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name: toko

species: honey badger (cyborg)

age: 36

imposter of: master zik

affilations: Dr.Starline(formerly), Surge and Kitsunami (currently)


apperance: toko is a sky blue honey badger with purple eyes and a soft yellow scerla with hints of grey color in her fur. for attire,she wears a black dress and a bracelet on her wirst on her left arm.Toko is sometimes seen carries a wooden staff, which ends in a inward swirl at the top.

Her black legs end with two blue claws, with a third claw on each heel. Toko also has five fingers on each sky blue hand, each finger tipped with a blue nail.while she also has blue eyelids and black under-eyes.

personality: toko is the mentor of pyro and one of the most calmest and tatical imposter. whenever she is in combat,she tends to form a plan in her head to win any battle,a example of this being agaisnt master zik. she is shown to have some times of redemption but she never takes the oppurtunitys to full redeem herself due to her hidden fear of being betrayed by anyone she opened her heart to besides her allies.

abilites:Cyrokinesis,Magnetism manipulation,Genius fighter,High acrobatic skills and reflexes,Enhanced durability,Enhanced jump,Enhanced accuracy,Energy ball projection,Kung fu

favirote song: get in the water

lyrics:I've been waiting for this moment

For the perfect time to strike
When your home's so close
And you've reached your coast
That's when our paths collide
I've got a reputation
I've got a name to uphold
So I can't go letting you walk or
Else the world forgets I'm cold

Now get in the water get in the water
Or I'll raise the tide so high
All of Ithaca will die get in the water


Get in the water

Stop this, please

I'll make tidal waves so profound
Both your wife and your son will drown


Get in the water get in the water
Don't mistake my threats for bluff
You have lived more than enough
Get in the water get in the water
I'll take your son and gouge his eyes
That is, unless you choose to die
Get in the water

introduction qoute: "I've been waiting for this moment..For the perfect time to strike..but hello,i am toko the honey badger,i was created to destory and replace *you (master zik)*

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