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A/N- I was listening to this song above when I was editing this chapter.
Who agrees with me that this song is a nice jam?
You can listen to 'Nice to meet ya' by Meghan Trainor ft Nicki Minaj while reading this chapter.

"Lettie do you remember the man who wanted to have his daughter's destination wedding at one of our resorts in Dubai?" Liam asked one day when we were having our lunch in the office.
"Yes... Yes, I remember." I nodded my head.
"Well he has invited the both of us to the wedding. The wedding will be taking place this weekend. He said to bring you with me and I want to take you as my plus one since you have no one to go with." He said as a matter of fact.

"Who told you I have no one to go with?" I said while raising my brows in question as I continued, "I may want to go with with your brother Chris, he adores me, plus he's hot. Nothing to lose right?" I teased.
"You don't think I'm hot?" Liam asked, pretending to look hurt.
"You are just a regular guy next door kind of hot. Like you are not screaming hot but you are not screaming ugly though. Something like the best of both worlds." I said while smirking.

"You don't say." Liam muttered dryly.
This caused to to laugh really loud, after two minutes of non-stop laughter, I finally pulled myself together.
"I'm sorry for that, I don't usually take pleasure in people's agony." I apologized, not feeling sorry at all.
"Laugh away. Don't hesitate because of me." He utters in the most sardonic voice.
"I was just kidding Liam. You are really handsome. Just wanted to rattle your cage a bit." I smile.
"So you think I'm handsome?" He quipped.
"Everyone says your handsome, even the tabloids said one time and I quote ' the most alluring billionaire.' The writer even said you emit handsome rays to the entire galaxy, which if you ask me is a bit of exaggeration but who cares anyway? So if you have these much people who view you in this light and manner, why bother with my opinion?" I questioned.

" 'cause your opinion matters to me." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Why though?" I press further.
"It just does okay." He said a bit sharply, signifying 'let's drop this topic please.'

I gestured the whole zipping my mouth and throwing the key away. Liam is rarely snappy, so I decided to let it go.

"Stop being overly dramatic Lettie, just ask what you want to ask right now. You'll keep giving me guilty glances if you don't." He sighed again probably tired of my charades. Trust me, I am tired of my myself.

"Okay. Why aren't going with your girlfriend as your plus one? Why isn't Chris tagging along?" I rushed to ask him before he changes his mind.
"Well about Chris, he's busy with something so he can't come," Liam said, not even sounding convincing one bit but I let it go. "Then as for Amber, I called her but her number wasn't going through, it just kept going to voicemail. Then I decided to call her p.a who told me she traveled to Spain for a shoot, but something feels fishy," He paused and placed his chin in thought, while I held my breath. I knew for a fact that Amber is still in the country, she's probably switched off her phone thinking I went back on my promise and told Liam. She just took the coward way out.

Liam just shook his head like he was shaking the thought away, "Something doesn't feel right but it's okay. Anyway, I honestly want to go with you, lesser drama and all that." He smiled.
"Well... I'll be delighted to go with you." I smiled back.
This is hopefully going be the best weekend of my life.

              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So what do you think of the whole arrangement for the wedding? Do you think the staff gave the best?" Liam asked for my opinion as he twirled me on the dance floor.

Honestly, the wedding has been amazing so far. Liam's staff at the resort in Dubai really went all in. We've been here for two days and honestly I've had the best time ever. The food has been spot on, the resort room has been so amazing as comfortable, too comfortable you ask be, but I'm most certainly not complaining either, this was supposed to be a mini vacation for me. I'm so happy to see the couple and the parents of the bride and groom smiling because everything is going so well and to see their children found love with each other.

When I was packing for the wedding, April kept emphasizing on me finding love there and having a good time. Brie, being Brie, said I should ensure that I make a move on Liam now that I have discovered that his girlfriend is a cheating bitch, her words not mine. She also proceeded to say that since I was already in love with him, she can't really see what the hold up is, although if you ask me, my heart may believe that I love Liam but my mind is not fully convinced. She finally said that she doesn't understand why we were so slow with blurting our love for each other because from all I have told her, she was sure Liam feels the same. Whatever is stopping us, we should just let go of our stupidity and just date feels, because on her path, she's ready to hold her godchildren. Trust me, Brie is so extra about everything.
But honestly, I'm just going to enjoy my time here.

Yesterday, was the wedding rehearsal and it was a very emotional moment for me and other people there. The couple exchanged their written vows, it was very raw and honest. I made a mental to ensure I and my future husband exchange personally written vows.
Trust me Liam teased me about me becoming teary during the wedding rehearsal.

"Come on Lettie, you are crying already? It's not even the wedding yet nor is it even your wedding." He groaned as he dramatically slapped his forehead as he shook his head probably at how pathetic he thought I was.
"Shut up. We'll speak no more of this." I said, as I turned my head away from him.
"Don't forget I'm your boss." He sang.
"We're not in the office boss." I sang back but more dramatically.
The older couple sitting at our front just turned their back and smiled at our banter.
"Come here." He said as he placed my head on his chest. I was a bit frozen at first, but after a while I started relaxing. Liam as always decided to ruin the serenity and peaceful environment.

"Don't use your snort to ruin my shirt. It's custom made you know." He teased.
I sighed and raised my head, "Why do you like ruining everything?"
He laughed loud and placed my head back. That honestly was a very good time.

