2. Second Contact

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I rolled over in the bed and looked at the beautiful woman lying next to me. Elanor… Her red curling locks seemed to engulf most of the petite pillow that’s under it as her chest slowly rose and fell causing the enter bedspread to move just the slightest.  She was so peaceful when she slept.  I imagined those green eyes slowly opening and casting up at me with that morning twinkle she often got.  I think about that lovely smile she gets when she wakes up to see me and how she’ll teasingly skip into the bathroom to take first dibs even if I was clearly awake first.

She was my everything.  My everything and more.  I slyly slipped my feet out from under the covers and over the side of the bed.  My bare toes touched the carpet and lift my body up ever so gently to not disturb the sleeping angel.  I glanced across the room to the bathroom and scoot across the room to relieve myself.  My bathroom break was short, as it always is.  I crossed the room to the other side of my angel and reached a pair of white blinds, the light was shining through these blinds with a soothing glare.

I slowly pulled the blinds aside, letting the harsh true light of the sun beam down right onto the bed.  My princesses shuffled and rolled away from the light as it subconsciously made whatever dream she was having much brighter.  I looked outside across the landscape, my perfect little green paradise.  There’s a street directly across, but with vivid green pushes on either side of my property.  The driveway was to the left and to the right was a small windy path I put in last year. 

This path circumnavigated the freshly trimmed grass and was surrounded by these wonderful pink and red roses my Elanor picked out a few months ago. I was hesitant on the colors at first, but now I couldn’t see a front yard without them.  They truly did fit perfectly. 

There were two palm trees at the very front right next to the road and these babies reached nearly vertical with almost pristine leaves.  Yeah, I didn’t go cheap on the palms. A wave came through my head.  I pushed my fingers up against my brow and turned away from the window.  The light must still be too much for my freshly awoken eyes.

I stepped back around the bed as a second wave came causing my head to pulse with one of the worse headaches I’ve had in a decade.  Where was this coming from? Why now?  I looked over at the sleeping beauty and another pounding came as I fell forward onto the bed.  She rolled up and her eyes opened, “Hello.” She smiled, watching me as I slowly rested my body on the bed, “What’s wrong?”

A third and even more brutal wave crashed through my entire existence and everything started to get pulled away from me.  I recognized this feeling.  It was happening again, it happened a lot.  No. I liked my Elanor, don’t take me away from her.  Don’t take me away from my wife.

Why was I being pulled away from the house? Why was I being pulled away from my woman and my dream? My world? I’ve been there forever, it was my world, my everything. I want to live my life with her. 

My senses changed, they went from that warm room to stiff air and medical equipment.  My eyes opened.  Beep!  Elanor forgotten. That damn noise! Beep the rage inside me grew.  I pulled at my arms remembering the predicament from before.  I’m still stuck. Why was I chained to this bed!?  Why won’t that noise stop!?  Beep I pulled at the cuffs again, I wanted to get away—I wanted the metal out of my mouth, the cotton off my eyes, but most importantly the machine to be turned off!  Does it look like I needed that cursed thing?  I’m perfectly fine! Why was I even in a hospital in the first place?  There was nothing wrong with me, I’m being held against my will.  Beep I now understood why people go crazy in hospitals.  Beep the fucking thing wasn’t even a constant noise.  It seemed to go off whenever the fuck it felt like it!  I pulled harder at the cuffs.

“He’s awake!”  I heard someone shout.  I struggled more.  I tried to move my feet.  Beep it was the first time I tried to move them, they were only tightly packed under the blanket.  No binds, I could move them.  Beep I felt the warm liquid on my arm again—they were going to try and knock me out again.  Beep why?  I thrashed my feet.  The blanket was forced off the bed, my feet flailed towards the person next to me throwing the covers right off. Beep my feet crashed into thick hair, the person I struck flew back in surprise.  I heard him bounce off metal Bee- Crash! I heard metal slam into the floor—several cords pulled taught on my arms and stomach, threating to rip out from wherever they were attached.  I waited.  I heard some kind of scrambling; the doctor was struggling to get back onto his feet, surprised from my attack.

“What was that for!?”  the doctor grumbled,  “I’m only trying to help you. You need your sleep.”

“Ehe ewaa, ulaa aa, aw aal ehh uhuh.” I tried to explain through the metal shoved down my throat. 

“I don’t speak your language creature,” the Doctor responded.

My anger grew, “Skeeew oooo,” I responded. I wanted him to take this cloth off my eyes so I could look the bastard right in the eyes and tell him I understood every Goddamn word.

“You know.  Maybe he talks through that?” someone else spoke, someone who had entered the room without me noticing, obviously though cause I still couldn’t see shit.  Something else I just noticed, the beeping stopped! 

Someone tugged at the pipe down my throat.  “aaaa!”  I responded growing excited that these idiot doctors were finally figuring what they should have learned at the age three.

“You know, it does sound like it,” the Doctor I kicked said.

“Eating, breathing, and talking out of the same hole.  Quite interesting,” said the other.

“We’ll need to learn his language so we can ask him how that works.”  If I could have smacked my face at what these idiots were saying, I would of, but unfortunately the cuffs prevented that. 

“Oh well, knocked it out.”  The doctor said, “the healing still isn’t done, most his fingers are still gone and the guy’s stomach, I don’t know how it’s alive with a stomach in that condition.  It looks almost like its insides have been liquefied.”

“Yes, sleep’s the best for it, progress is slow, but it’s getting better.”

A needle punctured the skin on my shoulder as questions rushed through my mind:  why was I not dead? Where was I? What were they doing to me? Why do they not know common sense? Then everything was confronted with one notion:  at least that darn beeping was gone.

Nothing.  Nothing… nothing. Stillness. Peace. End.

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