1. First Contact

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I looked up at Seradon, my wonderful beast, my companion of six years with plans for life.  He’s a magnificent creature towering twelve feet tall and just under forty feet long.  His tail is a barbed snake known to take out trees when he got excited.  His wingspan was massive, twenty-eight feet when outstretched and we could glide for miles before he has to but effort into a single flap.  His fire is so hot it matches his color, a vivid blue that could melt metal on contact.  That has melted metal on contact. 

Seradon and I will be together forever, for I am his rider and he my dragon.  The creature spins gracefully and lowers himself, creating a step with his hind legs and back I can use to climb up on him.  Most riders use a saddle of some sort but ever since Seradon’s young age I’ve ridden him bare and became used to it.  The other folk have often referred to me as the bareback rider. 

I reach my first foot up and press it down on the top of his hind leg; his scales are rough like sandpaper but buoyant like an uncompressed stack of papers.  I reach my hands up and grab hold of several spikes protruding out of his shoulder blades.  I  use these spikes to lift myself onto his back and sit in the spot which has been worn smooth my years of contact with my legs.

My dragon opened his mouth and roared, causing the trees around us to shake in his fury.  Soon we’ll be underway to the kingdom’s capital of Al Lile for a meeting with King Lusifer, the dark night in charge of all the dragons and all their riders.  We’re supposed to be knighted today for our honorable efforts against the hoard in the last war.  Finally, one of the Kings men, a dream we’ve been striving for for years. 

A dream we’ve always had.

A dream we’ve always wanted.

A dream…


My dragon fades before he flaps his wings even once. 


The world crumbles.


The land goes white and I feel myself falling.


My eyes slid open, everything around me was cloudy.  No, my dragon.  What happened to my dragon?  Was he just a lie? Beep my head was sore; I tried to crinkle my brow as if to squeeze off the soreness. Beep something crinkled alright – paper, some kind of rough bandage was on my head.  Beep I tried to twitch my fingers, but it felt as if they were missing. 

They were. 

Beep something heavy covered my body, it was a blanket.  The fuzzy clouds hovering over my eyes refused to focus.  Beep I tried to take in a large breath, but something cut it off BEEEEP I couldn’t breathe at all – I stopped trying Beep air filled my lungs, but I wasn’t the one putting it there.  Beep my eyes focused onto small white squares.  They wouldn’t focus on the room because something was covering them.  Beep what the hell was that noise!?  Beep

I tried to move my arm – to get whatever was covering my eyes off.  Beep and to try and turn off that darn sound, it was starting to irritate me.  Beep I heard metal clink, my arm was held back. Cuffs!?  Seriously?  Beep I tried my other arm, same thing; I was chained to a bed.  Beep I tried to flex my jaw, maybe I could ask for help – assuming there was some.  Beep my mouth wouldn’t close; I felt warm metal with my tongue.  Something was forced down my throat!?  Beep it must be whatever is breathing for me.  Am I on a ventilator?  Beep why would I be on a ventilator?  I obviously don’t need it, I’m just fine Beep Gah! They couldn’t make that machine more irritating!!!  Beep going.  To.  Kill.  Machine.  Beep

Something else shuffled. Someone else was in the room.  I had to let them know I was awake.  Beep so they can turn that darn sound off.  I rattled my arms up and down – trying to clank the metal cuffs against the bed.  Beep

“He’s awake,” an abnormally deep voice spoke, it sounded like it was groaned out, instead of actually being spoken.  Beep “He’s awake!”  the voice grew louder.  Good the doctors noticed.  When they take this metal out of my mouth I can tell them to turn off the machine.  Beep

I feel some warm liquid rub against my shoulder blade.  The liquid instantly cooled.  Beep it felt like cotton rubbing against my skin.  Almost like a swab.  Kind of reminded me of when I got my blood drawn about a month ago.  Beep why would they draw blood?  Why was I in a hospital?  Why did everything hurt?  Unless – a needle punctured the skin.  Beep a sharp sting, the needle was removed.  The cool cotton was against my flesh again.  beep the sound grew quieter.  An elongated ring started in my ears.  Did he, did he just drug me?  beep I could barely hear the noise, as if I was being moved away from it…. 


Nothing.  Nothing… nothing.  Stillness. Peace. End.

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