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 A/N- Liam and Lettie's love story is about to be completed. Stay pressed😉
Btw, if you haven't recommended this book, you can do so now the book will soon be ending. Some people prefer completed stories, and this is almost there.
Thanks so much for the love and everything.💖

In a very small voice, I called her name, "Amber."

She quickly disentangled herself from a guy that was obviously not Liam. I don't know why, but it felt like I was the one that just got cheated on.

"It's not what it looks like." Amber squirmed looking really uncomfortable.
"Yeah, I'm not a cheat so I wouldn't really know what cheating on my boyfriend looks like." I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Please can you excuse us," Amber said shooing the guy away. He hurriedly scrambled to his feet and left. Amber then turned to me and wanted to speak to me but I held my hand up, "Spare me Amber cause frankly I'm not ready to listen. Besides its none of my business anyway." I finished and wanted to turn away, but Amber hurriedly grabbed my arm.
"Please hear me out, Lettie. " Amber said looking so desperate.
My first instinct was to shrug her hand off and walk away, but I decided to stay back and hear her out like she said. So I pulled a chair back and sat down.
"Spill but be aware that I don't have the luxury of time. I need to get my friend's wine replaced and get back home."

Amber looked flustered as she nodded quickly. "I really didn't mean to cheat on Liam, " She started but I cut her off. "So what you are trying to say was that his lips just fell on yours?" I hated cheats so I wasn't really taking it easy on her.
She gulped and shook her head, "No, that's not what I meant. I love Liam a lot but he's attached a lot to a girl of his past, doesn't say her name or anything so I don't really know her." She said and that piped my interest.

"How do you know?" I asked.
"Well... He's never fully committed to our relationship. He says he wants to marry me but he's not yet sure. He hasn't been sure for the seven years we've been together. I'm his first girlfriend and he only started dating me because his family told him to stop being hung up on the past, " Amber stopped to look around and came drew closer to me like she wanted to tell me the secret cure to cancer, her voice dropped two octaves, "You know when I went to Liam's parents house one day for a Thanksgiving dinner, a show came up that they liked and before then, they already told me to call them as soon as the show came on. So I walked to the study, I was about to knock when I heard his dad mention my name, I should have walked away but curiosity got the best of me. I stayed to listen and that's when I heard the dad say, " You got to let go of her Liam, hanging on to Amber and not letting go of the past is unfair to you both. You have to choose who you really want to be with. If it's the girl, then make a move and stop watching from afar, and if it's Amber put a ring on her damn finger son!" I didn't stay to listen again, so I walked away."

"When did this happen?"
"Four years ago, but since then the only thing that improved in our relationship was that Liam started caring more. He still hasn't proposed and anytime I bring it up, he says I should please give him more time. How long does it take someone to decide he wants to spend the rest of his life with someone he claims he likes?" Amber questioned as tears streaked down her cheeks. It made me feel really bad for her, I mean to be with someone that doesn't love you enough for you both to walk down the aisle is pretty disheartening.

"Not to be rude or anything, but why don't you let him go?" I suggested as I placed my palm on hers.
"Excuse me?" She raised her brows suspiciously.

This is why I knew giving Amber a piece of advice was a bad idea. She'll think I'm trying to have her boyfriend but I just don't want Liam to get hurt.
"You have wasted so much time trying to get someone else attention when you can have another who will cherish you as you deserve. You deserve the best Amber and deserve to be treated better, rather than pinning over a guy that won't have you. Really, Amber, let go. Trust me you'll feel a whole lot better."
"But I love him so much, I just did it to get a rise out of him but as soon as you saw me kissing that guy, my decision felt really stupid." She winced.
"You did it to get a reaction out of Liam?" I asked looking so shocked.
"Yes but like I said it was a stupid decision and one that I regret deeply. I..." Amber was saying but I cut her off.
"You are damn right that was a stupid decision!" I yelled at her.
"Keep your voice down before someone recognizes me." She seethed angrily.
"Well, you didn't care about that when you were sucking that guy's face did you?" I said looking really angry.
Amber lowered her head in shame.

That's when I realized that I was being too harsh about the whole thing.

