Chapter 3 : The Izumi Republic

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

On Planet Dekt, somewhere else, there was a town with a small castle towering over it.

(The castle)

Inside, Izumi L/N, the former sister of Izuku Midoriya, was sitting on her throne with a sad look on her face. She was still thinking about her life with Y/N back on Earth. Then, a female soldier entered the room.

soldier : my lady ?

Izumi : Yes ?

soldier : There's... someone who want to see you...

Then, a golden lady with a dragon tail and horns entered the room.

(Lightrise. Art isn't mine.)

Izumi was shocked to see the lady, she was obiously a Goddess, she could feel it.

Izumi : Who... who are you ?

??? : I am Lightrise, the twin sister of the God of Light and one of the creator of the human race back on Earth.

The mention of Earth shocked Izumi, making here eyes widden in shock. This didn't go unoticed by Lightrise.

Lightrise : Is something wrong ?

Izumi : Well... *let out a small tear* Someone I loved deeply lived a living hell here before I came here.

Lightrise : The one named Y/N L/N ?

This shocked Izumi. How could she know about Y/N ?

Izumi : Wh- where did you learn that name ?!

Lightrise : My brother, the God of Light, told me about him.

Izumi : But he's-

Lightrise : Dead ? *chuckles* Absolutely not young Izumi. In fact, he's never been fine in his life.

Izumi slowly began to cry with tears of joy, the one boy she loved was alive.

Izumi : R- *snif* Really ?

Lightrise : Indeed. In fact, I've heard that her highness trained him herself.

Izumi : You mean that Pneuma girl from back then ?

Lightrise : Yes. She decided to give him a little help in case Union try to once again make his life a torture.

This put Izumi's mind to peace.

Izumi : Is he also a ruler ?

Lightrise : I don't know, but I'm sure he is.

Then suddendly, Tsuyu entered the room in a panic state.

Tsuyu : Izumi ! *ribbit* There's a village under attack !

Izumi : WHAT ?! I'm going in !

Izumi followed Tsuyu as Lightrise looked at her leaving.

Lightrise : No wonder that Y/N L/N loved her.

In a village, bandits were causing destructions and taking prisonners. The leader standed proud at the destuction he caused.

leader : Now I'll-

He was cut short when a ice spike pierced his chest. The rest of his bandits were then incinerated. Todoroki stoop up victorious with some mens from the Deku's faction.

Todoroki : Search for survivors and take them with us.

His mens were about to do as he said when suddenly, Momo, Tsuyu and Izumi arrived with their own troops.

Momo : What's going on ?

Shoto : You're too late. Theses are our peoples now.

Tsuyu : Who said you're *ribbit* their owner now ?! They're not *ribbit* object you know ?

Todoroki's troops came back with the villagers.

Todoroki : From now on, you are peoples of the Deku factions !

Izumi : Don't let him tell you what to do ! You are free to choose your side !

This caused confusion in the crowd, a female began marching toward Izumi's side but another ice spike nearly pierced her throat.

Shoto : If I were you, I won't join the sides of traitors.

Izumi : Traitors ?!

Momo : Just because we decided not to follow mr Midoriya, we're traitors ?!

Todoroki : Under Lord Izuku's words : Yes.

Shoto : You've got a big mouth for someone like you. Izuku was meant to be the ruler and YOU, who were one his closed friends and even sister, decided to let him down ! For what ? For that filthy worthless Y/N-

He didn't get to finish as Momo throwed multiple Bayonetts at him and Shoto.

Momo : Don't you DARE call Y/N filthy or Worthless ! You're just like your father Shoto !

Todoriki's troop were ready to fight but Izumi letted out 50% of the One for All, scaring them.

Izumi : You better get out of here if you don't want to end up with broken bodies.

They began to put their weapon down until Izumi dodged a fire attack from Shoto.

Shoto : Guess Deku won't mind if I bring his traitor of a sister back.

Momo then throwed knifes at Shoto only for him to burn them down. He then charged at the girls before surmonning ice to keep them in place before using his fire to nearly burn them down, intending to make them pass out due to the heat. Izumi then grabbed Tsuyu as her arm glowed a green light. Tsuyu then opened her mouth and suddendly fired water from her mouth, overpowering Shoto's flame and blasting him with water.

Izumi then freed everyone and put her hand on Momo's shoulder, it glowed the same green light. Izumi and Momo then looked at each others as they haved the same idea in mind, they then turn back to Shoto.

Izumi : Now Momo !

Momo then throwed multiple swords at Shoto before the swords were strucked down by ighting, greatly damaging Shoto. The pain was even worse due to the water intensifying the shocking.

Shoto fainted as his body was in critical condition.

Izumi looked back to see a few remaining of the villagers while the rest leaved with a beated Shoto and a uncounscious Todoroki. Izumi then turned to the ones left.

