying 'don't get our sister in trouble' before he left.

I very faintly heard Mikoto call him to help make dinner before he did.

An image of Itachi in a frilly pink apron made me giggle, Sasuke looking over to look at me curiously before he went back to gathering toys his stubby little hands could carry.

Ha. I can just imagine it, Itachi making a very good housewife for some guy he tried to get married with.

That caused another laughing fit.

As Sasuke busied himself piling a lot of toys infront of us, I took a glance at the room.

It was the same as mine. No beds but futons, a crap load of toys, a dresser, and some flower plants by the window.

The both of us were apparently wasn't allowed in cribs since we can somehow escape and fell into the floor in an ungraceful way.

So they prevented us from hurting ourselves by simply laying a futon on the ground where we could sleep and play on.

Pretty smart if you ask me.

This way I won't have to fall and worry about snapping my neck and dying (again).

My mind drifted -barely listening to Sasuke babbling about something- and unto my first language.

How I used to speak using it and not Japanese. I'm starting to miss talking like that.

But I suppose I won't grow out of it like I do to stuff toys since my thoughts were all in English.

Knowing two languages isn't really all that bad. You constantly speak in Japanese -even though it's only one-word sentences- but keeps your thoughts in English.

It was then that I gave Sasuke a long look.

I was actually considering teaching him my first language.

I could refer to it as Eigo (English) when I'm talking Japanese and refer Nihonggo (Japanese) when I want him to switch to Japanese.

It wouldn't hurt since he will be the one I'll most likely be close to since we spent most of my awake time playing (also the fact that he's the only one near my age since I'm mostly kept inside the Uchiha manor and not spending time with those in my age).

It's like developing a language of my own and teaching it to him.

Hopefully, he could still learn another language.

But then again, he's like a genius, learning a new language might become easy for him.

As he handed me blocks, I arranged it into a tower, thinking of ways on how I can teach it to him.

Outright talking only in English might not work since he still doesn't know what it means.

Teaching him word-by-word will be the best idea.

Good for me, too, since I'm in my one-word sentence phase.

The only thing I'm worried about is if he is willing to learn or if he will even pay attention, at all.

Attention spans of kids are always short and constantly from one thing/place to another.

Teaching him might only become a pain in the ass but I should, at least, try first. Only then could I judge if I would continue or not.

I held up a block at Sasuke, who stared at it curiously, and said, "Block."

He tilted his head at me then he tried to copy what I said, "Buroku."

Okay, has a heavy accent of Japanese but nothing I couldn't fix.

I repeated it again (no way were you going to speak to me in a Japanese accented English), "Block."

He tried again, "Buroku."

I resisted the urge to face-palm.

This is definitely going to take awhile.


On my first birthday, I was the only one at the house.

Everyone seemed to disappear into thin air and just suddenly left me like that.


Wonder why?

But I didn't put much thought in it.

I much preferred a quiet place instead of a house full noisy people (even though they are Uchihas full of dignity) who will most likely be victims of my own re-enactment of the Uchiha Massacre if they didn't quiet down.

I guess being a reserved quiet girl that I am made me a socially awkward one.

Damn my fucked up first life.

On another note, I have tapped into my Chakra Core.

I was really disappointed when I have a near non-existent Chakra Reserves after spending three weeks focusing (and looking constipated) just so that I could activate it.

I half expected to suddenly have a huge one but I guess things just don't work that way.

Using FanFictions as my 'Guide to the Naruto World' is a bad idea.

You hope for things that will weren't suppose to happen (except for the whole Reborn thing).

I haven't found something to do with my non-existent Chakra to have it developed.

I can't just barge into anyone's room so that I can get reading materials for the necessary research on Chakra.

"Damn my current non-existent rights."

I muttered to my self, somehow managing to stop myself from speaking it in Japanese.

I just recently found out -when I can certainly form a multiple word sentences- that they really don't have any idea what English is.

When I tried speaking to them using a full English sentence, Mikoto picked me up and squealed, "Look, dear, she's a genius! She created her very on language."

Yeah, I gave her a similar WTF face that the Uchihas currently in the room held.

My hand twitched as if wanting to hit her upside the head but thankfully managed to restrain myself.

