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(stumble belongs to a friend,all the rights are his,while tough is my oc)

name: stumble

species: western spotted skunk

age: 15-20

allignment: evil

affilations: dr starline (formerly),surge and kit (formerly),tough (currently)

Relative(s): tough the eastern spotted skunk (sister)

gender: male

imposter of: tumble

apperance:Stumble is a muscular and tall anthropomorphic Western spotted skunk with Light blue and White violet fur. His mohawk runs down his back with his Light blue stripes reaching the ends of the stub where his tail once was. He has quite scruffy fur, with his chest and muzzle looking connected. He has a pink nose with a triangular shape and short ears. He bears a "W"-shaped patch in the center of his chest and bears fangs. Around his black eyes with red sclera, Stumble has extremely defined purple bags under his eyes.

For attire, Tumble wears two black, spiked bracelets with gold buckles on them and wears black and gray boots also with golden buckles.

personality: Stumble is a brawler who loves to fight. Also, in order to intimidate their opponents, he and Tough have created choreography and rhyming introductions for themselves. This also shows a measure of arrogance in their abilities. Their announcements, however, do not always rhyme, and they usually end up embarrassing them or makes everyone laugh at them. Despite this, Stumble is genuinely proud and sensitive about their introductions, believing that they creating art that others do not appreciate. Tumble is also rather picky about their rhymes, complaining when Rough uses "slant rhymes".

Stumble is arrogant and very confident. He never admits failures or weaknesses, like denying needing help or extra firepower. He is also an ungrateful opportunist who never intends to change, even after his enemies have saved his life. In comparison to his brother, Stumble is more wild and prone to frequent bursts of aggression, like when he told Tough when they fought Sonic to not banter with him and instead press on the attack

The loss of his tail has greatly traumatized Stumble. As such, he gets extremely sensitive and emotional when it comes to his missing tail; he went into a jealous rage when complaining about how unfair it is that Tiana had three tails while he has none, and at Rose and tangle for their extra long tail. As such, Stumble refers to have tail-based weapons. Also, after his prosthetic tail got destroyed, Tumble lost his fighting spirit and was reduced to a sad, sobbing wreck, clutching and mourning his broken tail

name: Tough

species: Eatern spotted skunk

age: 15-20

allignment: evil

affilations: dr starline (formerly),surge and kit (formerly),Stumble (currently)

Relative(s): Stumble the western spotted skunk (Brother)

gender: Female

imposter of: Rough

apperance:Tough is a medium-sized, anthropomorphic Eastern spotted skunk with pink-gray and Ivory fur. She has a tall, Ivory mohawk that extends down to her back. She has cheek tuffs on the sides of her Ivory-colored muzzle and has a scruffy hairstyle along with a long, Ivory-striped tail that can extend over her own head. She bears a Pink-grey V-shaped patch on her Ivory white-furred chest. She also bears pink canals, a black nose, and sharp teeth. Tough has rosy eyes with amber sclera along with thick black outlines along the outer corners.

For attire, Tough wears amber gloves with white volar surfaces and amber boots with tan volar surfaces, a red oval on the tongues and Ivory soles, both having red lining on the wrists and ankles, and white socks.She also wears a safari vest with a cropped white tee underneath, low rise Khaki shorts with black belt, white Knee High socks. She also wears a Khaki safari hat.

personality:Tough is a brawler who loves to fight. Also, in order to intimidate their opponents, she and Stumble have created choreography and rhyming introductions for themselves. This also shows a measure of arrogance in their abilities. Their announcements, however, do not always rhyme, and they usually end up embarrassing themselves or making their enemies laugh at them. Despite this, Tough is genuinely proud and sensitive about their introductions, believing that they creating art that others do not appreciate. She also gets greatly offended when others imitate their introductions, and in a mocking manner no less.

Tough is arrogant and very confident. She never admits failures or weaknesses, like denying needing help or extra firepower. Se is also an ungrateful opportunist who never intends to change, even after her enemies have saved her life. In comparison to her brother, Tough is less wild and more prone to engage in banter with her enemies. Tough is also rather assertive and not intimidated by rumors in the slightest, like when she remained unconcerned by the legends of the curse surrounding the Lost Pyramid  and told her brother to man up when she began worrying about said curse. However, when she met a "mummy" in the pyramid, she got immediately scared and ran away, unlike her brother, who was more confused than scared. Tough can also be more fearful than Stumble, like fearing spiders in the dark and fleeing confrontations from time to time.

While powerful and clever enough to seize an entire town alongside her brother, Tough is not very intelligent, having been described as more of a bully than a mastermind. Also, while she and her brother were able to take control of a key location and a stockpile of Wispons, they showed no foresight or ambition in doing anything beyond forcing the townsfolk into serving and entertaining them. Tough is also very naïve and easy to convince when promised with a supply of new weapons, although she will not admit about having been deceived later on upon realizing it. As such, many consider her a brutal, but mindless tool that is incapable of devising complex plans and strategies.Tough has also shown immature behavior, such as getting into a childish argument with Stumble over who destroyed more Badniks in a fight, or playing in ball pits.

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