A glimpse of past

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Arjun is busy with his work, it's been a month since the last hearing, and it's been one month since he saw her... He did want to see her but was not desperate..... He worked hard and hard to gather the evidence... He tried to know from his trusted sources about what happened that night but he could get nothing, this is the first time it has happened and Arjun is frustrated with his ignorance...

"Hey, Arjun..... What's up ??", Raj shouted excitedly entering Arjun's cabin

"What are you doing here ?? Out now....", said Arjun without even looking at his friend's face...

"Man... It's been months since you last hung out with us... Do you realize that ??", Raj said frustration visible in his voice...

"Not now... I will come out, and party hard but only after I get Aarna out at least on bail", said Arjun with determination and finality... Raj knew that tone... He huffed and went away...

The following day, he called Geeta to his cabin...

"Did she say something ?? Anything that can lead us to the truth ??", asked Arjun with hope and Geeta hated to disappoint him...

"No Arjun, she barely talks...", she said and Arjun rubbed his temples to control his frustration

"How are her tests going on ?? Have you contacted Dr. Padmini, any important thing that I need to know ??", Arjun asked...

"Yes Arjun, I talked to her yesterday night, and she said Aarna is suffering from trauma but her silence has very little to do with it...", said Geeta...

"That means, Aarna is purposely staying mute, to avoid answering questions... Okay what does Dr. Shekharan have to say about it ??", he asked

"It can happen only because of two things Arjun, one is fear and the other is helplessness, she is stopping herself from talking only because of either of these two causes or maybe both", Geeta said and Arjun gave her a calculative look... "Well.... this is what she said....", Geeta added... and Arjun nodded

"I can't talk to Dr. Shekharan on the phone or visit her, I don't want to take that risk, ask her to prepare a detailed report", Arjun said... Geeta didn't understand why is Arjun so secretive about his involvement in this case, she thought he is just overthinking, and the Bharadwajs are not at all dangerous or cunning like Arjun thinks them to be, but what's the truth ?? only time will tell...

"Just a second", Said Geeta and disappeared only to be back with a file with 'AARNA' written on it in bold...

"She told me you would ask for it", Geeta said handing him the file...

"She is one of the top psychologists for a reason...", Arjun replied with a smile and started reading the report which is clearly written so that any average human could also understand...

"Arjun, Can I ask you something ??", Geeta started and Arjun just nodded concentrating on the file... "How did you trust her with our secret ?? You didn't even let Ritika know about you taking up Aarna's case, considering the fact that she is like your family", Finished Geeta eagerly waiting for Arjun's response...

Her question took Arjun into his deep past which was buried inside his heart years ago...

"You don't have to know that Geeta, get back to work", He said softly yet with a tough look on his face.

"Okay... okay... you don't have to be so rude... boss", said Geeta with an irritating sigh and left his cabin making Arjun smile...

Though he is very lenient with his staff and always treated them as his friends, they never compromised with the work ethics or took advantage of his friendliness, in fact, it acted as an advantage to the firm as everyone could freely approach him or Raj for suggestions and it created a healthy and competitive work environment.

Geeta's question rang in his ears and some horrible memories clouded his brain without his will...


"Ms. Mythri has completely lost her mental balance, the reports prove that she is even suicidal and it's really dangerous for Mr. Kashyap's son to stay with her, With your permission, I would like to call upon Dr. Yashwanth Dubey, who has run a series of tests on Ms. Mythri...", His father's vile lawyer spoke


"Thank you, your honor, So Dr. Dubey, please tell the court about Ms. Mythri's mental condition," he said

"There is nothing much to tell, everything is crystal clear in the reports, She is mentally ill and also suicidal, she acted very violently when she came to visit me in my clinic, I even suggested she let go of her son as she could harm him too but she is reluctant, but as her doctor, I would suggest moving the young boy away from her...", Dr. Yashwant Dubey lied through his teeth...

"That's all your honor, thank you, Doctor", the evil man who is also his father's lawyer friend, said

"No... He is lying, I have no mental illness, I can take care of my son... I love him so much, please don't take away my son... I have only him..." His mother's screams went on deaf ears...

