45|| Scar Tissue

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Olivia wrapped one of Brystal's long lanky jackets around her body, covering up the stitching that Leonard had done. She wasn't going to allow him to stop her from being on the away team.

She had every skill needed and the right weapon choices. A long sword clung to her left leg, one that would spit out fiery sparks of red lightning. A weapon she'd found to her liking many years ago in the academy.

She found herself regaining confidence for this mission, but not without slight hesitation. Her situation had grown to be different from what she would've thought would've happened. But she was ready, minus the shoulder injury.

Looking to her right, she saw Brystal had fastened a dagger close to her hip, readied to pull at anytime. The scavenger named Silas had found himself positioned behind her, cautiously trusting her more.

Then, of course, the woman she loathed stood behind her. Amaya didn't move an inch, except blink and silently let out a slow sigh. Shockingly to Olivia, it sounded like the woman was in pain.

Though a few red shirts were readied as well, but Olivia decided not to observe them mouth. They were selected for the needs of this mission. Useful, but Olivia knew she probably would'nt need their help.

"Alright 15 seconds before she pulls out," Callum told Scotty, exiting the transporter desks, looking towards Jim. Having just gotten word from Spock on the bridge. 

Scotty stayed seated, an ear piece hanging out of his ear. Clearly, focused on getting the correct timing when the ship launched itself out of warp speed. Visibility of them above a moon, would obviously show on every channel aboard the large ship.

Callum didn't look too much different, an ear piece loosely fitted into his left ear, waiting for an order. 

"Record time, Mr. Spock," Jim smiled.

"We sure as hell are going to show Anya a show," Silas joked to Brystal.

The scavenger obviously had grown a liking and deep line of trust to Brystal. He was cracking jokes without fear of what someone may do to. When in reality, he seemed like he was shaking off nerves from his own fear.

"She is getting what she wants," Brystal smiled, but Olivia caught a hint of jealousy at Jim's glance at the two, "Ready, Liv?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Olivia mutter, but audible enough for Brystal to hear. Jim stood behind Amaya, like his way of keeping an eye on the whole group, to which Olivia didn't blame him for.

It was just out of the ordinary for Brystal to allow herself to trust a man who kidnapped her. Amaya was an annoying thorn in everybody's side, and nobody honestly cared  anymore to what she had to say. But nobody wanted her to leave without consequences.

"Good enough for me," Brystal assured her friend with a smile.

"And now!" Callum shouted to Scotty.

Within seconds, threads of white light turning into ribbons swirled around the group. The transporter room disappearing away.

Silas instinctively pulled out his phaser, shooting a the guard in front of the group. Causing others to cock their heads towards them. All eyes were registered in the group now, but Silas waved his hand in a mocking way.

"Nice to see you assholes again!" Silas exclaimed before blasting another guy in the head. 

Olivia immediately dodged away as a fiery blast barely grazed her neck. She swerved landing on her knees, pulling out her sword. She got up and sped up in her walk before talking a large swing.

Brystal was quick to act, grabbing hold of Jim's hand, turning him around. Stepping forward, she pulled the trigger hard and viciously. Three guards fumbled to the floor, smoking holes in their chest plates.

Amaya rolled her eyes at Brystal's heroism, elbowing a guard square in the chest after one decided to try to sneak up on her. Grabbing the throat, tightly before placing the phaser against the helmet. Simply, but calmly, watching like the rest of them were idiots.

Silas quickly pulled away ordering to the captain, "There should be a few controls farther back in the room! Make sure it's not the airlock button! It should kill off a few bastards

"Which ones the-" Jim was cut off by Silas.

"Shit! I forget every time you don't know! Damn low Starfleet tech!! It's a red Squarish box with a lever like button!" Silas cursed, moving forward, "Take those two security with you too!!"

"I'll go for Anya!!" Brystal answered, grabbing Amaya's arm, abruptly, "And you're coming with me."

Amaya had no time to fight against a command, either did she feel like doing such a thing. These people were crazy enough to take on a ship bigger than their own. Then again, she must've been surrounded by a bunch of idiots.

"I'll keep an eye on him," Olivia got up gesturing towards Silas, pulling her sword out of the chest of a guard. 

