some of the empires 1

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Empire 1 : Imperium Prime

Ruler : Y/N L/N ; Y/N Imperium

(Imagine you are wearing the armor with two infinity gauntlets and it's your favorite color)

Description : The once bullied student of Union academy now turned into a powerful God. After his training with Pneuma, the supreme archdeity empress, and some other gods and god-like beings. He got the power to rule his empire as a god, with a little advantage in his side. He planned to rule his empire without becoming like union and maybe unite others to his side.

under his leadership : heroes, huntsmans, supernaturals, shipgirls, sirens, kaijus, titans and pokemons

planet : Imperium Prime

[Population]: 1000/Infinity

[Food]: Infinity

[Wood]: Infinity

[Stone]: Infinity

[Iron]: Infinity

[Gold]: Infinity

[God Gems]: Infinity

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 4

[Barracks]: level 2

[Hospital]: Level 3

[Number of Houses]: 200

[Church]: Level 5

Watcher : Pneuma, the Supreme Archdeity Empress

Description : The supreme being herself, the absolute and uncontested ruler of Omniverses, Realities, Timelines, Existences and Dimensions. Also known as "God" by mortals. She is the pure concept and essence of Omnipotence itself. She created all of creation and can end it by her mere existence. When Union was bullying Y/N, she saw how dissapointing and horrible they were and so maded sure they'll never see each others again. After Y/N's training, she gaved him the Alpha effect, the opposite of the Omega Effect, and sended him to his planet. However, instead of letting another god watch him, she decided to watch him herself, as she haved grown a certain interest in the ruler of Imperium Prime.

Empire 2 & 3 : The Deku faction & the Izumi's Republic

Leadership : Izuku Midoriya aka Lord Deku (Deku Faction) & Izumi L/N (self proclamed) (Izumi Republic)

Description (Deku) : The once heir to All-Might, now one of the ruler of Planet Dekt. After the destruction of Earth and Union, he never was the same. He felt like he lost everything, just because of a nobody who wanted the girls for himself, even his sister. However, Pneuma haved to intervene and stop him from "saving" his sister. After he seemingly lost everything, even his sister, his grielf was so intense, he swored vengeance on the Supreme Archdeity Empress herself. And he will stop at nothing to make the being who destroyed his life pay for what she did.

Description (Izumi) : The sister of Izuku and one of Y/N's girlfriends back on Earth. After the events back on Earth, Izumi felt into a depression, thinking Y/N was put out of his misery. That was until one of the Goddess given the task to watch her planet told him that he was indeed alive, and in the greatest conditions. This gaved her happinees back as she planned to make her republic strong enough to one day, see Y/N again

under their leaderships : humans, pro-heroes, villains (Izumi only), pokemons

Planet : Dekt

[Population]: 500 (200 for Izuku and 300 for Izumi) /Infinity

[Food]: 4000

[Wood]: 1000

[Stone]: 900

[Iron]: 765

[Gold]: 2819

[God Gems]: 10 (7 for Izumi)

[Building Stats (Izuku)]:

[Capital]: Level 2

[Barracks]: level 1

[Hospital]: Level 1

[Number of Houses]: 75

[Church]: Level 0

[Building Stats (Izumi)]:

[Capital]: Level 2

[Barracks]: level 2

[Hospital]: Level 1

[Number of Houses]: 96

[Church]: Level 1

watchers : Lightrise and Darkfall

(Lightrise is the female GOL and Darkfall is the female GOD. Art isn't mine.)

The twin sisters of the brother Gods. After their brothers destroyed the first humanity, they felt guilty for not stopping Salem while their brothers get severly punished. They were send to Planet Dekt since there are two powers rulling it. The Deku faction and the Izumi Republic. Darkfall decided to take care of Izuku while Lightrise took care of Izumi. They heard about Y/N and hope to one day meet him.

Empire 4 : The Harem King's empire

Leadership : Issei Hyoudou

Description : The famous Red Dragon Emperor. After the events of Union, he was stripped of Dgraid and any power. However, he planned to add Pneuma in his harem, saying she should "Date a true man and not a failure of a living". With the power given to all rulers, he created clones of his friends and assigned them different roles. "Un"fortunatly, the god who was sent to watch over him was someone who really appreciated him. And of all the friends he haved, Asia was the only true one he was left with.

under his leaderships : supernaturals, humans, females

planet : slu-t-hii-ah

[Population]: 400/Infinity

[Food]: 1000

[Wood]: 500

[Stone]: 500

[Iron]: 378

[Gold]: 450

[God Gems]: 1

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 3

[Barracks]: level 1

[Hospital]: Level 2

[Number of Houses]: 200

[Church]: Level 2

watcher : Yaldabaoth, the God of lust

appearence : a shapeshifting pink smoke that mainly take the form of Issei.

Description : A god who's pervession was only matched by Issei. Theses two seems like doubles in therms of personality. When he heard about Issei, he harrased his fellow gods and goddesses to be assigned to him. This nearly costed him his life. He and Issei quickly became partners in crime and planned to dominate the multiverse and take all the womens to themselves, including Pneuma.

