Chapter 8 : War on the seas, confontation with a King

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N was interogating one member of the AST named Origami Tobiichi.

Y/N : So... Let me get this straight, none of you really wanted to do what you were going to do right ?

Origami : Yes.

Y/N : But your leaders, who refused to grow up and adapt to the situation, ordered you to do that anyway.

Origami : Yes.

Y/N : If it wasn't an order, would you have still done it ?

Origami : No. Because it would mean hurting Shiori and my rival, Tohka, would profit of this occasion.

Y/N : Really ? A love triangle ?

Origami : Yes.

Y/N : *sigh* Well, that's all I wanted to ask.

He then left and turned to the guards.

guard : So sir, what should we do with them ?

Y/N : They all said the same thing : They wanted to turn the pages, we'll keep them in there for a few more hours and then we'll release them.

guard : Yes your majesty.

Y/N then went back to his throne room where Pneuma and Tristan were awaiting for him.

Tristan : How did it go ?

Y/N : Surprisingly : More open-minded that they appeared to be.

Pneuma : Well, their leaders basically forced them down that path while they clearly not wanted that.

Y/N : You already knew that ?!

Pneuma : I'm omniscient Y/N.

Y/N : Right, I forgot about that.

Tristan : Things got troublesome quite quickly.

Y/N : Yep. And the fact that Bowser is still out there is not helping at all.

Tristan : Speaking of him, where did he go ?

Pneuma : In the seas, somewhere else.

Y/N : And I didn't made a sea force.

Pneuma : Seriously ?!

Then Blue Rose came in.

Blue Rose : Sir !

Y/N : Yes ?

Blue Rose : I sence many life energies strugling to stay alive in the sea of the destroyed Spirit Kingdom.

Tristan : Does this mean-

Pneuma : They are in deadly danger.

Y/N : I'm going in.

Tristan : Alone ?!

Y/N : Well, I didn't explored the seas because something was roaming inside it, and it was too dangerous to just go unprepared.

Tristan : Point taken. But I'm coming too.

Pneuma : me too.

Y/N : Thanks. And Irene ?

Tristan : She went home after I forgot our date, I might need to give her a present to apology.

Y/N : Your V-card ?

Tristan : I lost it long ago.

They then teleported to the seas.

In the middle of the ocean, the shipgirls were fighting massive waves of Sirens coming at them from everywhere.

Enterprise : They just keep coming !

Hipper : No kidding !

Belfast : I'm afraid that if this keep going, we might not stand a chance.

Zuikaku : Speak for yourself.

But she was then blasted by an Elite Siren, Tester Beta.

(Art isn't mine.)

Tester Beta : How boring it is.

??? : Then why don't I give you fun ?

Tester Beta : uh ?

She was then slapped by Y/N ad Tristan blasted down some Siren ships with his Human Extinction attack copy.

Enterprise : uh ?! S-Support ?

Amagi : But we were unable to send any distress signal.

Tristan : Well, we just senced your energy.

Y/N : And came to the rescue.

More sirens then showed up, as well as the Orochi Battleship.

Y/N : And here's our reception.

He then surmonned a shield and blocked al l he blasts coming at them.

Bismark : Judging by your actions, I can guess you're not affiliated with the sirens.

Pneuma : We're not.

Y/N : ...

Unicorn : S-Sir ?

Y/N : I'm sensing something powerful close... too close.

Meanwhile, Tristan was humiliating the Siren forces in the air.

Tester Beta : Would you stop dodging ?!

Tristan : You forgot to say please.

Tester growled and charged only to get karate-chomped on a ship.

Pneuma was being attacked by multiple Sirens but none of their pojectiles couldn't land on her, if the siren could shoot them that is. The sirens for some reasons were terrified and not even a quarter of them barely aimed at Pneuma.

Siren : Wh-What are you ?

Pneuma : Your God.

And with a simple glare, she erased theses sirens from existence, both body and soul, if they had one.

Pneuma : Really shameful they though they could stand a chance.

Meanwhile, Y/N was using his godly powers to lift multiple ships and sirens to form a ball using them before closing his fist, crushing them and causing a massive explosion.

Enterprise : No way...

Tester Beta : What is he ?! Some sort of God ?!

Y/N : Yes.

Tester Beta : Crap.

Underwater, a familliar foe was watching the battle above.

??? : Oh great, it's them again. Good thing I got acustomed to my new form. Well, It's payback time !

Suddendly, a maelstorm began to happend close to everyone, at the same moments the Sirens called for even more back-up.

Tester : What the ?

Endinburg : A-A Maelstorm ?!

Prinz Eugen : ... Doesn't look like it.

Y/N : Wait, IS THAT-

Then suddendly, a giant spiked shell bursted out of the water and flew high in the air. The shell exploded while roaring, causing the weather to change to a dark, cloudy and dangerous one.

What landed before them, was an old foe Y/N and the others recently met.

Bowser : Guess who's back ?!

Y/N and the others : BOWSER ?!

Bowser : Yep ! Better, stronger, and adapted to my new form !

Tristan : It's definitive, I screwed up when I threw that spell at him.

