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Immediately I entered the house, I met Brie sobbing alone in the living room. I quickly rushed to her and tapped her shoulders in order to get her attention. When she saw that I was the one, she quickly stood up to hug me.

"Thank goodness you are back." She said while sniffing.
My mind quickly went to April, since she wasn't there with her.
"Where is April? Is she okay? Why isn't she back? Is she the reason you are crying?" I asked all these questions at once.
Brie just continued crying. It was like her crying became worse when I mentioned April's name. I was about to start crying, because the thought of something happening to her, I really can't imagine how I'll feel.
"Save your tears. I'm fine." April said as she strolled into the living room with a glass of water. She handed the glass of water to Brie.

"So what's wrong? Somebody should talk to me," I turned to Brie, but she was still crying.

I was still lost. So I said, "You are still speaking in riddles. Please be clear."

Brie looked so sad as she started narrating her ordeal.
"I really wanted to tell you at first, but I thought I could handle it but it later turned out that I actually couldn't. When stuff got out of hand, April suggested I tell you. I just couldn't and I tried to hold up as long as I could. The truth is that I just can't anymore. Lettie, I've let you down, and I'm so sorry about it. The truth is the first week I started running Tres Belle, I was totally getting the hang of it but when it came to negotiating deals for the models and for our clothing line, I sucked big time. I'm so scared that I made the company's account has gone red. I'm really sorry Lettie."

"Is that all?" I questioned.
"Sadly no... One of our plus size models is down with flu and I haven't been able to find anyone to replace her. Everyone has done the shoot except her. I told Chris to wait up if I'll be able to find someone. Lettie I know I'm not in the right position to ask for a favor from you, but I want to request if you can fill in for her? I know you said you never want to model but we don't have a choice. Else we are going to lose out on this deal, please?" She pleaded with me as she placed her two palms together.

I really didn't want to do it but I didn't want Brie to feel worse than she already felt, so I nodded my head in approval.

"Thank you so much, Lettie. You literally saved my ass right now. Please Chris is waiting right now in the company's studio room," She said but suddenly looked like she remembered something else so she continued, "Also I scheduled two conference calls this night cause of the time difference between our countries, so if you could please take them so I don't mess things up again. This is all I wanted to tell you. I'm sorry for messing up your company." Brie muttered the last sentence and bowed her head in shame.

I really wanted to laugh but I held myself. What Brie needed now is for me to tell her how well she is running the company.
"Brie," I called her.
"Yeah." She answered.
"Did you confirm that you made the company bankrupt or you just assumed?" I questioned.
"Well... The truth is I just assumed. It's obvious that I'm not running the company well. What could a fashion designer probably know about running a company?" She questioned.

That's the problem I have with Brie. She always doubts her capabilities. Even when she designs, she never thinks her designs are good enough even when the world says they are.

"The fact is you belittle your abilities Brie. I wouldn't give you the company to run if I wasn't sure you could do it. If it helps you feel better, I check the accounts book every night and you are far from bringing the company to bankruptcy. You've been doing so good, in fact, you couldn't have done a great job than how you've been doing." I smiled at her.

She looked so shocked and she smiled a bit as she asked, "So I've actually been running the company well?"
I nodded my head in agreement and smiled back.
"Yes, you have. So rather than assume something again, you'll talk to me about it. Okay?"

I was suddenly engulfed into a hug by Brie. "Thank you so much for believing in me. I promise I'll talk to you next time if I ever have any doubt about anything, please don't assume."
"I won't do that again," She smiled before she paused and looked like she wanted to ask me about something again, so I motioned her to speak up.
"Is it okay if I sit this conference call out because I think I've had enough scare for one night and I just want to sleep."
"Do you even have to ask? You're doing me a huge favor by agreeing to take care of the company."
"You've done me much bigger favors. If it's a weigh scale, I've fallen short by so many kilograms."

I know the favor she's talking about. Her family never supported her decision to be a fashion designer but I argued vehemently with them to support her career choice. They haven't fully accepted it, but they've definitely come to terms with it.

"You never measure favors in friendship. It's never done." I hugged her and waved her goodbye.

I went to the company's studio and saw that Chris was waiting.
"I'm so sorry I kept you waiting. Brie had something she wanted to tell me first."
"So she told you about the whole bankruptcy thing?" Chris asked, looking a bit disturbed.
"You knew? How come everyone knew and I didn't?" I asked, not bothering to cover up how shocked I was.
"Well... The thing is that she told April, April told me. Even though Brie despises me and was angry when she discovered that April told me," He smiled sadly when he made this statement. He then continued, "We advised her to tell you sooner because we all know that Brie frets a lot about nothing most times."

My lips formed in an 'o' shape. I feel bad that Brie didn't tell me sooner but there is nothing I can do about that again. At least she now knows she got scared over nothing.

"Don't worry Chris, Brie doesn't really hate you. She's just kidding about it." I said, trying to smooth things over.
Chris doesn't say anything but his sad expression makes me know that he doesn't believe me. I guess I need to talk to Brie about her alleged hatred against Chris.

"So what's the ad we're going to shoot about?" I asked. Suddenly Chris's eyes lit up and he starts telling me all about it.

By the time we're done with the shoot, I'm really tired and all about hitting the sack when I remember I still have two conference calls.
I was about leaving when Chris motioned me to stop.
"Why don't you model? I mean look at you," He points at my picture on the slide and continues, "You are a natural, and don't give me the whole bullshit about being a CEO and not having time for yourself."
"Well... I'll be honest with you cause you are my best friend. There was a time I really wanted to model. I wanted it so bad that I kept following Maddie around for her shoots. You know Maddie started modeling at age ten, so I was this little sister following her and trying to learn the ropes. She was my shero, like the female version of a hero. I told all my friends that my sister was such a good model, and one day I was going to be like her.

Apparently, Maddie didn't like her annoying little sister tagging along. So one day she yelled at me in anger, She said "Stop nursing the dream that you can be a model!  Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?" She asked that day, and I can never forget the look on her face. She looked at me like I was the vilest thing that existed on earth. I nodded my head slowly cause obviously I look at myself in the mirror every day. She continued, not even sparing the feelings of an eight-year-old, "You look like an obese little piglet, and nobody will ever want to hire a social disaster such as you. "

Ever since that day,  I never wanted anything to do with modeling. I only did this today 'cause of it was an emergency, but never again." I finished, quickly picked my bag and ran out before Chris could even utter a statement.
No matter how long it has been, it still hurts like it just happened yesterday.

By the time I finished with the conference call, it was already four a.m. I was so spent that I slept without getting out of my office wear. I told Brie to wake me up by six-thirty a.m so I can get ready for work.
So imagine my surprise when I feel someone shaking me, and I see April.

"Please don't tell me it's six-thirty already, cause I still feel so tired." I groaned.
"No... It's five-thirty."
"So why are you waking me up?" I seethed angrily.
Don't blame me, I really need my beauty sleep.
"That's cause there is something you need to see," April said as she shoved her phone in my face.

Why must all my bad discoveries always end up with a phone? I think I should visit a fortune teller.

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