Chapter 7 : The titan of Fury

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N was sleeping until someone knocked fast on his door, which caused him to wake up.

Y/N : *grunt* what ?!

Then, Blue Rose entered the room.

Blue Rose : My apologies my lord but-

She then saw Y/N's "stool" as Y/N quickly covered it with his hands before dressing himself up at high speed.

Y/N : Sorry that you haved to see that.

Blue Rose : It's... no problem my lord.

Y/N : Anyway, what is going on ?!

Blue Rose : The Spirit Kingdom... It was destroyed !

Y/N : WHAT ?!

Y/N then opened a portal to the meeting room, where Esdeath was awaiting him.

Y/N : What happened ?!

Esdeath : Apparently, a Kingdom born form something called the Anti-Spirit Team or AST has attacked the kingdom and tooked all of it's inhabitants hostage, they also intent to execute the ones considered "Spirit".

Y/N : Thoses bastards ! Do we have it's location ?

Esdeath : Yes.

Y/N : Then prepare the troops ! We're going on another crusade !

Esdeath : Yes sir !

Y/N : And if we make it before anyone is executed... you can have a piece of me.

Esdeath : YES MY LORD !

She said in a psychopatic voice before rusing to prepare the troops.

Y/N : ... I just played myself have I ?

Pneuma : You sure did.

He then got scared as Pneuma was just behind him.


Pneuma : No it's Pneuma

Y/N : They need to put a bell on you.

She then grabbed him by the throat.



Pneuma then letted him go.

Pneuma : Just kidding... at first.

Y/N : *glups*

Pneuma : Anyway, I suppose there's more trouble now ?

Y/N : Yep. My allies got attacked by their old enemies.

Pneuma : New world, same old grudges.

Y/N : Hey at least it's not Union.

??? : Don't jinx yourself yet.

Y/N : Oh hi Tristan.

Tristan : Hey.

Y/N : So uh-

Tristan : You want me to come help save your allies ?

Y/N : Yes.

Tristan : Sure.

Y/N : Thanks. You know ? From someone born from Darkness, you're really a good guy. Looks like I was right : Union was just trying to demonize Darkness.

Tristan : THEY DID WHAT ?!

*Timeskip brought to you by Y/N and Tristan about to get raped by Esdeath (for Y/N) and Irene (for Tristan) while Pneuma just look at the scene while drinking tea*

The armada lead by Y/N was slowly approaching the AST kingdom as Tristan was with them.

Tristan : So... what happend once we get here ?

Y/N : We save the inhabitants and scold the heck out of the AST for messing with us.

Tristan : ... At least you're straight foward in your plans.

Y/N : I know...

soldier : my lord ! We're approaching the kingdom !

Y/N then looked as they then caught a sight of the AST Kingdom and it was...

In Ruin and on fire.

(The AST Kingdom as it is actually)

Tristan : What the ?

Y/N : My God...

The entirety of the Imperium's troop was shocked by what they were seeing.

Y/N : Start looking for survivors !

They soon does as told and got a closer look at the destruction.

Pneuma : Y/N ? ... Remember that I taught you the ability to sence any nearby life ?

Y/N oh yeah right !

He then concentrated and senced some lives nearby, especially a powerful one.

Y/N : *point into a direction* Right here !

The ships then landed near the pointed location as a voice then called them.

??? : Hey over here !

They then saw Irene, unharmed, with some other survivors.

Tristan : IRENE !

He then rushed to help her.

Tristan : Are you all right ?

Irene : Obiously. Anyway, they need help quick !

The soldiers rushed to help them. Meanwhile, Pneuma was looking at the carnage.

Pneuma : This destruction... I only know one type of beings that could cause such destruction si quickly... but who-

She then add a sudden realization.

Pneuma : *gasp* oh no !

Tristan : What are you doing here Irene ?

Irene : I was just going to ruin an execution and save the hostages but then something attacked and I had to protect the survivors.

Y/N then received a call from one of his ships.

pilot : Sir ! Something is wrong with the scanners ! They're detecting a powerful lifeform but there's noth- AAAAAAAARG !!!

Then, an explosion was heard and everyone looked at it to see a gigantic shadow towering over everyone else.

Soon, a lighting bolt stroke, illuminating the area and showing the Titan.

(He's 100 m tall)

Bowser, the King of the Koopas.

(Play the song)

Bowser then roared as his roar could shatter glasses.

Bowser : The King of Awesomeness has return !!!

He then fired a flame laser from his mouth on the surrounding, causing more destruction.


They then fired on Bowser but it didn't harmed him in anyway.

Bowser : hihihi ! That tickles !

He then tried to destroy them with his claws but the pilots were good enough to dodge his attack quickly.

Bowser : Well, looks like I have to do this the old fashion way.

He then fired his flames at them and while it did hit themn it didn't destroyed them instantly.

Y/N : Thank goodness I invested in Titanium for the armor.

Tristan : What is that ?!

Pneuma : That's Bowser.

Y/N : Wait ? THE Bowser ?!

Tristan : Who ?

Pneuma : The King of Koopas and a pain in Union's-

Y/N : Ass ?

