038|| Across The Universe

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Brystal almost gasped at the sight of the large space station that Silas was maneuvering in for docking. Swirls of pink and purple dusted the sky and exterior of the station, dusted with the tiny pricks of stars. Space stations these advanced were hard to make in Starfleet, but the scavengers had done it.

The whole space station could've been mistaken for a whole planet. Bits of debris from asteroids surrounded the sphere, circular station like Saturns rings. But the obvious doors that opened to docking bays gave away the hidden parts of the ship.

"Never seen any of this shit back at good old Starfleet?" Jason asked, walking by her, chomping down what looked like a bag of orange chips.

She'd seen Elsa enjoy those types of chips that dusted her fingers with orange flavored dust. Not being able to recall the name, but knew Elsa had a whole stack back in her dorm. This snack must've been popular amongst the Recreations.

"Not like this. Cauis says the scientific possibility of accomplishing something like a that would take a lifetime," Brystal answered.

"Well, his calculations are completely off," Jason said, nonchalantly.

"Actually, he is proving his theory wrong at the moment. His new project is designing a spaceport that he wants to call Yorktown.

"Like the battle in the revolutionary war?" Silas inquired, slightly interested.

"Yes. Cauis was always fascinated with history however the hell they beat the British. He plans on designing a whole community in Yorktown. A whole city, designed for refills for Starfleet ships and give species of all kinds a home."

"Doesn't sound new to me," Jason shrugged.

"Not even if he wants glass that can give off oxygen as the protection?" Brystal looked over at the man.

"He plans on what?" Frida's voice came up from the back of the room, rummaging through some stuff.

"She's just...." Jason examined Brystal to which she stood tall, looking like she'd won a bet, "Telling us that Starfleet is ready to be part of the future.

 "It already is."

"Catch!" Frida shouted down toward the bottom platform, eyeing Brystal. One toss came down with black clothes landing in Brystal's hands.

The leathery feel of a black leather jacket's familiarity touched her finger tips. A cropped tang top with purple and purposely stitched open parts. Pants that were a little oversized, yet came with the same feeling of the jacket.

It had taken her a minute to remember that she was indeed wearing a Starfleet uniform, that could cause an outrage on the space station. The history between scavengers and Starfleet was very colorful and painful to day the least. The open seam of her uniform, dried up blood.

Was it just yesterday Aera Callius had helped design Brystal's uniform? Where Brystal didn't want to be compared like the rest of the Starfleet uniforms, not suited for fighting. Her godmother had followed those orders and immediately had customized the catsuit for Brystal.

Aera wasn't one who didn't ignore requests, and she was one who always seemed to care. Her job at Starfleet was the therapist. But Aera had sewn the first catsuit with love and admiration for her goddaughter.

"What in the hell?" Brystal muttered, her hands coming upon a makeup packet.

That had immediately ruined the outfit choice that Frida had given her. She'd never understand why people should dose their face in shades of orange and other colors that completely contrasted with their colors. There was no way in the world she was going to wear makeup.

"Lose the uniform and be glad she's choosing the clothes and not me," Jason nodded, causing Brystal to roll her eyes, "I think Otto is going to be happy to see us again!"

"What did you do to my ship?!?"

A man with a growing gray beard screeched as he looked upon The Journey. Knocking over his metal cup of steaming coffee, but carelessly hadn't noticed his mess. Seemingly only caring about the ship that had noticeable pieces of its wing missing.

He rushed over, dropping his papers, flowing down to some of the spilt coffee. Casually wearing a black jacket, looking extremely tired. Bags were already evident on his face.

The space docking area was very minimalistic. Lights danced above their, flashing white, but nothing much that wasn't like Starfleet's docking bays. There was a little office and sleeping area that was presumed to be the man's area.

Wrenches and drills were piled everywhere. Uncleaned and messy, not like Olivia's wanst messier sometimes. But if Callum saw this room, he'd be dusting away and putting all the tools in a tray.

Brsytal tugged up the pants, hating every second she was in them. Comparing herself to the outfits that the three were wearing, she looked out of place. But no makeup on her face, and that hadn't been a problem so far with her hair swooped onto one side.

"Otto!" Jason smiled as he walked down the ships ramp, "So glad to see you!"

"Glad?!? GLAD?!?" Otto grunted, "You come back with half a ship like nothing happened?!?"

"The wings just need repairs!" Silas retorted, "This is not half a ship! Sorry if we ruined your ship."

"Ruined?!?" Otto sighed, "Why do I even let you keep this ship? I fix it, you break it, and then the cycle continues. Could I have one day that you're not breaking or coming back without one wing!?"

"Can you fix it?" Frida inquired, stopping the man from going further into his rant.

