034|| Crazy on You

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The Enterprises Speakers screeched to life. Causing everybody on the bridge, the lower decks, and engineering to look up. Ringing erupted in Brystal's ears, causing her to grimace at the noise. Her attention immediately driven to the sound of her communicator going off.

The speakers were rarely used unless a giant threat or red alert was going off. Yet, no red lights darkened the labyrinth of hallways and pipes of engineering. And no word if a threat had suddenly made their apperance in the system.

That's when the most peculiar thing began to happen. Music beginning to string out of the speakers, nothing at all that Jim would do with the speakers.

Flicking open her commuincator before answering, "Ms. Pike, here."

"What part of engineering are you in  at the moment?" Jim's voice came.

"Like between life support systems and speaker technology, why may I ask are the speakers  playing Crazy On You by Heart?" Brystal questioned Jim, recognizing the song by the guitar strings.

She couldn't count how many times her mother played that song when she was little. Knowing all the lyrics by heart, even humming it once in a while. But knowing the tune came out in 1975 made her know that her mother was from the time period.

"Someone's jammed all of our signals up here on the bridge. Thankfully the communicators are working. The speakers have been rigged. Shields went down for 25 seconds at least," Jim told her.

"25 seconds? How the hell was it down for 25 seconds? I'll go check out that speaker malfunction," Brystal put her communicator down, sliding it back into her suits pocket.

Walking a bit faster as she moved past some engineers, frantic to make the ship working again. Her eyes landed on the empty hallway of where speakers were fixed or were remade. To her surprise no one was there.

The brightly white room was empty, except for Brystal's presence. Wires clung to the ceilings, shadows of large pipes looming over her body. The lights flickering off and then on again as she crossed over to the console in front of her.

Her eyes caught sight of a small devices hooked into the systems, glinting a shade of green against the white console. Tapping her finger, vigorously on the small device, only showing the song playing.

"If we still have time, we might still get by," the song continued through the speakers.

Tightly gripping her hands against the device, desperately trying to pull it out of the large socket. Her fingernails scraping against the metal, her hands turning red from tiredness. Her eyes darting at the cuffs holding the device.

Whoever planted the device in wasn't going to let their music stop.

And they probably wouldn't be to happy if she did manage to get the device out.

Taking her communicator, reopening it into her hands, "Hey Cal, someone jammed a device into the speaker system."

"Jammed?" Callum's voice came through the communicator, "Can you explain it more clearly?"

"Like there are magnetic cuffs in the speaker socket chasing this device playing music to stay inside the speakers. I was hoping you knew how to get it out," Brystal explained to him.

"Bombs and the Devil ,"  the speaker continued, making it harder for Brystal not to hum along to the song.

"Are the cuffs in the socket?" Like directly in the middle?" Callum asked.

"Yes," Brystal answered.

"Alright then you'll need to pull the cuffs off with a 701 tweezer, is there one in those drawers?" Callum asked her.

Setting the communicator down onto the counter of console. The lights flickered once more above her, sending her into serious thinking. Her mind beginning to think of certain possible or scenarios that were currently happening.

Brystal's began rummaging through one of the many drawers of the console. Picking up large pieces of circular metal to small rectangular objects. Her hands landing on to grips on either side of metal tips.

"Found it," Brsytal told Callum.

"Alright, then you just need to pop the cuffs off the device one by one," Callum instructed her, his voice glitching out. He must've turned his communicator off, she kept telling herself.

Closing the metal tips of the tweezers onto the rigid edge of the cuffs. Pulling down with all her strength, the first cuff was making a slight screeching sound. Her teeth slightly gritted together, pulling further down.

The guitar strumming continued, but she knew it would all stop soon. The metal cuff made a popping sound, sending Brystal slightly backwards. Her boots gripped the ground as she looked at the last cuff to go.

But before she could, a gloved hand went over her mouth.

Olivia had spent the last few hours humming and slightly singing to the song. This must be someone's prank on somebody, she told herself. Her body slightly gliding with the music, her work on fixing on a datapad cut short.

It had been so long since she heard this song. She'd forgotten how much she loved the beat and the tuning of the song. How Brystal was the one who introduced her to the old 20th century song.

Her tiny office that was crammed with piles of datapads and other sorts of small devices anybody on the ship used. Pliers and wrenches scattered across her black metal table. Wires stringing out of the freshly opened datapad.

Leaning back in her chair, looking up at the blank ceiling. Her hair in a twisted pony tail, the curls rich and bouncy. She wasn't going to allow grease or muck on her hair.

"But I tell myself I was doing aright," Olivia sung, quietly, "there's nothing left to do at night."

