Prologue : end of a bullying

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

in Union academy, a boy slowly awakened with bandages on his body. That boy was Y/N L/N, a students of Union academy who was bullied by the boys of the academy. Only the girls didn't bullied him, in fact, some even help him.

Recovery girl : mister Y/N, you've got to do something about the bullying.

Y/N : What can I do ? Theses bitches of headmasters don't believe me saying that : "I'm just a brattish crybaby".

Recovery girl : Even Lord Sirzches ?

Y/N : Not him of course. He wouldn't want to piss off his sister would he ?

Y/N began standing up and go out of the infirmary until he was punched in the face and send flying into the ground. He look up and saw Team (R)WBY, some of his bullies.

Yang : Look who's back...

Blake : You're even more annoying than a grimm !

Weiss : We told you to stay dead !

Y/N : You're not my mom Elsa-wannabe.

Weiss kicked him in the head as team RWBY took out their weapon.

Yang : I guess you need to be taught a lesson.

They began beating up Y/N into a bloody corpse until team (R)WBY was shocked to near death before falling on the ground burned. They look to see it was Rias' peerage, especially Akeno whi had a yandere face.

(Akeno's actual face)

Asia : What are you doing to Y/N ?!

Weiss : It's not of your business, get out of here !

Akeno instead shocked Weiss even more before putting her foot on Weiss' chest, slowly putting more preasure, making Weiss scream in agony.


Before she could finish, she felt a dark presence behind her. She look back to see the scariest thing in her life : a angry Ruby with her scythle out and with red eyes like blood instead of her silver eyes.

(Ruby's actual face. Imagine her having red eyes insted of silver eyes. Art isn't mine)


Yang : Ruby ! It's- It's not what you thing ! He's just an asshole ! He's-

Before she could finish, Ruby shoot a bullet in her head, shatering her aura before grabbing Yang's hair and glarring at the other girls.

Ruby : You two ! Dorm ! NOW !!!

She grabbed Weiss by the hair and Blake by the cat ears before taking them back to their dorm, planning on showing what happend when you mess with a rose's boyfriend.

Y/N began to stand up until he was kicked by Saji this time.

Saji : Look at the weakling here, not even capable of defending himself !

Kiba : Leave Y/N alone !

Xenovia : (take out her sword) Or else I'll make you !

Saji : Like i give a damn (point at Y/N) he doesn't deserve to be here, even live !

Xenovia was about to murder Saji until he was shoot by a magic shot. They look behind him to see a enraged Rias with Sona and her peerage.

(Rias actual state)

(Ignore Saji)

Sona : Saji ! What are you doing to Y/N ?!

Saji : What ? Just teaching that looser his place !

Suddendly, Rias surmond magic chains around Saji's neck as he desperatly struggle to get some air.

Saji : Rias ! ARRRRRG ! Sona ! Do... something !!! HELP ME !!!

Sona : okay.

She surmond other magic chains around Saji's neck, much to his dismay.

Saji : WHAT ARE YOU DOING ???!!!

Sona : I'm helping you... getting hurt !

They then throw Saji in the wall before he fall on the ground, broken. The girls turn to Y/N who was healed by Asia.

Y/N : Th- thanks.

Rias : No problem Y/N. I wouldn't want the only respectul boy around here to die would I ?

Y/N : Well...

Asia : Y/N ?

Y/N : Yeah ?

Asia : Can we take you back to the dorm ?

Y/N : Sure.

Y/N's life wasn't easy at all. He had a great intelligence, heart and leaders skills but no special powers. He made it into Union academy despite being powerless. He eventually get bullied by the boys and team (R)WBY but most of the girls of the schools, even teachers, defended him, some girls even made the life of one of Y/N's bullies a living hell.

Issei Hyoudou, the Red """Dragon Emperor""" was one of Y/N's bullies. He even tried to kill him one time. Luckily, he stopped bullying Y/N, well almost stopped. The reason ? Rias, one of Y/N's best friend and Sirzches, one of the headmasters and Lucifer of the Devil faction, ordered Issei to stop bullying and abusing Y/N.

Otherwise, He would lost Dgraid,  chest piece, what make him a member of Rias' peerage, expelled from Union and labelled as a stray and be killed slowly and painfully after his "treasure" was cut off. That's all it took to scare him to near death.

