011|| Detonation

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Before Olivia understood what was happening, she found herself being transported. The vibrant neon green lights that swirled around her body and her fathers. The fake sunlight turned to a green dim light.

Her face had already been drowning in anger and sadness. Few tears trailed down her cheeks as she turned around to see what was going on. A confused noise came from Mudd as he realized they weren't in his little home.

Olivia looked around only to be pulled into a hug out of nowhere. The hug caught her off guard, she looked at the person, her yes widened.

"Cal?!? Cal is that you?" Olivia pulled away, resting her hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah, it's me." Callum pulled her into another hug. 

"What in the hell is going on?" Mudd asked. 

Brystal walked up towards Mudd, her face hiding an anger. Mudd opened is mouth to speak only to be punched hard in the face by her. Just one swing sent him to the ground. He looked up at her completely unaware of what had happened and how she did it.

Callum caught sight and had to remind himself of her being part of a species that had super-strength. Jim just looked in amazement at her sudden punch that had knocked Mudd to the ground. The long stare between Brystal and Mudd caused the man a bit of a shock.

"That's for hurting Olivia. You son of a bitch," Brystal snarled, turning to Callum, "Where can we put him?"

"Is there a trash compactor?" Olivia asked, stopping her hug with Callum.

"We are not doing that!" Callum said, "Uh...Kirk...Jim....what can I call you?"


"Okay, well Kirk can you grab the cuffs that are in the box to your left," Callum asked, Jim.

Jim shuffled through the spare parts and energy sources. His hands landing around a two metal round pieces, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. He tossed them over to Brystal, who caught it with her right hand.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mudd asked as Brystal tightened the handcuffs around his hands. 

"We're going to an escape, with you in our custody and you will be charged with war crimes and stealing crimes," Brystal told him, "You're finally going to be in a cell, the greatest thing to happen yet to you."

Brystal set the mechanism on the handcuffs that became a magnet to the floor. Mudd tried to slip his hands out only to feel the tightness of the handcuffs grip at his skin. Borg technology, why didn't he admit he couldn't get out of those cuffs.

"We've got Lieutenant Hale, now what's the rest of your plan."

"Since I can't use the rest of your crew in the blood transportation. I can pinpoint their prison cell and get you in there and be able to transport you all out. Brystal......" Callum trailed off before turning back to her, "You're going to see your mother again and I'm allowing you to save her by yourself, but you need to be careful. The Borg Queen keeps her under close supervision.

But you have a second job," Callum said grabbing gray, metallic small discs and handing them to her, "These are detonators they should set off where ever you put them whenever I hit this button," he pointed to a green button underneath his hand, "we have at least fifteen minutes before the Borg Queen suspects something. And you have to put a detonator in all the weak spots as I try to pinpoint them."

Callum tossed to each of them a communicator. It wasn't newly made nor was it a complicated machine that the Borg's would've made, just a regular one. That could fit into their hands easily if they needed to contact him.

"Understood." Brystal nodded her head, holding tightly to the detonators. 

The prison cells were occupied by a few Borg soldiers what watched every move the crew made. Chekov had been watching the Borg's every move, Spock had been calculating every word the Borg Queen had said, while McCoy gave Spock an annoyed stare.

"Fascinating," Spock muttered.

"Please don't say that word again!" Leonard groaned.

"I'm simply stating that I find it rather odd that the Borg Queen is after Commander Pike," Spock told Leonard.

"You've said fascinating every time you start thinking, what is so fascinating?" Leonard asked.

"The fact that this Borg Queen is from an opposite reality and is after Brystal Pike and most likely captured Captain Ava Pike when they were searching," Spock began, "If my hypothesis is accurate, then Captain Pike is on this ship too."

"Captain Pike disappeared....fifteen years ago..." Chekov said, heavily in his Russian accent.

"Precisely." Spock replied, the sound of a phaser stun caught the groups ears.

Just seconds before no one was here, but now they saw Lieutenant Hale and Captain Kirk in the room. Kirk fired his phaser at the buttons that locked the cell sending the door flying open. It took only a second for Spock to comprehend what had just happened.

Kirk, Olivia, and probably Brystal's had managed to escape their captivity, but how?

Red bolts of light blasted from the two's phasers, hitting the Borgs down with every shot. Olivia swerved her body around a shot caused by the Borg's machine hand. She grabbed at the Borg's hand and knocked him unconscious with a blast to the chest.

