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A/N- Happy Valentine's Day to everyone who celebrates it. You all keep being beautiful and show some love to everyone around you.
Love you all💝   
Enjoy your day.                                         

The next day I dressed up and went to the wedding at the church. Liam and I agreed to meet up in my room and go together but after what happened last night, I didn't think it'll be a good idea. It'll be too awkward, and I don't do awkward.
I settled in one of the church pews in preparation for the wedding. Of course it's obvious that everyone had to be seated before the bride and groom started the whole marching in thing.
It wasn't long when I sat down before I felt someone sit beside me. I turned and imagine to my greatest surprise, I see the person I was avoiding. No surprise there, it was Liam. Big whoop.

"Hey, Good morning. I went to your suite and discovered you already left. I thought we agreed to come together?" He asked.
I was surprised because he totally downplayed everything like nothing happened last night. Well, two can totally play the game.

"I'm so sorry about that. I decided to leave early." I faked a smile.
Liam drew closer and whispered in my ear his hot breath fanning my ear, "You and I both know you are lying, and we'll discuss what happened last night. Now is just not the right time or place." He drew back and looked forward like nothing just happened.

While he left my heart racing, and me all hot and bothered. Liam's whisper is the bane of my existence. Let's not go over to the kissing last night 'cause he right about ticked all my expectations on what a good kissing experience should be like, he even created his own list in my mind and ticked them all. Honestly, that's how good the kiss was. For someone who said she won't be thinking about the kiss, I'm sure doing that right now.
So much for not thinking about the kiss, I groaned.
             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"I love you Mira and I'll continue loving you forever. Even when you steal the remote and change the channel everytime to your chick flick movies and when you are the person who is always finishing the ice cream in the freezer but always claim it's me. Even if you are everyone else worst person, you'll always remain my best person because it's for better or for worse till death do us part. I'll never let you go because you are my oxygen, without you I can't breathe, you are my map because without you I'll be lost, you are my everything so why should I need anything? Forever and always Mira." The groom finished.

I wasn't even the bride but my eyes were teary. Seriously, that was the best vow I've heard so far.

"I can't even top that, " The bride said with teary ears, "But I know that from the beginning when I said yes, that I never made a mistake. Some people say you choose who you're going to spend the rest of your life with but I never chose you. Destiny aligned our stars so that we can meet, and for that reason I'll love you forever because without you I'll be barely existing." She finished.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said with a shaky voice.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one affected. Their vows were so raw and honest, no pre-written stuff, just honest no filter.

After three hours of fun and all, stolen glances between Liam and I signifying 'we need to talk', honestly I think everyone can feel the tension brewing between the both of us.
I decided to throw in the towel, I walked out of the reception stealthily hoping that as Liam was engrossed in a conversation with Mr Waston he wouldn't notice me. I got to the room with no difficulty, and shut the door behind me.
'Yes.' I said doing a bit of victory dance."

"Where do you think you are running to?" I heard, then I saw Liam on my bed and I screamed out loud. Like on a banshee level scream.
"You scared the living daylights out of me." I yelped.
"Why did you leave without telling me Lettie?" He said, totally ignoring how he scared me. Liam really looked hurt that I didn't tell him I was leaving.
"How did you get in?" I asked, totally ignoring his question.
"I'm the owner of the resort." He shrugged nonchalantly. Like he couldn't care less.

"I could sue you know for breaking in you know? You entered..." I was say when Liam interrupted me, "You're stalling Lettie. When are we going to talk about yesterday night?"

"Which part of yesterday night?" I said playing dumb.
"The part where we kissed Lettie." He replied, not mincing his words. He just hit the hammer right on the nail.
"This the part where we both agree that it was a mistake and we agree pretend that it never happened."
"No, Lettie. This is the part where I tell you I like you and I want us to be together."

"You are hurt Liam. You just think you like me because your girlfriend cheated on you, but you just want to use me for a rebound." I said firmly.

"No, stop putting words in my mouth Lettie, " He said icily, and continued talking in a solemn voice, "I've liked you for quite some time now. I wasn't connecting with Amber, I was about to break off the relationship because we both weren't happy. I was just sad that she didn't value our relationship enough to tell me that she wanted to break up. So Lettie, I really like you not Amber."

"Amber still wants you back you know. I saw her the day she cheated, she..." I was saying when I was interrupted yet again. Probably the fourth or fifth time that day, I mean who is counting.
"Enough about Amber, Lettie. She's in the past. I'm talking about the both of us." Liam raised his voice a bit. It was obvious that he was becoming frustrated but I need him to see reasons why he can't be with me and why he's better of with someone else. I think it's time to bring out the big guns.

"You don't know me Liam. Really you don't know me." I shook my head sadly.
"I know you enough Lettie." He argued.

Well, here goes nothing. I thought.

"See, Liam I think this situation has put me in such a position that I have no choice but to tell the truth. I'm not really a personal assistant, and I never really needed this job. Oh, well I did but not for the main reason of needing a job. I'm the CEO to Tres Belle Fashion Industry, well I become the CEO less than a year ago but it doesn't matter anyway. The truth is, I made a drunken bet with my sister and I had to fulfill it because of some reasons. I just couldn't back out because I didn't want to give my sister the satisfaction of calling me a coward, it was my own little way of standing up to her I guess. It doesn't explain why I didn't tell you the truth, I mean it doesn't even sound reasonable even to me. It sounds like something out of a dramatic novel. No matter what was at stake, it doesn't explain why I never told you the truth, and honestly it doesn't serve as an excuse for my action. I messed up and I'm so sorry about it, but I can't keep deceiving you anymore. It's been a huge burden to me. Everyday I fret, what if he finds out? what will he think of me? I can't keep living in fear, I'm sorry once more." I finished and lowered my head in shame.

Liam remained quiet for a really long time, and I didn't say anything too because I knew that what I just said was a whole lot to take in. After a really long silence, or maybe it just felt really long to me cause I was the guilty one, Liam finally said something.

"So it was your sister that made you do it?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" I asked really looking shocked.
"I said it was your..." I interrupted him before he could repeat the question, "I heard what you said Liam, but this is not what I expected you to say. You are supposed to be mad at me, hurt, angry or whatever. You are supposed to display a bit of emotion. You being so cool about it is freaking me out."

"I have a confession to make Lettie."
I was fidgeting as I wondered what he wanted to say, but I gestured him to continue.

"I knew who you were Lettie. I'm sorry I never told you, I knew you must have a reason that's why I never said anything."
"What?" I asked not being able to fully to wrap my head around the whole thing.
"I knew who you were right from the moment you walked right into my office." He repeated again.
"What?" I gasped.

Now it was my turn to be surprised and trust me, I'm not liking it one bit.

A/N- I legit want a raw and honest vow on my wedding day.
Who's with me?✋

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