Chapter 3 - Itachi Didn't Listen To Me

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Mikoto hastily stood as if only being near the book was like inhaling a deadly poison.
"W-Where did you get that, Rei-chan?" she asked a bit nervously.

I tilted my head. Don't you guys already know about this book? "I stumbled on it!"

The adults shared a look. Fugaku turned to me and asked, "Can you open it, Rei?"

I frowned confusingly. What's this about now?

I opened the book easily and showed them the front page.

Sasuke squinted at it (in an attempt to read it) and tugged at Mikoto's skirt, "Mother, what does it say?"

"I..." It was Mikoto's turn to frown confusingly, "Don't know..."

I glanced at the page and smiled internally.
I forgot that they don't know a single thing about English.

Sasuke does since I have been teaching him for more than three months now but that doesn't mean he can read them, "It says Jutsus."

Itachi bent down to my level, "You can read it?"

I blinked at him. What kind of question is that? Of course, I can. "Yes...?"

"Dear," Mikoto turned to the Uchiha Patriarch worriedly, "Rei is..." What? What am I?

Fugaku closed his eyes and sighed through his nose, "I know."

Mikoto bent down to my level again, "Rei," she swept my bangs away, "Can you promise me not to open this book again?"

I frowned. It isn't that dangerous, is it? I mean, it looks harmless enough. "Why...?"

She smiled sadly at me, "We don't know what this book may cause if you somehow managed to make it work."

I looked down and sighed internally. It's better to give it now than get on trouble. I gave the book back, feigning pouting.

They won't stop me from getting it again, though.

Fugaku took it and ruffled my hair before he left, "Maybe in due time, Rei."

I followed his leaving form. In due time?


"Now..." Mikoto stood and started carrying the groceries to the kitchen, "I believe we have a birthday to celebrate."

I brightened at her smile a bit. A real smile not the one I usually show to feign childishness. "Hai!"

Sasuke hugged me from behind and I almost lost my balance, "I can't believe you're already on your first birthday!"

Were they that happy that it's my birthday?

Itachi patted my head. Even Itachi smiled a little. "Happy Birthday, little sister."

I felt my smile go wider at this. That may be the first time in three years since I heard those words.

I hugged Sasuke back.

I'm so happy.


It was a few weeks later that I found Itachi's eyes flickering from blood red to coal black.

I was walking around, having just woken up from my nap.

I intended to go to the garden to somehow appreciate nature like I always do back at my other life when I saw him already there.

He was just sitting there staring at nothing, looking like he was deep in thought.

From where I am, all I can see is only part of his face.

I was also aware that he may see me so I did my best to keep quiet so he wouldn't know.

Knowing my luck, if I even shift, a floorboard would creak and if I don't cover my nose then I would sneeze.

Then it happened.

The moment they started flickering back and forth, I saw Itachi's face slowly molded into surprise.

I didn't see any tomoe in them yet and judging from the surprise on his face, it meant that this is the first time he activated them.

When his eyes settled to blood red was also when he finally noticed me.

He stood up and faced me, "Rei?" I guess the Sharingan really is that sharp.

I smiled and approached, "Hai?"

"What are you doing there?" all traces of surprise from before got replaced by controlled facial expression and the blood red eyes faded back to black.

Damn. That was quick.

Wait. I stiffened. God, that's right. I forgot to come up with an explanation!

He narrowed his eyes at me when I didn't answer right away.

I waved my hands around, "Ah! It's just that-! I... uh, um..."

Shit, I can't come up with something. Time to make my grand escape that I totally didn't planned ahead.

Before I could even take one step away, I was already blocked by Itachi.

I hanged my head. I give up.

"I wanted to go to the garden but then I saw you already there." I refused to look at him even though I'm telling the truth.

"Rei," he tilted my head upwards to meet his eyes, in which I closed mine in return.

It has always been my habit ever since before in my past life.

It just feels strange when you look at someone dead straight in the eyes.

I'm always super sensitive to what others feel and will think of me. "How long have you been there?"

I flinched, "Err... the whole time?" I cursed mentally when I squeaked at the end.

I felt his hand froze which meant he was surprised yet again, "You saw?"

"Uh, yes...?"

I felt him shift to bend down to my level. I squeaked when he carried me and walked back to the direction of my room.

I then cautiously opened my eyes but I still didn't look at him.

I sighed internally then a question came up.

Doesn't this mean that he will finally be acknowledge as a true genius?

I've thought about this for awhile now. I wanted to change the future for the better.

But since I have a lot of time to think about it, it's starting to become a very hard to reach goal.

I mean, I don't have any power to talk Itachi out of killing the entire Uchiha Clan, I can't magically develop medical skills so that I can save a life or two, and most of all, I can't stop Itachi from hunting down and joining the Akatsuki.

The most I can do is at least talk Itachi out of informing and making it obvious that he really is a genius.

From what I have known, he's already graduated from the Academy. Everyone would already know that he's a genius.

Even more if they found out about him having the Sharingan activated at an early age.

