Chapter 1 : the God of Imperium prime

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

It has been eons for Y/N but only weeks for anyone else. Y/N has trained in theses past years to become a God under the teaching of Pneuma, the Supreme Archdeity Empress and some of her bests. In fact he did so well, Pneuma decided to make him more than that.

Right now, Y/N was standing in front of a pit with Pneuma.

Pneuma : I'm proud of you Y/N. It was long, but you eventually did it. To be honest, you presented a better perfomance than I have anticipated.

Y/N : Thank you your highness.

Pneuma : Y/N, I told you that you can only call me Pneuma.

Y/N (scratch his head) : Sorry. It's a habit.

A portal opened besides them and two beings came out of it.

(GOL = God Of Light ; GOD = God Of Darkness)

??? 1 : So, this is the human you told us about your highness ?

??? 2 : I have to admit, I would never expected someone like this to make it this far.

Y/N : Who are they ?

Pneuma : Theses are the Gods that created the Semblances, faunuses and, in a way, the humans on your original world.

Y/N : Really ?!

GOL : Yes.

GOD : We were the one who do that.

Y/N : Well, I suppose you we're dissapointed when Union... you know what ?

GOL : Indeed.

GOD : It brought us back some bad memories.

Y/N : Bad memories ?

Pneuma : Of a VERY long time.

They looked at a rather pissed Pneuma.

Pneuma : Long story short : When humanity was manipulated by Salem, the queen of grimm, instead of resonating them, they wiped them out.

This made Y/N's gasp.

Pneuma : They eventually leaved the planet while taking magic back, almost making the Kaijus starving to death, and leaving Salem do whatever she want.

Y/N could be seen slowly shaking.

Pneuma : Of course when I learned about that you could say I... scolled them.

This time, it was the brother god's turn to shake in fear, which didn't go unoticed by Y/N.

Y/N : Why are they shaking ?

Pneuma : As a wise man once said : Some things are best left forgotten... FOREVER !

This made Y/N and the brother gods jumped in fear as the gods are holding each others in panic.

Pneuma cleared her throat as she took her normal face with her smile back.

Pneuma : Anyway, Y/N, time to get your reward.

She pointed at the pit with the energy coming out of it.

Y/N : So... that's my reward ?

Pneuma : Yes. This is the Alpha pit , place where a powerful force of both creative and destructive entropy reside : the Alpha effect.

Y/N : And ? Now I own that pit ?

Pneuma : *giggle* you're so funny.

Y/N : I mean... what am I even supposed to do with this ?!

Pneuma : It's simple. I want you to enter the pit, stay in there a little and get out of it.

GOL : Once you get out, you shall have the power of a god.

GOD : Something that will help you if Union try to bother you again.

Y/N just looked at the pit with a uncertain look.

Y/N : Okay... I guess I should go now.

Y/N began enterring the pit as Pneuma and the Brother Gods watched him doing it. Once Y/N was inside, he felt heavy as the power inside of the Alpha pit was strong. He then reached an altar, he decided to stop here and take a break.

Pneuma : Not bad. I guess you can come back now.

But there was no answer as Y/N grunted in pain as he felt something flowling inside of him.

Pneuma : Y/N ?

Suddendly, Y/N let out a roar as a pillar of blue and (f/c) energy rised to the skies from the entire pit. Once it ended, Pneuma and the brother gods looked at it with shock and panic.

Pneuma : Y/N !!!

GOL : Did he just ?!

GOD : Brother, we have to do something !

But before they could do anything, a portal open before them, revealing Y/N, perfectly fine with a new armor.

(Your armor. The golden can be your favourite color.)

The gods and Pneuma we're in absolute shock seeing Y/N's new appearance.

GOL : Is that ?

GOD : His new god form ?

Pneuma : Not only...

She walked toward Y/N as he looked back at Pneuma with questions.

Pneuma : I can feel it. He...

She then put her hand on Y/N's forehead as a powerful blue and (f/c) aura appeared.

Pneuma : He absorbed the Alpha effect.

GOL : But that's impossible !

GOD : The only effect that was absorbed until now was the Omega effect, and it was absorbed by...

Y/N : ... am I... in trouble ?

This made Pneuma's eyes widden before she smiled.

Pneuma : Now that what I got confirmation : no. I never thought someone like you could absorb the Alpha effect without being a god. You're definively full of surprise.

Y/N : (scratch his head) Even I surprise myself sometimes.

Pneuma then haved a idea in her mind.

Pneuma : Y/N ?

Y/N : Yeah ?

Pneuma : For successfully completing your training AND survive and absorb the Alpha effect, I've decided to give you another reward.

Y/N : What is it ?

Pneuma then opened her hand as multiple light enterred aa golden light who then went to Y/N's hands as the lights turn into golden gauntlets with gemstones on it.

Y/N : I'm sure theses gauntlets aren't just to showoff.

Pneuma : Indeed they aren't. Thoses are special infinity gauntlets. Some of the most objects in universes.

Y/N : WOW !

Pneuma : With thoses, you can do anything.

Y/N : That's awesome !

Pneuma : Just... don't use them too much. I'm not sure a planet can handle a universal destruction attack.

Y/N : Of course.

GOL : And one more things about thoses Y/N.

GOD :They'll only work either in their home universe, the one with your planet, or in your empire.

Y/N : So... where I have control ?

brother gods : Yes.

