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"How did my picture even go this viral?" I asked April.
April just shrugged and said, "Don't ask me, ask Chris who took the picture. I'm also as confused as you are right now."

I quickly picked my cellphone and dialed Chris's number, he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey Lettie... Have you seen how your pictures have gone up the charts?  It's crazy," He laughed, but when he noticed that I didn't join him, he stopped immediately.
"What is it? Aren't you happy?" Chris asked. I could hear the surprise in his tone. Like who in their right mind would not be happy about this?

I wouldn't blame him though, he doesn't know about the whole Liam thing and the bet I drunkenly made with Maddie. I don't know why I haven't told him, but if I'm being completely honest with myself, it's because I'm scared of what Chris would say. In our friendship cycle, I was the only one who always had my shit together, got into the least trouble, never truly made a bad decision until recently and the list goes on and on.
If Brie's flaw is getting scared of every little thing, mine is the fear of people being disappointed in me.

"Trust me when I say this Chris, it's bad for me now. So please look for a way to bring it down." I begged.
"It's not me who put it up, Lettie."
"Then who did?"
"It was the motorcycle company that we shot the ad for that put it up."
I groaned and rubbed my forehead in anxiety as I asked, "So it wasn't you who put it up?"

He answered back in enthusiasm, "No... That's what makes this interesting. When I sent them all the models ad pictures, they posted them all and they said yours racked up more views and publicity. So they put your ad up and all their bikes sold out. The irony was that your face didn't even show in the shot I sent them. Didn't you notice?"

I picked April's phone and assessed the picture, and really the picture didn't show my face. Only people that really know me will know it's me... People like Maddie.

"Please don't give the company any information on me," I warned.
"I know you'll say that. I already told them when they said they wanted you to be their all-time model, I declined nicely that you are a one time model."
"Thanks so much, Chris," I said and suddenly remembered something.
"Don't tell me Maddie shot this ad too."
"Yes... She did, why?"
I groaned and said, "She's going to be so mad that I took her spotlight and..."

"Don't you even start, " Chris yelled angrily. He's never seen eye to eye with Maddie. He feels she makes me belittle myself. He continued, "Your shot was chosen because you shot the best ad and it wasn't me. When I shot Maddie's ad, I didn't shoot her a bad shot. I never let personal emotions get in the way of my professional duties. If I shot a bad ad, it'll be bad for mine and the company's image. So every spotlight your picture is getting, enjoy it cause you deserve it. This proves to Maddie that the comment she made years ago about you never make it as a model,  that comment has been shoved back in her face. I'm mad at you for belittling yourself every time it comes to Maddie issues. You are not the inferior one, so don't ever think like one. You just ruined my morning... I'll talk to you later." He said and ended the call.

Now Chris is mad at me and that sucks... Big time.

I went to the living room and saw April and Brie huddled around Brie's laptop.
I settled down beside them and peeped at the laptop, "What are you guys doing?"
Brie turned the laptop to my direction and smiled, "You're looking so good Lettie. I knew you always had it in you, except for that your annoying older sister who just feels threatened."
"Okay one... I am happy this racked up views for both companies. This will make our company more popular than ever. Two... Maddie can never be jealous of me 'cause of this petty thing. She's a supermodel and has recorded more successful ads than this. Lastly... I'm never going to model, this was just a fill-in that went well by sheer luck."
"I'm so glad that I actually fretted for a change." Brie smiled mischievously.
"Whatever... I'm going to work." I sighed and stood up.
"Brie why is she still walking on the floor?" April laughed as she pointed at me.
"I know right." Brie laughed too.

I stopped and groaned. Let me enlighten you on the inside joke. So my caption for the biker's add was 'Why still walk when I can be your biker girl?" For the ad, I put on a leather jacket and pantsuit for a fiercer look. Then I put on red lipstick to complete the look. If I'm allowed to toot my horn a bit, I'll say I most definitely looked fierce.

Apparently, Brie and April found it funny and interesting so they've been laughing about it.
"I give up on you both. I have no words." I raised my hands in surrender and walked out as they continued laughing.
"Just hope Liam won't recognize you or the ad. Else you're going to have someone taunting you all day and you won't be able to run away from that because from all you've told me about Liam. He never gives up." April hollered at my retreating frame.
"He would never know." I hollered back.

         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You know how I said that Liam would not recognize me?
I take it back right now because immediately I entered the office, what Liam welcomed me with was "Our biker lady walked on the floor?"

I groaned for the fourth or hundredth time that morning, I mean who's counting anyway.

Can this day end already?

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