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Brystal and Olivia rushed themselves into their uniforms, not caring their hair got messy. Not even caring if strands of their hair poked out from the static reaction from their uniforms. They almost ran all the way to the docking bay, carrying only a bag or two of their stuff. 

The Enterprise could always have been switched time slots like any starship could. The time it would leave was at 9 and that left them an hour at least.  Brystal wasn't taking any chances of missing their newly assigned ship.

Brystal began flattening her blue catsuit uniform, keeping the Starfleet pin exactly where it had been mandated. (She had never been one for the uniforms, annoying her father into getting her a catsuit uniform.) Olivia found herself tying her tall black leather heeled boots as they ran. Lights and people flashed by them as they ran across every inch of the docking bay.

"Goddamn it!" Brystal cursed, "Why do we have to know hours before it's supposed to leave!?!"

"Maybe then we don't have to face Uhara's fury." Olivia shouted to her, heels calcking against the ground. The heels added to her shirt height towards Brystal who was quite tall compared to Olivia. Brytsal's large black boots didn't make the loud sound as Olivia's heels did.

Olivia pulled the skirt of her red uniform down. Her dark brown hair flowing in the wind as they dodged cadets and officers. Squeezing past pieces of machinery that stood in their way.

"Docking Bay 7!" Olivia pointed towards the large starship. Brystal squinted in the light to see the symbols of NCC-1701. People were getting in by shuttle with a gray uniformed man pointing people in the direction of their shuttle.

"Alright!" Brystal yelled. "I think we'll be there just in time."

"They better not have a friendly greeting for us to the crew." Olivia hoped.

"I don't think that possible with me being a third officer." Brystal huffed.

"True!" Olivia yelled. They halted to a stop at the middle-aged man, who looked at them as if they had been through an earthquake. His datapad was clenched into his right arm before he took it out.

"Names." He asked them.

"Olivia. Olivia Hale." Olivia huffed.

"Brystal Pike." Brystal breathed.

"You're on that shuttle." The man longed to the shuttle that was closest to them.

"Thank you!" Olivia and Brystal said, simultaneously. They ran past the man, who watched them both run. Their boots clanked against the metal as they found alone of a few people. Red, blue, and yellow uniforms all lined up for the shuttle.

"Don't look. Well do, but Uhara's ahead of us." Olivia pointed out. Brystal cocked her head to see Uhara was at the head of line telling the officer her name. Uhara's black ponytail swinging slightly as she moved. Uhara moved into the shuttle as the lone kept moving.

"Glad, she didn't see us." Brystal smiled, weakly.

"Do you think she knows we were reassigned to the Enterprise?"

"I don't know." Brystal said, not assuring the facts or pretending she knew if Uhara knew about them being reassigned.

The problem was that they had been friends with Uhara after their third year of Starfleet academy. They had meet after a small bar fight that broke out in Iowa, while her father was collecting recruits. Uhara had bumped into them, causing an unlikely friendship between the three.

Uhara was the one with the smart and composed, Olivia was the giver and full of attitude, and Brystal was the one with the hardworking spirit and determination. To think that they would've been enemies rather than friends seemed logical. Yet, their  friendship changed that idea.

"Name." The officer greeted her.

"Brystal. Brystal Pike." The man scrolled through his datapad finding her name.

"You're the one who defended Ms. Hale today, weren't you?" The officer asked, "Looks like your old man reassigned you."

"Yes." Brystal fought the urge not to roll her eyes.

"Still a second officer though," The officer smiled, "You'll be sitting in front, may want to introduce yourself to your captain."

"Thank you." Brystal faked a smile. She walked in, giving her bag to an officer. Olivia walked towards the back, but it seemed Uhara hadn't caught sight of them. Brystal found Uhara talking to a red headed curly, young man with a yellow Starfleet uniform.

He was much younger than any Starfleet member she'd ever met. He looked around 17 or even 18 rather than looking 20 years old. His Starfleet badge even read: Ensign. He must've been a genius for such a young age.

Brystal took a swift step, pulling her hair in front of her face where Nyota sat. She didn't take a glance to see if Uhara had tried to figure out who had just passed her. She sighed her relief, tossing her hair back off her shoulder. 