Unknow to them, there was other people who planned to help Y/N in a way.

In battle class, Momo and Nora just finished their battle with Jaune and Pyrrha. She had a smile on her face while Nora waved to Y/N who smilled in return. Ren was about to punch Y/N but a look on Nora with her hammer out and her saying that, if he hurt Y/N, she's gonna break his leg, made him change his mind.

Glynda : So, we have the time for one last match. Who's ready ?

Bakugo : me ! (point at Y/N) against that piece of shit !

Glynda : Last time it happend Y/N almost died and All Might threated to take you to justice by force if necesarry. Guess, did his brain nuked itself ?

Bakugo : So what ?! It's not like he can do shit !

Glynda : maybe not him. But I can certainly make sure you're kicked out. So either you leave mr Y/N alone or I'll make you. Now I know there's only bombs in his head.

Izumi (female Izuku) : Y/N...

Bakugo : Grrrrrrrrrrr... Fine.

He then suddendly grabbed Izumi by the hair.

Bakugo : Then I'll just have to go for her !



Glynda : That's enough Bakugo ! You're-

??? : Let it slide.

She look at see Ozpin with his mug and a smile on his face.

Ozpin : Izumi's grade are a mess, this should give her the opportunity to make up for it.

Glynda : But-

Ozpin : Glynda...

Glynda : f... fine.

Eventually, Bakugo started beating Izumi up. Izuku and Glynda tried to stop him but Ozpin ordered them to not interfere. After some times, Izumi was on the ground beated up and blooded. Bakugo smirked before charging the killing blow until he was throwed a metal ball in the head, hurting him and making him screaming like a bitch. Everyone looked to see who did this and turns it turns out to be Y/N.


Izuku : Y/N ?!

Yang : Hey ! there was people who were watching in peace shithead ! Go die somewh-


He then bitchslapped Yang, much to everyone's shock and Ozpin anger as a nobody dared to hurt one of his best student. Yang then stand up wit hher Semblance activated.

Yang : I'm gonna beat you into a bloody pool of your flesh ! (look at Ozpin) me and my team along with JR, SSSN, CRDL, Issei and Saji against (point at Y/N) that deadweight !

Glynda : I-

Ozpin : Sure. Looks like he need to be taught a lesson for hurting his classmates

Eventually, Y/N was forced to fight or spend the rest of his life in prison for assaulting a student. As expected, Y/N was beaten to a bloody death as his blood came out of his body.

Yang: *laugh* What a waste of space and time, being dead will save us a lot of trouble

Cardin: Seriously ? Can't you even fight ?!

Issei: Yeah ! After I kill you, I'll go for the girls !

He then suddendly have shivers in his spine as Rias and Sirzches were glaring at him with a look that could kill. Y/N then stand up despite the pain.

Saji : Why won't you die ?!


*Take 2* :

Y/N : You think you have some kind of power over me ? You're the shitty dumbass here !

Yang : At least I don't exist to put shame on my familly

This made Y/n's eyes widden in shock as he was about to cry.

Ren : tch, not even capable of accepting the truth. You'll make a better dead than a living.

Jaune : Yeah ! I'm sure your familly will reward us when we'll show them your dead body. (take his battle stance) Alright ! Let's kill-

Before he could finish, the roof suddendly exploaded and a purple laser stroke Y/N's bullies, seemingly killing them as the crowed watched in horror.

Then, energy meteors stroke the area and the academy as Y/N tried to hold his ground despite the blast's power and his wound. Once the blast ended, the cloud of dust seemed to not dissapearing at all. Y/N wondered what happend before something landed in the center of the area as it's power was terrifying. Y/N then dodged a bullet fired at him and look to see Weiss and Blake with their weapon out and murderous intents.

Weiss : You !

Blake : What have you done ?

Y/N : I didn't do anything !

Weiss : You're lying !

Blake : Answer us before we do it ourselves !

Y/N : ... No !

He was then stabbed by Weiss and Blake, Y/N fell on the ground as they took out their weapon and aimed at his head.

Weiss : Too bad.

Blake : We would have let you lived. But now that I think about it, you're a nobody.

But before they could kill him, another purple blast shooted them, shattering their aura as well as covering them of a dark matter as they were send flying to the wall, blooded and almost dead. Suddendly, a light in the sky glow brither as a loud voice could be heared.

