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A/ N
The next update will be on Friday. Till then... Enjoy 😊                                                                  
"Come on April, please let last night go. Take it as one of the bad decisions I make because I don't make them often." I beg April and follow her around the apartment like a lost puppy. In case you are wondering this has been going on for the past thirty minutes since I woke up.

"I forgive you, Lettie, besides you are an adult and can make your own decisions." She said and quickly looked away.
"Then if you forgive me, quit looking at me like I have made the biggest mistake of my life and... Hold up, something isn't adding up here. What did I do last night? Did I striptease at the bar? Omg... I probably offered a blow job... Don't tell me I sang cause I know I have a really terrible voice. I'm doomed." I groaned and buried my face in my palms.

"You didn't do any of those things." April sighed.
"Don't tell me I did worse? Spill April what did I do?" I questioned.

I hope that I didn't get married to a total stranger like what happened to Gab in that philippine movie 'Can't help falling in love with you', call me paranoid but I don't think I'll get as lucky as Gab in the department of love. I have the shittest luck possible and I have kissed more frogs and have never met a prince like Dios. I'll love to tell you about my love life right now but I need to find out that I'm still a Miss and not a Mrs.

"It's better you watch it." April groaned and handed me her phone.
"There is a video? Something tells me this can't be good." I said as I collected the phone from her.

I watch the video and I am anything but calm. I am completely speechless, like that moment that you want to say something but the words don't come out, instead, your mouth is wide open and you are gaping like a fish.

"OMG!! My life is over, I mean completely over." I shrieked obviously freaking out.
"That's not all."
"There's more?" I shrieked again.
April shrugs and shows me the final video. You know how I said the first video was bad, I take back that statement back right this instant.

"April, do you perhaps have a gun?"
April looked at me like I have suddenly gone crazy.
"No, I don't. Stop overreacting Lettie, it isn't that serious." April shrugged again.
"It isn't that serious!" I shrieked.
"We'll find a way out. Besides, why take alcohol when you haven't taken it all your life."  April scolded.
"It's too late to cry over spilled milk, besides there is always a first time for everything but I know this is the last for alcohol. Never again. Maddie, that..." I was about to call Maddie a b*tch but I remember that April doesn't know of our sibling rivalry.

"Bitch." April finished my statement leaving me in shock.
"Why didn't you tell me you guys aren't on good terms?" She questioned.
"I didn't want it to seem like I wasn't grateful for having a sibling when you don't have one," I say. Don't be worried about my bluntness to April, she hates lies.
"If your sibling is an ass then the person is an ass. Don't try to hide things like that from me again because that's what put you in this situation. Right now we need to find a solution to this problem Lettie. So much is at stake!"

"You know me April, I can't act sexy and the last time I tried, I ended up falling face flat. Guys never chase me, I fall for them and they act like they love me. If I have never had true love, how can I seduce someone and make them fall deeply in love with me? And the big irony is that it isn't just any guy, it's Liam fucking Jones. The ice billionaire whose girlfriend of six years hasn't even be able to make him pop the question people pop months after dating someone. The magic question 'will you marry me?' Plus I'm not a whore to snatch someone's boyfriend. This is giving me a migraine. Do you know what else is giving me a migraine?" April shook her head in reply.

I then continued my rant. "It's the fact that I was stupid enough to make a bet to win Liam Jones's heart and if I'm unable to, I have to pay $200,000. That isn't even my problem, I have to give up my Costa Rica vacation house too! I love that place April, I just can't give it up without a fight. That house is my baby, you know I bought it after two years of working with my dad as a symbol of my independence. I knew I shouldn't have shown Maddie the building but I was so happy when I got it that I didn't realize that all she wanted was my house to herself. Such a two-timing faced b*tch." I finish my rant and immediately she hugged me. It's like she knew what I needed.

"I can't give up that house April. It means so much to me." I said as little drops of tears leaked from my eyes.
"I know. I know. We'll definitely find a way around this." She patted my back.
"I don't know April. I love your positivity but I know myself, I suck at love. I've always been the one to reach out to people and not the other way around. I don't think anyone has ever loved me enough to reach out to me first, and now I have to win his heart in a year. This is something his current girlfriend hasn't been able to do in six years."

Suddenly Brie entered my room with her laptop and turned the laptop screen to my face.

"Never say never. He's hiring for the post of a personal assistant which is the best position to get this stuff done. You'll be the person with him almost all the time and you will be able to show him how amazing you are. Soon he wouldn't realize how deep he has fallen for you until it's too late. So stop crying okay?" She rubbed my back soothingly.

"Am I not over-qualified for the job of a secretary? Besides what if he looks me up and discovers I'm the CEO of Tres Belle Fashion Industry. It's pretty popular and will make me look shady. Where in history has a CEO whose company makes billions per year become a Secretary to another company who makes more money than them, even though it's not the same line of business? I'll still appear like a spy and may be arrested." I said voicing out my feeling about this whole thing.

Brie just smiled widely and said, "Don't worry, I know the right guy for that job."
And from that moment I knew that even if everything looks bleak right now, it's going to be alright because I have the right people by side and I know that they'll be with me till the end of this problem.

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