Chapter 2 : beginning of empires

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N was looking at his capital as it was prospering rapidly under his rule. He looked at his castle he surmonned out of nowhere.

(Your castle).

He then teleported into the throne room.

He then sit on his throne as he opened a screen opened, showing his empire's status

[Population]: 1000/Infinity

[Food]: Infinity

[Wood]: Infinity

[Stone]: Infinity

[Iron]: Infinity

[Gold]: Infinity

[God Gems]: Infinity

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 4

[Barracks]: level 2

[Hospital]: Level 3

[Number of Houses]: 200

[Church]: Level 5

Y/N was relaxing in his throne as everything as been fine for now. His empire was slowly prospering and his people all lived together without trouble.

Y/N still haved a problem however : School. His people needed education but his past time with Union is still fresh in his mind, so he was hesitant to open a school because he feared there would be bullying in it.

However, Y/N haved another thing to take care of. Multiple peoples, humans, faunuses, supernaturals, elves and vampires entered the room.

Y/N : I suppose you're here for the same reasons.

human : Yes my lord.

Y/N : As you may know, today is the day I shall decide who whall be the pope and prophet of Imperium Prime. But you already knew that.

faunus : Indeed my lord.

Y/N : So, who is the fortunate one you think will make a perfect pope or prothet ?

??? : I do, my lord.

Y/N then looked who it was a the person stepped closer, it was Blue Rose, a elf woman with long blonde hair, d-cup size breasts and the body of a goddess, she was truly a lady to behold.

(Art isn't mine. Many thanks to @Bretrain5 for allowing me to use her)

Y/N : So, you're the one who was chosen to be the pope AND prother of my empire ?

Blue Rose : Yes my lord.

Y/N : I've heared you we're smart, graceful and devoted as well as a very experienced and powerful magic user, is it true ?

Blue Rose : Everything you said is true. Besides, I have some experience in combat thanks to my battle teachers.

Y/N : Interesting... very well. You shall be the pope and prother of Imperium prime.

He then surmond a magic orb in his hands that went to Blue Rose and transformed into a wand.

(Art isn't mine.)

Blue Rose smilled as the looked at the scepter.

Y/N : You may all leave now, except you Blue Rose

everyone else : Yes my lord.

The others except Blue Rose leaved the throne room. Y/N then stand up and appeared before Blue Rose

Blue Rose : Words cannot express my gratitude my lord.

Y/N : No need for words, I know you won't dissapoint me and that's all that matters.

Y/N walked right next to her as he kissed her cheeks, He looked to see her trying to hide her blushing face as Y/N  smirked

Y/N : ~if you impress me enough, there will be more than that.~

Blue Rose : ~Yes, My lord~.

She then leaved by a magic circle. Y/N then teleported to a garnison where the guards saw him and salutate him.

Guards captain : Lord Y/N ! You presence grace us all.

Y/N : It's alright, anything ?

Guards captain : Well... there was reports of beasts that looked human... but very demonic at the same time. I say very demonic because I don't want to hurt civilians demons.

Y/N : Understandable. Are they dangerous ?

Guards captain : Only if someone other than their species step on their territory.

Y/N : I see... I'll take a look at it later, I have other business to take care of for now.

He then teleported again, this time in his bedroom where he sat on his bed and holded his head in concerne.

Y/N : What should I do ? Create schools or not ? What would "she" said if she see me like this ?

??? : I wasn't expecting you to have trouble so soon.

Y/N then recognized that  voice and looked behind him to see a person very familliar to him watching him from a table with a smirk on her face.

(Art isn't mine, it belong to Dansarasado)

Y/N : P-PNEUMA ???!!!

Pneuma then stand up and looked at Y/N with her hand on her hips.

Pneuma : I knew that you would never get rid of me in your mind. Once someone meet me, I'm graved in their minds forever.

Y/N : How did you ???! What are you doing here ?!

Pneuma : I have the ability to see the toughts, life, dreams and memories of all living beings.

Y/N : Dear... God...

Pneuma : As to why I'm here : I've decided to be the one to check on you.

Y/N : Why me specifically ?

