044||Game Plan

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Silas sat up against the wall of his cell, not daring to look out at a the blank space in front of him. Silence was pure golden after having been chased down countless times during the past few hours. He allowed himself to take in a few calmed breaths before searching his coat pocket for his communicator.

He checked around the absent cell room, looking to see if anyone was watching him. If there were indeed any other prisoners, watching him. To his relief was nobody seemed to be paying attention to him.

It was just him in the prisoners room. He was able to wallow with his guilt and rethink over everything he'd done to get here. But there wasn't any time for that when he had other ideas.

He pulled it out, managing to have got it past security, but began to record a small message:

"Hey, Frida, Jason.....Otto to if you ever get this. Well, I know I might've worried you about me probably being dead and all, but just a heads up I'm not and I'm really sorry for scaring you. And I'm sorry to say I don't think I'm coming back....

I know you'd be thinking why not, but it's because I met this girl who showed everyone they deserved a second chance, and I couldn't help, but leap at the chance......but I knew the consequences. But I think you'll understand why I did it later, maybe in a few years.....

But like I said so many times it'd be nice to go back to living in the woods. Smell the morning air before getting to work like it was back in 1989........for my sake I can't even think straight what I'm trying to tell you.

But I'll miss you guys."

He felt his voice crack as as he said the last bit. Not knowing the next time he'd be able to his old friends was what really hurt. But he found control and kept in the tears that stung at his eyes.

Guilt consumed the rest of his body, even after he found the hope to tell himself it's okay. But that didn't mean he couldn't be broken over leaving his friends. Like the day he left his family, just because he agreed to a stupid deal and bets himself up every night for it.

He could've stayed in his perfect world and died long ago. But here he was still standing, very much alive for being 300 hundred something years old. But it hurt watching people die instead of himself.

But then a loud voice seemed to be coming closer to their room which immediately turned his head, not quite expecting to hear anyone. He thought everyone just watch him on camera and make sure he was there.

The doors slid open, "I won't ask again captain, I need him out of there."

Silas recognized that voice immediately, turning his head to see Brystal back in a full Starfleet uniform, arguing with the captain, also her boyfriend. But did she just say she needed Silas? What more use could he be after all he'd done?

"The captain has the authority to not allow another prisoner to be walking around freely aboard the ship," A Vulcan said by the two.

"Well, it's not my fault that happened. And Silas he isn't a bad person, he can help us. He can help me stop Anya, Jim.........she's going to destroy the whole galaxy looking for me if I don't even know were to start to help other Recreations out there," Brystal argued, "Please.....allow him out of his cell."

"What exactly can he do!" Jim fired back, "He captured you Bry! Why are you defending him?!?"

"Because he saved me and it'll be a dick move if I can't repay him!" Brystal retorted.

"Bry, I almost lost you and now you are defending the exact man you were throng to escape from!"

"I can handle myself and you know that! We need him!"

Jason felt his heart tug, but he found the strength to speak, "I can help, sir....uh....captain ...,whatever title I can call you. Anya's probably tracking us through warp speed."

"That technology hasn't even been invented yet," Spock raised an eyebrow.

"Not to you guys," Silas responded, "But her ship can. How do you think she found us so quickly, Brystal?" 

Brystal felt like a static shock went up her spine, but one of realization. Everything starting to piece together from how even just a few signals could allow Anya to track Brystal. She forgot about her and Jim's argument from earlier, become focused on herself.

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" Jim asked.

"Captain, I know it isn't," Brystal added, "She did try to kill me....well she more of is still trying too. I'd say a 99.9 percent chance of her actually tracking us."

"Which is exactly why we need to get you somewhere safe!"

"Jim, I am fully capable of defending myself. I was trained be a renegade and I know how to do this. I'm not a child."

"Just being a Renegade doesn't mean you know what you're doing!"

"It doesn't mean it's not going to keep me safe. The records on my Renegade days are private for a reason," Brystal held her hand up like she was done.

The Vulcan seemed used to this type of fighting between the couple because at least it didn't threaten a mission, but also kept it professional. He looked Silas up and down until Brsytal's final word came out. He gave a slight movement of silence before speaking up.

"......how do you know it's in that ship?" Spock asked Silas.

"I built the prototype. It was originally for Arik."

"We're here."

Chekov pointed at a small dot on the star charts, "And she's there." He then pointed to another small dot, making out a little shape of Anya's ship. 

"She's right on our tail," Callum muttered.

The bridge was shown a large star chart map of their ship, seeming that Silas was correct. A large triangular shaped ship was following after them, but that didn't mean they couldn't have an advantage. They had one of the few people that had built the ship's prototype.

"That's what one of those contraptions do," Silas told them, "It's highly effective. Her whole ship is basically invincible, but the warp core is its weakest point."

"How many guards?" Olivia asked.

"It varies or mostly depends on how many soldiers are still chipped," Silas answered, "It's  a way of keeping them under her control, so I'd say a bit a good few hundred could be aboard."

"How does the chip work?" Brystal ask.

"It's placed on the back of the soldier's neck and makes her not even an ounce of betrayal happens on a mission," Silas explained.

"My god, this woman's a psycho," Leonard  muttered.

"She wasn't always that way," Silas thought to himself, but instead said, "If we could pull out of warp here on, Hunu 54. We could have an opportunity to beam onto her ship."

Silas pointed out a small moon in a solar system, not too far from where they were, "When she pulls out, right when she does, all her shields go down for those few seconds. If we can hit the cargo bay, we can easily destroy the ship from the inside.......with the occasional run into guards and of course maybe even her."