"You two better come back in one piece or Callius and Kit will-" Jim told the two.

"I know. I promise," Brystal said.

Without a second of hesitation, Brystal broke into the a run, Amaya slightly dragging along with her. Diving and ducking out of the way of blast fire. Going down a series corridors, pst dozens of cargo and shipments piled up on towering shelves. 

But instead of being focused, Amaya found herself lost. Remembering how when they were kids, how Brystal and Amaya would grab each other hand, and run away, happily screaming. That thought instantly breaking her heart.

The two both almost slid into a few guards, but Brystal quickly threw her phaser at them. She took a sharp turn, throwing herself and Amaya onto a shelf. Snatching away Amaya's phaser to blast them in the head.

"Climb already!" Brystal shouted to Amaya.

That's when the craziness of Brsytal's plan finally clicked in Amaya's mind. Brystal wanted to stop Anya, not kill her. There was a difference in revenge and redemption, and somehow Brystal saw this for Anya......but not for Amaya.

Brsytal's turned to see Amaya hadn't taken the order, "That's an order." 

She roughly grabbed the scavengers arm swinging her up to the level of the shelves. Amaya let out a slight steam, forgetting about Brystal's super strength side. Her fingers barely grazed the top of the shelf, making her almost fall.

She pulled herself over, letting out a pant of frustration and desperation. She'd even forgotten how crazy Brystal's plans could be. The only person reckless enough o even allow them was Admiral Callius and Captain Kirk.

"For someone flexible you are quite useless in battle!" Brystal climbed up a bit, looking around her, "Jim better hurry up on those weapons!"

"Well, usually shit doesn't break!!" Amaya retorted, "I don't end up in danger!"

"Well good to know you still don't like getting your hands dirty!" Brystal huffed out a scoff, spotting that a few guards had spotted them.

She grabbed ahold of Amaya's wrist and pulled her away from being in the open. Gunfire piercing through the metal as the two found a corner blocking them off with all of the cargo. Fuming with slight rage, Amaya looked angrily at Brystal.

"I'd give a good comeback, but I bet it'll be sensitive to you!!" Amaya spat as Brystal fired a few other shots from the phaser.

"You always cared if it was sensitive!" Brystal looked back for a second, "Like what you did to me!"

"It wasn't my fault! I swear it wasn't!" Amaya hid them behind a cargo box, "It was an accident!"

Like a snap breaking into pieces, Brystal felt rage ignite in her. Boiling to its temperature point, feeling as if she might explode. Her mind pulling away from the guards they'd have to face soon.

"An accident? Are you fucking kidding me?" Brystal yelled back at her, "You hated me because I was chosen by your father instead of you! I had worked my ass off for weeks on end to try and get a spot on the Renegades, but when I did you decide to blow it all up. Just because you were jealous of me getting something you wanted!

I looked up to you for fucks sake! You were my best friend before you decided to forget about me! You were like a sister to me, but you ruined my life! And you just left! I lost everything that I had that day because of you! You selfish piece of shit, you didn't even care about what the hell you put me through!"

"I did care! I cared more than you could think!" Amaya shouted, tears streaming down her face, "It was an accident! It wasn't supposed to end that way. The scavengers tricked me!"

Brystal spotted a solider behind them, pulling out her phaser. The sound of the trigger being pulled echoed as the guard slumped to the ground. The two immediately ran for cover behind a few crates.

Their breaths both coming out shallow from all of the running around. Yet, when they both looked up at each other, they didn't avoid each others gaze. Like they were looking in a mirror and seeing something you never saw before.

"Okay, you were right!" Amaya looked her dead in the eyes, "It was all my fault that day! I should've done more to help, should've tried harder to have just go back for you. But I was afraid you wouldn't have the guts to even look me in the eyes as a friend anymore. 

I was selfish, I acted without considering what it would do to you. I was in over my head those days at the academy, I completely ingoring you for no right reason. There was so much going on, I wanted to help you, Bry.....it's just......it was still my fault."

Amaya allowed tears to flee from her eyes, uncontrollably. Flowing freely, all the emotions that had been bottled up inside her for like a thousand decades. She didn't care what Brystal thought, it felt good for once to get it off her chest.