Pneuma : I've assigned different gods to check on other empires. However, since you're the "special type", I've decided that I'll watch you by myself.

Y/N : oh... Well... thank you.

Pneuma : You're welcome. Still troubled by school aren't you ?

Y/N : *sigh* Kinda.

She then sat beside Y/N.

Pneuma : I can't really balme you for that. Given your past experience, it was inevitable. But you can't just try to run away from the past.

Y/N : Why ? Must I endure it ? enforce it on others who don't deserve ?!

Pneuma : None of that, It will do more harm than good. Trust me...

The environment changed to that of a prosperitic kingdom, much to Y/N's shock. There was a volcano on the north. A city of aquatic humanoid beings. A city/nest with human/birds hybrids and even a dessert with only womens. No doubt it was Pneuma's doing.

Y/N : You...

Pneuma : I saw it. (show the kingdom) This kingdom was truly beautiful, no monster wanted to ruin this peace. But then...

The scene then changed once again to that of a throne room, with what seemd to be the king talking to a strange hooded guy.

Pneuma : A fortune teller predicted the return of an acient demonic force of nature. Learning this...

The scene change to the king seemingly scolding someone who is without a doubt his daughter.

Pneuma : He began putting pression on his daughter, trying to force the past on her...

The scene then changed to a town of female exilling what seems to be a male.

Pneuma : At the same time, a tribut of pure female broked their traditions and exiled what they considered an avatar of evil because of a long time evil, they we're trying to run away from their past. In the end...

The scene was then englufred in a fog that soon dissapeared, revealing the same kingdom being destroyed by monsters, machines and a flying demon of evil energy flying around the castle.

Pneuma : By trying to impose the past on his daughter without letting her follow her passion, the king died by fighting the demon and by thing to run away from their past, the tribe lived in terror under the beast's rule. Even if they didn't do what they've done, the beast would haved still returned, but they wouldn't haved to suffer the fate they we're given.

The scene turned back to Y/N's chamber.

Pneuma : I'm not ordering you to make schools in your empire, I'm just... worried the same thing happend to you...

Pneuma : Even I, when I became the supreme archdeity empress, it was a hard task to strenghten my rule... but I did it, thanks to some help.

Her words touched Y/N right in the heart as he clenged his fist before calming down.

Y/N : *sigh* I'll.. think about it.

Pneuma smilled with Y/N's decision as she put her hand on his shoulder.

(Like this)

Pneuma : I knew you could do it. You just needed a little motivation.

She then do something that no one would ever believe : She gived him a small kiss in the checks as Y/N had a shock look on his face.

Pneuma : *giggles*

A portal then opened as Pneuma walked inside. Once the portal closed, Y/n's face began to turn as red as Rias' hair as stream came out of his ears.


The screamed was heared everywhere around his empire as people haved a curious look on their face.

Planet Dekt :

Izuku was resting in his throne room he was the one chosen by the gods to rule his empire. He thought he was the only survivor with Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, Tsui, Kirishima and Izumi, until he learned that the gods scattered Union across a multiverse at random planets and universes.

They granted some of the chosen who proved worthy the ability to create their own empires as well as been given very powerful abilities, Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, Tsui, Kirishima and received the same things, but they thought that only one empire would be better. Izuku chosed to be the leader as his friends supported him.

Everyone except one person...

A human was seen bowing before Izuku who had a worried face.

Izuku : Is she already starting building her own empire ?

Servant : Yes lord deku, our patrols are clear, she built her empire at the other side of the planet.

Izuku : What is she thinking ?! Well, you may go now.

The servant then leaved as Izuku tooked a deep breath because of the situation.

While his friends supported him as the leader, someone else refused to accept him as the leader who claimed he didn't deserved it after what he did in the past in Union, she even turned some of Iruku's friends againts him.

That person...

Was his own sister : Izumi Midoriya, or L/N as she now claim.

Flashback to their arrival :

Union's students and other peoples looked at their surroundings with concern in their face, then Izuku announced that after what happend and what the gods told him, he would make sure everyone is safe and equal under his rule. People started cheering for him, calling him the new symbol of peace but then :

??? : Typical hypocrites...