Empire 5 : the Bakugo's Government

Leadership : Katsuki Baguko

Description : The arrogant Bakugo, person mostly known in Union for his EXTREMELY BAD anger management. After the destruction of Union, he was sent to an agressive planet where he got his quick back. However, he soon meet the locals of his planet, the Orks. After he killed their leader in a fight, he was proclaimed the Khan of the empire. He planned to take the multiverse by force and force everyone, including Pneuma and the gods to kneel to him or else he'll enslave them or use force if they don't do what he says. This of course, pisses the god watching over him when he's present.

under his leaderships : pro-heroes, orks

planet : an entire solar system

[Population]: 2000/Infinity

[Food]: 10000

[Wood]: 2000

[Stone]: 29862

[Iron]: 5000

[Gold]: 4053

[God Gems]: 2

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 3

[Barracks]: level 1

[Hospital]: Level1

[Number of Houses]: 200

[Church]: Level 1

watcher (barely) : Asura, the god of wrath

Description : The God of Wrath himself and one of the most powerful gods to have ever existed. He is mainly known of his unlimited wrath and his ability to use it as it's power. He rarely visit bakugo and in most cases, he is very angry at how he rule and treat others. This sometime cause Bakugo to insult him and his familly, resulting in a fight and in Asura's victory. He was consided the good one for bakugo due to the human's bad temper. Despite is superiority over bakugo, this doesn't prevent the arrogant human to do bad things to others.

Empire 6 : the Atlesian federation

Leadership : James Ironwood

Description : The former Atlesian general, now ruler of the Atlesian federation. His first action was to exile all who discriminated faunuses or Mantle's inhabitants to make equality. Thankfully, Atlas and Mantle were spared as well as their inhabitants, with the exception of Jacques Schnee and other criminals, secretive or not. He swrear that, if Union was to be rebuilt, he would do anything in his power to oppose that, as he doesn't want any other planet to end with the same tragedy as Earth.

under his leaderships : humans, faunuses, cyborgs, pokemons

planet : New Atlas

[Population]: 2000/Infinity

[Food]: 12000

[Wood]: 578

[Stone]: 724

[Iron]: 20000

[Gold]: 935

[God Gems]: 5

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 8

[Barracks]: level 7

[Hospital]: Level 7

[Number of Houses]: 12000

[Church]: Level 3

watcher : Mekhane, the God of logic, intelligence and technology (formerly the Broken God)

Description : After Earth was destroyed, Mekhane's heart was taken by Pneuma. She rebuilted the broken God and even upgraded him as he sworn allegiance to her. He was made Atlas' watcher due to the similarities between the Atlesian federation and him. He is worshipped as a god, through he now seems to have no interest in being worshipped. He has a great estime from Ironwood, even helping the former in some cases.

Empire 6 : the Faunuses

Leadership : Sienna Khan

under her leaderships : faunuses, pokemons

planet : Faunutopia

[Population]: 1200/Infinity

[Food]: 2596

[Wood]: 3000

[Stone]: 1854

[Iron]: 1041

[Gold]: 1008

[God Gems]: 2

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 2

[Barracks]: level 2

[Hospital]: Level 1

[Number of Houses]: 400

[Church]: Level 0

watcher : Tiamat

Description : The mother of all faunuses and non-human and non-grimm life back on Earth. After the planet's destruction, she was assigned to watch her "childs". With no human, life was peaceful and she coul spend time with them. Tiamat even taught Sienna that not all humans are evil. Her motherly personallity make her very apreciated by kids, she even adopt thoses who are orphans.

Empire 7 : the Angel faction

Leadership : Michael

Description : the leader of the angel faction after the deaht of "God". He was sent to planet Heaven before Earth's destruction. He was also given the power of God, warming up his heart as he planned to continue what God started. He hoped the other factions and supernaturals are doing fine and are not planning war. His main focus is to maintain control over a dangerously unstable church.

under his leaderships : humans, supernaturals (mostly angels), pokemons

[Population]: 1000/Infinity

[Food]: 948

[Wood]: 1900

[Stone]: 2169

[Iron]: 1534

[Gold]: 3000

[God Gems]: 10

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 3

[Barracks]: level 2

[Hospital]: Level 4

[Number of Houses]: 564

[Church]: Level 4

watcher God of Light :

Description : After the destruction of Earth, the God of Light was sent to Heaven as it's watcher to make sure everything is fine and that the church doesn't go out of control. He get along fine with Michael and Gabriel. The God of Light eventually tells them about Y/n's whereabouts, worrying the two angels, thinking that Y/N might planned to take revenge on them, while he actually doesn't.

Empire 9 : the Devil faction

Leadership : Sirzches Gremory

Description : The lucifer of the Devil faction, now became it's ruler. He was given the power of the original Four Devil Kings. His first action was to cancel the mariage between Rias & Riser since he now haved the ability to make pure blooded devil, saying that the mariage was now unecessary and "not consensual for both side" as he knew that RIas still haved Y/N in her heart. RIas even told him that reviving Issei was her worst mistake, that she should have left him dead and just took Dgraid, this could have made Y/N's life easier back at Union. Sirzches told her that it was no use to cry about it. One of his biggest issue was to make Devils and the other inhabitants equal and not discriminated.

under his leaderships : Devils, demons, pokemons, humans.

planet : Underworld

[Population]: 1000/Infinity

[Food]: 1058

[Wood]: 800

[Stone]: 1974

[Iron]: 2034

[Gold]: 1000

[God Gems]: 0

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 3

[Barracks]: level 6

[Hospital]: Level 3

[Number of Houses]: 169

[Church]: Level 0

watcher : Lucifer Morningstar

Description : the cocky, arrogant yet goodhearted Satan. the angel faction's God's first ever angel and the most powerful one. After he attempted to rebel against God, he was nearly killed, but then saved by Pneuma. She offered him a place as one of the Hell's rulers. He was assigned to the Devil faction due to them also being rejected by God. He own a bar in the Underworld and often offer the Devil faction information over their rivals. That's how Sirzches leared about Y/N becoming a god under Pneuma's teaching, terrifying him internally as well as the other devils.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 3 coming next.)

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