035|| Crosshairs

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"Attention all crew of the Enterprise," Jim began his transmission through the speakers,"As you know, earlier today, at approximately four hours ago, an incident occurred on board the Enterprise. Three individuals managed to sneak onboard the ship, no trace or evidence of how they tracked the ship. Sabotaging the speakers to play music, able to turn the shield off for just enough time to be beamed onto the ship. They escaped before we could identify the three individuals, but we were able to catacombs a glimpse of their ship. A T-800. The ship is now heading off into unknown territory not charted on any of our maps. One member severely injured. One under captivity. Starfleet has instructed us to find these individuals and bring them to justice at all costs.......Kirk out."

Jim let all what he said sink in, allowing himself to try and find a way to handle the situation. But he was down on an officer, a supporter, and overall....his girlfriend. Whoever took her was only there for her, and they left not even a breadcrumb behind.

He looked around the meeting room, the darkened white glow of the ship, the deep pools of shadows that clung to the walls. Spock seeming as if he was calculating the situation in his own assessment. Worried glances were exchanged between Chapel, Callum, and Uhara.

Leonard sat with a slight scowl, his arms crossed. Sulu and Chekov sat quietly, uncharacteristically. Scotty waited a bit impatiently, his foot bobbing up and down underneath the table just waiting for the captain to begin again.

"Who was last to have communicated with Brystal?" Jim asked the crew.

"I was. She asked on my opinion in how to unclip the cuffs off the device. Then I ended the call right before Olivia said she heard noises outside her room," Callum answered, nervously. His expression was starting to crease lines if sorry above his eyebrows.

"Kit's going to kill me," Chapel muttered under her breath, but Jim sighed upon hearing that.

Jim knew exactly the way Kit had been since his parents died in the Khan incident. He was extremely protective over Brystal, even going as far as wanting his fiancé, Christine to keep an eye on her. He wouldn't be surprised if Kit tried to kill him for not getting Brystal out of trouble.

"You're not the only who he might kill," Jim muttered before asking, "What is Ms. Hale's condition?" His gaze turned over to Leonard.

"Whoever shot her has the perfect aim of an assassin ready to strike its prey," Leonard answered, "Completely shattered two bones connecting the shoulder to the arm, I'm surprised it wasn't dangling off as much as it should've. Could take a few days to heal at last."

"It would be best if Lieutenant Hale stayed off duty due to the injuries she suffered today," Spock added to which Jim nodded.

"And she was the only one to have seen the three individuals?" Jim asked.

"Other than......Ms. Pike, yes," Uhara's words were hinted with hesitation and slight denial. Her words seemed to linger in the rooms atmosphere.

Silence hung the air as Kirk contemplated and analyzed the situation. Somehow only three people sabotaged the Enterprise. It would've taken at least a larger group  to do so, but these individuals must've not been ordinary.

He couldn't stand idly by and not worry that those individuals had kidnapped Brystal. Worry swirled its way into him, but he hid them a bit as he heard another question.

"Did Ms. Hale give a description of the individuals?" Sulu asked.

"She did claim it was a female who shot her," Chekov added, "Did they have a symbol or an emblem?"

"She said the woman had dark brown hair almost a shade of black. The two men, one had lighter hair and the other a bit of an orangish  tint. They all wore different colors, she didn't catch a glimpse if there was some sort of symbol on them," Leonard responded, the door of the room opened with a hiss.

The sound of an Iv being pulled out of a woman's arm, beeping to life as the woman pushed the cart into the hallway. Her breath ragged and heavy from recovery, something restless inside her peaked. Her medical gown too big for her body, but she tried her best to stand still.

Brown hair held back in a pony, dropping slightly onto her shoulder without the stitches sewn on. Her socks touching the cold floor, sending a slight shiver through her body. Her determination on the meeting going on.

"Damnit , Via!" Leonard got up from his chair immediately, his face flashed with slight agitation, "Your not supposed to have left medbay those stitches in your shoulder need to heal before you bleed all over the damn floor!"

