Chapter 6 : the pervert empire and a greater force

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

On planet slu-t-hii-ah, Issei was sitting comfortably in his throne, he then looked at his empire's stats and he was happy with it.

[Population]: 400/Infinity

[Food]: 1000

[Wood]: 500

[Stone]: 500

[Iron]: 378

[Gold]: 450

[God Gems]: 1

[Building Stats]:

[Capital]: Level 3

[Barracks]: level 1

[Hospital]: Level 2

[Number of Houses]: 200

[Church]: Level 2

Suddendly, a pink gaz appeared near him and tooked his form. It was Yaldabaoth, the God of Lust.

Yaldabaoth : So, how's my Best Friend doing ?

Issei : Just relaxing after getting a massage from my good servants.

Yaldabaoth : And you didn't invited me ?

Issei : Didn't you said you'll be watching naked Goddesses ?

Yaldabaoth : ... shit I forgot !

Issei : Anyway . Nice to see my buddy here.

Yaldabaoth : You too.

Issei : ... Any idea how we can get that Pneuma girl into our harem ?

Yaldabaoth : Not yet. But when that happend...


They then do a fist-bump when a guard entered the room.

guard : Lord Issei ! We have spotted strange looking girls.

Issei : Are they big titties ones ?

guard : ... Some of them yes.

Issei then jumped out of his throne with a perverted smile.

Issei : THEN LET'S GET THEM !!!!!!

Issei then surmonned replicas of the Boosted gear and Divine Dividing that were gifted to him by Yaldabaoth. He then flewed off to where the girls were.

Somewhere else, the Shipgirls, who were also teleported away from Earth, were lost in this new world.

Bismarck : ... I don't like this place.

Hood : None of us does.

Q.E : Stop complaining and hurry up to find me a new home !

Kaga : Could you cut it out for a second !

Enterprise : GIRLS !

This caught the attention of the Shipgirls

Enterprise : I know it's hard to stay calm after Earth was destroyed and humanity possibly eradicated. But if we keeps fighting each other, we will meet the same fate.

Prinz Eugen : She's right you know ?

Cleveland : Yeah yeah... wait... what's that ?

They soon noticed soldiers circleling them

PoW : Who are they ?

Soon, Issei also appeared

Issei : Greetings my soon to be harem-girls !

Prinz Eugen : Yeah... No.

Zuikaku : No way we'll join your harem you perverted filth !

Akaki : Indeed. I prefer dying that having to be in your harem !

Issei : Who said I gaved you a choice ?!

Soon, the soldiers readied themselves as well as the shipgirls.

Yaldabaoth : Get them !

The soldiers charged at the shipgirls.

All the soldiers were dead with the shipgirls having dissapointed looks on their faces.

Enterprise : Well, that was anti-climatic.

Roon : You tell me.

Bismarck : I've seen kids last longer than this... in their first try.

Issei was in a lost of words after seeing his mens slaughtered

Issei : H-How ?!

Yaldabaoth : Well this stinks.

Soon, the shipgirls turned their attention to Issei and Yaldabaoth.

PoW : Ready to give up ?

Issei : Not yet ! You'll be part of my harem !

Enterprise : Keep dreaming !

She fired a shot at Issei, who slapped it away with ease.

Cleveland : What ?!

Yaldabaoth : ~That wasn't a question!~

Soon, Issei transformed into his juggernaut drive without having to use Dgraid.

Hornet : What in the ?!

Zeppelin : Did he just turned into a dragon ?

Issei : So ? Think I'm good enough for ya ?

Unicorn : Big sis, I'm scared.

Illustrious : Have no fear Unicorn...

Belfast : I'd suggest that we better get out of here !

Soon, Issei roared and charged at them.

Shipgirls : RUN !

Soon the shipgirls began to run away as some shoot at Issei to try and slow him down. Issei retaliate by a blast that knocked some shipgirls out cold.

The rest grabbed their uncounscious friends and kept running. Apparently Issei was rather slow in chasing them.

Issei : How am I so slow ?!

Yaldabaoth : I told you that you should have done some work on your body !

both : oh wait, Who need that ?!

They began to laugh, accidentally forgetting about the shipgirls.

Cleveland : Theses guys have no focus whatsoever.

Bismarck : Then let's not waste our chance !

She then tooked out a Siren Device and activated it, causing a portal to open.

Enterprise : Wait what ?!