Izumi : Is everyone alright ?

woman : yeah... but...

girl : we no longer have a home.

Izumi : You can come to my place. We were looking for more people.

This maded the remaining villagers' faces smile. They soon began to follow them back home.

Back at Izumi's capital, the inhabitants were welcoming the newcomers as Lightrise and Izumi were watching the scene happend from the roof of the castle.

Lightrise : Was it all that remained of the village ?

Izumi : Actually, most of them sided with my "brother".

Lightrise : Judging by how you said "brother", I guess you don't really liked him.

Izumi : I hate him for what he has done to Y/N. I mean, sure Y/N haved already multiple girls. But he' not the one who decide who I should love, I do ! I don't care if he has other girls. He told me he was ready for an harem if that happend, and let me tell you : I! WILL! Be part of that harem ! No matter who try to stop me ! ... as long as it's not of of Y/N's girls.

Lightrise smileld at Izumi's statement.

Lightrise : You have a strong resolve. This is what your people will need.

Izumi : So... you said he was fine. What do you mean by that ?

Lightrise : Lady Pneuma decided to train him along with some other gods. I've heard he has done very well.

Izumi : He never dissapoint.

Lightrise : So, how do you plan to rule your empire ?

Izumi : Actually, I've planned to make a republic.

Lightrise : Really ?

Izumi : Yeah ! I mean, they are my people and they are free. It's normal I should make a regime that's based on that freedom. Plus, I'm not ready to rule alove, even with my friend.

Lightrise : *chuckles* Y/N would've been so proud of you.

Izumi's smile dissapear for a concerned face.

Izumi : I... hope to see him at least one last time.

Lightrise : Maybe you will...

Izumi : How do you know ?

Lightrise : I don't really know it. Only time will tell...

And with that, Izumi went back to her activities.

On a unknown planet, the league of villain were celebrating their rule with a party. They were free for All for One and could dominate the universe, Overhaul (female) was in a party organized by the others. Thanks to a chip-looking Nomu that was saved, the League of Villains have kept their technology intact.

Muscular : TOAST !

Spinner : I can't believe we now have our own empire ! AHAHAHA ! That All for One never saw that coming.

Overhaul watched the party with a bored face, when Moonfish came to her with Eri

Moonfish : What shall we do to her boss ? Should we continue ?

Overhaul : Nah ! Leave her be. Now that we can create out own quicks, there's no longer a need for her.

Moonfish : So... we kill her ?

Overhaul : Of course not ! It was already bad when we use her thanks to you All- jackass-for-one, but the last we tried to use her, Earth was destroyed ! It was a miracle we ended up here, and I prefer not to push our luck !

Moonfish : oh well.

He let go of her and go to the party. Eri looked at Overhaul with questions.

Eri : Why ? *snif* why me ?

Overhaul : Sorry girl, but if I didn't do what All-for-One ordered me, he would have killed me and do god know what to you. Besides...

She then put her hand on Eri's shoulder.

Overhaul : What I did was bad, and I hope that, maybe , I can make it up for you.

Eri smilled a little as Toga came next to Overhaul.

Toga : *sigh* I miss Earth.

Overhaul : Me too. But what is done is done... We can only operate our empire for now.

Near the planet, a strange ship was heading to the League of VIllains' world. The radars detected the ship approaching.

Giran : Hey guys ! There's a ship coming toward our base !

Gigantomachia : Looks like there's some fool out there that are asking to be enslaved.

Giran : They're sending a message to us.

Muscular : Put it on. *laughing* Let's heard their plead for shelter.

They laughted as Giran put the communications on. They expected cries for help from the ship...

What they heard was complety different and scared them to the core. It was a robotic voice repeating the same word :


This shocked the league of villains as the radar showed another ship approaching, then another, then thousans, then millions.


Overhaul : Girls ?!

the girls : y-yes ma'am ?

Overhaul : Grap your stuff and head to the escape pod, NOW !

They do as told as Overhaul grabbed a strange device as they leaved the room in a hurry as the message was still played.


Mr Compress : G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G GUYS ?!

The screen then showed the ships heading toward the planet. It was a terrifying sight.

(There are millions of thoses. They are a Blakc and Dark blue color. Imagine them in space.)

(There are millions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color)

(There are millions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color.)

(There are millions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color.)

(There are billions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color)

(There are million of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color.)

(There are millions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color)

(There are millions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color)

(There are billions of thoses. They are a Black and Dark Blue color)

(There are billions of thoses. Some are a Black and Dark Blue color.)

The ships and their numbers terrified the league to the core. They were obiously seeking one thing : Destruction !

Twice : God help us...

Meanwhile, the girls maded it to the escape pods as they saw the armada approaching the planet, with one word echoing in their mind :


(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 4 coming next.)

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