"You look like hell," Callum chimed in.

"It's just a few stitches. Even if I tear them out somebody's going to have to fix me. And stop complaining over me like a mother hen, I'm completely fine," Olivia huffed, looking at Callum, "And  I do not look look like I've been though shit. I've been through horse shit."

"Via! You were shot in your shoulder and two bones  shattered! That's not fine!" Leonard shot back.

"I am not going to stand by laying in a stupid medical bed wondering if Brystal is alive or not. She needs our help and we have nothing, not even a breadcrumb trace to be found.  So either your going to let me in or continue this bloody worrying over me..Let me help."

Olivia and Leonard looked gazes, both slightly agitated and frustrated looks. Not that Olivia should complain over her boyfriend worrying over her, but she wasn't a little girl......she hadn't been one for a very long time.

"Lassie, you should really get some rest," Scotty tried to convince her.

"I'm fine. I won't rest until I know we have at least a clue or at least one trace of those individuals. I will gladly punch the one who shot me when we do.......wait.......what ship did you say the ship design was over the speaker a minute ago?" Olivia stated bitterly before realization swept over her face when she turned over to Jim.

"A T-800?" Jim replied.

"A T-800. Those are only made in the farther reaches of the uncharted regions of space......."

"They're scavengers?" Chekov connected the dots.

"We have only one way to find that out. And I even hate the idea of how we can get the information."

"Not from her," Uhara groaned, knowing who Olivia meant.

Amaya's eyes darted up immediately as she heard the doors outside open, up from her now empty white prison cell after a guard took her tray away, A group of five people entered the room, all Starfleet officers. Amaya felt a surge of anxiety and slight interest in this sudden change to the people who entered her cell area.

She immediately recognized three of the people, totally recognizable faces. The curly headed, Callum Stewart. The teachers pet, Uhara. The Daughter of Mudd, Olivia. All the nicknames she'd given for them all memorized into her head.

Yet, Olivia was not in a uniform, but in a medical gown. Injury most likely, maybe something serious enough for her to not have an IV on her. The rest all in the vibrant colors of Starfleet hand sewn uniforms.

The two others were completely recognizable by the tales children told on the street when she stopped on a planet. The blonde was James Kirk and the Vulcan, too obvious, was Spock. Slightly glad she had listened  in on so many stories on planets.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Amaya asked the group.

"Oh, cut the theatrics and let's get to the point," Olivia looked over at Callum, who held a datapad underneath his arm. Taking that as his cue, he held the datapad close to the glass enough for Amaya to see.

Watching as a video started up, going to three figures talking in the middle of the halls. Somewhere down in the lower decks of engineering. It was evident that it was engineering by all the pipes and dimly lit lights.

"Can't you keep her quiet?"

"Cut me some slack!"

Two voices suddenly spoke, Amaya's attention immediately looking over the figures as the video stopped at a touch of Callum's finger. Had that been music playing the background? If so, she told herself looking over the figures.

The woman and two women, yet the one in the red jackets arm was gagging and squirming for a way out. The shirt brown hair that matched Brystal's shade of brown. These people were awfully too familiar.

That's when she got the point of these five outside her cell, identification. They must've taken a hint that these individuals maybe scavengers. A grin ghosted her lips, a plan beginning to brew.

"Seems they captured Brystal," Amaya bluntly stated the obvious, knowing she'd get some agitation out of Olivia. Watching as the woman's jaw clenched in frustration.

"I'll make this simple. Do you know these three people?" Jim spoke up before Olivia could speak.

Amaya looked over Jim, knowing he looked exactly as the children described. Blonde hair, blue eyes that were glinted with determination. The man who was Brystal's new boyfriend.

She'd have to plan this carefully if she wanted out of a jail cell or prison. To be free of any accusations, she'd have to manipulate or weave her way into gaining Jim's trust. But she'd have to start off simple.

