024||what makes a monster

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Adeline Merlin watched as Montgomery Scott exited the bar. She passed her credits to the bartender, nodding towards Cauis. He looked up seeing Scotty and the small alien had made their way out of the bar.

Wearing all black, blending in with the shadows of the brightly lit bar. Shades of neon and bright glasses shined everywhere. It was so blindly, it made her wonder who could even see through a place like this.

The two had been keeping a close on Scotty just in case they got any information that would be useful for Callius. Everybody knew that Scotty had quit because of some torpedos he couldn't look at. Though with Marcus having claimed he wanted to check out a station and never checked in puzzled them.

"Go ahead," Cauis told her handing her a circular tracking device, "Buona Fortuna (good luck)."

"Thanks, but I don't need any," Adeline replied as she stood up from the stooled seat. She pulled her jacket back up to her neck where her collar spiked straight up. Her hands pushed the glass door open as she quickly turned her head to see where Scotty was heading. 

The small train parked outside marked with the words of Starfleet docking bay. He was leaving somewhere, but to where was the question? Everything seemed to be out of place these days.

She quickly hopped onto the train that was bustling with aliens and humans. The train was dimmed in black and blue, just enough to make Adeline blend. Except for her dark brown hair that would easily stand out.

She flipped on her glasses by touching behind her ear. Glass appeared around her eyes shaping put a shape of glasses. The room around her now became able to tell her anything about anyone.

"Montgomery Scott," Adeline mumbled under her breath. A circle and line showed the location with in seconds. The train was beginning to sputter out gray smoke, signaling it was leaving.

"Lock onto his location and make sure this tracker lands directly on his small ship." She told the glasses as she took out the tracker.

"Of course, Ms. Merlin,"  A manly sounding computer voice answered. It sounded a British, but usually she could change the way he sounded anytime he wanted. Then, the computer began plotting out the docking bay they'd be coming up on in a minute. 

She took a seat next to an Andorian woman as a seatbelt began to wrap around her body, "Course plotted out."

"Good." Adeline nodded. This was going to be a long day.

The doors of medical bay opened as Jim walked. He hadn't expected Bones to have called him down on an urgent matter. What could've beeen more urgent than the ship falling part and keeping a criminal onboard?

Chekov and Callum were having trouble fixing everything in engineering. Everything seemed to be malfunctioning and not working properly at all since Scotty's resignation. Even when they fixed one pipe, something else would explode.

Olivia wasn't enjoying her time on the bridge as much as she would've liked to. Her mind was on John Harrison and how he'd killed her best friends parents. Also, hating that she had to wear the color golden the bridge. Uhara was the only one she found herself able to talk to up there.

Being invited with Kirk to go down with him to medbay was like a break to her. Another reason she came down there was because the matter was on Brystal. She needed to know if she was okay after hearing what had happened on Kronos.

 Leonard was standing by Brystal, who was breathing slowly, preparing herself. Leonard gave her  a reassuring, seeing Jim had finally come in. The small movement of his eyes looking gave Brystal the signal. There was no going back now.

"Leonard.." Brystal said, "I need to talk to Khan." Her voice was bitter, strung with the pain she still felt.

"I can't let you." Leonard whispered to her.

"I need to talk to him," Brystal said. Her voice was sharp almost a tone Brystal had never used, shocking Leonard.

Brystal's realized her voice had come out not as she wanted to. She fumbled on trying to say sorry, but knew she couldn't say it. Instead she gave him a look of an apology before returning to her request.

"This the only way I can protect my parents legacy. I need to know why he actually did it," Brystal said, calmly. She regained control over herself and spoke in a genuine manner. 

"Fine," Leonard nodded over to the nurses by Khan, who was seated on a medical bed and being examined. 

Brystal walked away from Leonard, not making eye contact with either Jim or Olivia. She felt so agonized in her own pain i thoughts that she couldn't think straight. Her mind was racing with unanswered questions that needed answers.

Jim reached them, Leonard spoke first, "Jim, the only thing i need you to do is before i tell you.....don't act like this sinking quicksand."

"Bones, what are you talking about?" Jim asked, looking at Brystal, who avoided all eye contact.

"Bri," Olivia said, walking up to her, seeing she had gone off to Harrison.

"I wasn't expecting you down here, lieutenant," Leonard said, "Brystal asked to talk with Khan if you were wondering."

"Surprised, Leo?" Olivia asked, "What's wrong?"

"We may have found a DNA match to Commander Pike's blood," Leonard said.

Jim's and Olivia's eyes widened. They couldn't help but feel surprised and utter confusion at this statement. There was a silence that was hushed over the four, minus the fact Brystal hadn't started talking yet with Harrison.

Hearing there was a DNA match made them think of why it was important now. Leonard had been the one to say there was no DNA match and never existed. But here he was now, stating that he'd found a match to Brystal's half-species.

"You what?" Olivia asked, perplexed.

"I found an accurate match to her DNA match," Leonard stated again.

"How is this important to right now?" Jim asked.

"Because of what her DNA matches to." Leonard's tone had turned grave.

"What does it match to?" Olivia asked, biting her lip. Brystal's sudden wanting to talk to Khan made the situation more uneasy. Why would her best friend want to talk to the man who killed her parents?