"Keptin!" Chekov said, astounded by the tone of his voice.

"Captain, how did you...." Spock began, wanting to know an answer to how he'd managed to escape, but only was cut off by him.

"Not now, we don't have much time. This place could blow at any minute," Kirk said, ushering the crew members out into the open space of the prison room. No bars or cells caged them them in.

"What do you mean blow?" Leonard asked, completely confused as to what he meant.

Olivia tossed a small disc shaped bomb onto the roof of the cell. The disc made a distinct clicking sound like if you turned a key in a keyhole. Olivia opened her communicator, the chirping of a bird sounded from the small device.

"Callum, we've got them lock onto my DNA sample!" Olivia ordered into the communicator.

"On it!" A Scottish voice returned from the communicator. Within seconds of the voice response, ribbons of green lights swirled around them. The room blacked out around them a s they found themselves in another room.

Mudd lay on the floor is handcuffs, looking as if they had been glued to the floor. A young man fixated on tapping a button, vigorously as a person appeared in and out of the pictures on a screen. A blood vial locked into a rectangular circuit.

The young man turned to them, "Hi I'm Callum. I'll make this introduction short because I need to keep an eye on Brystal's every movement."

"Another prisoner?" Spock said, intrigued by Callum.

"He's been here for a few months, an engineer for them and slave," Kirk said.

"I wouldn't say slave," Olivia remarked, Kirk shrugged, "Some communications have been set up with the Enterprise, Cal."

"Good, contact Scotty and tell him to prepare for a blood transportation!" Callum said, his eyes glued to the various screens.

"What's going on?" Leonard asked Kirk, giving him a look of that he needed answers.

"We found a way to escape and blow up this ship. And we got Mudd ready for a jail cell," Kirk said, "Brystal's getting the ship clipped with bombs at the moment. As soon as she gets back, he's going to set off a bomb that could collapse the ship in less than an hour. But we'll be safely on the Enterprise."

"Long road to ruin." Leonard muttered at the information he was given.

"The Foo Fighter song?" Callum asked. He got a an eyebrow cock from Leonard, completely confused what he was talking about.

"He meant the metaphor," Olivia muttered to Callum.

"That makes much more sense."

The Borg Queen looked around the small room that had held Olivia Hale and Harry Mudd. Her eyes observing every inch of the room. Hugo stood at the door, allowing her to get a good examination of the room.

The variation of tulips and three sprigs of white Myrtle. The fake rays of sunlight generating off the fake windows. The maroon furniture that had been placed on either side of her so perfectly. Yet, no body's or humans were registered to be in the room.

Her mind racked in confusion, wondering, and anger as she looked around the room more. She had just discovered where Captain Kznati from universe was, and now two people she had kept close supervision on disappeared.

"Your majesty, please believe me! The only thing I remember is them shouting and screaming at each other before it went off," A Borg soldier said from the corner of the room.

"Useless," The Borg Queen muttered, turning to him, "I should have you terminated."

Her mind suddenly went back to Brystal Pike. Rethinking everything that could occur in the next 24 hours and the possibilities she'd never thought of. This woman was just as capabable if anything just as Captain Kznati was.

She imagined the image of Brystal Pike in her mind. The short brown hair, light brown eyes, slim body figure, and the blue uniform that was a catsuit compared to Hale's dress. She could only see the terrible things that Brystal Pike would bring onto her ship.

She understood know what was happening, giving Callum Brystal was a terrible mistake. He probably had helped her with getting Olivia Hale and Mudd away without a trace.....the blood transportation.

The Borg Queen walked out of the room, swiftly ordering to Hugo, "Find Callum and Brystal Pike, they are the cause of this!"

Brystal Pike ran, pumping her legs as she threw a detonator onto the ceiling above her. The clicking sound came once more as she dashed away. The sound of Borgs following after her made her speed up. Her hands grasped tightly to the small disks.

Green neon lights danced around her, putting her in the weaponry room. Two Borgs faced her, armed with weapons at the sight of her. She dug her feet onto the floor, halting her to a stop to get a good look at the Borgs.

She ducked around as a shot was fired at her. She grabbed the gunned hand with her free hand, his hand freezing her holding lock. She swung her leg over, causing a low to the head for the other Borg.