"It's strange that the Crosshairs decided to invade your ship. They only get bounties their client needs.....more of their creator," Amaya added.

"Crosshairs?" The Vulcan inquired.

"Yeah. You know the the two men and a woman gang. They play music to distract their target and then capture them. Mostly 80s music though.....sometimes 70s and 60s. Then again they are just three individuals," Amaya casually said as she paced around her cell space, "And I can't really help you looking up information in this cell."

Clearly, she was trying to entice everyone to ask her for more questions on the Crosshairs. She'd have to draw them in like prey. To find a way to make trap snap.

Olivia, Callum, and Uhara's expression hardened as they watched Amaya. The same demeanor and casual tones she'd used in the academy. Like she was completely controlling the situation, making a new image of her towards Brystal.

"Let's make a deal," Amaya cockily smiled as she turned to face the group once more.

"Make a deal with you? Do you we're that stupid?" Callum shot back.

"I fully agree with Lieutenant Commander Stewart, Captain. Scavengers are highly known for their extensively used deals on other species," Spock told Jim, "As universally they are known for brutal damage to these individuals who agree to their deals."

"Fair enough," Amaya shrugged, her smile still inched across her face, "And those deal names parts are such a lie," she turned around before whispering, "Though I do make a few people cut off a toe."

"You make people do what now?" Jim heard her whisper.

"Alright, you ego-centric piece of shit, enough with the fanatics and cooperate," Olivia got closer to the glass, her eyes alit with an inferno.

"Oh, don't worry...Via," Amaya teasingly taunted Olivia, "I'm not going to make your dear captain cut off a toe. Not for any body part. Just a simple deal. I help you track down the Crosshair, help you bring Brystal back, as long as you let me out of my cell."

"What makes you think we'll agree to that?" Uhara inquired.

"You can put security officers around me with everywhere I go. Surely you don't want me bringing all that dangerous decoding stuff in my cell. Now that would be.....illogical as you Vulcans would say," Amaya smirked, sitting down on the white bench of her cell like a queen on a throne.

She had the upper hand and was the predator to the group know. Making such a simple deal as that could easily make one agree. And if she calculated correctly, it would be the one that cared more about Brystal rather than the deal.

Jim's minds swirled into a hurricane, words and silence all curled into waves of frustration. Did he or did he not want Brystal back safe where he could at least embrace her? What were the consequences?

Nothing could be ignited. The situation was completely hopeless, and he was the one desperate to find Brystal. Whatever it took, she needed to be back safe on the Enterprise.

"Captain, I strongly suggest you do not allow, Ms. Callius to get to your head," Spock looked over at him.

"We can't trust her! You know exactly what she did to Brystal!! She bloody backstabbed her.....this is what Amaya wants! She wants us to agree," Callum looked at Jim, noticing the captain was in deep thought.

Jim's thoughts landed on one. He lost too many people, and he was not willing to lose her. Maybe that was the comfort he got from her, she was always there, right in front of him.....someone who was still there.

Now she wasn't there in front of him, the dread of loss crushed his heart. Brystal saved everyone she loved, even though she knew it was impossible and risky. She knew the risk.

And he knew the risk at hand.

"What choice is there?" Jim asked the two, "No clues. No evidence. Going blind into searching is not substantial to finding her."

"So......do we have a deal?" Amaya raised a brow.

Olivia and Uhara tried to take a step forward, but Jim raised a hand. The two immediately stood down, their anger disappearing into shock and worry for their captain. Watching as he stepped up to the glass to look Amaya straight in the eye.

"Deal." Jim spoke, sounding confident, but his words hid the truth.

"How about we shake on that....Captain?" Amaya asked, walking over to the glass. Looking over at the arm opening hole of her cell.

Jim, reluctantly opened the arm hole, extending his hand, Amya smiled, "Now that's better. You see the only way she could've been set up as a bounty was by Starfleet. By your dear old friend, Admiral Marcus."

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