He then fired a blast around him, sending everyone flying and destroying some Sirne ships.

Tester : OPEN FIRE !

The ships shooted at Bowser but they did nothing.

Bowser : Really ? Oh great Sirens.

He just spinned inside his shell, causing another maelstorm to be made, taking many ships with him and nearly the ship girls if Pneuma didn't saved them.

Bowser also fired spikes from his back at the ships, blowing them up. The only ship that managed to make him back off was the Orochi battleship, and even then, Bowser quickly addapted to it's attack and kept crushing sirens after sirens.

Bowser then jumped on a bigger Siren ship and roared.

Bowser : BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I am unstopable ! I am a God in this form ! No one can stop me !

But then Y/N's eyes widden in shock.

Y/N : Th-That power...

Bowser : I know right ? Jealous ?

Pneuma : He wasn't talking about you, Koopa king.

Bowser looked around until he saw something coming and his eyes widdened in fear.

Bowser : uh oh...

Tristan : What is it ?

Pneuma pointed at the direction Bowser was looking and Tristan saw giant dorsal plates slicing Siren Battleships in half.

(Imagine it's a Siren battleship being cut in half)

Tristan : Is that-

Pneuma : Yyyyep !

All the sirens then attacked the incoming monster as it just crushed their ships with it's tail. They fired at it but they did nothing to the monster, let alone get his attention. Even Bowser felt the attacks on him whenever they hurted him or not.

The monster then went underwater as Bowser seemingly roared at it.


But then, bursting out of the water under the ship and Bowser, came out the King... of the Monsters.



This made Y/N's eyes widden in shock as time seemed to stop for him.


The year was 2019, a apocalypse level catastrophie, known as the "Awakening of the Titans" was taking place, massive beings refered to as Titans emerged from slumbers and launched a massive attack on the world itself, beginning to terraform the planet into an unihabitable place. Despite the Heroes' best efforts, they were unable to even slow down the Titans as they crushed anything in their way.

The city of Boston was now nothing more than a battlefield for Gods among theses titans, on the ruins of a destroyed house, a 4 year old Y/N was coming out of the rumbles, he was wounded and bleeding, holding himself in pain, he looked foward and his eyes widdened in terror.

Y/N : MAMA !!! PAPA !!!

He ran to his parents who were also under debrits, he tried to take the debrit off of them but it proved hard. However, at the same moment, he saw a massive monster with hooks fighting a flying fire ball, their clash went above Y/N, causing a strong wind to follow which took of the debrit. But when Y/N saw his parents, tears consumed his eyes.

He saw the burned and chared remains of his mother, her face nearly unrecognisable.

Y/N : MAMAAAA !!!!!

he then saw his father, hugging his dead mother as he had a hole on his chest and his eyes were empty of life.


He then ran to his dad and shaked him.


He then broked down in tears as he tried to wake up his dead dad in vain.

He stopped when he heard a demonic, yet hamonic roar.

??? : Bibibibibi !

Then something massive landed before him as Y/N was terrified at what was looking down at him.

Y/N was terrified as he hugged his father tighter as Ghidorah's middle head then jumped at him with the intent to devour him. Y/N screamed in terror as he felt his death coming.

Until a beam of blue energy collided with the end, causing it to roar in pain and after a prolonged exposure, ended up blowing the head off.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes to see Ghidorah regenerating his middle head as he felt the ground shaking. He looked back and saw what was undoubtably his savior.

Godzilla? roared at Ghidorah as both of them charged at each other. Y/N then hugged his father as he felt he won't survive the clash.

In the end, Y/N survived though luck but he never recovered from the lost of his parents, the last though on his mind was Godzilla? and Ghidorah.

*flashback end*

Back in the present time, Y/N was shocked to see someone who looked like his savior on the same planet as him.

Y/N : He... He look just like... him...

Tristan : Y/N ? You're alright ?

Y/N : Y-Yeah.

Meanwhile, Pneuma just had a smile on her face.

Pneuma : ... Let them fight.

(Play the song if you want.)

Soon, time resumed it's normal course as Godzilla fullu emerged out of the water to fall back into it as Bowser fell into the water and the Siren ship was upside down.

Bowser : Oh crap, not again !

On the surface, the sirens in a movement of panic, launched an all out attack on Godzilla but only succeeded in angering him as he went underwater, swimming toward Bowser.

Bowser was struggling to get to the surface due to the panic. he was soon attacked by Godzilla as Bowser held it's hands as Godzilla tried to bite him. Bowser just headbuted Godzilla and forced the Siren ship to go back ot it's normal position, Bowser used this small moment to catch his breath.

Bowser : I can't fight him in the middle of the sea, I'd get beaten down harder than when fighting Mario.

He then noticed the Orochi battleship and that's when an Idea came to him.

Bowser : Of course !

Bowser got back on the ship and looked to see Godzilla fighting the sirens with impossible ease.

Tester Beta : OPEN FIRE ! KILL IT !

Enterprise : Should we... help him ?

Pneuma : No. He got this.