??? : THAT'S ENOUGH !!!!!

Everyone looked at the skies and saw something that scared them to death, especially the headmasters and supernaturals. There was eyes fulled with rage looking at the insects below them.

Then the light glows enven brighter as the one with such eyes was revealed, much to most of Union's terror. It was Arceus, the god (emperor by the supernaturals) of pokemons and a being so powerful that not even the power of the four Devil kings, God, Ophis, Great Red, Trihexa, Ghidorah and the heavenly dragons combined could hope to compet with.

(Arceus normal form)

Arceus : Beating up a powerless child, insulting his parents and telling to kill himself... humanity is truly a dissapointing a pathetic species !



Issei : What ? He's just a horse !

Issei then suddendly felt a huge pain in his arm as Dgraid was pissed.


Arceus : Hello Dgraid. So, this is the dissapointing vessel you told me about.

Dgraid : Yes my lord, it was a suffering being with that mistake.

Issei : What ?! Mistake ?! I thought you were-


Issei : Well, sorry to break your mood but You're MY sacred gear ! So you do as I said or-

Arceus' eyes glowed red as Issei's screamed in pain as his bones were crushed by Arceus' psy abilities.

Arceus : A human like you has no right to command a Dragon ! Not even be allowed to live near it !

Dgraid : My lord, I can't support this failure anymore, he was the one who used my power to destroy my title.

Arceus : As "she" thought. Then allow me to end your sufferings forever.

Arceus then surmond a golden energy hand before the hand snapped it's fingers and Dgraid came out of Issei's pathetic body before transforming into the scale mail.

(Dgraid's actual form)

Issei : What ?!

Dgraid : Words cannot express my gratitude lord Arceus.

Arceus : There's no need for words.

Suddendly, a portal opened besides Arceus and Great Red came out of it.

Great Red : So, that dark time being with (point at Issei) that arrogant and weak human is no more Dgraid ?

Dgraid : Indeed. By the way, why are you here Great Red ?

Great Red : I was ordered to take you to your new home.

Dgraid : And what about Ablion ?

Great Red : His host isn't bad, so he'll be taken to another place along with his host.

Great Red than opened his hand to take Dgraid to his new home but Issei, as idiotic as he his, tried to get Dgraid back.

Issei : Where are you going Dgraid ?!

Dgraid : I'm going far from you. It's over Issei !

Issei : not when-

Great Red then roared in front of Issei so loud, it send the pervert flying into the wall. Once Issei start waking up, Dgraid punched him in the balls so hard Issei's screams of anogy we're heard all around the world. Dgraid then kicked Issei in the face, knocking Issei out.

Arceus : Usually I'm not in such way of violences but... not bad Dgraid.

Dgraid then climbed on Great Red's back and the giant dragon flew into the portal as it closed as Arceus looked once again at the humans.

Sun : What the hell did that thing do to Dgraid ?!

Arceus : I sended him to another place, (his eyes glow red) far from the likes of you !

Yang : Just who the hell are you ?!

The headmasters along with Tsunade, Makarov and Winter Schnee then step closer as Arceus noticed them.

Ozpin : This is Arceus, the God of Pokemons. A being so powerful that it can make the likes of Trihexa (point at Y/N with his cane) look like him.

This made d Y/N look down in sadness while letting out a tear as Ozpin smiled. But then, a spiked rock then came out of the ground and just stopped before piercing Ozpin's neck. The headmasters looked up to see Arceus' eyes glowing with the same anger as before.

Arceus : I will NOT allow you to put Y/N L/N in your sentences ! Especially the ones that lower him Ozma !

Sirzches : Lord Arceus, I don't know what made you so angry but-

Arceus looked at Sirzches as the Lucifer shaked in terror.

Arceus : Sirzches Gremory, I'd suggest you do not take part of this conversation if you value your sanity. (glare back at Ozpin)) It's only between me, "her" and Ozma.

Y/N : h- "her" ?

Sirzches : *write his last words*

Ozma (panicked) : *glups* everything but not her ! M-may I a-ask wh-why you're here ?

Michael (looking at the skies) : Are thoses ?!

Everyone looked at the skies and then there was pure terror in their soul. The skies were a dark blue that seemed to distord reality itself and with lightings showing some kinds of structures and ships. But most noticeable, billions of emerald and purple glowing lights that soon revealed mettalic giant angels along with giant sky serpents.