"After examining all the evidence and reports, the court decides to hand over the custody of Arjun Kashyap to Mr. Ravinder Kashyap, and considering the mental condition of Ms. Mythri , the court issues restraining orders on her, from today, she cannot meet, see or talk to Arjun, all the decisions are taken keeping the child's future in mind, if found violating any of these, Ms. Mythri would have to face serious consequences which can include immediate arrest as well, the court is adjourned"

"No Judge Saab, please please, I live only for my son, don't do this... Arjun, Arjun....", No one cared about his mother's screams but he could never forget those... How he ran towards her but is dragged away by his horrible father... he thought he would never get to see his mother again but that's when his Sushmita Aunty came...

"Ravinder bhai... Arjun is running with high fever, let me take him to my place, I'll take care of him and send him as soon as he gets fine", his Sushmita aunty said...

"Okay... but my men will follow you, Sushmita, if at all I find Mythri anywhere near my son, I'll destroy her but along with her, I'll not leave you too", he warned

"What are you saying Ravi, I'm your friend, at least trust me", Shravan Goel said

"When it comes to my son, I won't trust anyone Shravan, and don't think I don't know how you and your wife are supporting Mythri in this case", he said anger evident in his voice

"We don't plan on hiding it Ravi, what you are doing is utterly wrong but We can do nothing about it, as a law-abiding citizen, I had to follow court orders and I'll do that", Shravan Goel said angrily and went away with his wife and Arjun...

The whole night, Arjun cried for his mother and his health got worse... On knowing Arjun's condition, his mother again appealed to the court to give her one more chance to prove herself fit to take care of her son, and with Shravan's influence, the court was ready to give her a chance, but they didn't have any proof to show that she was mentally fit to take care of Arjun, that's when he met Dr. Padmini Shekharan, she is the junior doctor at Dr. Dubey's clinic, she has the right reports of Arjun's mother, which were morphed by Dr. Dubey for money, Arjun's father offered... With the proofs and the bank transactions, they were able to prove his mother's ability... Dr. Padmini's statement and Arjun's deteriorating health helped Mythri to get back her son's custody...

He remembered crying and getting unconscious in his mother's arms after seeing her for the first time in 2 months, he was badly affected by all the custody pull and he again met Dr. Padmini as his child psychologist later on, she lost her job because of the case, stating compliance issues, she wasn't offered any job due to her bad conduct and that's when she started a clinic on her own... She is the one who helped Arjun get out of the dark phase and fear of losing his mother... But it happened after a few years anyway, this time forever...


Arjun opened his eyes which are teary... If a glimpse of the past has the capacity to weaken him this much, then he could only imagine what his whole past can do to him... No, He can't handle himself, or his anger... He shook himself, washed his face, and got back to his work, if he could provide justice to all those innocents, he could keep his mother alive forever, that's what he could give for the woman who gave him everything and lost herself in the process, thought Arjun...

Days passed with Arjun's quest for truth, he never gave up though his every attempt is ended up in defeat, he got up with double force every time he was pushed down... Raj and Geeta are surprised to see his utmost determination and zeal to solve this case at any cost...

He waited at the back gate of the college, as he knew Aarna would be coming to give her first exam today... He can't meet her which is obvious, but he doesn't want to miss even a little hint which could take him near the truth... And he is ready to do anything for that...

He saw Aarna coming out of the exam hall and he felt this pang seeing the pain in her eyes when her friends avoided her, some even ran, which is very childish, to act such a way at their age... He wanted to give a piece of his mind to them but refrained, he just wanted to observe things, not let his presence known... For now...

And finally, he found it... There's this one girl in the whole college who didn't run away, in fact, she looked at Aarna with the utmost affection, love, and longing... She is about to approach Aarna but she in return turned her face away and crossed her fingers, which stopped the girl from approaching her...

If not for Arjun's excellent observant skills, he would have missed the little non-verbal exchange between the two...

