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(I just watched Treasure Planet for only the second time. I got so excited over this little reference. Thank you, Disney! Best reference ever!)

Brystal heard the screams as soon as they reached her ears, she'd recognize that yelling from anywhere. She began tugging and pulling away from the Borgs. Lunging her body towards the sounds of the yelling. Her attempts were futile as she was pulled back tighter into their grasp.

Her eyes met with Jim's as she turned her head back down to face the ground. Her mind still trying to process and wrap around what was happening. Either the Borg was searching for her brother or her, and there was a high possibility they already had her mother.

"Jim, I-" Brystal began only to be cut off by him.

"I know." Jim said, making eye contact with her. His eyes showing no confusion or lying, but pure understanding on what was happening.

Brystal didn't speak only allowing them to be led away by the Borgs. She had to figure out a way to save the crew. Get Olivia away from Mudd, maybe even have him arrested if she could.

Even if it was possible......Even if it was true.

Maybe her mother was here, and she could save her from the Borgs.....if she was alive

"Ms. Pike," The Borg  greeted her as the guards took Brystal's and Jim's arms. They both tried to strain themselves from the guards grasps, failing instantly. The Borg Wueen's eyes darted towards Brystal with the Borgs pitch black eyes staring back at her brown eyes.

"We have something for you. Maybe it'll at least put some faith in us," The Borg Queen said to them. The guards pulled them along another series of black lit hallways. Yet, the two made eye contact throughout the whole thing.

"She's really just all about you isn't she?" Jim asked Brystal, who nodded in return.

"Yeah. It's kind of weird." Brystal agreed, her eyes returning to the door that suddenly opened to them. The guards pushed steering bodies in the room.

The man had blue eyes that glowed against his scratched face. Dark curly hair spiked out from his head. His clothes were covered in black marks as well as dust crawling close to his face. The man tilted his head in Jim and Brystal's direction, obviously intrigued to what they were doing in here with him.



Before they knew it, Callum pulled Brystal into a friendly embrace. Both of them felt quite bewildered and shocked to even be seeing each other again.

Callum pulled away, quickly before saying, "This isn't a trick, right? My legs not being pulled?"

"It's not a trick."

"Then......tell me something about me that few people know."

"When you were younger you snuck into a party in high school. Where you met Uhara, but then you flirted really bad, saying instead of you have a pretty face, you said you have a face," Brystal said, making Callum cheeks go a shade of pink in embarrassment, Jim stifled back a laugh at the mention of bad flirting.

"Okay.....yeah that's right...I did. Bry.....what the heck are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing, but we were captured by the Borg. Well me, Jim...I mean Captain Kirk, Spock, Uhara, and Olivia...."

"Oh my Lord is she okay? I know about Mudd, but the Borg did they leave her with him?"

"They did." Jim spoke up.

"And you are?" Callum asked, raising an eyebrow at the man. He'd seen this amn somewhere back at the academy before he was captured by the Borg.

"Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S Enterprise."

"The guy Uhara called a flirting bitch? Really he's a captain?" Callum whispered to Brystal, before turning to Jim and saying, "Callum Stewart, was chief engineer of a starship."

"Well, that's where I'd have to explain a dozen more stories, but why are you here?"

"Because of the Borg Queen claiming from another reality that I invented something she needs right now."

"What does she need?

Callum showed the two to a large computer screen he had put on a dim light. He began scanning through the codes and written words on the screen. A few electrical sounds went off as the room began to light up in a green light.

"Computer show me files for Project 987," Callum ordered to the computer.

"Acknowledged," a robotic instead of a feminine voice said. A bright neon green appeared in front of their eyes as Issac clicked the screen gently. Before they knew it the images of blood samples and communicators.

"What does she need with this?" Jim asked.

"Blood transporting." Issac responded.

"Blood transporting?" Brystal asked.

"Let me explain. Somewhere in a parallel universe, I created a different way of transporting people without having to locate the individual without the communicator. That's the only reason she kept me alive and killed the crew of the U.S.S Conquest. She kept me working here for days on end, two hours of sleep trying to complete the project.

But this was our first attempt. We used the blood of....Brystal, your mom..." Callum stopped before turning to Brystal.

