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A Red Shirt by the name of Leslie hit the ground of the training room hard. He couldn't  stop a groan coming out from his chest. He rolled over onto his side, clenching his jaw in pain. Brystal's hovered above him, impressing Spock and Kirk with her training with every time she beat Leslie.

The room was bathed in a white light with red painted Starfleet symbol on the wall. There were gray mats underneath them to soften their fall. Weapons of daggers and phasers lined the walls just for target practice.

Leslie wore a red uniform matching his red shirt uniform that showed he was a security guard. Brystal's uniform was in a shade of blue, showing her science position on the starship. Both were wearing a ballet like shoes so it would be easier for them to move on the mat.

Brystal relaxed the form she had previously clotheslined him. She rolled her shoulders back a couple of times, letting the tension out of her body. She didn't make a move to help her, observing his movements, "Lieutenant don't tell me your distracted."

His response came back almost in a huff, pushing him back up into his stance, "I'm Fine. You fight good, commander."

"This is no time to comment, Lieutenant." Brystal's huffed. The lieutenant went back up into his stance prepared for. Brystal launched an arm jab into his face; right then left;designed to drive him back. Leslie dodged the attacks, failing to keep his guard up.

The next punch came slamming into Leslie's check without mercy. His head snapped downwards from the blow, stepping back a few steps.

"You're definitely lying." Brystal replied, "If you were focused, you would've seen that attack." Brystal had pulled that attack a thousand times at least. Predictable. Easy to counter.

"Commander, I assure you I'm not." Leslie responded, he righted his position. She tilted her chin upwards, putting herself back into her own stance.

He threw a couple jabs at her, only to be blocked by her strong forearms, followed by a wide kick that she countered with her hands. Pushing him off balance, he recovered quickly, pivoting d to where she stood.

Leslie throw a hook and a jab at her again, Brystal blocked the attacks with ease, her guard unbroken. Her eyes were locked on his every movement. She took two steps to her left, circling him like a vulture, Leslie tried to keep in step with her.

He threw another jab only to be blocked by his opponent again. Brystal took his combination of jab, punching his unprotected gut. Enough to make him notice her next attack, knocking the end out of him. He crumbled to the floor, bending over for her to hear an audible breath before standing back to his height. Their eyes made eye contact for a moment, her gaze unreadable.

Spock from the window turned to Kirk, "Her skills aren't logically planned, but they are designed to hit when her opponent is distracted."

"She is pretty good," Kirk responded, his gaze admiring Brystal's attack forms. He was in awe of her strength and her ability to stop every single one of Leslie's punches. Leslie was one of the most experienced security guards they had, yet Brystal was taking him down like he had never had any training at all.

"I find it odd though, Captain that Lieutenant Leslie hasn't been able to uphold Cmmander Pike's attacks," Spock commented, "Underestimating the fact of her being half a species might as well have been a miscalculation."

"Maybe Pike's daughter is much more skilled than we think," Kirk replied.

"That's.....likely." Spock stated.

 Leslie kicked Brystal one her left leg, connecting to her knee. Brystal grunted from the attack, catching herslef before she buckled to the ground, stabilizing herself for the next hit. Leslie throw with full force a punch for her unprotected face.

Looking up quickly, she grabbed Leslie's fist, stopping the jab that was aimed for her head. She forced his hand to allow her to jump, her legs wrapping around his body. She began spiraling down him, pulling them both to the ground, her legs around his waist.

Leslie grunted at the searing pain in his waist, she looked over him, eyes vigilant, "Do you yield?"

"I yield!" Leslie gasped, trying to escape her legs grasp.

Brystal's spiraled her legs from underneath him, standing back up onto the mats floor. A sudden aching came from her muscles, most likely a few blue and purple bruises were now on her rib cage, she didn't wince from the pain. Instead she walked off the pain like she usually did.