Slight clumps of mascara hung from her eyelashes. It all felt like a horrible nightmare, terrible and cruel to the both of them. And it wasn't only because of what happened that day, it was also because of hearing the news of Brystal's parents deaths.

Two other people in her life treated her like another daughter, making it seem like Brystal and her were truly sisters. They defended and cared for both girls fiercely, teaching them thousands of things. Now that had vaporized months ago, and Amaya didn't get to say goodbye.

Her heart thumped with hate for herself. Burning and swelling up like flames from a fireplace, hot and painful. She tried her best not to just curl up in a ball and crumble.

"Glad you could finally admit it. Do you want a trophy or something?" Brystal mocked her, sarcastically.

"Look. I'm sorry, Brystal. I'm sorry I was a jerk towards you! I'm sorry for what you lost.....and I know.....I could never make that right....ever. But you have no idea what I lost......and I lost you forever. The way I left you........There's so many things I wished I'd said to you.....but I know it's too late."

Brystal felt as if her heart began to chip away, the words striking a hard cord. It sounded like truth woven with the sorrow and pain in the past. She wanted it to be a lie, but she couldn't find any frayed ends of one.

Instead she heard truth, which made her feel wobbly. Like she might crumble to the floor in a second, but she stood her ground. Lowering her gun, turning to face Amaya all the way, facing the broken woman before her.

"And I mean if it's all my fault.......I hate myself for doing any of it."

Out of nowhere, A guard was beamed on their position. The two quickly moved out of the way as he registered their presence, grabbing his large rifle like gun. Brystal immediately steadied her gun as she quickly pulled it up, firing a shot where the forehead should've been.

"Oh, come on!" Brystal screamed, watching as he fell backwards, falling back onto the ground. S fe guards looking upward to see the two.

"We are trying to have an emotional moment, you bastards!" Amaya screamed at the bloodied guard.

The two jumped off the level in the opposite direction. Almost stumbling over their feet as their feet barely landed perfectly on the floor. The two dashed off down a corridor, panting and questions flooding their minds.

"So why didn't you come to see me? Or at least tell me all of this?" Brystal asked, "Even before that event happened you could've told me."

"Really? You would've believed the jerk I had been to you at that time?" Amaya asked.

"Actually.....no," Brystal responded, "Still though misunderstanding or not, it's still hard to forgive you."

The two halted before Brystal twisted around pulling the trigger quickly. A few guards had started catching up to them. Brystal immediately tossed Amaya her dagger to which she gradually excepted by grabbing hold of it.

Amaya swung a hard blow to the chest of a guard, quickly pulling away to distract another. Brystal immediately, was pulled tightly by one, but immediately she put the gun underneath the man's chin. Pulling the trigger, sending him crumbling to the floor,

"It's been eight or more years," Brystal sighed before looking at Amaya who stood over the dead bodies of the guards, "That's so much time, but I guess you didn't really ruin my life."

"Wait....so blowing up a building with you in it didn't ruin your life?" Amaya looked at Brystal as if it was crazy. 

"It was hard and challenging. And yeah it really screwed up my life and I watched two people die in front of me! And I still hate you, but I finally have a bunch of people I can consider like a family to me."

Brsytal's paused before throwing her other dagger at a guard, "And my life's actually been pretty great."

Pulling the dagger out of the guard before the two looked over to see the door. A pincode was located on the right side to which, Amaya slammed a hand on it. Sending shattering and crackling sparks of fire everywhere.

"Yeah......that's lovely to hear, Bry. You gotta good thing going on with that womanizer charmer don't you?" Amaya smirked.

Brystal smiled slightly, "Oh...yeah, it's been great so far. I mean because I've only been dating him for a few months and all. But I mean he's a real sweetheart and all.....and a fabulous taste in music more than my other exes have had! But he's like really good, really comforting-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it," Amaya patted Brystal's shoulder, "And I'm happy for you, Bry."

A/N: I cried a lot writing this chapter, their relationship breaks me. Why do I do this to myself? Has it been a week? Well, let's just hope I don't make people bring more tissues

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