Something had changed since the mission on Kronos. Ever since, Brystal had been wanting to know more about this Khan more than anybody onboard. It wasn't obsession, but Olivia didn't even know the exact words for it.

Even after having to watch Leonard and Carol made her feel uncomfortable about the situation. Finding humans inside the torpedos was a terrifying sight. Especially when they were people who had been frozen for over 200 years.

"Because she's like him," Leonard said, barely audible.

"Like who?" Jim caught the last bit of her words.

"She has the same as Harrison," Leonard sighed.

'What?!?" Olivia and Jim said, simultaneously. The news startling the two both like being struck by a thunderbolt.

Olivia tried to meet Brystal's eyes, but no contact came from the Second Officer. She was acting unresponsive and unable to speak to the others. Her mind was already going through the pain of trying to understand who it was even possible for her mother to be someone like Harrison.

Her mother had never shown a sense of viciousness except in battle, a time where most did feel that. Her mother never killed anyone nor did she cause harm to Starfleet. What made her mother even like the criminal, Harrison?

She watched as Brystal's lips moved as she talked to Khan. Watching as the two tilted their heads, gave each other a neat conversation, unlike to the others that had happened. They seemed almost fascinated with each other, and the blood being the same thing may have started it.

Olivia had always considered from the moment she'd heard of the Harrison's attacks that he was a monster, but now that Brystal was part of his blood......did that mean she was calling her friend a monster. What did make a monster?

"The blood samples match up as much as they did the first time I checked," Leonard explained, "Their blood levels are the same. It can heal tissue that's been cut or bleed quickly, strength higher than regular human beings......."

"How?" Jim asked.

"Ava Pike was probably like those people in those torpedos. Instead of 72 there may have been..."

"73," Olivia said, her voice almost a whisper.

"Half human and half of what Khan is," Jim said, speaking of Harrison's actual .Khan had probably told Jim his name from another interrogation. Khan must've told Brystal first before anyone....she was the only that Khan trusted.

Meaning Brystal was the first to know before anyone on this ship. Khan had entrusted her with knowing his name first because of her being the daughter of Ava Pike. Someone who had been a part of Khan's crew before they'd even known him.

Brystal and Khan held a silent gaze at each other. Both of them knew what they wanted to say, both of them knowing what they were. Neither of them knew who they were until hours ago. Making them want to implore questions to each other.

Brystal had firey anger and curiosity brimming inside her about this man. Like how did he met her mother? Why did he do what he did? And if he was so sure of who she was.

"How did you know my mother?" Brsytal started the conversation.

"She was part of my crew," Khan told her, "Smart, cunning, and quick witted. She was the perfect example of a leader that would take over after me. Then we were put in tubes by someone, keeping us from aging."


"We were made in the......late 1980s and early 1990's. A man by the code name Arsoong created us and put us in those tubes," Khan explained it further.

"Wait...." Brystal's face plastered with confusion, "Are you telling me my mother was actually and technically over 300 years old? Not even 54? But how come she isn't....."

"Loooking like she's in her 20's," Khan finished.

"Exactly," Brystal responded.

"I can only assume she concocted an antidote that would cause her to age the same just as any human being. She most likely gave you a bit when you were a child too," Khan approximated. 

Brystal's memory did jog back a bit. She had remembered those time her mother gave her shots that were for the doctor......or so she thought. Somehow all of what Khan was saying, computed well.

"That's a high possibility," Brystal replied.

"How well do you trust Admiral Marcus?" Khan asked her.

"What do you mean? I mean he's an Admiral. I'm supposed to trust him-"

"Supposed to?"

"Admiral Callius, my godfather, doesn't trust him at all. He acts like Marcus has been playing us all on a high stake game of chess. Like he's mastering everybody like the pawns of his game."

"This Callius is smart to think that's any about the Admiral. He knows not to be deceived by others," Khan told her. The way he said the words made her wonder what he meant. She wanted to speak before Khan asked her another question.

"Tell me...... how come you never asked Ava of where you came from?" Khan inquired.

"I asked many times, but she always told me that it didn't matter and that she was safe in Starfleet," Brystal explained.

"A typical, but useful lie," Khan commented, "It seems she was more keen on you not knowing of my existence."

"Seems that way," Brystal muttered, "Maybe in another universe, I would've called you friend."

"It is likely," Khan spoke, seeing a young woman in a gold Starfleet uniform coming to them, "Is this a friend of yours?"

Brystal looked up, turning her head just in time to see Olivia. She hadn't seen her since she yelled at her in engineering, but she did know of Kirk putting her on the bridge. She hadn't quite expected to see her have made her way over towards Khan and her.

Olivia gave Khan an angry glare, her eyes looking over at the nurses and medics who guarded his bed. If she didn't control her anger, she might've have lashed out and Khan like a vicious animal, ripping its claws at its prey. For the first time in hours the two friends met eye contact.

"Kirk needs you," Olivia uttered, her voice bitter, hinted with sadness.

"Tell him I'm busy," Brystal replied, turning to look at Khan.

"It's an order, Brystal," Olivia said. She had never fully called Brystal her full name unless she was upset on the matter. This just showed how dire Olivia sounded.

"Fine," Brystal muttered, bitterly.

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