"Welcome aboard, Ms. Pike." A calm toned voice said behind her. She turned her head to face a black haired Vulcan staring at her. His expression showed no emotion, even in his eyes it showed none. She recognized his face, for the reason that the Vulcan used to serve under her father.

Spock, the half-Vulcan and half-human Starfleet commander that had joined years before she did. He was older than her by a number of years. Yet, her father talked very much of the gifted Vulcan onboard his ship.

"Mr. Spock. It is pleasure to meet your acquaintance, again." Brystal half-smiled. Spock half-gestured towards a few seats. 

"As it is to see you again." Spock told her, "As I may inquire, you're being reassigned onto the U.S.S Enterprise after the trial that happened today."

"Yes. My father and the council decided that after our 'rude' manner, that we should be reassigned to a ship that could handle me and Ms. Hale." Brystal said, "Is the captain here?"

"He's what you call......Fahsionably Late." Spock told her, she almost smirked how he said fashionably late. 

"Seems like that, I guess."

"You were assigned as Second officer, still a rank below my command level." Spock told her as she buckled herself into her seat.

"My father said I was fully capable of still being a second officer as long as I'm able to keep an eye on Olivia." A man with a yellow uniform took the seat opposite side of Spock. He ran his hand through his blonde hair, slicking it back before turning to see Spock.

"Captain-" Spock began,

"I know. I know! I'm almost late!" His eyes meet Brystals, "Sorry, but who are you?"

"I'm Brystal Pike. The council decided that after the trial that me and Ms. Hale should be transferred to a new starship. They decided this was the best available option since you lost Doctor Boyce who was your second officer for a while." 

"Uh, yeah." Kirk seemed surprised she knew all of that, "Everybody was there at the trial. Your presence and words. I think that's what shocked most people. Did...Olivia know you were coming? I mean by the look on her face she looked completely shocked."

"She didn't. I was simply trying to find the report with her signature from that mission." Brystal tries hard not to grit her teeth from being annoyed of the subject of the trial. This was just not her time she was saving Olivia's ass from another criminal trial. 

"Captain, I highly suggest you do not make romantic advances on the Admiral's daughter."

"What gave you that idea?" Kirk asked Spock. Kirk had cocked an eyebrow, showing a confused look on his face to the Vulcan.

"You usually do that to women as far as I've counted."  Spock stated, calmly.


"Tell me about this James Tiberius Kirk." Brystal (21 years old) asked Uhara, sitting on top of her bedrooms bed. She was wearing a a black jumpsuit along with an old crystal necklace her mother used to wear.

Her dark hair was let down, flowing in small curls. She hadn't placed much makeup on her face except for some metallic eyeliner and mahogany lipstick. She had put a light dash of blush on her cheeks.

The girls were going to a small bar that was only a block away from Starfleet. Most cadets went there during their free time. Loud music, flashing lights, and nights that might turn others into fake relationships.

Uhara (22 years old) responded, "A flirting bitch." She finished putting in a pair of dangling red earrings that glowed in the rooms light.

"Seriously? That's all you're going to tell me about him." Brystal asked, getting up from her bed.

"That's all your Bi ass needs to know," Uhara said.

"Come on! I have to find a reason to why my father decided it was a good idea to bring some as you say 'flirty bitch' all the way from Iowa to come and study at Starfleet. Other than that his father is, George Kirk the man who was only captain for 12 minutes and saved millions of people. I can see why that would make him a good choice to join Starfleet, but I wasn't there!"

"You were reading again."

"Hey! You know that I read a lot and I try to keep away from flirts!"

"Pike most see potential in that boys brain. I mean his records say he's a genius, but he makes out with women almost 24/7." Uhara explained.

"24/7?" Brystal asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Seems like that." Uhara muttered, "Of course when I first met him, I didn't fall for his flirts or looks. He always hangs around that older guy......what's his name again?"

"Leonard McCoy," Brystal answered.

"No his nickname that he gave McCoy," Uhara sighed.

"Oh........Bones. It's definitely, Bones," Brystal responded.

"How do you know?"

"Olivia told me."

"Is she dating him?"

"No. Not that I know of." Brystal shrugged, "I mean it's quite possible."

"Look I don't think you need to know much about Kirk. He's a flirt, most likely a womanizer, and a jerk," Uhara said, "Olivia's probably waiting on us."

"Yeah, you're right." Brystal said.

1640 Words

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