Her thoughts and singing were interrupted by the sound of a man's voice and the sound of strangled grunts. Her eyebrows furrowed as the voices grew slightly louder.

Olivia's hands instinctively grabbed her phaser on the edge of her desk. Carefully, stepping over her piles of datapads on the ground, knocking any of the over could be worse for her than whoever was out there. She had a bad feeling about what may be happening outside.

"Can't you keep her quiet," Another man's voice came.

"Well, she's the one trying to squirm out of my grasp, so cut me some slack," The first man's voice came.

"I'll cut you slack when you can keep the target quiet," A woman's voice came.

Olivia, lightly pressed her fingers against the button, the door sliding open, quietly. Just enough for her to catch a glimpse of the people outside the room. She gripped her phaser more tightly as her head poked out the doorway.

Her eyes spotting the back of a long, dark brown curled haired woman. Taller than most women, adding the fact the woman wasn't wearing heels. Black leather jacket and her whole attire shades of darker black.

The man standing next to her, carrying a large staff across his back. Lighter brown hair and a beard growing slightly on his face. His tanning light brown jacket, his belt assorted with all sorts of weapons and bombs.

The next man had an orangish tint to his brown hair and beard. Wearing a long red maroon jacket, big boots. But that's when she realized what the group meant by target, Brystal, trying to squirm out of the man's grasp.

Olivia's hand tightened around the trigger, slowly stepping out of her room, "Seriously though. She's squirming like a salmon out of water!" The first man exaggerated.

Brystal let out a gagged grunt, obviously having spotted Olivia. The threes heads immediately turning to the young Lieutenant. Her cover was completely blown in those matter of seconds.

"Bry?!?" Olivia shouted before the woman, swiftly took out her phaser. Faster than Olivia could to pull her phaser, the second man's gun going up too.

Olivia lifted her phaser only to be too late. The woman shot first, fiery red blast,  hitting straight onto Olivia's shoulder. A high pitched and painful scream erupted out of Olivia's throat as her body crumbled to the floor, swelling with immense pain.

Her right hand immediately grabbing at the new opened wound. Pressuring the wound to keep from bleeding out too much. Her vision slightly blurring as she looked up at the woman who had shot her.

"Shit! Shit! We've been spotted!" The second man cursed, running off in the distance as Olivia's communicator fell to the floor.

"Via!!" Brystal finally pulled her mouth away from the man's hand, how had been gagging her mouth, "Via!!" Her voice grew louder, only for her mouth to once be covered again.

The man holding her body, pressuring her hard against his chest. Her hands scratching at the fabric of his jacket, ripping a seam of the sleeve with her fingernails, the one swinging by his side. Her eyes only to widen to see silver metal shining out.

A robotic arm.

Before her discovery could be explained, the man took his cue. Lifting the robotic arm, the butt of his gun hitting the back of her head, sharply. Everything went completely black.

Olivia's hand gently fell off her shoulder, maroon blood soaked her hand. Brystal's voice echoing inside her mind, the blurred figure of the group disappearing down the corridors. She let out a grunt, pain robbed her of other feelings.

Her eardrums rumbled with the roaring of the warp core and the sound of running footsteps against the metal. The song vibrating all across the room as she struggled to not freak out. Trying not to lose her mind due to the fact her friend was being kidnapped and now she found herself bleeding from a phaser wound.

"Let me go crazy, crazy on you,"  The song echoed.

She reached her hand out towards her communicator that had tumbled to the floor in front of her. Bloodied fingers falling for the edges before finally grabbing them. Pulling the small object into her hand, her hands leaving a slight trail of blood behind.

Trying not to waste anymore of her time, anymore energy, and anymore blood. She could easily be bleeding out to her death and have watched kidnappers take Brystal away. But for what cause.....that she didn't know.

In all the strength she had left, her hands carefully gripped the pipe next to her. Scooting her body to lay flat against the metal wall. She gasped out for a cold brush of air filled with the scent of metal and smoke.

Her fingers, tiredly flipped the lid of the communicator open, "Help! Three individuals! A female human and two male human beings! Armed with phasers. I need medbay.........shot in the shoulder."

She practically had gasped out those words, but relieved to her Uhara's voice, "Hang on, Olivia. She's right, Captain. Security has picked three unknown lifeforms on the ship."

"Send a security team at their pinpointed location and set phasers to stun, and I thought Brystal was getting that music out of the speakers-"

"No!" Olivia rasped, "Don't! They've got Brystal........they took her....." Olivia's arm drooped to the floor as Jim's voice came back through a bit panicked.

"What do you mean?"

"They've captured her."

"Sir!" Chekov!s voice came, "They're gone. The lifeforms........they've completely disappeared."

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