Prince of Wales : You had such thing on you this whole time ?!


Bismarck : Maybe because I've got it just before Earth was destroyed and we landed here ?

Everyone wanted to say something but... knew that Bismarck was right, especially with thoses who cries for the Earth.

Belfast : She's not completely wrong.

Nagato : We'll talk about this once we get out of this mess. Let's move !

All : YES !

Soon, every shipgirls began goind through the portal.

Meanwhile, Issei and Yaldabaoth kept laughing.

Issei : Oh my god ! We're so made for each others !

Yaldabaoth : Yeah !


They laught even harder, making the escape of the Shipgirls easier. However, Yaldabaoth soon looked at the Shipgirls escaping. But he ignored it at first but the was able to put 2 and 2 together and tried to get Issei's attention.

Yaldabaoth : Dude ! DUDE !

He then slapped Issei.


Yaldabaoth : They're getting away !

Issei looked at the shipgirls only to see them going through a portal.

Issei : OH SHIT ! OH FUCK !

Soon, only Unicorn had to pass through the portal.

Javelin : Come on Unicorn !

Ayanami : You can do it !

Unicorn went to pass through the portal but she was then grabbed by Issei.

Illustrious : Unicorn !

Issei : Got it !

Issei threw her backward before trying to for the portal to get bigger to get the other shipgirls.

Issei : You'll join her in my harem !

Soon, the Shipgirls fired at him but in vain. Then, Javelin tied a rope to her weapon. She then threw it at the still counscious Unicorn who grabbed it as her friends brought her back slowly. Issei then noticed their plans and grabbed Unicorn in return, intending to drag her and the others into his world.

Takao then ready her saber and slashed Issei, and while it did nothing on his Juggernaut Drive, it was strong enough to force him to let go of Unicorn. Then Z23 grabbed her weapon and pointed it at Issei's open mouth.

Z23 : Go back into your cave, simp !

She then fired, causing Issei to fall backward and his Juggernaut Drive to fall appart.

Soon, Bismarck crushed the device as the portal slowly closed.

Hornet : I think we're safe now.

Soon, Issei bursted out of the leftovers of his Juggernaut Drive as he runned to the portal, all the while the words "BOOST" could be heard. Once close to the portal, he then yelled.

Issei : DRAGON SHOT !!!

He then fired his dragon shot

The blast went through the portal when it closed and exploded near the shipgirls.

Once the portal closed, Issei screamed in fustration.


Soon, he was joined by Yaldabaoth.

Yaldabaoth : They escaped ?! oh come on !

Issei : Doesn't matter...

He soon standed up.

Issei : They're probably dead now. They should have joined my harem like I told them.

Yaldabaoth : Right.

They soon leaved to their capital.


(Play the song)

On a unknow world, the Shipgirls were in bad state. Issei's attack had caused them a lot of damages. Many shipgirls were uncouscious or bleeding.

Only a few shipgirls remain able to fight, having suffer only small injuries, among thoses were Enterprise, Bismarck and some others.

Enterprise : Is... everyone alright ?

Bismarck : *pant* more or *pant* less...

They looked at the other's poor state.

Enterprise : My.... god...

Bismarck : That bastadly "emperor" ! He will pay for what he did to them ! I swear it !!!

Another shipgirl joined them : Belfast.

Belfast : I'm afraid we'll have to put vengeance down for the moment. We are exposed and in a bad state. I'd suggest we avoid fighting for the time being.

Enterprise grinned her teeths. She hated it, the feeling of being powerless.

Soon, they noticed a storm approaching and inside of it, what appeared to be ships.

Belfast : She should move.

Bismarck : Agreed.

She then turned to the shipgirls who could still move.

Bismarck : Get everyone ! We must leave !

They do as told and soon went in the opposing direction of the storm coming at them.

Unknow to them, there was something more than ships inside the storm. Something massive, something.... more fearsome.


*stop the music*

On the villains' planet. It was armageddon. The planet was being bombed from ships in space.

Inside one of the base, Overhaul, Eir and Toga were running as shots were heard.

Eri : I'm scared !

Overhaul : Don't worry ! We'll get out of this !

Toga : They don't even have blood !

Overhaul : Stop complaining Toga !

Then, a wall exploaded before them and a machine came out of it.

(They have a darker blue color)

The Machine turned to the villain trio and pointed it's gun at them.