Everyone was shocked and looked behind the crowd to see Izumi with a hurted and angry look on her face as tear rained form her eyes.

Izumi : You're just like thoses back at Union. Not caring about thoses your harmed.

Todoroki : What are you talking about ?


The outburst scared everyone.

Izumi : You think you can bully him and then walk away and forget it ? No way I do !

Kirishima : You still think about him ?

Todoroki : Do you know you'll probably never see him again ?

Izumi then slapped him so hard some of his bones broked. Liked everyone else, she was granted the ability to create and give semblances, quirks, chackas, sacred gears and many mores.


Izuku : Sis !

Izumi looked at her brother with anger as he approached her.

Izuku : Why do you still think about him ? He already has Asia and Ruby and that's good enough

Izumi : You're not the one to decide who I should love !

Izuku : I should ! I'm your brother and it's my responsability to make sure you find someone ood for you, and Y/N is NOT !

Izumi : I don't care about your opinion !

He then slapped her in the cheek, shoking everyone.

Once he realised what he just did, he looked shocked and sadden as Izumi began to cry.

Izuku : Izumi... I-

Izumi looked at him with pure hate in her eyes.

Izumi : DIE !!!

She then punched him in the chest as blood slowly spilled.

Izumi : I'm no longer your sister ! And I will never accept you as a leader !

Ochako and Tsui then stand on Izumi's side.

Ochako : We're with you, Izumi.

Tsui : *ribbit* I'll never be the servant of a *ribbit* idiot like him.

Some other people even joined Izumi's side.

Todoroki : What are you doing ?

lida : We must be united if we want to have a chance !

Izumi : United ? Under the rule of a hypocryte who hurt thoses who stand up to him ?! Never ! We're leaving.

Izumi began to walk away as Ochaco, Tsui and her people followed her.

Izuku : WAIT ! What about our familly ?!

Izumi : As I said : I'm NO LONGER your sister ! I'm a L/N.

She then leaved a broken and crying Izuku.

Flashback end :

Izuku was doing what he can to keep the country from falling into chaos, Iida was his advisor since help was welcome, when Izuku unlocked the religion, he had a real hard time finding someone his people would beliene in. For the millitary, Todoroki was the one in charge.

He opened an holographic screen similar to Y/N's one and looked at his empire's status.

[Population]: 200/infinity

[Food]: 1986

[Wood]: 300

[Stone]: 451

[Iron]: 296

[Gold]: 200

[God Gem]: 3

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 2

[Barracks]: level 1

[Hospital]: Level 1

[Number of Houses]: 75

[Church]: Level 0

Izuku sighed as Todoroki entered the room, in panic.

Todoroki : Izuku ! SHE is here !

Izuku looked panic before jumping out of his seet and running outside. His people we're panicking as a giant purple dragon landed before them.

(it has a Purple skin instead of a black one. It's kaiju sized. Art isn't mine.)

The dragon then began to shapeshift into a more human form, naked, with a purple skin and dragon wings.

The lady looked at us with a visible look of dissapointment.

??? : So, this is the empire I was chosed to watch upon... yep, truly dissapointing.

(A/N : Her name is hiden sine the characters don't know about her)

Izuku : Who are you ?!

??? : What a way to greet the goddess chosed to watch over you.

Todoroki : What ?

Lida : What are you talking about ?!

??? : The supreme Archdeity Empress assigned different gods to watch over you all, I decided to took part of it to make sure you won't cause trouble to us.

Izuku's eyes changed to ones of shocks. She was a servant of the one who took everything away from him : his home, his mother (possibly), his idol and even most of his friends.

Lida : She's-

??? : No point in trying to hide your hate for my empress to me, Midoriya. I can see it in your mind.

Izuku was first shocked, but the charged at her with the One-for-All, only to get slapped back to the ground by the goddess.

??? : What a dissapointment. I don't have to waste my time with you. Maybe my sister's chosed one is more... tolerable than you.

She then dissapear in a portal of darkness, leaving a broken and enraged Izuku on the ground as he revived his sister's betrayal in his head.

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Some of the empire's bio coming next.)

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