He continued to visit the college irrespective of Raj's disapproval, his friend thought it was fruitless and he is risking everything for nothing but Arjun found no other way...

Aarna never talked to the girl and on the last day of their examinations, a similar thing happened, but this time he found the willingness to meet her friend in Aarna's eyes but she looked at Khatri in fear... Arjun understood the reason and thought of something to divert Khatri but before he could do something, Chandini spotted him there, he signed her to divert Khatri but she said she couldn't do it, so Arjun messaged her to take Aarna to the ladies restroom and she nodded...

"Aarna, I need to use the ladies' washroom, could you show me that ??", Chandini asked Aarna and she nodded...

Arjun found her signaling her friend to come there and she nodded...

She locked Aarna to the nearby pipe and went inside a stall... Chandini acted as if using the washroom but in actuality, she was leaving the way for Arjun to enter the washrooms...
Chandini entered the last washroom which is very much away from where Aarna is but she jumped internally and reached the nearest one to Aarna and then let the way open for Arjun...

Arjun entered the washroom and looked at Chandini apologetically as he knew how inconvenient it is for her to be in the same washroom as him but they had no choice... He wants to learn what's running between the friends...

"Aarna... How are you ?? Are they beating you ?? Aren't you eating properly ?? Why did you ask me not to come to see you... You are my best friend, and I couldn't stay in this college without you, I know you did nothing, but people are blaming you...", her friend blabbered...

"Shant hoja meri ma...(Calm down woman!) Shaant(Calm down!)", Aarna said in a low tone and Arjun's eyes widened hearing her speak like a normal human being with so many expressions in it... Chandini's expressions mirrored Arjun's...

"And I am fine, I am eating fine too, don't worry about me, I asked you not to visit me because it can be dangerous for you... Listen to me, listen to me carefully Radhu... Don't support me in front of anyone... Talk as if you too hate me for what I did... Look I don't have much time, but I want you to be careful, I want you safe, I can't risk your life too... That's why I am keeping you away from this truth... Take care ha... And eat well, don't miss me too much, and make some friends, I know how difficult it is to live when you don't have anyone to share your pain with.... Talk to people... Understood ??", finished Aarna panting...

And Arjun's eyes are ready to come out of their sockets...

"Why are you talking so much ?? Take some air", her friend said...

"I don't talk to people there Radhu, I can't open my mouth, I am afraid I would spill the truth and the truth is dangerous", Aarna said with tears in her eyes...

"Please let me visit you aaru... Please", Radhika begged but Aarna didn't budge...

"I don't want you in danger, understand me... Please... Promise me, you wouldn't say a word about anything related to this case to anyone, I know you don't know much but still...", Aarna asked and her friend promised her reluctantly...

"Now go away... she can come out any moment", Aarna said...

"Hey, the constable lady looks nice, maybe she can let us talk for some more time and also hide this from others", Radhika suggested...

"I stopped trusting people long ago Radhu, yes she is nice but I don't know for how long", Aarna said and urged her friend to leave...

Arjun gave a sympathetic look to Chandini but she smiled at him... She understood Aarna's dilemma... She saw how the girl is being treated and anyone in her place would have trust issues...

After Radhika left, Aarna cried her heart out, talking to someone after such a long time generated an overwhelming feeling in her...

Arjun felt very bad for her and angry at himself for not being able to solve the case till now...

Chandini urged him to go away and he nodded jumping out, Chandini made her way out and then cursed herself immediately for her stupidity, she went inside the 7th stall but came out from the 2nd stall, thankfully Aarna is busy sobbing, but as soon as she heard the washroom click sound, she got busy in composing herself...

"Do you want to use the washroom ??", asked Chandini kindly and Aarna nodded...

She went inside the first stall and finished her business and came out... After which they moved out after submitting her hall ticket to the examination counsel...

Arjun sat in his car and whispered to himself..."Radhika Gupta"

He got a lot of information from their little talk and he is gonna probe deeper into each word that came out of Aarna's mouth...

Arjun sat in his study which is the biggest room in his house, even bigger than the living room still insufficient for his books which are all around the huge room with every shelf filled with them...