Overhaul then grabbed a wall and used it as a shield before the Dalek fired it's laser, blowing the wall up.

Overhaul : This way !

They soon runned away as the Dalek was join by other daleks of same color as they tooked the trio in chase.

The trio then arrived in a opened bridge as Daleks flied down near then but couldn't shoot them in time. Then, the trio arrived in a room with escape pods.

Overhaul put Eri and Toga in one of them.

Overhaul : Find a safe place and warn as much people as you can ! I'll go on my own.

Toga : But what about you ?!

Overhaul : Don't worry about me.

Overhaul then activated the pod as it launched.

Overhaul then went into another pod as it too launched. The trio was separated as the villains' planet has been conquered.

In one of the ships, a lady was overseeing the invasion.

Rei : Ahahaha ! Perfect ! Another galaxy under our control !

Soon, one of the Daleks operation the ship turned to Rei.

Dalek : Incoming transmition from the Supreme Archedeity Shadow !

Rei : What ?! Already ?! grr ! put her on now !

Soon, the room went dark as a holographic screen appeared and on the other side, was a white-haired lady with a dark blue dress.

(Diana Darklight, my OC)

Soon, Rei bowed before the lady.

Rei : My empress, I have good news ! Another galaxy is now our- i-I mean yours !

Diana : Perfect. I was just about to ask how were progress doing.

Rei : Well... now you know.

Diana : Tell me Rei... have you heard of the planet named "Earth" ?

Rei : The one you forbade us to invade ?

Diana : Correct.

Rei : I'm-I'm afraid not.

Diana : Good. Because my sister told me she had ordered it's destruction.

Rei : Lady Pneuma did what ?!

Diana : From what I heard, it's because mortals were abusing their powers. They deserved it in my opinion.

Rei : Of course they do !

Diana : But she also told me that she sent nearly everyone to other planets in different universes so that they could start their empires.

Rei : And... what does it has to do about us ?

Diana : Well, some of thoses Earthlings are actually good. I wanted to tell you and the other generals to be careful about thoses planets' ivasion.

Rei : S-SURE !

Diana : That would be all.

Rei : Y-Yes ma'am !

Rei then cutted the transmission... Only for Diana to be contacted by Pneuma.

Pneuma : Hello Diana.

Diana : Hello sis.

Pneuma : I suppose you're bussy expanding your empire ?

Diana : You know me too well.

Pneuma : Well, I have something to tell you.

Diana : What is it ?

Pneuma : I suppose you remember that I destroyed Earth ?

Diana : I did, in fact, I just told my generals about that.

Pneuma : There's a boy named Y/N L/N that I think you would like. He had no real power, yet he was still able to held his own back at Union.

Diana : ~Ohhh~ Are you teasing me with such boy ?

Then, Pneuma blushed.

Pneuma : O-Of course not !

Diana : hehehe... You're so cute when you blush.

Pneuma : Can I continue ?!

Diana : Sure.

Pneuma : Thank you. But what truly impressed me about that boy... is that he was able to absorb the Alpha Effect.

Diana : The what ?!

Pneuma : The Alpha Effect, the counter force to the Omega effect.

Diana : I know what it is ! Still, he truly is exceptional.

Pneuma : Indeed. I wanted to ask you if you'd like to meet him one day.

Diana : I would lovely meet him.

Pneuma : Good. Anyway, see ya !

She then cutted the transmission as two of Diana's generals came.

Tallest Purple : Lady Diana ! It's terrible !

Diana : What is it ?

Tallest Red : Foodcourtia was taken over ?!

Diana : What ?! Who dares ?!

They then showed a planet that has a simillar atmosphere to Earth's one. As a certain building was noticable on the middle of a city.

(The city)

(The building)

Tallest Red : Apparently, they call themselves : The Heroes coalition.

Diana : Theses fools... BOROS !

Soon, another of Diana's general came and bowed before her.

(He has his armor on him)

Boros : What is it my lady ?

Diana : Some empire called The Heroes Coalition took over Foodcourtia, one of our empire's main food production planet. I want you to go to their planet and conquer it. Use force if necessary.

Boros : Yes my lady.

Diana : and one more thing : Do your best to leave innocents out of this.

Boros : Yes ma'am.

Boros then leaved ot his ship as Diana chuckless maliciously.

(What are your thoughts in on it ? Chapter 7 coming next.)

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