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"Are you okay?"


"You sure?"




"Can you stop saying 'yes' because the more you say it the more I don't believe you for a second."

"Aubrey I'm fine! I promise you I'm completely fine!"

"Leia, you avoid poor Chance likes he's the fucking plague all because stupid Madison kissed him, without consent btw!"

"I know, but I can't help but think back to when they both kissed whenever I'm around him."

I sigh and lay my head on my arm that's resting on the cafeteria table. Aubrey is sitting across me and smiles warmly at me. She knows she's right and I know that she wants me to ignore the issue because Chance has nothing to do with Madison being such a bitch.


"I know Aubrey. I'll apologize to Chance."

Aubrey smiles and claps her hands.

"Good thing Chance and you have the next class together!"

Aubrey jumps out of her seat and skips out of the cafeteria. I sigh and drag myself to my class and take a seat by the window.

I hear the chair beside me be dragged open and when I look to my side I see Chance but he's staring straight ahead with his AirPods on.

I look at his phone and see he's busy listening to Mood Swings by Pop Smoke. Our favorite song.

I hold onto his hand that's on the table and that causes him to face me. His face is blank but he caresses my hand with his thumb and I smile at our hands together.

I look up at him and take one of the AirPods off.

"I'm so sorry Chancey, these two weeks of me ignoring you were so dumb and stupid. I missed one of your therapy sessions and I will never forgive myself over that."

I sniff and try to blink back my tears. I bring his hand up and kiss it then hug his hand close to me.

The teacher walks in and Chance takes his hand back and pats my head. Class begins and I try to focus.


School was over now and I follow Chance out of the building and watch him walk over to the bus stop. I run after him and once I'm close enough I hug him from behind.

"Chance please, please, please, I'm so sorry. You have every right to be mad at me. I've never once missed one of your sessions the moment I started to go to them with you. I'm so sorry but you know I love you very much you're my best friend and the one I trust the most!"

I start to cry harder and I soak up his blue hoodie from behind with my tears laced with my mascara.

I hear Chance sigh and turn around with my arms still around him. He holds me closely and let's me cry on his chest since he's only 5'9 and I'm 5'1.

I calm down more and look up at him and his face is still blank.

"You still mad right?"

He nods and wipes away my tears with his sleeves. I hold him close and lay my head on his chest.

"Y-your car."

I nod and take his hand, dragging him with me to go get my car.


Ten minutes into the drive and the silence was killing me. So I tried to start a conversation.

"My parents are still home. Shocking right? I've been staying over at Aubrey's since she has her own place."

I look at Chance once we reach a red light and see he's still facing the front with a blank face.

"Do you think either of us should move out and get our own place? I've practically raised myself and you don't relay on Chase or Ashlynn anymore."

He still keeps looking straight.

I sigh and finally snap.

I swerve the car to the side once the light hits green making Chance hit the glass with the side of his face. I stop the car and look at him, Chance looks right back at me.

I take off my seat belt and slam my fist on the car console hard making my hands hurt but I don't really pay attention to that since I'm more hurt by the fact my own best friend doesn't even want to see me anymore which is actually understandable.

"Chance! I get it! You don't wanna look at me anymore! I'm so sorry! But please! Tell me what's wrong I want to fix it!"

"I-if you made a p-promise wh-y didn't you keep it?"

"I'm so sorry about that. I'll do anything you want okay?"

The promise is probably something you aren't sure we keep talking about so here it is.


"Okay, Chance Hades?"

Chance gets up and walks towards the lady with this red pantsuit on.
Chase asked me if I wanted to accompany him to one of Chance's therapy sessions.

Chance and I have been friends for three months now and we are already inseparable. Chance was at first weary of bringing me but once I gave him my dog eyes/pouty face combo he couldn't say no.

We wait outside for like 7 minutes until the same red pantsuit lady came out saying Chance is requesting for me to be in there with him. I immediately say 'yes' because if Chance isn't comfortable being there alone with her I'll be there to make sure he's safe of course.

I go inside the room and sit beside Chance on the couch and hear him answer his questions while holding him close to me.

Once the session is over we walk out and talk while Chase is in front of us leading us to the car.

"You did good Chance."

"It w-was tha-nks to you."


He nods and smiles.

"Can y-you c-come wi-t-th me to my oth-other sessions?"

"Sure, but why me?"

Chance shrugs before smiling with an answer.

"I love your presence."

Flashback over

"Chance I'm so sorry for breaking my promise to you."

He looks at me and holds my hands just as I hold his.

"I swear to you that bitch Madison will never affect how I see you ever again Chance. You are the most important person in my life and I'll take a fucking bullet for you! You know this already."

Chance starts to tear up and I look at him before wiping away the tears rolling down his perfect face.

"Chance, are you okay?"

He looks at me and starts to wipe his tears a little before looking down.

"S-Somet-t-th-ing is wr-ong wi-ith me-e."
That's all he says as he rubs the back of his head.

"What do you mean?"

"L-Last week whe-en I-I went to therapy, she sai-id my meds are no l-longer good, my anxi-ety is bad, and depr-ression worse. Speech gett-ting bad again."

I hold my hand up to my mouth to try and cover the ugly sobs that wanted to leave. My eyes are all ready once more but I can no long stop the stream of tears.

Chance worked so hard to get his speech impediment under control and to no longer have bad thoughts everytime and his anxiety has no longer spiraled like crazy. I can't believe his medication is no longer affective.

"Oh Chance."

He just looks at me for a split second. Then looks back down again.

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