012||Down With The Enemy

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The button flashed a bright fiery red, signaling the detonators off. The discs shriveled up as soon as fire erupted from them. The ship began sinking down onto the nebula skies bellow them.

Walls had exploded sending Borgs and Machinery everywhere. Two figures were sent inches into a large room covered in wires and tubes. The rooms heat felt like magma on the skin, boiling and seething.

Brystal felt her throat being grabbed by a mechanical hand. She gasped for air as her eyes met up with the Borg Queens, who's face was now peppered with sizzling holes from the fire. The cold metal felt like icy knives against her neck. 

The Borg Queen's eyes were filled with rage that she'd never seen before. Borg's were supposed to be calm, but merciless, yet she showed and anger and aggression. Brystal began struggling a glint her grip, trying to unclip her hands around her throat.

Brystal pulled a plug, aggressively from the Borg Queen, who shrieked in response. She let go of Brystal immediately, grabbing at the plug that had fallen from her body. Brystal hid behind a block of machinery, watching from the corner of her eyes as the Borg Queen pulled the plug back into the circuit.

Brystal breathed heavily, almost hyperventilating at almost being choked to death. Her eyes danced around the room, looking for some sort of we plan to defend herself with. Her communicator was laying on the ground, the cover broken off from being thrown.

The Borg Queen seemed preoccupied with getting that plug back in. She at least had enough time to grab the communicator. She started to slide her body over towards the communicator, trying to make no noise.

Her fingers barley brushed against the communicator. She tried gliding her body towards the small object, her finger making it twirl around. As her hand reached out to grasp the communicator, a bone crunching underneath someone's boot numbed her body in pain.

Brystal let out an ear piercing scream as she watched the Borg Queen lift her foot off her left femur. She used her other foot to kick the communicator farther away. Brystal stared up at her, The Borg Queen made her eye contact look powerful, to make Brystal feel useless.

"Dammit!" Brystal cursed, her femur was definitely fractured. She couldn't move much, but she'd have to if she wanted to get off the doomed ship.

"Shit! Shit!," Callum half-yelled and half-mumbled to himself as he looked underneath a control panel of the Enterprise. He could feel Olivia's eyes bearing into the back of his head as he looked at the colorful set of wires.

His hands rolling out each wire, looking for some sort of circuit or plug. It had only been months since he'd been on a starship, why couldn't he remember what wire was which? After all these years of trying remember things, his memory decided to fail him in these moments.

"Do you think you can get her back?" Ava Pike asked.

"She's not responding, I've been trying to call her, but she won't respond," Jim said.

"Who knows what the Borg Queen's doing? She's been waiting this day her entire life. To get revenge on the women who drove her ship into an exploding supernova. Brystal could be dead! And it's all because of me!" Callum said, overthinking the whole situation.

"It isn't your fault, Cal," Olivia said, "Its mine, my father allowed them to take people just so he could see me."

"None of this is either your fault," Ava said, looking at the both softly, "None of you knew that was going to happen. Brystal isn't dead, I just know she isn't."

"Brystal come in," Jim repeated into the communicator a second time.

Callum's mind raced and tried to wrap around how he could add a blood transportation into the Enterprise. A ship with less evolutionary technology compared to the Borgs ship, which was now exploding underneath them. He already could get Ava's blood, but what else did he need?

"Kirk, keep up with trying to get her back. I think I have an idea," Callum said, turning to Olivia, "I need you to get that doctor named McCoy, get him to take some of her blood and put it in a vial."

Olivia nodded, going off down the corridor to get McCoy. Callum looked back at the tangled wires resting in his palm. He took out a pair of pliers, snipping a green wire in half. Quickly, he attached it to the blood vial he had, causing a small static to erupt.

"What does Spock have on the ship?" Callum asked, Scotty.

"It's not looking good. The ship is going to crash onto that nebula at any second. The energy from the bombs and the nebula will cause the ship to explode instantly."

"How much time?"

"About 15 minutes."



The communicator related from the speaker as Brystal tried to numb her body of the series of stinging from her broken femur. The Borg Queen stood over her, a smile danced on her pale gray lips, watching as Brystal struggled.

Brystal felt weak, knowing one wrong movement could cause even the worst injury for her. The pinpricked stars that decorated the waves of a blue nebula came closer to the ship. Seconds maybe even milliseconds before the ship could explode underneath even an inch of pressure from the Nebula.

Brystal began pulling her body up, letting out a loud groan. Her femur cracked as if it had been replaced back together right underneath her. She held back a scream as she lifted her body up, grabbing the Borg Queens hand.

Her nails dug into the metal of the Borg Queen's armor, leaving dents. The Borg Queen snarled at her, tossing her against a wall. Brystal felt her body smack against the wall hard, crumbling to the floor.

Her eyes spotted the weapons of a large sword, her hand quickly grabbing for the sword. The Borg Queen caught sight of this, and her face became visibly angered. After every attempt to cause her pain, nothing seemed to stop that fiery spark of hope inside the girl.

"Brystal?" The communicator asked one more time. The Borg Queen grabbed a sword that appeared after her head reached out. Metal began falling out of the hilt till it stopped at the tip of the floor.

Brystal looked back, knowing she'd have to muster the strength to fight against the Borg Queen. She'd have to so she could get back on the Enterprise. She needed to outsmart a Borg in order to save herself.

Her eyes caught onto the back of the Borg Queens head. The plugs and wires that kept the Borg Queen alive. If she could cut one of those, then maybe she'd still have time before the nebula hit the burning ship.

