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After I was done with everything and was ready for bed, I decided to call my mom. She picked up after three rings.

"Hey mom, it's Leticia," I said cause I was calling with April's phone since my battery was flat and I needed to charge it.
It was obvious April and Brie heard when I was talking with Maddie but everyone knew that it's best to let the sleeping dogs lie after a Maddie and Lettie showdown.

"My baby. I've missed you so much." My mom cooed.
"I'm twenty-six mom, not two years old." I deadpanned.
"You'll always be my baby, but why voice call baby? I want to see your face honey."
"Mom it's night here. It'll be too dark for a video call." I groaned.

The truth is my mom is so good at reading people. If I agree to a face-time, which low-key I know I'll definitely agree to because her persuasive skills can make a hardened criminal to give up all his dirty crimes. Like she's a master of emotional blackmail. So she'll get me to talk about I and Maddie's quarrel.

"I haven't seen my daughter in months and she doesn't want to have a video call with me. She doesn't even love me anymore because she's all grown up and can take care of herself.  So she doesn't need her annoying mom telling her what to do, or... " My mom was saying when I cut her short, "Don't worry mom, I'll call you now," I said and hung up. I then stretched to my nightstand to get my laptop. I put it on and clicked on the Face time app. I started to call my mom and she picked immediately.

"Hey, mom... Again."
"Come, love, Lettie finally agreed to video call." My mom hollered for my dad, then she turned back to the laptop's camera.
"Have you been doing dear? How are you on with the workload of Tres Belle?" My mom asked with concern etched on her face.
"Mom... I'm hanging on fine. I'm having loads of help so I don't really feel the workload. It's almost like I'm just a regular employee, not the employer."
"I know Maddie must be giving you a whole lot of support. I knew that a day would come when my two lovely daughters would reconcile." Mom smiled and I could see the admiration shining in her eyes. She thought Maddie and I have finally reconciled.

My face fell because I don't know how to tell mom that what she's thinking isn't even happening - not even close to happening.
Mom noticed my countenance and asked, "What's wrong Lettie? You can tell mummy anything. "

This statement was what brought out every emotion I bottled in me since Maddie's call. All my pent up emotions came rushing out with tears as their companion.

"My poor child, why are crying?" Mom asked.
"N-n-nothing mom." I sniffed.
"Come on dear, you can tell mom anything. I won't judge you at all." Mom coaxed me into telling her.
"Mom, Maddie hates me." I sniffed again, as I grabbed the tissue box from my nightstand in order to blow my runny nose.
"Honey, I think hate is a pretty strong word to use. Maddie is your sister and as such, she can never hate you."
"Mom no offense but you're pretty delusional. Maddie hates me so much that her happiest news will be that I've kicked the bucket."
"Don't say that again! She doesn't hate you okay." Mom said trying to convince herself more than me that Maddie doesn't hate me.

It was obvious that Maddie hated me because while growing up, Maddie never shared her toys with me. As soon as she no longer wanted a toy, she rather gives it out to total strangers than to me. If I told Maddie that I liked any of her toys, into the charity box it goes. When I grew a bit, I started taking my favorite of her toys out of the box. One day Maddie came into my room and met me playing with the toys I have been secretly stashing in my playroom. She started yelling and I told her since it was for charity that I could have it since she didn't need it anymore. She suddenly said she needed a toy she dropped in the charity box six months ago, I told her it wasn't hers anymore from the moment she dropped it in the charity box. She started dragging the toy with me, I didn't have as much strength as she did so when she pulled the toy with force, I lost my balance and hit my head really hard. I was so lucky that I didn't have a concussion. Maddie lied to our parents that I slipped and fell when I was running around my room. I never told our parents because they would have punished her severely and it'll give Maddie more reasons to hate me more than she already did. I was just a little girl looking for her older sister's love.

"I just want her to come around," I said, not ready to argue with my mom whether Maddie hates me or simply dislikes me. I know that mom knew deep down in her heart that Maddie really hates me.
"You'll see she will. That's what the family dinner is going to be about. You and Maddie need to sort out your differences. It's high time you people stop fighting and start acting like the sisters you are supposed to be. The thing is I don't even know what you both are fighting over."

The irony was that even I don't know what we are fighting about or why Maddie hates me.

"Mom you and I both know that I'm not the problem. Maddie is, and until she's ready to say why she's always bitter to me then we can never truly bond as sisters. When we visited our cousins when we were both six and eight respectively, Maddie told everyone never to play with else she wouldn't talk to any of them again, and since Maddie was the oldest cousin everyone wanted to be on good terms with her. When everyone was outgrowing that threat, Maddie said that when I went for dad's company dinner, Mom remember that little boy that I told you tied my shoelace and held my hand till you found me when I was lost at that gala?," I asked my mom and she nodded in affirmative.

"Maddie told everyone that I kissed the boy and because of that I had cooties. Everyone didn't want to play with me except Alina who said it didn't matter and that she wanted to be with me, at least I was better in the boy department than Maddie. That's why Maddie still doesn't like Alina." I finished. The truth was that amongst all my cousins Alina was the only one I really related with well. She is a strong-headed person, and like she always said 'The only that can make me feel bad or do something is me.' She's a pretty opinionated person. I would have told Alina about this whole Liam thing, but she's been in India for two months now and she's super busy doing fieldwork. In case you are wondering, Alina was my poker partner. We were both thrown out that night. I never truly bonded with my other cousins because when everyone got over Maddie's threat and rumor of me having cooties, it was too late because there was never a bond and growing up just pulled us further from each other till there was nothing to salvage.

"I never knew that Maddie did such things to you? Why didn't you ever tell your dad and I? We would have punished her severely."
"And give her more reasons to hate me?... No, thank you. Besides, it's okay, not like I died or anything."
"So that's the reason while those times Alina didn't come with her parents you just wanted to remain in the cabin," My mom made the ahh sound like something finally clicked.
"Your father and I thought you were going through a rebellion phase. I'm so sorry darling. I've not been a really observant mother." Mom muttered sadly.

I protested, "No No No... Don't say that mom. You've been an amazing mom and I wouldn't ask for another. You know what? Enough of Maddie, let's talk about you and dad's honeymoon. Are you enjoying this getaway?"
By the time I asked my mom this question, my dad quickly sat beside my mom. It became obvious that he gave my mom and I a chance to talk to each other about Maddie.
I talked to them for another forty-five minutes, when we finally decided to end the call.

That night I cried myself to sleep as I replayed I and Maddie's conversation. I just want my sister to love me, is that too much to ask for?

               * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I ended last night on a pretty horrible note, so I just hope today would start on a pretty good note. As you'll know that I have a stroke of shitty luck, so I wasn't too surprised that my day started horribly.
Immediately I entered the office, I greeted Liam but he didn't even respond because his eyes were glued to the morning paper.
I dropped my bag and went to his table to see what's keeping him engrossed... Okay, honestly I'm not a snooper. What I really went there for was to give him a huge scare, but before I could do that my eyes mistakenly landed on the paper and trust me it wasn't good news.
The only thing I could say was, Shit!

A/N- Please👏

Thanks, everyone, and anyone reading this book.
I'm beyond thrilled.
Love you all🤗

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