(the metallic angels)

(the Giant sky serpents. Ignore the ship)

Some of theses metallic colosses rained fire upon Union city while others descend to Arceus' levels.

Arceus : Indeed. Thoses are what you're thinking they are.

Michael : But why are they here ?

Arceus : Let's that "her" planned to pay you a little... visit in a way.

Ozma and the headmasters' skins was now pure white of fear. He was never that scared before.

Y/N : Oz... pin ?

Arceus : Now that this question is answered, may I know why thoses who posses power are torturing the ones who doesn't ?

bakugo : So that they lear ntheir place under the powerful one : As trash !

Issei : Yeah ! At least we have the good girls with big-

Arceus' aura began to grow stronger and more terryfing.

Arceus : You...

Ozma : I'm afraid that's the sad truth Lord Arceus.

Bakugo : What he gonna do anyway ? It's not like he can rip our souls out of ou body and make us go throught hellish pain, he's just a-

Bakugo and Issei were then pieces who ghost hands, ripping their souls out of their body before Arceus' eyes glow full red as the two souls were shocked and torn apparts.

Arceus : Is that's so ?! Then let's see how you will explain this to the Supreme Archdeity Empress Herself ?!

Ozpin : WAI-

Suddendly, the mettalic angels and serpents fired once again on the area at higher frequency, blowing most of Union staff as Y/N hided behind debrits. The only ones who seemed to not being hurt by the blasts, or at least the golden ones, were Y/N's friends. Once the blasts stopped, Y/N moved out of his hidding spot and look at the surrounding.

Then, a extremely huge emerald light who seemed to come from another reality appeared before a pillar of light landed  behind Y/N before a massive metallic God with Light and Dark sides appeared and looked at the human.

(the metallic God)

Y/N looked at the god with fear in his eyes, until he heard a strange and omnipotent voice.

??? : There's no need to fear me, Y/N L/N.

Y/N was shocked to hear the metallic God voice, then a small light came out of it before heading in front of Y/N. The light suddendly glow brighter as the light easily and quickly went beyond Y/N's own universe and reality.

After what seemed like a eternity, the light slowly dissapeared as Y/N could now see a lady with emerald hair and a infinite aura around her as mechanical wings retract themselves as she slowly opened her emerald eyes.

(Like this.)

As the lady opened her eyes a bright light illuminated not only Y/N's universe, but also Omniverses, realities, timelines, dimensions and existences. Once it dissapeared after what seemed anf felled like a eternity, Y/N could see a lady taller than him, a smile on her face and a godly feeling with her, for Y/N, she was beauty incarnate.

(Art isn't mine.)

Despite her hiding her entire power, Y/N could feel the surface of her infinite omni powers in the lady just by being close to her. This caused something in Y/n's mind and his heart just by looking at her. His bullies were glaring daggers at him and wanted to kill him but the lady's power, Arceus and the metallic army prevented them for going into absolute torture. The lady then looked at Y/N as she place her hand on his left cheek.

??? : It's over. You won't have to deal with them anymore.

As she said that, Y/N's wounds instantly healed as Y/N dissapeared in a ball of light.

Y/N's friend : Y/N !!!!

Baguko : Yes ! The trash is dead !

Issei : Now all the girls are mine !

A look from the lady instantly paralized them as if they were killed.

??? : Unfortunatly, I won't give you that pleasure.

She then snapped her fingers and Y/N's friends were send somewhere else, shocking the rest of Union.

Tsunade : What are you doing ?

??? : I'm going to send them far from this soon-to-be no more planet.

Ozma : What do you mean ?

??? : You and your Union haved disgusted me and the other gods for the last time.

Arceus : As a result, the innocents of this world are being teleported away across a this multiverse, along with the faunuses and supernaturals.

Winter : But what's the point of doing this ?!

Bakugo : WHO CARES ?!

He then jumped at the lady, trying to kill her. But a simple look at Bakugo from the lady suddendly make his outfit and energy dissapear and send him crash on the wall at extreme force. The same thing happend to Y/N's bullies as Weiss tried to attack her using her glyph, only for it to dissapear.

Bakugo : WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME ???!!!

??? : I striped you of the power you were never meant to have. (look at the rest of Y/N's bullies) just like the rest of you.


Arceus fired a blast at Saji, almost killing him if the attack was 1% stronger.

