039||The Planet of the Lost

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"Captain," Spock addressed Jim, "The signal that went off yours, Lieutenant Uhara, Lieutenant Hale, and Lieutenant Commander Stewart, moments ago all aline in the same direction. Precisely a few nebulas past Romulus."

"The same direction we're the T-800 was last tracked," Jim added, relief washing over him, Spock nodded in response.

"Looks like we're heading in the right direction," Amaya held back a prideful smirk. Two security officers on either side of her. She hadn't done anything stupid like try to run away or kill anybody, but that'd didn't mean nobody on the bridge was uncomfortable.

She stood around the ship like she owned every inch of the bridge. Gracefully gliding around each hallway on the ship like it was nothing new. Almost as if she had been on this ship for years.

Then again she was indeed Callius's daughter, the highest ranking admiral now. She probably had watched her father do dozens of commands and instructions in the passed, taking note of them carefully. Clearly picking up on his calm stance.

Jim had started to see the woman that Callum, Uhara, and Olivia knew Amaya to be. He barely knew Brsytal's side of the story, not knowing what her childhood was like growing up with Amaya. He didn't know and didn't think he'd could ever picture Amaya as that childhood friend type of person.

"Good riddance," Callum muttered, eyeing over at Olivia, who was holding back from punching Amaya.

Olivia's condition hadn't much changed, but Leonard wasn't hovering over her as much. Actually giving her some space that she needed. Being able to show the ready to kill Amaya if she moved out of line once.

Callum felt like he was her backup just in case that happened at all times. Worried over Olivia's condition just as much as everyone on the bridge was. Two bones detached from where the originally were by one perfectly aimed phaser blast wasn't an easy recovery. 

"Lieutenant, set coordinates for Romulus."

"Yes, sir," Sulu replied.

Brsytal found herself blinded by a brilliant lit city, causing herself to immediately squint. Billboards and buildings of all heights stretched towards the roof of the station. The sound of laughter, hoots, and shouts could be heard everywhere.

Species of all alike, no hatred or sense of tension in the air as they socialize with one another. Children playing around with no fear of bumping into strangers. Music blaring from a couple of bars.

The scents of vendor foods wafted in the airs as the group made their way downstairs. The moon may never shine in this place, but it felt as if night time was always around. The Space Station was practically a perfect community.

Like it was straight out of an old 21st century film.

A full on planet laid before them.

"Welcome to Lucida," Jason smiled, thinking it was hilarious by the amazed look Brystal looked around.

"Are there places like this across the Galaxy?" Brystal managed from her mouth, "This place is basically a planet."

Her amazement was hard to hold back with all the sights to be seen. Billboards advertised drinks, foods, and entertainments of all sorts. Even every little detail of the city's colors popped out to her.

"Many. Since most of us are Recreations, usually taking on the job of a scavenger is the best if we want to find hidden space stations like this. We can lose tracking signals here....there's at least 12 of these across these planets," Frida informed her.

"All on uncharted territory," Silas added, barely dodging a kid running after another kid, "Holy shit! Watch it!"

"So Starfleet can never find you?" Brystal inquired.

"Basically," Frida shrugged.

"How come some of you become scavengers?" Brystal questioned them.

"Well....." Jason trailed off, "Sometimes when Arik finishes creating us....he's not satisfied by the product he's creating and our only way to prove our use is following orders and taking out targets for him. The ones he deems worthy are able to know of his plans....and as you can tell we aren't one of them."

Brystal could hear the hurt from Jason's voice, like looking into a deep dark hole of the past. Ghosts seemed to dance in front of his eyes, playing out those memories. Occupied by the children running around.

Her eye's immediately darted towards the metal arm, watching as he flexed his fingers. Her mind began to wonder what had happened to his arm in the first place. Nobody was exactly born with a metal arm.

Her mind immediately wondering towards what pain her mother and Khan went through during the experiments. How many times they were injected with serum. The past she never knew of her mother, and probably wouldn't know much about either way.

"Some of these kids are from recreations which could be dangerous if Arik wants to examine them or to perfect them in the future," Jason added.

"He can't do it on kids," Brystal  immediately responded, "Starfleet made up a law for him, he's been banned from earth since 1998."

Elsa had made sure of that with Starfleet, having help from Ava Pike and Callius. They were able to make 

"Do you really think that counts when those children are of the people he helped create?" Jason questioned her.

Her breath caught in her throat as her mind now swirled with images of possibilities if what happened to those poor kids. The thought of needles and dangerous substances being jabbed into their tiny forms. Then the dark thought of some of them don't survive hit her like an avalanche.

"I had...no idea he would do such a thing..." Brystal breathed out.

"Most people don't," Silas reassured her, "So you're not the only who's never heard of it before."

But she wish she had. She'd heard of Arik's horror ever since she was young, learning how to avoid the crazed man. But it seemed meet him was inevitable for her at this point.

Her mother had been one of the many he had experimented and tortured throughout the centuries. Making her into one of his super human strengthened people, but the man hadn't stopped there. He was willing to add onto his subjects.