It wouldn't do well if the Uchiha Matriarch got hit in the head by her own Daughter.

I'm gonna get punished if that happened!

My wandering brought me in the hallway where one particular floor board squeaked in a very unfamiliar fashion.

I have never even been in this hallway before but I still decided to go here.

And if this floorboard is full of traps for enemy ninja sneaking in her then the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat' would apply to me very nicely.

That didn't stop me from checking what was inside though.

I was praying to every single God out there to 'please do not suddenly make this floorboard turn into a hideous Chimera that is very hungry for one year old kids.'

Thankfully, my wish has been granted (this very rarely happens) and I found myself staring at an interesting looking book.

It's a thick looking book about one-fourth of an adult's hand and absolutely the same size as me.

The four corners of the front cover (as well as the back) had steel borders. The front had a steel red heart surrounded by steel black thorny vines.

I reach for it and effortlessly pulled it out of the space in the floor despite its size. Its weight is like it's only a small thing.

Feeling escastic, I headed back to my room and plopped down on the futon (having a bit of a hard time sitting straight so I settled for kneeling- Fucking Diapers).

I traced my fingers on the heart and winced when a feel of a needle pricked my finger (Fuck!) and small drops of blood dropped on the heart.

I blinked confusedly when the heart glowed bright red and black before it settled, sucking on my finger to make it stop bleeding (stupid book).

Slightly annoyed at feeling pain, I opened the book the first page shown the English Alphabet Letters (EAL) arranging itself -some disappearing- forming the word 'Jutsu'.

I raised an eyebrow, What? and went for the next page.

This page glowed and showed English words not the usual Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji that I was so used to seeing.

What. The. Hell.

What the hell indeed.

I flipped to the next page and it showed a list of Jutsu ranks.

Looks like it's been arranged in orders so that the reader knows what Rank the Jutsu is.

On the next page, D-Class Jutsus has a lot of easy ones.

Simple tricks like casting a small Genjutsu and using Henge.

Now interested, I searched for the page holding all the S-class Jutsu. There are a lot of them here, more than the low ranking ones.

I looked at the list and read one, tracing my finger under it, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu." This translates to 'Summoning Technique'.

Almost right after I did, the phrase glowed then the whole book, as well.

The pages flipped themselves until it came to a one bearing 'Kuchiyose no Jutsu' (I was starting to think that the list was nothing more than a 'Table of Contents') and a list of available contracts.

I blinked and flipped one page after another, glancing at each one. I frowned, This contracts lasted up to 7 pages, glancing at the amount of contracts per page, I concluded, probably three hundred and more, too.

Okay, let's try this out even though it takes helluva lot of Chakra.

I flipped through the pages, looking for the handsigns and 'How to Do this' shit.

...After I found the instructions, I frowned and flipped the pages a lot faster, which might take awhile.

This book is really over powered. I might've have been really lucky or really unlucky to have found this.

Now, since it's so quiet throughout the house since I'm alone (I also tend to avoid the overly quiet and dark hallways), I heard the slight creak that the front door gave as an announcement of someone coming in.

Instead of the normal 'running to the door because I thought it was my parents not serial killer/s' thing that kids my age would think and do, I stayed in my place, staring at my door with 'I know you're a serial killer so I already expect you coming here, bitch' level intensity.

A habit that I really didn't outgrew.

I'm the kind that's on guard whenever I woke up in the middle of the night.

Expecting all the horrible things to suddenly pop out of nowhere and, well, scare me.

It's always 'so horrible yet I can't look away' whenever I watch horror films.

So, imagine my relief my I heard a "We're home." From Mikoto.

So relieved that I decided to greet them (tripping a lot of times from the effort alone), dragging along the book (that seriously has weight management issues; it's so light!),

"Welcome home~!"

Mikoto bent down to my level while the others were busy taking off their shoes, "Did you just woke up?"

"Hai!" I smiled cheekily then remembered the book, "Oh! And look what I found!" I held the book infront of me.

I'm curious about the book so maybe asking the adults about it may answer some questions.

Gasps erupted from the adults while my two 'brothers' looked at the book curiously.
Looks like even the great Itachi doesn't know about some things.

"W-Where did you get that, Rei-chan?"

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