But yes, I can still try to prevent Fugaku from knowing about it.

And that's exactly what I'll do.

"Um, Nii-san?" I asked nervously. But... is it right to bring it up now?

He turned to me. I sighed. What's there to be nervous about? If I don't do this now, the future changing will be better off not happening ever.

"Are you going to tell Father?" I asked. I need to know if he does plan to tell Fugaku.

"You only wanted to go to the garden. You won't get in troub-" He paused when I shook my head. That's not what I meant!

"No, I meant about your eyes changing color!" He stopped in his tracks.

"...What?" he held me at arms' length so that he can look at me.

"Father told me that we Uchihas have a special Doujutsu, the Sharingan." I covered my eyes.

They were straying again, wanting to see what emotions his eyes held.

"He said that to know if a person has it was when their eyes turn to red."

The thing about Fugaku telling me about the Sharingan was a lie. I already knew about it. I just used him as a cover.

Even if my hands are covering my eyes; I can still feel him boring holes through it. It was quite painful actually.

Even more so if you started to imagine him using lasers to burn holes through your hands.

After a long painful while, I felt him started to move again and in seconds I was placed down.

I slowly uncovered my eyes to find myself back in my room.

I looked back to see only a small bit of his form disappearing behind the half closed door.

I poked my head out.

He really is going to tell. "You're going to tell?" I feigned sadness.

He ignored me and continued to walk away.

I looked down and pouted inwardly.

He really has no idea that this is for his sake and the other Uchihas', as well. I had no idea what I said until I already said it.

"If I were Nii-san, I'd rather not tell."

I froze the same time he stopped and looked at my way.

I already said it so I might as well continue.
"I'd want to live a, at least, normal life even if people already thought I was a genius."

I looked back at him and started to inch back in my room when I saw his emotionless eyes, even though it's just a mere glimpse.

"Graduating early is already a pain, right?"

And I left it at that. I slid the door closed softly and laid on my futon.

I stared at the ceiling and recalled everything that I just said to Itachi. Almost immediately, I had a sudden urge to bang my head at any hard surface.

I never had that kind of conversation with people before. I could have said better things and I never knew it was this embarrassing.

Stupid Animes made it look so easy when it's not.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling tiredness wash over me.

But... I still couldn't help but wonder...

Would he actually listen to me and chose not to tell anyone?


I got my answer the next day. And as expected.

He really did tell.

But I didn't show my disappointment when Sasuke told me about it at breakfast.

Everyone was there and we had a little feast. All I said to him that time was...

"Amazing! You're so great, Nii-san!"

I said it as if I didn't already know about it and just acted happy about it until breakfast ended.

I avoided Itachi as much as I can (which is hard as fuck considering I've been encountering him four times the usual) and if we were forced in the same room, like in breakfast, I never talked to him.

If he asked me something I'll answer in my supposed usual one-word sentences and left it at that.

I should have thought this through, though.
The reason why Itachi spared Sasuke was because he loved him so much, right?

Then I should have worked on my relationship with him since if I don't, I wouldn't be spared from the Massacre.

The closest I am with right now is Sasuke.
I have to do something about that.

If I can't get close to Itachi then I will get close Sasuke. Surely he wouldn't kill someone Sasuke loves, right?

But... Sasuke loves both his parents very much yet they weren't spared.

That's when I paled.

That's right. They also weren't spared. If they weren't spared (and they're already Sasuke's parents) then the chance that I will is very unlikely.

I am going to die sooner than I thought.


Months passed, my second birthday has gone and celebrated, and I still didn't know anyone outside of this house except for Shusui.

Mikoto and Fugaku strictly forbid me to go out of this house unless they gave me permission to so I'm stuck here, bored out of my mind and children books scattered around me, already read for the second time that day.

All this books is making me lose my mind.

They're so boring.

I miss the Mystic Book.

It's so much more amusing than these stupid fucking books.

(Yes. I named the book, Mystic Book. It definitely suits.)

The only problem is I can't find it.

Whenever I'm the only one at the house, I always spend my awake time looking for it.
It didn't really go well since I still can't go to anyone's room and rummage through everything.

There are at least three Ninjas in this house; they'll notice the difference between a touched thing and an untouched one!

So troublesome. They really didn't want me to have it. When Fugaku said 'in due time', I definitely didn't know when that is.
It could be 'never in a million years' for all I know!

I sighed and rolled to my side.

I still didn't know what I could do to prevent the Uchiha Massacre from ever happening.

If I couldn't, then I should, at least, do something to survive, right?

Seeing Sasuke spend four years wallowing in self pity would break my heart. I should be there for him.

If I survived, I should stay by his side. I'm going to be the only one he has left aside from Itachi.

Even if I don't admit it, Sasuke has slowly crawled his way to my heart. He's no longer a character of some anime for me.

I look at him like he's a human being. He has feelings, too, right?

I shouldn't be laying here and doing nothing.

But then again, like what they said in some FanFictions, if worse comes to worse...

I should just wing it.

I stood up and headed outside my room.

And that's exactly what I'll do

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