"I know, Cal. I figured out as soon as she said Kznati. She's searching for me."

"I'm sorry, Bry. I tried to stop the Borg Queen, but resistance is futile." Callum said, sorrowfully, "We used your mother blood samples to find you, but your identity didn't match up with your parallel universe name is Brystal Kznati. But the Borg Queen only knows you as Captain Kznati."

"So whatever the Brystal's parallel universe version did, must've pissed the Borg queen off." Jim inquired.

"Basically...." Callum said, "But it works as far as I know I shouldn't even invented this technology, yet. Altering my own future which is very.....confusing but I never expected myself to mess with the universe."

"You're not the only one who has," Jim muttered, catching Callum a bit off guard.

"Did you mess with the universe too?" 

"Well...no...." Jim began.

"It's complicated...." Brystal said.

"It had to with someone else doing it...."

Callum gave them both a strange look as they were both trying to explain to him. Did he pick up flirting, maybe even chemistry between the two? Great, now he had some entertainment when he got back home, just to see if his analysis was right.

"Okay I get it! But I have plan on how to get out of here!" Callum waved his hand, sending them both quiet.

"How are we getting out of here?"

"DNA and blood samples."

"But who do you share DNA with?" Jim asked.

"News flash, I'm your chief engineers cousin, so my blood should match up with him if I did transport. But I'm going to need to find everyone else. I can only suspect they took Olivia to Mudd's little home he made," Callum said, scanning through data files.

"He's cousins with Scotty?" Jim asked, completely surprised by the sudden discovery. 

"Yep." Brystal nodded.

"Found her. Let's start getting out of this shitty Borg ship."

Ava Kznati Pike, was being stared down by the Borg Queen. The black clouded eyes staring back at her as they stared at each other. Ava didn't move, her body completely restrained by a device the Borg Queen had created.

Her blood levels being monitored every second. A shroud of mechanical pieces layered on her head as she waited for the Borg Queen to speak. Her whitened blonde hair in front of her face.

"Tell me......Captain Kznati of your daughters whereabouts," The Birg Queen began the conversation, "We picked up the blood sample, but not the same last name. What are you exactly playing at old woman?"

"I find it strange you call me old when you're at least a thousand yourself...your majesty," Ava said, sarcastically. She was only to be shocked by a blue spark from the head piece on her head. She gasped out in pain, but kept a look of bravery on her face.

"Just answer the questions. You always make this so hard." The Borg Queen said, inspecting the woman.

"She was nine the last time I saw her. She was a sweet kid that I loved as much as I did to my son, Kit. She's 24 now, but I don't know what she'd look like," Ava tried defending herself.

"You lie," The Borg Queen snarled, "You would recognize her features because she shares just as many as she does with her father."

"You don't even know who he is," Ava said, causing a sudden burst of anger in The Borg Queen, who never got angry.

".....Pike....." The Borg Queen muttered. Ava caught the words, being thrown off guard. Her calm face filled with false heroism faded into a worried sick mother. 

"What did you just say?" Ava asked, fearing the worst.

"I said Pike. As in Brystal Pike whom is on this ship. Daughter to Admiral Christopher Pike.......oh I see. She is the girl I've been looking for," The Borg Queen said as a smile crept onto her face. Ava pulled a giant the restraints, bending the metal around her wrists.

"Don't you dare touch a harm a hair on her!" Ava threatened the Borg Queen.

"And what could you do about it? You're acted in Kznati. Think clearer and with more logical like i do and maybe you'll survive this." The Borg Queen said, grabbing Ava's chin. Tossing a silvery strand of hair from her face.

"Your majesty!" Hugo said, entering the room, "Olivia Hale and Mudd have disappears from his quarters."

The Borg Queen's eyes shot up in fury as she looked back at the young Borg. In a moment where she should be celebrating her victory on finally finding Captain Kznati from her universe, instead it had to be plagued with a disappearance of another human.

Her eyes darted back toward Ava, who was keeping eye contact with her. Her emotions to mixed go even be analyzed. It must be because of this Brystal Pike was all she could think. It was that girls fault and that damn captains fault

"Search everywhere! And bring me Brystal Pike!"

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