Arceus : Do not speak with that tone to the Supreme Archdeity Empress you insect !

??? : As I thought. I have enough of letting you doing whatever you want without punishment while exploiting the weak. This is why Earth will be no more !

This shocked everyone.

Winter : You can't do that !

Arceurs : after all the chaos and suffering you caused, we can.

They charged at the lady and Arceus, trying to stop the destruction of their world, but Arceus eyes glowed blue before Union's group began to levitate and transform into lights and fly throught outer space. Union Academy was now empty.

As the lady took a breath, the planet suddendly shaked as the ships above seemed to let a path to something. Both the lady and Arceus looked at the skies to see it turning back to normal and revealing a giant humanoid being, bigger than the planet.

(Art isn't mine)

Galactus, the devourer of worlds.

Galactus looked at the lady and Arceus with a stone face.

??? : Remember what I said about a free planet and your true power returned forever ? The time as come for that.

Galactus : So, this is the planet.

??? : Hey !

the lady and Arceus looked behind them to see a skeleton in flame on a bike. The Ghost Rider.

(The ghost rider)

Ghost Rider : What the hell happened ?! I was punishing a Union person for his sins when I saw peoples flying off !

Arceus : It seemed we forgot someone.

??? : My apologies, I was having a... conversation with Union academy that I almost forgot the likes of you.

Ghost Rider : *look at Galactus* And you are ?

Galactus : I am the devourer of worlds, Galactus !

Ghost Rider : oh great ! Another godlike being.

??? : May I ask why are you here ?

Ghost Rider : checking out where the people went.

Arceus : I'm afraid they are no longer on this world.

Ghost Rider was trying his best not to burst out in flames of rage.


??? : I can grant you the power to do that if you want. Just tell me why should I ?

Ghost Rider : Well...  (show the planet) The celestian will have the Earth as his diner without opposition.

Arceus and the lady looked at each others, knowing how powerful the Ghost Rider is, before nodding.

??? : Fine.

Arceus : I suppose it is acceptable.

the lady's eyes glowed emerald as the Ghost Rider felt a tremendous amonths of godlike powers flowing inside of him before he dissapeared in flames, becoming a more powerful being. The lady then looked one last time at Galactus.

??? : Have a good lunch.

The lady go back into the metallic god as Arceus, the metalic angels, snakes and God teleport away. Galactus then opened his hands as a beam came out of it and landed on Union academy. Resulting in a blinding light that destroy everything in it's path.

Union was the first place to be destroyed along with the people that were left behind. The base of the League of Villains in space was destroyed as Tomura, All For One, Kurodigi and Nomu(s) were killed, the rest of the league being sended out somewhere else.

The entire island of Menagerie along with the White Fang were send somewhere else, except Adam, who watched as the light headed toward him.


He was evetually consumed by the light of Galactus.

The city of Atlas and Mantle we're both send away along with most of the people inhabitating them before Galactus could consume them.

In Salem's domain, Cinder, Neo, Roman and Emerald were send away, leaving Watts, Tyrian, Hazel and Salem to die. Salem's body and soul survived, but her body was in unthinkable pain as it tried to survive and regenerate from the destruction.


The pokemons around the world we're all sended somewhere else except for Spiritomb. Even the legendary  and mythic pokemons we're send somewhere else. The Ultra-Beasts haved the time to flee from a portal opened by Necrozma before Galactus also consume them.

In the United-States Thor, the Avengers and Justice League were evacuating the people of the United States as much and fast as they can by Thor's Bifrost to Asgard or ships leaving the planet for safety from Galactus while the innocents left behind were put into orbs ans send away at a speed higher than the speed of light.

In the plains of a long lost Kingdom multiple small collums of light came out of the ground and reached to the skies before dissapearing as four giant ones in different colors do the same, one from the water in blue, one from a volcano in red, one from a desert in green and one form the clouds in purple . It was only a matter of time before this long lost kindgom was consumed.

In a island, giant beings named Kaiju who belonged to the faction of the Earth Defenders, noticed the light and gather to see it consuming the planet.

(The Earth Defenders. There's also GMK Ghidorah, Legendary Battra, Legendary Rodan, Fire Rodan, the Queen MUTO, Shin Godzilla and Godzilla Earth. Art isn't mine, it belong to xxjimjamxx)

The giant Titanus Godzilla let out a roar toward the light before the entire island is put in a orb and send away faster than light, Saving the Titans and Kaijus from extinction.

