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Brystal's communicator had begun going off violently as she had reached the bridge elevator. Her left hand immediately shot down and grabbed the communicator, "Commander Pike here, how can I-"

"Stay down there, Brystal!" Jim's hushed voice came through the communicator. His voice sounded frantic and nothing like she'd ever heard him like before. As though he cleared needed her to keep a low profile.

All the noice around her seemed to clog out as she tried to figure out what was going on. Why was he so concerned about her coming up there? Didn't he just ask for her to come up to the bridge?

What the hell was going on? Now he seemed almost desperate for her to stay down there. 

That's when she heard a voice, "Who are you talking to Mr. Kirk?"


All the words suddenly went dry in Brystal's throat. Khan had warned her of Marcus, and yet she hadn't expected this to happen so soon. No wonder he said Callius was right not to be deceived by Marcus.

She immediately kept that communicator on and dialed the conversation to Callius. This sure would make him happy that there was now evidence of Marcus had been plotting something all these years.

Marcus needed Khan........just like he probably needed her.

"Admiral Callius," Admiral Hale stated just as she heard the audio start to play from everywhere within the admirals headquarters. Adeline Melrin and Cauis Lemuria were seated at a table planted with all sorts of technology.

Their screens plagued with the audio clips they had received from Brystal's communicator. It was like the watching the world burn around them. The admirals had brown angry at what they were hearing over the speakers.

"Yes?" Callius turned to Hale, his expression somber. He hid his delight for finally having at least something to show that Marcus was the fraud he'd always seen him as. Exposing the admrials secrets and flaws he'd left out.

He examined the brunette short haired Admiral. Her heels definitely made her eye level with Callous almost the same. He had to admire that she always seemed the cleanest looking.

"What is this?" Hale asked, simply, but he got right away what the meaning was.

"That's a piece of information we got from one of your favorite old pupils," Callius stated.

"Ms. Pike," Hale muttered under her breath, "What is Marcus doing out there threatening the Enterprise? Why the hell is he even in that territory?"

"Simple. He's been planning and scheming underneath our eyes. He is inevitably a traitor."

"Callius....this can't be a lie you've set up-"

"Name an account or event that I lied to Starfleet," Callius questioned Hale.

Cauis and Adeline watched the two as if it were a drama show. They'd always seen Callius somehow win arguements even over the simplest of issues. He always seemed to have a way with words, better than any of them.

Hale immediately started to think in deep thought, "I know well enough that you haven't lied on Starfleet's behalf nor have you broken laws. It still finest mean I can't have suspicions on this matter. You've always been against Marcus since the day he came back from the Caera nebula."

"This information  can not be a lie. Brystal Pike has always put her heart and soul into her work for Starfleet. Do you really think she'd allow us to hear this if she didn't think it would be of important to us?" Callius asked Hale.

"Callius.....that's not my point. If this is true about Marcus.....we need a different Admiral to lead us in starfleet. Someone we can actually trust," Hale pointed out all the Admirals, who looked back at the two.

Callius knew in times like this they were in desperate need of a leader. With the world almost in shambles due to the betrayal of Marcus and attack by Harrison, everybody was lost. He looked at Adeline and Cauis, who looked at him like he was the only option.

If only is right hand, Elsa, hadn't disappeared those years ago. She'd be able to say something with her sarcastic smiles and her way of expressing her concerns of the world. She was what Starfleet needed, but she was busy looking out for others in the universe.

He could only think about what Elsa would do in his shoes.

"Do you trust me?" Callius asked the Admirals.

"Callius. Starfleet trusts you with our lives. You were the one who led us into battle against the S'Keeran and helped make amends with them. You made peace with the worlds of the S'Keeran's and the Skylers," An Andorian Admiral spoke up.

"Starfleet owes you a debt of gratitude. Your leadership helps the legacy of your ancestors who helped to build Starfleet," Hale replied after the admiral.

That was something Callius felt glad to hear their trust in him. Leading a  group of younger people into battle wasn't considered smart, but it was now. He was the hero and was put the highest on the pedestal now.

"Then I'm going to ask politely and sincerely in the best way........I would be willing to take Marcus's spot and lead us back to prosperity. To rebuild what we've lost and to put Harrison where he needs to be," Callius spoke, solemnly.

His eyes were held with courage and sincerity. The admirals eyes darted at Hale, who probably would make the final decision. She was always the last person to get a say in these type of conversations.