"Of course I can! Do you have to enlighten me on how much this repair costs? No, the repairs going to cost about 20 credits this time around. And who's the new band member?"

"Um...that's..." Silas struggled to think of a made up name for Brystal.

"Demitria," Brystal quickly told Otto, "Or to put shortly, I'm a highly trained assassin and bodyguard to which they hired me for their first mission."

"He was just struggling because he can't think of a nickname for her yet," Frida added.

"He can't think of Demi?" Otto raised an eyebrow, before sighing. Absentmindedly running his fingers through his beard. He was examining every inch of Brystal as she looked at him with a strong look.

Posture straight and never hunched. Eyes directly staring into the engineers with no fear or confusion. Any inch of those emotions could easily get her caught.

"Tell him what you're trained in," Jason asked her.

"Hand to hand combat, fencing, guns, crossbows, phasers, and many mixes of Japanese and Chinese fighting," Brystal listed all of the requirements she'd been taught by Callius, "If you are counting Ballet help with balance and agility also."

The room went silent for a few seconds before Otto let out an audible sigh, "Another vigilante....yay.......and before you ask, yes your little buffet of food you stacked up in the pantry is still there."

"I'll be with you two in a second,"Silas spoke up, "I need to make a call. Otto can you keep an eye on....Demi for me?"

"Great...now I need to look after your new pet," Otto muttered.

"Have you captured the target?"

Viper looked down at the Crosshair that sat with his legs crossed on his seat. His eyebrows were knotted into a stern look, completely emotionless. His eyes were pools of dark black holes, not even a spark could be seen.

Tall and gruff looking. His dark hair complimenting his scarred life, but not hiding the fact he was powerful. Even in just a black shirt and pants, he looked as if he could crush a whole planet.

Silas hated every time he had to come face to face with Viper. Just knowing that one wrong move, possibility could get him killed by their creator. While he had tried his best to be loyal, it had become increasingly hard over the years.

Frida and Jason were probably enjoying a nice meal while he sat in the cockpit making small talk with Viper. He was a bit jealous that Frida and Jason got to be a bit more carefree than himself.

"The target is required, sir, but we had a run in with Anya. She's after the target as well," Silas told.

"Did she give a reason as to why she wants the target?"

'No, but she knows the targets a hybrid," Silas answered.

"We can't have word be getting out about the targets location. Consequences will end up following in your trail of that does happen."

"I know that, sir. Could it have been also because of the second reasoning that Anya came after my crew?"

"The second reasoning being the clue to finding Elsa Engstorm, that is a mostly likely reasoning that Anya is after the target. Do not let her hunting cloud your mind, Silas."

The sound of his name coming from Viper sent a series of chills down his spine. It was a threat. And he knew that very well.

He'd never doubted the stories of what Viper could do to traitors and simple life forms. The ability to crush their body's in seconds or his power able to consume their strength. Silas was know the prey, and Viper was the predator.

"She is nothing, but a reckless young woman who betrayed us, disobeying Arik's commands. Her little bolts of electricity don't frighten me," Silas spoke, definitely.

"But you must remember she was an admired student of his. Very strong and powerful much to his liking then, but to his disliking now. Having another Khan incident would cause a big havoc in the Starfleet system."

"I remember," Silas said, grudgingly.

"You understand the importance of bringing her back is? Do you know what could happen if you failed and couldn't save your poor little sweetheart?"

Silas glared at Viper, "I know every consequence. The only thing we should fear is the targets partner, James Tiberius Kirk, he is no easy opponent. He is probably somehow going to able to track us down before we even know it.....what happens if I'm killed when these things happen?"

"You either died fighting as a failure or you're finding a great escape out of your life. I think it's time the crew of the Enterprise met their end."

"Can you hand me that wrench!" Otto shouted from underneath the bottom of the elevated ship. Finger dug into wires, pulling away to find a broken pipe. He had muttered a curse as leaks of oxygen began to sputter out.

He silently seethed at the broken ship. Seeming like all his work and dedication was all for nothing. His whole life underneath ships, fixing up ever dent and break that he could find.

Somehow he was able to find away to allow men and women use his fixer upper skills on their ships. It paid not as good as his skills would across the Galaxy, but at least he got to do what he loved. But that didn't mean he couldn't be slightly frustrated by the people who kept breaking his stuff.

Brystal grabbed a wrench that had been set by the pile of datapads. Handing the wrench to Otto, who quickly grabbed the tool out of her hands. Screeching and twisting came from the pipe as he moved the wrench in a circular motion.

"Anything else?" Brystal inquired.

"No...." Otto trailed off, seeing a few broken wires, "Actually, yes. I need bonding tape. The yellow one."