She put her hands on her waist, watching as Leslie stood back up, "You did, commander. Where did you learn to fight like that?

"One thing you'll know about me is that you may not know many things about me," Brystal responded. Her fingers flexing from the aching in her muscles, the tension had loosened in an exhale. 

After a quick change back into her uniform, she was greeted by Spock and Kirk. "So?" She asked them both, wondering if they wanted to see more of her skill set they had never seen.

"You did essentially well," Spock responded. Kirk made a visible eye roll that Spock didn't catch sight of. Brystal's hid a laugh at Kirk's annoyance before returning his gaze.

"You, captain," Brystal asked.

"I think we have a great third officer assigned to our ship," Kirk smiled, "But please don't always address me as captain."

"Understood, Cap......Sir," Brystal corrected herself, quickly.

"Jim. You can call me Jim."


Callius pulled out a long sword from his drawers, showing the weapon to the curious, Brystal. He watched as his goddaughter inspected the blade. Admiring the ancient markings, the green leather hilt, and the sharpness of the end. The silver blade reflected in the light streaming from the windows curtains.

It was a beautiful summer day outside with hues of golden sunlight gleaming over green grass. Small children began playing in the small area of grass that Starfleet owned, kicking balls and playing tag. Cadets dodged while some played with the children for a big, causing the little ones to have bright smiles on their faces.

Callius was in a dark gray Starfleet uniform pinned with the badge, entitling him as a captain. His hair was black, growing with bits of gray in his beard, he was much younger than he looked to have any sprouting of gray growing, yet. He was only a few months older than her father, but maybe aging just aged him naturally.

Brystal (20 years old) was wearing a black leather jacket (like she always did). Underneath was an old Nirvana shirt that she had recently found at an old century vintage shop near the academy. She'd come here like any day to see her father and her godfather at the academy, admiring their work.

She was working on applications for Starfleet after two years in the Fontana Science College. She was a quick learner even beating the bets that her brother had made saying she'd only finish it in three years. It earned her another scholarship for her brilliance.

"What is this?" Brystal asked.

"I was thinking it was about time you learned how to wield a Romulan blade. The Romulans are Starfleets 2nd enemy that attacks the federation. Besides, I know that you are good at fighting and know quite well how to use a weapon. Think of it as a late birthday present."

"Which was a week ago," Brystal commented.

"Like I said a late present." Callius sighed. Brystal softly, laughed at his annoyance.

"I was just teasing you." Brystal smiled.

"I know."

"I'm not used to wielding....larger blades." 

"Then I'll ask one of our new cadets to train you." Callius suggested.

"New cadet?" Brystal asked.

"Well since you are joining us next year, I think you should at least be able to use a sword. I have two fencing cadets who could help you."

"Brystal Pike. May I introduce to one of the cadets I was talking about. Her names Olivia Hale, daughter to Admiral Hale. Cadet Sulu has some rather important business at the moment," Callius introduced her to the young woman.

"Important business?" Brystal asked.

"He's getting married," Callis whispered in her ear. Brystal nodded her head, understanding the reason Callius had called it important business.

Brystal began inspecting the new cadet. She had dark brown hair that was shirt against her neck , she was rather small compared to Brystal's height, and her eyes met up with Brystal's gaze. In her left hand was a sword, not many fencers were left-handed.

"Ms. Pike," Olivia nodded at her.

"Ms. Hale," Brystal nodded back, politely.

A few rounds of dodging blocks and hitting her blade against Olivia's, while Callius watched in a corner, fully engaged with the fencing. He kept a watchful wye on his goddaughter and the cadet, making sure neither of them accidentally  got hurt.

"Your still a bit sloppy," Olivia commented as she pilled the blades apart from their last swing. Brystal sighed, knowing Olivia was right, but she kept a confident look on her face.

"I'll get better," Brystal repsonded.

"You better hope you do. Its easy to get lost in fighting that you wont see the coming attack behind your head."

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