Liam whispered in my ear thereby bringing me to the reality that we were still dancing on the dance floor, "Lettie, Mr Waston the bride's father said he would like to see us. He just beckoned me over."
That whisper did more things than I would like to admit.
"Okay. Let's move over there." I said shivering a bit as i gestured where Mr Waston was waiting.
"Omg Lettie, are you cold? I can offer you my jacket if you want." He said as he attempted to take off his jacket, but I stopped him midway.
"I'm fine. I'm not cold at all." I smiled at him. If only you knew Liam, I thought.
"Are you sure?" Liam asked as he started putting on his jacket.
"Yes." I smiled again.
"So shall we?" Liam said while offering me his arm.
"We shall." I said putting my arm in his as we both walked to where Mr Waston was waiting for us.

"I'm so happy both of you could make it." He said offering Liam a handshake, I offered him my hand too, when he muttered 'nonsense' and pulled me into a hug.
"You look amazing sir." I said, complimenting his tuxedo.

He waved his hand as if attempting to swat off a fly, "Nonsense. You both are the ones that look amazing. If you could hook me with your designers, I'll really appreciate it." He teased.
Honestly, it was Brie who designed yeaterday's wedding rehearsal gown, today's wedding banquet gown, and tomorrow's final ceremony gown, that is, the wedding. Brie made me swear that I won't tell anyone that she was the one that made it because one, it'll be very suspicious that an ordinary secretary can afford a designer like her, this part she said it with a smirk and that two, designing clothes is so much hard work, she ratherr continue designing lingerie.

Liam offered to get me some gowns for the event, but I refused saying I've got it covered.  Meaning I've got a fairy godmother in the form of my best friend. I wanted a custom made gown so that I'll look unique.
Mr Waston and Liam were still talking, so i decided to step out a bit.
"If you'll excuse me, I'll love to step out a bit." I said to both of them.
Liam attempted to end the conversation but I stopped him, "Do continue sir, it's obvious the discussion is a productive one." I said in an attempt to act professional.
Liam looked like he wanted to burst into laughter but Mr Waston beat him to it.

"Oh dear, " He said, tapping my shoulder gently, "Nobody talks like that anymore. I know you both are friends 'cause all I've been hearing from everyone is how cute both of you are especially when you banter. So spare me the professionalism bullshit." He concluded.

I blushed and walked away, more like ran away with Liam continued laughing. I call dibs on that old couple that turned back and smiled at us, they were the ones that tattled.
Although I was embarrassed, I also felt my heart do a giddy up. After spending a considerable time in my room, actually, an hour, I considered myself less embarrassed to finally go back. Only when I got back, Liam wasn't in the hall anymore.
I decided to ask Mr Waston, "Please do you know where Liam is?"
"Yeah. While we were talking, he received a message on his phone and decided to go to the rooftop for privacy."
"Thank you so much." I decided against asking him where the rooftop was because it'll look like I'm a lousy secretary who doesn't know the company's building properly.
I saw the sign that points to to the rooftop and I followed it and that's how I got to the rooftop. I didn't notice him at first until I saw a figure hunched on one of the seat on the rooftop. I advanced closer and discovered it was Liam, so I went to sit beside him.

I haven't fully settled, when Liam said something although I didn't get what he said.

"Sorry, I didn't quite get you."
"Amber cheated on me." He said in the most solemn voice. He had his head bent, I raised his head a bit with my both eyes, and saw how his eyes shone with tears.
"I'm so sorry about it. How did you find out? Did she tell you?" I asked hoping Amber has been brave enough to tell him and spare him the pain.
"No, a blog blogged about it." He muttered.
"Shit, she's a bitch." I murmured under my breath.
"Wait... You don't sound surprised, " Liam asked, and suddenly put one and two together. If I knew, I should have gasped when he told me. "Did you know already?" He asked.

I always already tired of the lies, so I decided to be honest.

"Yeah." I simply answered.
"How did you find out? When did you find out?" He questioned.
"I saw her when she did it. Probably five or six days ago. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I thought it's better you hear about it from Amber. I felt it will reduce the hurt and everything. Sorry once more."
"It's fine." He said and bent his head again.
I offered him the only comfort I had at the moment, "Come here." I said as I opened my arms signifying he should come for a hug.

Liam pulled closer and settled in for an embrace. I patted his back, I knew that he wouldn't want to cry because of this whole macho shit about how men don't cry, but that doesn't change that he is hurt.
I don't know how long we stayed in that position, but Liam was withdrawing from the hug when his eye landed on my lips, so technically my eyes landed on his.
Liam drew closer and I was suddenly frozen by what was about to happen that I didn't draw back.

Suddenly, Liam's lips landed on mine. At first I was too flustered to kiss him back so he took the lead, I soon started kissing him back.
As the make-out started becoming hot and heavy, Liam urged me to open my mouth more for him with his tongue. It was then I came back to my senses.

Shit! What was I doing?
"I'm- m so sorry for all that. That was a huge mistake."I stammered and hastily stood up.
Liam looked so hurt and I did something every rational person does if they are flustered.

I ran away without a second glance at Liam.

A/N- They finally kissed!
Who squealed?

Even though Lettie took the coward's way and ran away🤣😅

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