The elite Sirens fired everything they had at Godzilla, giving Bowser the perfect opportunity to ake his way to the Orochi battleship by jumping on the closest ships, damaging them in the process. He finally landed on the Orochi battleship, going through its shield and causing it to fell backward as the guns on it fired at Bowser, thus catching the attention of Tester Beta and Godzilla.

Tester Beta : HEY ! GET OFF THIS SHIP !

Bowser : No !

He grabbed Tester Beta and seemingly crushed her before throwing her at a nearby ship. Bowser saw Godzilla approaching and roared at him.


Godzilla gained a angered look as he was about to end this Koopa's whole career.

Bowser fired his dark fire breath at Godzilla's back, causing explosions that unfortunatly didn't harmed the King of the Monsters.

Godzilla ended up reaching the Orochi battleship and slowly started to climb on it. Once fully on top of it, Godzilla roared at Bowser who punched Godzilla in the face.

(Replace Kong by Fury Bowser, Legendary Godzilla by IDW Godzilla and the carrier by the Orochi battleship)

Godzilla retaliated by slapping Bowser to the other end of the Orochi battleship. Then Godzilla's dorsal plates began to glow a blue color.

Everyone : Oh shit !

Bowser : Guess I'll die...

But then, a badly damaged Tester Beta emerged out of the rumbles of the ship as other Testers gathered around her and they began charging all of their arsenal.

Tester Beta : YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS !

They then fired more powerful versions of their blasts at Godzilla's back, making him stagger and cancel his charge, he swatted them away with his tail but this gave enough time for Bowser to got punch Godzilla in the face again, get back up and push him into the water.

Bowser : Had anough yet ?!

But underwater, Godzilla's dorsal plates started glowing up again,

Bowser : Oh koop... OUT OF HERE !

Bowser quickly saw this and jumped off the Orochi battleship as Godzilal fired his Atomic Breath, impalling the Orochi and destroying it while also burning Bowser's tail.

Once in the water, Bowser held his tail and began to try and cool it down.

Bowser : Hot ! Hot ! Hot !

He was then attacked by Godzilla as both Titans fired their breath attack at each others. Their breaths comed out of the water and destroyed anything that was unfortunatly in their way.

Many sirens elite troops and ships succombed and sunked underwater or blew up instantaniously.

The group would have shared the same fate had Pneuma not created a shield to protect them.

Pneuma : This might be longer than I though...

Y/N : Then allow me to end it.

Pneuma : Y/N ?!

He then flew underwater and saw Godzilla having Bowser trapped for another Atomic Breath.

Y/N accumulated some of the Alpha Effect and fired it on Godzilla's dorsal plates, supercharging the Atomic Breath as Godzilla fired it at Bowser, causing a bright light to happend and an underwater explosion so powerful that siren ships were sent flying and crashed on the sea, mostly destroyed.

(stop the music)

Y/N was ejected of the water as Tristan grabbed him just in time.

Tristan : You're okay ?

Y/N (dizzy) : Please Ms Goodwitch I'm alright, no need to visit me after each of your classes, what about the girls ? ...

His eyes were spinnning around.

Sovetskaya Rossiya : Our comrade seems to have gone through quite the shock.

Then, flying out of the water was Bowser, who was back to normal and caught by Pneuma as the shipgirls aimed at him.

Bowser : I'm dead am I ?

Pneuma : That remains to be see...

Meanwhile, Godzilla emerged out of underwater and glared at the Sirens.

Tester Beta knew there was no winning this fight.

Tester Beta : All sirens retreat !

She opened a portal and fleed, her commander would not be heppy about her failure.

The remaining sirens tried to do the same but Godzilla prevented them to do so by destroying them with his atomic breath.

He then letted out a roar that signified his victory.

Meanwhile, Y/N came back to his sences.

Y/N : Did he won ?

Tristan : Obiously yes.

But soon, the shipgirls backed off of Y/N.

Y/N : What ?

He then heard a growl behind him and looked to see Godzilla close to his.

Y/N : AH !!!

Godzilla : Were... you the one who gaved me that power boost ?

Y/N : Y-Yeah ???

Godzilla : Thanks. If you didn't, he might have escaped me.

Y/N : Th-The pleasure is mine. N-Name's Y/N...

Godzilla : The name's Godzilla, but I don't mind be refered as Goji.

Y/N : A-Alright Goji...

Goji : I would like to chat more but I must get back soon.

Pneuma : No problem, you may leave.

Goji looked at Pneuma like he saw her before and just nodded before he turned around and swimmed off, splashing everyone with his tail at the occasion.

Y/N then fell on his back but still floated thanks to his divine nature.

Y/N : That was a long day...

He was then approached by Enterprise.

Enterprise : Words cannot express my gratitude to you and the King of the Monsters for saving us.

Y/N : You're welcome.

Queen Elizabeth : I would have ordered a party for this, but unfortunatly, he have no places for that.

Y/N : I can take you to my empire.

the shipgirls : Really ?!

Y/N : Yeah.

They then all hugged him as Y/N then fell into the water due ot his combined weith alongside the shipgirls.

Tristan : *facepalm*

Pneuma : *giggle*

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 8.5 coming next.)

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