In Antartica, a giant golden three headed dragon named Ghidorah, also a devourer of world, roared to the skies. He then noticed the light of Galactus coming at him as he tried to fly away from it before being also consumed by it as he slowly dissintegrate while letting out a roar in agony.

Then... A huge explosion was heared.

(play the sound)

The entire planet was illuminated before the light slowly dissapeared and went inside Galactus as he has consumed the Earth.

Many people who didn't deserved to be saved like T̸̪̼̓̎͒́́͂́͂̑̾r̷̛͍̒̓̇͂́̆͌u̷̡͎͓̻͙͎̻̣͇͋͒͋̃̌̿͒͗̀̚͘̚ṃ̸̺̀́͆̐̓̅̈̌͑͑͗͒͠p̷̢̲͔̗̞̹̮͗ we're consumed by the devourer of world as he glow a golden light and then dissapeared.

The only remains of Earth we're a frozen and broken Salem, who as lost all of her energy and Ghidorah's left head (Kevin) as SpaceGodzilla, also a alien came to the scene, shocked by what happend as he saw Ghidorah's head.

Y/N slowly awake in a white void. He didn't know where he was, neither what happend.

Y/N : am I...

??? : Far from Earth.

he looked around him but saw nothing until suddendly, the same lady who sended him here was standing before him as Y/N slowly back away in fear.

Y/N : A- Are you ?

??? : Y/N, I told you there's no need to worry about me.

Y/N : Th- then wh- who are you ?

??? : oh right ! I haven't introduce myself. My name is Pneuma. the one called : the Supreme Archdeity Empress.

Y/N : So... You're basically God ?

Pneuma : Yes. I'm just not like the one who died in the Great War. He only haved the name "God" not the title.

Y/N : oh... now that makes sence. but... why am I here ?

Pneuma : For Union punishment, I've send them into different corners of this multiverse, some in the same universe either close or far.

She then take a rather sad look on her face.

Pneuma : I'm... sorry I didn't help you when you were at Union.

Y/N : It's... fine. You weren't the one who did this to me. It was Union.

Pneuma's sad face slowly turn into a bright smile.

Pneuma : Thank you.

Y/N : It's just... hum... Why am I here ?

Pneuma : I've decided to give you the power to create your own world, create your own empire.

This shocked Y/N. Him, a so-called "nobody" with no special power, given the power to create his own empire.

Y/N : Is there... something else ?

Pneuma : Yes. You will also have the power to control the planet at will as well as other planets you conquered and then, you will have the power of a Kai beings extremely powerful, I also planned to add the power to take and give powers, as well as create and eraser powers.

Y/N : *jawdrop*

Pneuma : *giggles* I know, it's unbelievable isn't it ?

Y/N : It... sure is. But why ? Am I supossed to do something in return ?

Pneuma : Nothing. Consider this as my apologue gift for what happend to you.

Y/N : Well... I don't know how to thank you.

Pneuma : Just don't become like Union, that's all I want.

She opened her hand to give Y/N the power she told him. But surprisingly, Y/N doesn't take it, this made her realise that something is wrong with Y/N.

Pneuma : Is something wrong ?

Y/N : I... nothing

Pneuma : You know you can tell me.

Y/N : *sigh*

Y/N clenged his fist as he was having a hard time trying to explain it to her.

Y/N : What if my bullies found my world ?

This made Pneuma's eyes widden in realisation.

Y/N : What if they decided to trash it ? To destroy it (began to cry) to give the people the same treatment they give to me ?!

As Y/N slowly cried, Pneuma haved her hand coverring her mouth, she could feel how they affected and hurt him.

Pneuma : Y/N...

She soon regain her normal composure and looked at Y/N.

Pneuma : Don't worry about it Y/N.

He then looked at her as she smilled.

Pneuma : I know exactly how to solve that.

Y/N : How ?

She then turn around and walked away.

Pneuma : Come with me, Y/N L/N.

Pneuma then stopped and looked at Y/N who had hope in his eyes.

Pneuma : It's time for you to became a God.

(What are your thoughts on the prologue ? Chapter 1 coming next.)

(A/N : Man that was the longuest chapter I've ever written)

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