But her mother had escaped them somehow. Through the danger, somehow being able to live sort of a normal life at Starfleet. Of course, her father knew her mothers secret, even Aera and Callius knew.

That didn't mean Brystal didn't feel a bit estranged from the truth. She knew her mother as the kind woman whi'd shown her the beauty of the world, but she wouldn't know the woman that had faced years of torture and pain. 

"Wait a minute..." Frida examined Brystal's face closely, "You didn't put on any of the makeup I gave you!"

"I have a right to not want to dab makeup on," Brystal retorted.

"I don't need people recognizing you!! At least wear the eyeshadow and eyeliner!"


"Ma'am," A guard walked up to the woman sitting in her throne like chair, "There was a signal outbreak in the Romulus 65 Nebula Quadrant."

The woman's white blonde hair weaved over to her neck, settling down like loose strings of thread. Emerald eyes piercing into where the man's eyes would've been behind the mask. Her fingers curled around the armrest of her chair had lazily stopped their impatient drumming.

Moments ago, the woman had been in deep thought, contemplating over many memories and thoughts. Her pursed lips had formed back into an arrogant and regal look. The soldier's unwavering patience stood beside her.

Her finger tips glowing silvery blue, had died down. The electric static sound had wilted into nothing. The sense of power and domination still filled the atmosphere.

"And you are sure the it's the Hybrid's signal?" Anya questioned the solider.

"Double checked," The soiled nodded.

She looked to the side, looking at the dozens of pinpricked stars that had woven their way into the dark blue hues of the sky. The circular window opening up to the beautiful window of space. Safe and sound in her ship, not being able to touch the stars.

Her mind fixed on the memory of an old friend.

Then, the memory of another friend that had been by her side for years.

Picturing the young blonde haired haired woman from those years ago. 

In the dark cave, sand falling from the roof as gunfire had begun. Anya held back her occasionally screams of fright, but the two women who sat by her kept her close by them.

The first woman had darker hair and a darker suit. Her bottom lip had earned a bleeding cut, dripping bits of blood to her chin. Her hands helping Anya walk, looking for the entrance of the once 

The second woman's blonde hair was tied in a tight pony. Her skin gleamed perfectly, looking as if she hadn't been touched by the chaos outside of the cave. Her eyes glinted with a sense of hope that the other two could not share.

"Arik's found you," The first woman spoke.

"That doesn't mean he's going to be able to kill me," The second woman, bravely told them, "Demitria, he wants you all to live in fear. For once. Both of you......live your life."

"How can you have so much hope!" Anya argued against Ava, "He's already won. You escaped and you have a life! Why come back and help us?!?"

"Because I know that one day his reign will fall and crumble like every other foe I have faced and seen in my lifetime," Ava looked down at Anya, "Taking away what he needs to conquer galaxies will save us all."

Ava's words had meant everything to her after that day. She was right on taking things away that helped Arik's crimes. The hybrids now were her new target, something that Arik wanted at the moment.

It wasn't like a Recreation wasn't bound to find themselves falling in love. Usually some fell in love with a human or another Recreation. Which sometimes would end up with a child or two.

Brystal Pike and Kit Pike were both Hybrids.

If Arik got his hands on them, everything in the Galaxy could possibly collapse. Arik needed Hybrid's so bad these days that it was becoming an obsession. Hearing of just one's birth, he'd go in a rampage to find them and learn of their talents.

Anya had once been his loyal and faithful servants. Always following through with orders without any backtalk. Watching countless times as he tore pieces and parts away from species of all kinds, claiming he was perfecting them.

In the end, he always found what he wanted. Men like Viper were some of his most prized possessions. It never mattered if a body part was ripped of, Arik always got what he wanted.

But the first to escape his grasp had been Elsa Engstorm. One of his very first, coming from the 1980's of earth. With the help of Starfleet, she'd been able to help thousands of Recreations after her escape.

Elsa Ensgtorm's capture never came to be. And Anya allowed the woman to be able to flee from her sight. Arik may have every bounty on the woman's head, but that was for death, nothing that Anya needed.

She needed to take away something he needed and wanted.

"Out there is a Hybrid that slipped through our fingers with the help of Arik's paid scavengers," Anya turned back to her soldier, "We can't afford for such an event to happen once again......get the soldier's at the ready....we attack as soon as we arrive at Lucia."

"Right away, ma'am," The soldier nodded before heading up towards the control room.

Anya pulled herself out of her seat, walking over to the large circular window. One quote like the one she'd look out before going to sleep at night where Arik had experimented on her. Giving her the powers of electricity, strength, and manipulation.

A perfect star pupil she had been for 180 years. Just another little Miss Perfect that killed at the ready and regained control just like Arik had taught her. But his teachings had wavered over the years.

She fueled by a rage that thrusted her into taking matters into her own hands. It didn't matter if this was the daughter of an old friend of hers. It only mattered that Arik would meet his end.

He would be nothing, but a defeated villian in the history books. His power would falter and he would final lay the price for his consequences. For once he'd be the loser in the game.

"I will not rest until that Hybrid is dead," Anya whispered.

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