Brystal looked at Jim as if she were waiting for him to say something, "But we would need a distraction."

"True," Silas agreed.

"Mr. Sulu how long could we hold her off before she realizes a small group has transported onto her ship?" Jim asked.

"At least......20 minutes at the most," Sulu answered.

"That should be enough time to find the warp core," Silas added, "I know exactly where it is. I know exactly where to disable it........but that may mean the ship will have to crash onto the moon below."

"Hunu 54 is a moon with a low life inhabitants and haven't evolved much," Spock informed everyone.

"Yeah, I know. They haven't even invented a machine yet," Silas rolled his eyes.

"Oh, we've made that mistake before," Unara said, bitterly. Reminiscing about being seen on the planet, Nibriu and how much trouble that caused the Enterprise.

"I hate that I'm saying this," Brystal muttered to herself before speaking up, "But since we have another scavenger on the ship-"

"No." Jim, Olivia, Callum, and Uhura all said.

"Look I'm not too happy about it either, but she is still important to us. We can send her on that team," Brystal added, "I'll keep an eye on her."

"Why the hell does Anya want Brystal?"

Jason turned to see the British woman whom he had met in the transporter room. But instead looking like she might kill him, it looked as if she was examining every inch of him. Like she was holding herself back from anger.

He stopped himself at the front of the weapons containment part of the ship. Hoping to find at least a good phaser or staff like he had used before. But he reminded himself not everything would be the same like it was on The Journey.

Even being able to examine the British woman even more. She was pretty young and at least in her late twenties. Though he started to remember why her voice had sounded so familiar.

This had been the exact woman that Frida had shot in the shoulder.

"It's complicated," Silas tried to explain.

"It can't be very complicated if Marcus had her put up on the black market for Arik," Olivia snarled, "Why does he need her?"

Silas knew there wasn't  anyway to back out of this conversation, "I'm sorry about the shoulder too, Frida shouldn't have done that."

"The shoulder is fine," Olivia answered, "But........is it because Brystal was the last person to see Elsa Engstorm?"

Silas froze, remembering the name Olivia had just said. Though he had no doubt that any Starfleet officer knew who the recreation was. She was quite a popular name amongst the galaxy.

Who could forget a woman like Elsa? The fiery red haired with fire powers who made sarcastic comments everywhere she went. Being one of the first recreations to save other recreations from the life Arik had created them.

"Part of......." Silas told her.

"I beg your pardon?" Olivia inquired.

"Arik was always secretive in what he wanted to do with people, especially hybrids. And before you ask they are Recreations born from another, but to allow a human or another recreation," Silas made slight eye contact with her, "But I know that he keeps it for a good reason."

"But you should know," Olivia tried.

"But I don't know," Silas spoke up, "Even if I tried to ask to speak, I'd probably get killed or punished for it............all I can do is give you what i know. Keeping her around is making you a target to Arik."

"You're saying that to a daughter of a criminal and conman," Olivia told him, "I know Brystal can handle herself and I'm never leaving her side."

Brystal rummaged through a container of phasers and pistols inside the weapons room. Her mind was plagued with battle strategies and frustration towards Jim. If she could, she would've been punching the hell out of a punching bag.

The only way she seemed to get by these days was remembering everything about now, and trying to put all them bottled up deep down. She seemed to remember what she had told the training meaner the day she was assigned to the Enterprise.

"You won't know everything about me."

And she knew that was true. At times just being able to reminiscence memories and wake up from nightmares every night, it was easy to crumble and fall apart. Why couldn't things just go her way for once?

She could still her voices of those people in her mind so perfectly well.

"I'll never say sorry to anybody for as long as I live." A little Amaya had screamed running away from her.

"Demi, my precious little Demi, what mischief are you up to now?" A younger version of a mother ruffled her hair.

"Word of advice, Pike. Never wish anybody luck." Kat had come up to her once before a training session.

"Promise me that you won't lose that spunk of yours." Mason towered over her after a few rounds of practicing aim.

"You and Kit are pretty much my only reason to live since your mother's disappearance." A younger version of her father told a crying little girl.

Brystal half realized that her breath had started to quicken, a bad sign of pain that was grinding till her stomach formed a series of knots. Her fingers rested over a pistol, pulling it out before breathing in a sharp breath. She pushed that feeling deeper down inside herself.

The door opened behind her and she heard familiar steps, "Phaser."

She tossed a phaser over her shoulder, hearing it land in the persons hands, "Look Bry, I want you to be safe. So please just be safe out there."

Brystal looked Jim straight in the eyes, "And as you know, I try my best."

"I can still worry about not a lot of information on you being a Renegade," Jim added.

"I was one for two months before they disbanded. I shouldn't really even count as one."

"But you still were one."

"So what? I was trained to kill, to shot, to use a sword.......like any good person should," Brystal felt her voice crack a few times, "All I do is hurt everyone......everyone I met....always gets in danger.....I just haven't left like the rest.....I'm always still standing somehow."

Brystal gave out a small, hoarse chuckle driven from pain, feeling tears crease her eyes, "It's funny really.....that every time I seem to lose someone......it's always two people. Kat and Mason, and then my mom and my dad.......and everyone seems to know who I'm supposed to be, but I don't even know who I'm even supposed to be.......my duty is to save you....so just allow me to use those skills and keep you and everyone on this damn ship safe."

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