Pneuma : Yes

Irene : He must be strong if he's that gigantic.

Pneuma : Yes. But how did he get THAT big ?

They then heard Bowser laughing.

Bowser : I knew it was a good idea to ask Kamek to hijack thoses "Boom Tubes" things ! Now I'm gigantic and still at my best !

Pneuma : *gasp* BOOM TUBES ?!

Y/N : What are thoses ?

Irene : I think we have more urgent matters right now.

Y/N : Look out !

He then surmonned an energy shield around them as Bowser's flames was about to burn them. Once the flame died down, they looked at Bowser once again.

Y/N : I'll take care of him.

He then jumped straight toward Bowser.

Pneuma : Y/N NO !

He then punched Bowser on the face, gaining the attention of the Titan.

Bowser : ... Was that supposed to hurt ?

Y/N : uhhh... Yes ?

Bowser : Well... It does a bit.

Bowser then looked at Y/N with a face that says "really ?" before smacking him on the ground.

Y/N : ouch !

His friends then runned at his side.

Y/N : I'm okay... oh no.

They then looked up to see Bowser glaring at them.

Bowser was charging his fire breath when Tristan noticed something glowing in the skies.

(stop the music)

Tristan : What's that ?

Bowser noticed Tristan pointing behind him and looked at the skies to see a fireball coming straight toward him.

Bowser : uh oh...

The Fireball made contact with Bowser, causing a massive explosion and Bowser to scream in pain.

Once the dust cleared, Bowser was on his knees as Y/N and the others managed to get to a safe zone.

Y/N : What was that ?

Pneuma : The Guardian of the Universe.

Y/N : Who ?

Then, they noticed a flying saucer coming down in front of Bowser before that saucer landed and reveal itself to be another giant monster.

(He's 110m tall)

Tristan : Is that-

Pneuma : Gamera ? Yes it is my friend.

Irene : So, what now ?

Pneuma : As a great man once said : Let them fight.

Y/N for some reasons, seems to hear sounds coming from the Kaijus. He then concentrate and then realized they were talking to each others.

Gamera : Bowser !

Bowser : Well, if it isn't the great Guardian of the Universe ?

Gamera : What do you think you're doing ?!

Bowser : This kingdom was about to execute poor cute anime girls, and since I love to trash big events...

Gamera : And does that justify to trash an entire kingdom down ?

Bowser : Come on ! You know me for so long you should have expected that !

Gamera : This isn't Earth anymore !

Bowser : Thank you captain obious.

Gamera was getting angry at Bowser.

Gamera : Apparently it looks like I'll have to kick your turple butt like everyone else.

Bowser : *smirk* try it.

(Play the song)

Soon, Both Bowser and Gamera clashed their fists, creating a powerful shockwave.

Bowser then scratched Gamera's face but he quickly healed from it before punching Bowser under the jaw, sending him flying backward.

Irene : Theses two sure aren't joking.

Pneuma : What did you expect ?

Irene : I'm gonna go help the others.

She then rushed to help them.

Gamera's feets then retracted as fire suddendly camed out of it as he then flied toward Bowser. Bowser was getting back up and noticed him coming in his direction. He screamed in panic but couldn't dodged in time and was grabbed by Gamera who flew up in the air and then dropped him, creating a crater.

Bowser get up as Gamera landed before him. Enraged, Bowser looked at Gamera with rage.

Bowser : HEY ! I CAN DO THAT TOO !

He then went inside his shell as fire camed out of the end of it. He then shooted himself straight toward Gamera as he got ready and then grabbed the shell before sending it flying away.

Bowser then spinned his shell around as Gamera did the same as they entered a shell fight that soon forced the both of them back.

Bowser the nfired his flames at Gamera... only for him to absorb them.

Bowser : oh... forgot about that.

But much to his horror, he couldn't stop the flow and soon got tired. Then, Gamera's fist soon ignited as Bowser looked at it in horror. Bowser was quick enough to catch Gameras fist but soon saw Gamera's mouth glowing with energy.

Bowser then felt like ants were on him and looked to see some soldiers firring at him as Irene was with them.

Bowser : Sorry little guys...

As Gamera was about to fire right at his face. Bowser then pulled it toward Irene's group as Gamera then fired his Plasma beam, destroying the area and seemingly "killing" Irene.

Tristan : IREEEEEEENE !!!!!!!

Tristan was soon filled with rage and hatred as some glyphs appeared on his hands.

Y/N : What are you doing ?!

Tristan : Testing something Serena taught me

(A/N : If you don't know who Serena is, check out @DGPrimal 's "The Dark Chronicler" on his account)

He then began to ghater darkness as magical energy start accumulationg near him. He then concentrated it into an orb of Dark magic.

Pneuma : TRISTAN DON'T !

Tristan : EAT THIS !!!

Tristan then fired it at Bowser who has punched Gamera in the belly, making him back off.

He then saw Tristan's attack coming at him. The attack blasted Bowser as he screamed in agony. Once Tristan stopped, Bowser had dark marks on his body and he was on his knees and hands. Soon, someone put his hands on his shoulders and he looked to see it was... Irene.

