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                                                        Engineering, U.S.S Enterprise

The Enterprise was a new experience for Brystal, the ship seemed to have many more advances and advantages than any other Starship. Within the first few steps she took onto the ship, she felt as if every single one should be filled with respect and delicate. Her eyes were trained around the hallways as everyone began to walk into the ship.

She knew this had been the last ship her father had been on before Nero, a Romulan decided to start a war. They had taken her father into captive and used strong drugs and lethal weapons causing his legs to be paralyzed. Kirk had been rewarded with the title of captain for actions that led to Nero's downfall, but that didn't mean anyone's life didn't change.

Brystal had been made to keep Starfleet safe with a team of other Starfleet members into protecting the academy. As soon as her father got back, a lot changed for her. Her older brother, Christopher started to get more overprotective of her because of his concern for their fathers health. Somehow she had managed to get her brother to worry not too much more.

"Hey." Olivia smiled as they entered the Enterprise, "Said hi to the captain?" Her heels clomped against the ships floor as they walked around engineering. Pipes and wires strung everywhere around them, the occasional sounds of beeping or buzzing. 

The room was painted in all white that almost blinded their eyes. People were doing their daily business, grabbing wrenches and other tools, and occasionally running around. The engineering red uniforms matched with Olivia's red uniform.

"I did. He seemed nice really except for the sort where Spock comeneted something about him and girls." Brystal told her.

"Yeah, news flash he does that," Olivia smiled, "I'm so glad, Uhara hasn't-"

"OLIVIA HALE AND BRYSTAL PIKE!" Brystal and Olivia froze directly in their spots, turning their heads to see Uhara.

An angry expression filled Uhara's face as she marched up to the both. Her ponytail flaring with every swing it took. Her dangling earrings swung with a fury they had never seen.

"What the hell happened?" Uhara asked them, her eyes ablaze in fury at them.

"Uhara....Look, I'm sos sorry about what happened earlier...." Olivia kept fumbling on her words, trying hard not to be scared of what Uhara might be capable of.

"You were accused of stealing a shuttle without anyone knowing. Do you even know what that could've done? You made an effort much like your father did." Uhara cut her off, "I mean I would even know shock when I see it when you entered Brystal. Olivia didn't even know you were coming. How do I know if you didn't forage a signature she did?"

Olivia bit her lip, almost flinching at the words 'your father.' She wanted to disappear somewhere before she broke down in shame for her father. She hated to even think she was the daughter of the criminal, Harry Mudd. She hated she was even related to him, she hated everything about him.

To describe Harry Mudd and his crime would become a very long list. He once had been a Starfleet spy, married to Olivia's mother Stella, and he had been well-respected by all. That all changed when he backstabbed everybody he knew, showing he truly was a swindler, scoundrel, con-artist, and smuggler. He had left Olivia and her father, he had run to destroy his reputation, putting shame on his family. Brystal noticed the hurt look she had seen many times before across Olivia's face.

Brystal stared at Uhara, who looked at her with a fierce rage. Brystal couldn't see the Uhara who was usually cheerful and cracking simple jokes to her. There was just an angry fire that seemed to light her in her dark brown eyes.

"Look, Nyota." Brystal began.

"You know I like being capped by my last name better." Uhara commented.

"I know you do. Like you know not to talk about Olivia's father! You know she is not even a shit like the criminal he is!" Brystal pointed out.

Uhara stood speechless for a moment, "So then tell me what the hell exactly happened!" A few engineers backed away from the three, while some turned their heads to watch the fight.

"I did not forage, Olivia's signature. That's something I would never do and I know I wouldn't even have the same signature like hers. She specifically asked me to take that shuttle onto enemy lines, winning us the battle. But Kelly Lane, our First Officer decided not to take that into account. I know that she never was found of Olivia, she hated working with her, and I didn't have to specifically state that to anyone. But I saw Kelly's look in the crowd and it proves my theory. She can't lie forever like how you need to know that I would never do such a thing! I am the Great Christopher Pike and Captain Ava Pike's daughter. Why would I do that with a legacy to carry on like that?" 

Brystal realized she had raised her voice higher and looked back at Uhara. The look on her face indicated she was just a shocked by her tone. Olivia looked at Brystal with the same shock at her defending her hatred for her father. 

The whole room seemed frozen, only the sounds of electricity and buzzing from the pipes could be heard. The people in the rooms eyes felt as if they were suddenly burned onto her. Brystal choked on any words she could think of or to settle on to say next to Uhara.

"I'm sorry for my tone of voice-" Brystal began.

"No. I kind of deserved it." Uhara stopped her, "I do believe you, I guess.......I just wanted to hear the truth myself."

"That's understandable." Brystal said.

"Second Officer, Pike." Spock said from behind them. Brystal jolted her head around to find the Vulcan and been behind her. She wanted to pop an eyebrow at his intrusion and how she didn't seem to have heard him coming.

Uhara and Olivia shared the same look on their faces as they stared at Spock. Olivia turned around towards engineering while Uhara stayed put. Brystal finally found a few words she could say to Spock.

"Mr. Spock. You startled me."

"I apologize for startling you. The captain and I both agree that we would like to see your skill set."

"I think it says it all on my data, records, medical history, and Starfleet jobs. How it states I'm good at engineering and security. How it even states I'm half a different species." Brystal told him, obviously confused.

"You are mistaken. I simply meant that we would like to see your skill set in fighting and survival." Spock told her.

"You have a training room on board?" Brystal asked. Her old ship never had a training room when people needed it. She usually had used the acadmey's training rooms when she was on earth. This news was almost music to her ears.

"The U.S.S enterprise does indeed have a training room." Spock replied.

"That's music to my ears." Brystal smiled. 

1187 Words

A few tribute fanarts, comics, and memes for the amazing Nichelle Nichols. May she rest in peace 

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