"What should we do Callius? The Enterprise crew might as well lose their lives. My daughter is onboard that ship. We've all lost enough," Hale spoke, her voice not daring to crack from her pain. That was all the approval Callius asked for.

Cauis and Adeline exchanged the first smile to each other in a long time. The pain that had seemed to feed on the drifted away for that moment. For the first time......they saw a bit of hope.

"We trust each other and get the Enterprise the hell out of that situation."

Brystal pivoted just as she heard the turbolift open. Her eyes catching sight of Spock and Kirk, who seemed to be starting an argument. Gladly, she was willing to cut in and stop it from getting heated.

She always seemed like the person who left arguments were they started. She didn't quite like yelling and shouting at friends.....even though she was guilty of doing it herself.

She walked up to the two, barely making a sound. Starting to pick up the conversation where it had started. Something about trusting Khan......which made her almost roll her eyes.

What exactly made Jim think that Khan even trusted him one bit? Khan had literally told her his name first, and he even told her the truth about what she was. She wasn't exactly thankful, nor was she happy, but she knew that Khan trusted her more than anyone on board.

"Captain," Spock tried again only for him to see Brystal and realize that Jim would definitely listen to her.

"You may continue Mr. Spock. I completely understand the situation at hand as much as you two do. I would only ask for your full trust in my opinion," Brystal spoke up, "And I'm sorry captain if you feel you don't have the right words to say to me right now, I don't blame you."

Spock cocked an eyebrow at Brsytal wondering what she meant, but Jim got it right away, "No. I have so many things I'd like to say and ask of how you are even the same exact blood as Khan."

"Even I don't know where to explain that," Brystal replied, "And you're being unreasonable with the situation by going instead of me. Khan trusts me more than he trusts you.....he's using you."

"And how do you know he's not using you?" Jim retorted. Spock kept his mouth shut, clearly intrigued by the sudden argument between the two.

"He showed me what I come from and it turned out not to even be a lie......unlike what my mother told me. Even Leonard has proof of the DNA samples. You're just not being....logical," Brystal trie dot think of the right words.

The two began yelling and shouting each other. Callum didn't notice as he entered ready to ask Brystal a question only for his eyes to catch the sight of the two. His mouth immediately shut at the sight.

He didn't know if this was a good time to see if where the two would confess feelings or March off angrily. This happened to often. The tension between them was eating Callum up alive. 

He swore just one day, he was going to lose it. And he was just going to burst out and yell at them. Scream out that they should just admit feelings.......but right now was obviously not a good time.

"Look! I get the whole Marcus might as well just blow us up and kill us. And I get the point he wants Khan and me dead! But the fact that we're unreasonably yelling each other adds the fact that we are defiantly not even close to being on the same page!" Jim fired back.

"No, you don't! You're not me. You don't understand the fact someone who I thought I could trust, turns their their back on me, and wants me dead. Callius was so right to see through his lies that I couldn't see! And plus what do you expect. We always yell and shout at each other over many things!"

"I guess I should expect that from us," Jim wanted to throw his arms up in the air and quit, "But you're making this like an impossibility."

"Because your plan is an extreme impossibility," Brystal fired back.

"You know what all we do is talk and fight. And another thing anything's possible. Instead we have to do something that is possible," Jim told her before catching her off guard by a simple action.

Their lips met jus for a brief moment. Making Brystal freeze up immediately.

Callum's eyes widened, almost about to have a fangirl ing moment. He obviously didn't care if Kirk just wanted her to allow him to leave or other things. Still he hid his urge to squeal or make any noise.

Jim pulled away, making sure Brystal she was silent before he walked away. A blush had brown on Brystal's face, trying to reel back her mind to what had just happened. Her hand almost reached u to feel her lips, but quickly for iPad hero set from doing so.

Callum was left a bit confused as Brystal left with Spock back to the bridge. But then a singe or tremor ran up him as he reminded himself of one thing. 

That one thing clung to him hard. Making him think back to him wanting the two to tell e ah other their feelings. So immediately, it changed into slight agitation.

"Goddamnit! You two sick lovebirds!!" Callum cursed 

"They didn't admit it!" Callum whispered angrily into the communicator.

"What?!?" Olivia's hushed and irritated voice came through the com. She sounded almost like a person just about ready to throw her chair at the screen.

"I know, right?!?" Callum asked.

"Ughhh!!! I might as well slam their heads together and make them!!" Olivia replied in a whisper.

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