Brystal sighed, picking up a roll of yellow bonding tape. Her mind was set on plans or just at least a bit of one to figure out a way to get out of capture. Just the whole trip had proven that she wasn't going to have an easy time.

Avoiding capture from a woman named Anya and not getting recaptured by the Crosshairs. Wanting so bad to get a signal out to the Enterprise, just something that could at least lead them in the right direction. She couldn't even imagine the hardships her friends may be facing right now.

"So...Demi?" Otto asked as he ripped off a strip of tape, "You've got any friends from back where you come friend."

"Many," Brystal responded, looking at him like he'd just read her mind.

"Just thought I should ask. Your outfit doesn't exactly scream people person, but then again, you never really know someone if you judge them right away."

"I should have to agree with that," Brsytal agreed.

"Like how it's not everyday I see a Starfleet officer, but not just that, it's everyday I see a new target that they've acquired," Otto added.

Brystal froze, her mouth drying up till she couldn't even speak a word. Her mind cursing herself for not being as composed and confident looking as she should've.  But somehow Otto had seen through her boundaries she'd quickly set up.

"How did you..." Brystal was cut off by him as he slid out from underneath the ship.

"It's hard not to tell that you are. You were one of Callius's Renegades. I know that strong look you have back there very well."

"You're not going to tell anyone, right?"

"No. There's not a really a point if you're being chased after so....it's a definite no. So tell me what's your real name?"

"I have concerns that someone might spy through your security camera and track me down," Brystal stated.

"Keen eyes," Otto nodded, sitting up as he handed her a small object, "What's so important about you? It could be any Starfleet officer, but you are the target this time around."

"I honestly don't know. Up until today have people started calling me a hybrid."

"A hybrid? What on all of the stars is a Hybrid?" Otto inquired before ah sing her a square object, "Can you take this?"

She examined the square object, taking in every detail. It was small and could easily fit into one hand. Painted a shade of metallic black as various red buttons lit up to life. 

A sudden sense of familiarity began to flood its way into her brain. The object looked as though it was a smaller version of a communicator or maybe a tricorder. There wasn't a strap or anything, but Otto looked at her examining.

"You know all you have to do is hit that button right there once and you could send a signal out to anyone you want. Just dial in the coordinates. You've got about a few minutes before they come back out here."

"Wait-what?" Brystal conjoined the words, fumbling in confusion, "Why are you helping me?"

"Don't know. Just a gut feeling tells me it's the right thing to do," Otto shrugged, "One shot. When they come back in, my tritracker better be on my desk."

She knew what he meant, knowing the Crosshairs could easily enter the room very soon. There wouldn't be another time she could at least get one more signal out to the Enterprise, she didn't even know how much longer she'd be on the space station.

She knew her heart had hold steadfast to reaching out to anybody. Hating the feeling of worry that had etched its way into her mind. Plaguing her with problems that could be happening with her gone.

Maybe Olivia was shouting at Amaya and accusing her for all her lies over the years? Maybe Callum was still trying to figure out a way to cope with the new situation, having been the last person she was in contact with? Maybe Jim was already doing something reckless and stupid......but that just made her smile at the sweet thought.

She shouldn't really be surprised if he was doing such a thing. One of the things that had made her fall for him in the first place was his recklessness that reminded him so much of her. Couldn't be hard to imagine he was doing everything he could to find her.

"Thanks..." Brystal thanked Otto.

"Well, be quick." 

She nodded, immediately punching in various communicator numbers. The screen showed up all of their codes, she counted and named all of them. Uhara's, Jim's, Callum's, and Olivia's that could easily just be enough of a static to send through the communicators.

Hope ignited inside of her once again, keeping the warmth of something good would come her way. She didn't think she could bare anything more if she lost someone else or even imagine what her friends were going through at the moment.

At least now she could give them a trace of where she was. Give them a bit of hope.

She jabbed her finger onto the button, watching as the codes disappeared off the screen. The sound of laughter began to increase in loudness as she frantically threw the tritracker on the desk. Making a hard sound as it hit a mug and chipped a bit of the top.

She grimaced, knowing that the mug may have been special to Otto. Hardly even knowing the man, but a gut feeling told her he would be a good friend. That was if she ever saw him again in the future.

"We could use people like you back where I come from," Brystal told Otto as the doors of the dining area swung open.

"I know," Otto replied.

Silas stepped down the ramp as Frida and Jason joked around about a topic, "Hope you weren't giving Grumps any trouble."

"She didn't give me any, and what have we said on calling me that stupid nickname?" Otto asked Jason.

"You've reminded him a countless number of times to shut the fuck up about the nickname," Silas answered.

"Correct, how about you show her around the place? This repairing may take me a couple of hours. Like the good parts of this space station."

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