"I'm sorry Amber. That was really an insensitive thing for me to say." I apologized.
"No, it's fine. You want to know why I was really mad at you the day I saw you hugging Liam?" She asked,  and I motioned her to go on.
"I was jealous."
"Of what? Me?" I gasped in disbelief.
"Yes, of you. You see that day I saw Liam hugging you, I saw content in his face and a smile I have never seen on his face. He hugged you like he's been waiting for you all his life."
"You're misinterpreting things, Amber." I chided.
"I'm not, but you can think whatever you want." She shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly.
"If you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, Shoot."
"Who's the guy you were kissing?"
"Oh... That's James. He's been my associate model, like a partner, for the past ten years. We practically grew up together. Any shoot that requires a male and a female we always go together."
"Did he ever occur to you that why he kissed you is because he likes you?" I questioned.

Amber scoffed, "He doesn't like me. He knows he's just like my best friend and I already told him why I was doing what we did together." Amber shrugged.
I stood up and stared at her in disbelief. When Amber noticed me staring at her, "What?"
"The sad thing is that you are a really selfish person. You don't think of anyone apart from yourself and it's really sad. I have to get going." I hissed and was about to leave.

"Wait... Will you tell Liam? Please don't, I still love him. It was a silly mistake on my part." She pleaded.
I glanced at her in nothing but pity. It's really sad to see someone who's conscience is so far up her ass and she doesn't even care.
"I won't tell Liam..., " Amber sighed in relief and muttered 'a thank God'. "But not for you, but for Liam because he deserves hearing it from you. He deserves so much better Amber, please at least be honest. Tell him the truth and don't hurt him, he's too nice a guy to be treated like trash." I concluded as I walked to the counter, picked another wine and walked out of the bar.

Honestly, I feel so guilty that I have added yet another secret that I'm keeping from Liam. I feel like the worst sinner right now.

                * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Earth to Lettie." He snapped his fingers in my face bringing me away from my thoughts.
"When did you get here?" I asked looking a bit flustered to be caught zoning out.

"Exactly my point. I have been standing here for quite some time and you didn't even notice me. Before now, I have been calling you and you were pretty zoned out. I had to walk all the way here, do you see the distance, a total of twenty feet or more. I don't pay you to be zoning out Miss Leticia." He said obviously joking, but as I was already fidgeting I couldn't even pick up that little fact.
"I'm so sorry boss," I said.

Liam brows furrowed as he looked at me in confusion, "Boss? Okay, something is really wrong with you. You never call be boss except for the first few weeks or days you started working here since then it's been shoeless CEO. Come on, tell me what's wrong with you." He asked settling with half his body weight on my desk.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just some little issues, nothing I can't handle." I waved the question off.
"Lettie I know something is really wrong. For the past three days, you've been wiping stray tears when you think I don't notice, then you pretend to smile, you never bring coffee in the morning, you never laugh at Chris's jokes and I know you are his ardent supporter. I can list a number of reasons why I know something is wrong to prove to you that I know you better than you think Lettie." He finished.

How can someone cheat on a person as amazing as this person? I asked myself. I think another reason why I was heartbroken when I found Amber was cheating on Liam is that I hoped she could at least offer him happiness should the truth be revealed. I was hurting Liam and he needed a soothing balm, that was what Amber should have been.

"Come on Lettie, you are zoning out again. What is wrong? You can tell me anything, anything at all." Liam said as he drew closer and cupped my face in his palms.
That little dose of kindness brought tears to my eyes and before I knew it I was bawling my eyes out like a little child whose candy was swiped.
"It's okay Lettie, it's okay. Shh... It'll be fine no matter what it is. Just know that'll be here for you no matter what." He said while rubbing my back soothingly.
"I'm a really bad person Liam and I'm sorry about that. I- I - I..." I wanted to spill out the whole bet thing with my sister but I couldn't get myself to speak about it.
"It's fine Lettie, there's always later. Okay?" He said and I bobbed my head in reply.
"So please stop crying. Besides, I have missed my daily coffee from the most amazing person I know." He winked.
I withdrew myself from his embrace, suddenly feeling so empty.
"I knew you only liked me for the favors I render. I feel so used right now." I joked while smiling a bit.
Liam clapped his hands together and smiled widely, "And that's the Lettie I know and love... I mean like, " He hastily corrected himself, looking so flushed.
"I know you love me. I mean who can resist this million-dollar personality?" I teased.

"Never stop smiling sunshine." He said and I blushed. Unlike the previous time when he stammered and corrected himself when he said I'm the lettie he loves, he was too caught up with smiling at me that he didn't realize when he called me sunshine. And honestly, it made me feel a tad bit special.

I think I'm falling for Liam. Although it seems scary, it also feels amazing. Do I sound crazy right now? Never mind, I heard love does that to you.

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