She pulled her strength as she grabbed the other Borg's shoulder, flipping over them. Tossing a fish in the air as it clicked to the ceiling. Green lights swirled around her body, a shot firing from the Borg.

The blast barley graze her, leaving a scent of ozone. She landed feet first on the ground of a new room covered in medical tubes and equipment.

"Showoff," Callum said out of her communicator, causing her to smile.

"Oh, you're just jealous that Callius trained me so well and that your mother didn't low you to be trained by him," Brystal said as she looked around the room for Borg soldiers.

"Eh! I like staying in a corner and hacking into systems. I like seeing you be like.....a female James Bond," Callum responded.

Brystal placed a few detonators on the wall beside her as she looked around the room. The detonators glowed a slight green as they clinked against the metal wall. Her communicator whistled as she reopened.

"That's the last place I need you to be. I'll beam you back in the room after you get Ava Pike," Callum said, "You have at least three minutes before the Borg Queen gets here and I don't think I can hold her off."

"I'll be quick, I'll do it in a minute," Brystal said, clamping her communicator shut. She quickened her pace as she looked around the room, searching for a woman anywhere.

She passed by tanks of green liquid and black wires tied into circuits. No Borgs were in sight, and that made her feel unsafe and unsettled. As she turned a corner her eyes, finally caught sight of her.

There in an interrogation chair plastered to the black metallic walls. A wired device circled around her head, whiting blonde hair I'm front of her face. The Starfleet uniform with the insignia, showing her position of captain.

Brystal quickly, ran over to the contraption, her hands gripping at the metal around the woman's hands. Hazel blue eyes were starting  at her as she grabbed a small device sharp enough to chip the scan on the cuffs. A small beep erupted from the cuffs as it unlocked the woman.

Brystal lifted the contraption from the woman's head, "Brystal?"

"Hi......mom," Brystal smiled.

"You got taller," Her mother commented. Brystal had to remind herself the last time her mother had seen her was when she was nine years old. She was now a few inches taller than her  other.

"Well, I had to grow up sometime," Brsytal said, pulling out her communicator, "Cal, ready the transporter I have her."

"Alright!" Callum said, sounding excited. Green neon lights swirled around Brystal and her mother, the room disappearing around them. A new room appeared around them filled with many other people.

Ava Pike looked around, not realizing how there was this many people. A Vulcan male, humans, and there was Mudd sitting on the floor. Ava  glared at the criminal as Olivia took him off the floor and dragged him over to the others.

"Scotty, we have nine to beam up!" Jim said into his communicator.

"I can only beam at least three at the moment."

"I'll go," Olivia volunteered, yanking Mudd over with her, "And so is he."

"I'll go with," Chekov volunteered.

"Beam up Lieutenant Hale, Harry Mudd, and Ensign Pavel Chekov," Callum said into his communicator. His finger hovered over the button that would cause the chain reaction of detonators.

White lights spiraled around the group of three. Olivia looked at both Brystal and Callum, her grip tight on Mudd's cuffs. Within seconds that group disappeared, letting the other six get into a group.

Callum pressed the button he had been hovering over. A timer beeped at 30 seconds as he stood next to the others. The day he had hoped for escape finally arrived.

"Beam us up, Scotty," Jim said into his communicator.

Ribbons of white light began to twirl around the group. Brystal watched as a figure entered the room. Colliding into her, slamming her against a wall.

Callum's eyes watched as white balding light shined on him. He squinted his eyes to be able to observe his surroundings. He was in a  transporter room, something he he made been in since the Borg Queen destroyed the U.S.S Conquest.

Callum counted out everyone around him. There was Kirk, Ava Pike, Spock, McCoy......Brystal? Where was Brystal?

Callum searched the room, catching glimpses of Olivia and Mudd. He even looked behind, but Brystal's was nowhere.

"Where is Brystal?" Callum  muttered.

"Scotty, where's Brystal?" Olivia turned to the engineer as guards took her father away.

"I swear I had her locked on, but a mechanical interference happened."

"Mechanical?" Olivia asked.

"Borgs?" Jim asked, only to get a nod from the engineer, "We need her to get back up here otherwise the Borg ship is going to blow up with our second officer in it."

"It was her!" Ava Pike spat getting a few looks from the others.

"The Borg Queen. Of course....." Callum muttered, "That vile bitch!"

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