Tristan : Irene ?! You're alive ?! I though you died !

Irene : oh please, that attack only warmed me up, not as much as you do.

He then hugged her as she hugged him back. She then saw something that made her eyes widden.

*stop the music*

Irene : uh... Tristan ?

Tristan : Yeah ?

She then pointed as Bowser who was shaking and screaming in pain as the Dark marks were growing on him.


He then went inside his shell as it suddendly got catapulted into the air as dark energy spreaded out and covered the entire region in Darkness.

Fury Bowser : Wait... that's my fury form ?! Bwahahahaha ! Yes ! Fury Bowser is back in business !

Tristan looked at Pneuma who looked like she wanted to murder Tristan.

Tristan : Pneuma-

Pneuma : I swear to me that if he kills Gamera, I'LL KILL YOU A BILLION TIMES !

Then, Tristan saw Gamera having a hateful glare at him, he tried to say something but Gamera roared in front of his face.

Gamera : Thanks for making this fight harder for me !

Irene : Something tells me you're in trouble Tristan.

(Play the song.)

Soon, Fury Bowser roared at Gamera as the Guardian of the Universe roared back and fired his Plasma beam at Fury Bowser... only for him to ignore it.

Gamera : What ?!

Fury Bowser : My turn !

Fury Bowser charged and fired a litteral dark flame laser from his mouth, which hit Gamera's shoulders and burned it as Gamera screamed in pain. Fury Bowser then slammed his foot on the ground that created dark spikes that Gamera dodged by jumping.

Unfortunatly, Gamera was then struck by Fury Bowser grabbing him before spinning backward and slam Gamera on the ground (Bowser's forward special in Smash)

Gamera standed up but he was then hit by Fury Bowser rolling in his shell like a ball, Gamera screamed in pain before Fury Bowser letted him go as Gamera landed on his stomach.

Fury Bowser then fired spikes that then went toward Gamera like tracking missiles. They strucked Gamera as he fell on his knees, in a bad state. Fury Bowser then slowly walked toward Gamera.

Pneuma : No... This can't be happening !

Tristan : What have I done ?

Y/N was worried as well... until an idea came to his mind. He then contacted his soldiers.

Y/N : Do we have any fire-type weaponry ?!

Soldier : Yes sir !

Y/N : Then fired it on the weakened Gamera !

Soldier : Who ?

Y/N : The weakened... Turtle.

They then blasted fire missiles, fires streams and other fire weaponry at Gamera as he was absorbing all of it. His wounds instantly closed he got back on his feets and his chest suddendly opened.

Fury Bowser : oh koop...

And suddendly.

(stop the music)

Gamera fired a gigantic Plasma Blast toward Fury Bowser as he screamed in panic and couldn't move. Then, the beam struck Fury Bowser, it caused a massive explosion that sent Fury Bowser flying far away and crash on the water, his head spinning.

But he soon regained conciousness and stared at the destroyed AST Kingdom.

Fury Bowser : I'll punch them for that !

He then went inside his shell as it spinned underwater.


The survivors were receiving medical treatment as the AST Kingdom's flames dissapeared. Y/N was overseeing this as a giant shadow then appeared behind him as Y/N looked back to see it was Gamera looking at him.

Y/N : WHOA !

Gamera : Hey so, thanks for saving me back then. I don't know if I could have maded it out on my own.

Y/N : You're... welcome ?

Gamera : See ya !

He went back inside his shell as it spinned like a flying saucer and flew off.

??? : YOU WHAT ?!

Y/N looked to see Tristan being pinned and pointed at by a lance enpowered with light, wielded by a girl with white hair.

(Bethany Willows, @DGPrimal 's OC. Art and OC aren't mine.)

(Luminei, Bethany's weapon)

Tristan : I- I didn't know it would absorb Dark magic !

Bethany : Oh really ?! And after so many travels in so many worlds, you never though of such thing happening ?!

Tristan : Y-You can't scold me for that !

Bethany : It's me or Pneuma !

Tristan then looked to see a Pneuma covered with a terrifying aura as she smilled wickedly.

Y/N : Poor boy.

Soldier : Sir ! We've captured some members of the AST Kingdom !

Y/N : Bring them here.

Soon, they brough some heavy-armored girl squad.

Ryouko : What is you peoples' problem ?!

Origami : ...

Y/N : More lik what is YOUR problem !

Ryouko then got scared once she saw Y/N. Then, Shiori arrived, still shakened up after what happened.

Shiori : H-Hi.

Y/N ! Oh hi Shiori.

??? : Shiori !

Soon, Shiori was tackled by a girl with purple hair and an armored dress.

(Tohka Yatogami)

Tohka : I was so worried about you I-

She then noticed Y/N.

Y/N : ... Hello ?

Tohka then bear-hugged him


Y/N : Spine ! Breaking !

She then let go of him as he fell on his back.

Tohka : Oops.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 8 coming next.)

Gamera entered a huge cave as he then roared toward something.

Gamera : Hey Big G ! We got a big problem !

Then, blue eyes opened and shine in the darkness of the cave.

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