They then looked at Pneuma with visibly concerned face.

GOL : Your highness, are you sure it's wise to give him such powers ?

GOD : He is still human in a way.

Pneuma looked at them with unamused eyes as they were seen shaking.

(Art isn't mine, it belong to Dansarasado)

Pneuma : Strange, you said the exact same thing after your leaved Salem alive.

The brother gods shooked even more in fear.

Pneuma : That would be all for today.

The brother gods then teleported out as Pneuma looked one last time at Y/N.

Pneuma : Well, I guess this is our goodbye for now. I'm gonna miss you Y/N

Y/N : I'm gonna miss you too Pneuma.

She then put her hand on Y/N's shoulder and whisper something in his hear before he dissapeared in a light.

Pneuma : Enjoy your new life... Lord Y/N...

Y/N then reappeared on a planet simillar to Earth, he looked around only to see pokemons around him. He then heared a voice.

??? : 3 ; 2 ; 1 !

An holographic screen then appeared before him, with the same voice talking to him.

??? : Welcome to your planet Y/N L/N.

Y/N : Who are you ?

??? : I am System. The one who will help you run your empire.

Y/N : ... Great !

System : Here's yours ressources :

She then showed a screen that made Y/N's eyes widden :

[Population]: 0/Infinity

[Food]: Infinity

[Wood]: Infinity

[Stone]: Infinity

[Iron]: Infinity

[Gold]: Infinity

[God Gem]: Infinity

Y/N : Dear God...

Y/N then heared screaming from somewhere else. He flew to the origins to see a small village being attacked by bandits. The villages seemed to have humans, faunuses, supernaturals, vampires, grimm peoples, demons and elves. He looked closer to see that it was Raven Branwen who lead the attack. One of his most hated person since she always supported Yang beating him up, unlike Crow and Summer.

Raven : Nice. Now I'm the leader of this planet !

A rock then hited her as a man elve stand before his familly. Raven pissed off, took her sword out and stabbed the man under the cries of him familly.

elf girl : DAD !!!

The girl grabbed onto her father's dead body as Raven just looked with disgust at the girl.

elf girl : WHY DID YOU KILL HIM ?!

Raven : The weak die, the strong live.

The girl then threw a rock at her face, hurting her a little. Raven grinned her teeths as she took her sword as her man went to grab the little girl.

elf : girl : N-NO !!!

Raven : I hope your happy little brat, You'll see your father soon enough in the Afterlife !!!

As Raven was about to kill the girl, a purple blast hit Raven's bandits, killing 3/4 of them, much to Raven shock. Then, blue and (f/c) lasers hit the dead father, bringing him back to life as he grabbed his daughter and run off.

Raven : WHAT THE ?! WHAT NOW ?!

??? : Now... you die !

She looked above to see Y/N in his armor landing before the village's habitants.

Raven : Look who's here, the powerless brat who had the guts of hurting my daughter.

Y/N : I'm gonna say it this once Raven Branwen : Get! out! of! my! Planet !!!

His voice caused a shockwave that almost send Raven and her bandits flying. Raven just looked at Y/N with rage.

Raven : You're late Y/N ! I'm the leader fo this planet ! And I'll make sure to purge it from the weaks !

Y/N : Then allow me to help you.

Y/N's eyes glowed before he fired other blue and (f/c) beams that wiped out other of Raven's mens from existence. Other of her bandits charged at him but Y/N just waved his hand, unleashing a shockwave that pulverized the rest of Raven's mens into atoms, without harmind the village and the villagers.

Raven was shocked, first she was the one with the advantage, then Y/N arrived and almost defeated her without even trying.

Raven : You...

Y/N : Leanred your lesson ?

Raven : you BASTARD !!!

She activate her maiden powers and charged at Y/N who fired his blue and (f/c) beams at her as she surmond a giant sword to protect herself.

Raven : You're gonna need more than that to take me down !!!

But once the beam hitted her, the sword dissapeared as well as the flames in Raven's eyes. The maiden power...

was gone.

She then crashed before Y/N as he looked at her in dissapointment.

Y/N : Still the same scum as  back then. You truly are a failure, both as a human and a leader.

Raven : I-ll... I-LL KILL YOU !!!

Y/N : You're a waste of my time...

He then opened a portal as Raven looked at it with fear.

Raven : WAI-

Y/N : BEGONE !!!

He then grabbed her by the neck and throw her into the portal as it closes once she went into it.

Once it was done he looked at the civilians until a vampire slowly looked at him.

vampire : Are you the one named Y/N L/N ?

Y/N : Yes I am.

fallen : the Gods told us that you would be our leader but... you we're not here.

Y/N haved a shamed look on his face.

Y/N : I'm sorry I we'rent here for you all. I was training to become a God this entire time. I'm sorry I couldn't deal with them sooner.

This shocked the inhabitants.

human : actually...

faunus : They've been here only recently.

Y/N : So ? I suppose you want to have your own life ?

The inhabitants looked at each others in embarassment.

vampire : actually...

elf girl : we wouldn't mind it.

Y/N : Really ?

human : We were without leader... until you came.

demones : So.. we don't mind if you lead.

Y/N smilled, his peoples accepted him as a leader despite his abscence. He began looking around at his environment, his new home.

human : If I may, what is this place.

Y/N looked at the human and said :

Y/N : Our new home : Imperium Prime.

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 2 coming next.)

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