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"Lettie I'm so sorry." That was the first thing Liam said to me when he noticed I was behind him.

When I saw the paper with I and Liam's picture and a caption of 'Busted!' My heart pummeled and I was so scared. I thought the truth about me being the CEO of Tree Belle was out. I didn't know how to explain to Liam that I didn't mean to hurt him. So I was so surprised when Liam told me he was sorry.

"I'm sorry... What?" I asked to be sure I heard right.
"I said I'm sorry. Here, have a look." Liam said and handed me the paper.

The picture was of me and Liam at the restaurant. Liam was laughing at something I said as my hands were all around making gestures. From whoever took the pictures' angle, I was backing the camera. Which if you ask me is quite a nice save because no matter how good Brie's guy is, or how I haven't been seen much in the public as the new CEO of Tres Belle Fashion Industry or even the former owner's daughter because let's face it; I hate attention.

This is why all these years I've kept a really low profile, but no matter what, I know few people know who I really am. Like the workers at Tres Belle and those few, are what I'm scared of. If an article comes out that I'm the new P.A to Liam, all hell will break loose. My co-workers will be confused as to exactly why their boss is working as a P.A, then they will release a press interview reviewing their concern, then the business bloggers will pick it up and come up with tons of catchy headlines such as 'From grace to grass? CEO of Tres Belle Fashion Industry works as a P.A?, Tres Belle Fashion Industry faces shut down? and a whole number of headlines. Trust me, people, I know these things. Then I'll have a press conference and release the financial statements of the company and show that we are not even a bit close to closing down. Then I'll be asked why I was working as a P.A, and simply because no other thing sounds reasonable, I'll tell the truth. Liam will be so hurt and I'll hate myself forever. I can imagine worse scenarios but this sounds way much better.

Honestly, I was kind of relieved and bothered at the same time. Relieved that Liam didn't find out through the press, bothered because I kind of wanted him to know already. The truth is dampening my mood, and I just want the whole thing to be over.

"It's fine Liam. The whole thing isn't your fault. At least my face didn't show else your girlfriend would have hired gunmen to kill me." I joked trying to make the atmosphere a bit lighter.

Honestly, I've been so lucky with the media lately. Two times my pictures have gotten into the papers, and my face hasn't shown in any. I have been lucky but I need to really be careful cause I want to walk away unscathed and I don't want Liam to suspect a thing, what you don't know can't hurt you right? But honestly, It's best I quit right now.

"Don't joke right now cause this isn't okay. I'm not even worried about what Amber will think. I'm angry at myself for forgetting to take caution and put you up for public scrutiny. I mean look at the bizarre heading, " He groaned as he pointed to the paper. I glanced at the paper and laughed at the headlines. "Stop laughing about this Lettie. It's pretty serious."
"Well it is, but if you loosen up, you'll actually find it funny. The headline says ' Busted! The reason behind CEO Liam's cold feet? Like I can ever be the one responsible. Then the article proceeds to say that you never laugh like this with your girlfriend. Like they are in your relationship with both of you. Don't mind these people, they say trash most of the time." I laughed but stopped when I noticed Liam wasn't laughing with me. I poked his sides and smiled widely.
"Come on Liam loosen up. Admit this is really funny. They don't know that I can't affect your relationship one bit."
"You can," Liam mumbled under his breath.
"What?" I asked, not certain I heard right.
"Nothing. I'm really sorry about the whole thing. This could have ruined a whole lot of things." Liam said with a serious look on his face.

That quickly sobered me up. I realized the stakes here were high and we could both get hurt. I know what it feels like to have your trust broken by someone because Maddie has done it over and over again, and just because she's done it repeatedly doesn't make it hurt any less.

I remember when I was asked out for the first time. I was in sixth grade and I was asked by an eight grader. I was confused about the whole thing because it wasn't just any eight grader, it was Adam Levi, the most popular guy in Maddie's class. I decided to meet my older sister, at least she's had more experience with relationships than I have.
Maddie was angry at first that I was disturbing her chat with her best friend, but when she heard Adam asked me out that afternoon, she quickly got off the phone.

"So you said Adam asked you out?" She asked looking so surprised and not bothering to hide it.
"I'm as surprised as you are. I mean why would he ask me out? I'm..." I was saying when Maddie cut me off.
"I know right. I mean look at you, you're a far cry from the perfect girl." She glanced at me and shook her head sadly.
"What I wanted to say before you interrupted me was that I'm two grades younger than he is. He should have just asked someone in his grade." I said, ignoring her jabbing comment about my size.
"This only means one thing," Maddie said as she placed her fingers on her chin in thought.
"What does it mean?" I asked really hopeful.
"It's a bet." She said nonchalantly.
"What?" I asked shocked. I felt like a bucket of ice was dumped on my head.
"I said it means it's a bet. Like this silly highschool bet where the most popular guy asks the social disaster girl. It's a typical bet where..."
I cut Maddie short by raising my hands up in a please stop, "It's okay Maddie. No need to explain further. I fully know all about those bets. Goodnight." I  stood up abruptly and started walking out of her room.
"Don't feel bad Lettie. People like  you never find true love." She called out with laughter.

I never knew what Maddie said got to me, until when Adam walked up to me the next day and said he wanted to walk me to class. I looked at him and said coldly, "You don't have to pretend you know?"
"I don't understand," Adam said looking so surprised.
"I have to give you credit your acting skills are over the top. You really deserve to win an Oscar."
"What has gotten into you, Lettie?"
"Oh please, spare me all the bullshit. I know I'm not at the top of the social ladder but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings too. I'm human and I deserve to be treated as one."
"I really like you, Lettie, see what I wrote to..." Adam hurriedly reached to his pocket in an attempt to bring something but I placed my hands on his, "Don't worry about it, Adam. I know asking me out was a bet and joke, but I don't hold it against you. It's fine, okay? I'm not angry at you."
Adam looked at me with so much anger and hastily used his free hand and removed my palm from his.
"I waited two years to ask you out and yesterday I finally had the courage to do so. Now you tell me all that was a bet. I never knew the person I liked for two years is so shallow and would think so little of me. Enjoy the rest of your day." He said as he walked away.

As I stared at his retreating figure, I noticed three things. Firstly, I and Adam's exchange has gathered a little crowd, Maddie and two of her friends were laughing at a locker; meaning that Maddie deceived me and Lastly, I noticed Adam dump whatever he wanted to give me into the bin.
I waited till everyone went back to their normal business, I went to the bin and picked up a note. That note made me realize that Adam truly cared and how stupid I was to have trusted Maddie.
I apologized to Adam but he said he doesn't think I'm emotionally ready for a relationship. Meaning that I need to learn to value my opinion over other people's opinions. That experience taught me something, A broken trust can never be regained.
This why I needed to walk away from all these before Liam gets hurt. I decided to do something I never thought I would do anytime soon.

"Yes, Lettie." He smiled at me.
"I quit," I said, dropping the bombshell.
"What?" Liam asked looking shocked.

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