Brystal and the Borg Queens eyes met as they both held a long sword in their hands. Either one of them would attack first.

"You'll suffer from your crimes," The Borg Queen snarled. They both lunged at each other before Brystal gasped out in pain. The Borg Queens eyes dimmed,  as she saw the knife had cut through the wires that allowed her to live. Brystal let a smirk escape her lips, seeing the Birg Queen hadn't even noticed yet.

The Borg queens sword had been plunged into the side of Brystal's stomach. Pain numbed her body as the Borg Queen pulled out the sword. Brystal's hand went to clutch the wound, trying to stop its bleeding.

The Borg Queen smirked, humanely at Brystal, seeing the cut open flesh wound. The Borg Queen could feel no injuries. Pride and glee filled her making her feel invincible like she already was. The wires she must've cut were a bluff that Brystal had taken.

Brystal fell to the ground, trying to hold back grunts of pain from herself. Blood had already started staining her hand with its maroon shade of colors. Her hair fell in front of her face, giving her a look of being defeated.

"You missed." The Borg Queen smirked, feeling that Brystal had missed the chance to cut the wires.

"Wanna bet?" Brystal smirked back, flipping her hair back over.

The Borg Queen suddenly, reached the back of her head to feel no wires had been cut off. Her only life support systems had been cut off. A boiling rage filled her as she stared back at Brystal.

"Nooo!! What have you done?!?!" The Borg Queen screamed at her.

"The right thing," Brystal spat. She made an effort to  move away from The Borg Queen, who glitched and swung at her with her sword. Brystal tried to move faster, pulling her body across the room to a wall.

Her left hand was complete stained with a mahogany shade of blood. Her back rested against the wall as she watched the Borg Queen fall to the floor in front of her. Her body shutting off, her black hole eyes staring forever at nowhere. The Borg Queen was dead.

Brystal groaned, falling onto her back. Her body had finally succumbed to the pain that dwelled with in her. Her hand, that had been pressuring the wound was already dripping from blood. She could still feel the pain in her femur, the various shards of bone poking inside her. Slight dizziness clouded her mind from the blood loss.

Her hands reached for the communicator, fumbling a few times before pulling it up to her mouth, "Pike....here, captain."

"Brystal we need you to hold on, Callum's got the blood transfer ready."

"My mother.....she's on board right?" Brystal asked, her voice cracking from the pain.

"She's here, don't worry," Jim reassured her.

"You need to get out of here......." Brystal said, her vision getting blurry by the second.

"No! Just hold on!" Callum shouted form far off.

"It's useless.....I'm already injured pretty bad......" Brystal said, trying her best not lose her consciousness.

"Hold on! Please!" Callum said, his voice cracking.

Brystal felt her arm drop the communicator, her body numbing over. She watched as white ribbons of light danced around her body. The darks walls seemed to disappear around her.

Her body seemed to have disappeared from the room. Her eyes grew heavy, opening in and out of reality. Watching as the room around her returned to brightened white room before her eyes closed.

Olivia rushed over to Brsytal, looking over her friends body. Her eyes directly staring at the open wound on the side of Brystal's stomach. A lot of blood had already been lost. Her urge to hold back tears was becoming harder  as she stared her friend.

 Callum gritted his teeth, nervously. The first glimpse he caught of Brystal, he aired gay knew she almost died. His muscles and nerves relaxed after the various makeshift cap hangers he made to the transporter panel.

Ava Pike let out a muffled cry, her eyes watering at the sight. Just minutes ago she had seen her daughter after years, and now here she was wounded to the brink of loss of consciousness. She could only blame the dead Borgs who had attacked Brystal.

Good thing, Callum had kept Leonard in the room. A few medical mebers came in and pulled the limp body of Brystal along. Ava and Olivia fought the urge to run after them, both quite paralyzed from the shock of seeing Brystal.

Leonard had the team put Brystal onto a medical bay, he took note of her eyes opening in and out of reality. Her view wouldn't be much except a few blinded lights and faces, maybe even hearing somebody say a few words.

"Nurse Chapel, hand me a bone scanner," McCoy ordered to the blonde haired nurse. The nurse handed him a datapad, quickly turning back to her work on keeping an eye on her patients blood levels.

McCoy took a scan over Brystal's body as other medical members started bandaging up some wounds. The blood loss had been reduced by 15%, it would probably take him a while to even get her all fixed up. 

His scan came back, showing the damages of blood tissue in her body. He looked over at the scan on her left femur, seeing the computer had put it was broken. Leonard puzzled over the fact that the datapad. Was broken?

He ran the can over again, only to get the same results. He did know that it was medically and technically impossible for the bones to reattach and heal that quickly. A small beeping came from the blood vitals.

"Doctor...." Chapel began only to see Leonard walk up to the computer, looking at the blood vitals. His eyes widened at the blood cells, forming and bonding back together, much more quickly than they should've been.

The sounds of her breathing became more rapid as her consciousness seemed to be regaining. By the time they even got back to Starfleet, she'd look like nothing had happened to her. A miracle seemed to be happening.

They'd be at Starfleet on just hours with the warp speed at nine. The tissues on her wound and scar t he's on her neck we're starting to look like scabs and scars. How was this even happening?

"Nurse......look up her half-species for me, I'm going to need to study it for later. Especially if something like this every happens again." Leonard told the Nurse, watching for a few minutes as time ticked away.

The breathing and the sounds of the beeping, made Brystal's eyes shot back open.

2127 words

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