"I think I need to extend my study room a bit more...", Arjun said looking around the room, Raj and Geeta, stared at him like an alien...

Did he call them to his house at 7 AM on a Sunday morning just to say this ?? If so, he is dead... thought they

"Arjun...", screamed both of them...

"Fine... I am getting to the point... Calm down...", he said calmly taking out a marker and dragging his whiteboard down...

"Arjun... You better finish this off in an hour, I have planned an outing with my boyfriend, this is the only free day I get, and he is gonna leave me if I didn't show up even today", said Geeta...

"If he did, then he isn't right for you, and stop being so dramatic, I have known him from the time I know you, he is not gonna leave you ever, he is so understanding", Arjun said drawing something on the board...

"And I don't want him to be the only one who is understanding ", she said with a deep sigh...

"Okay... I get it, I am sorry... After this case is solved, you can go on a long vacation with him, it's on me... Now please smile dear", Arjun said with his soft tone and Geeta nodded... This guy very well knows how to treat his employees, with respect, love, and dignity...

"Guys listen carefully... I have got something major in this case", declared Arjun

"What is it ??", both Raj and Geeta asked with hope and excitement, many months of their hard work and Arjun's sleepless nights are finally paying off...

"Radhika Gupta", Arjun wrote on the board in capital letters... Followed by a detailed report on what exactly happened on the last day of Aarna's examinations shocking them...

"Now, The questions that are in front of us are
1. Why is Aarna scared ??
2. Who is she afraid of ??
3. How much did her friend know ??
Since both of them are in the same college same as Gagan Bhardwaj, there are many chances of Radhika knowing about Gagan... We need to extract all the information from this girl...
4. What did she mean by she can't risk her life too ?? Whose lives are at risk ?? Is this why she is not opening her mouth ?? And why did she call the truth dangerous ??
Once we get answers to all these questions, the case is closed...", Arjun said with confidence doubling with each word... Till then he didn't know where to start but now he knew what he wants and where he should search which is a huge victory for him...

"Okay... What do you want us to do ??", asked Raj with enthusiasm and Geeta too got into the mode... Her outing is long forgotten...

"Let's start with her, I want a meeting with her Raj and it should be done today itself", said Arjun pointing his marker to where the name 'Radhika Gupta' is written on the whiteboard...

"But how is...", before Raj could finish Arjun interrupted...

"I just need her phone number, that's all I want from you Raj and Geeta, you are going on an outing with Karan but there is a small change in plan, I am tagging along and I'll decide the place, Karan shouldn't know about it, I don't know how you do it", said Arjun and dismissed both of them... He has thought everything in his mind and got his clarity, now he just has to execute it...

Raj and Geeta left to do the respective works allotted to them while Arjun made a call to his Shravan uncle without knowing that the man whom he despises the most is present in the same place...

Arjun's father Ravinder Kashyap came to meet his longtime friend Shravan Goel... Though his friend forgot his past deeds, his wife, Sushmita didn't, she still remembered how he treated her friend and how it affected her life...

As soon as she saw him in her house, she didn't hesitate to express her dislike for him... She soon left for her room and both the friends sat in Shravan's office talking about things, mostly involving Arjun...

Ravinder Kashyap realized his mistakes but it was too late, all he had is his son's hatred and he knew he will hate him till the end of his life but that doesn't mean he will not know about his son Or his welfare...

Shravan is detailing to Ravinder how fierce Arjun is and how he slapped the police officer when he received a call from an unknown number... He frowned but took it nonetheless...

"Hey uncle, I need a small favor", Arjun came directly to the point...

"Arjun ?? Why are you calling me from a new number ??", Shravan asked with a frown...

Hearing Arjun's name, his father's face glowed like a full moon... He asked his friend to put the call on speaker as he wanted to hear his son's voice... It's been years since he heard it, he sees him on the tv and reads about his achievements in the newspaper and that's all... Once he tried to meet him in his office, but Arjun didn't even acknowledge his presence or his existence... and He made it clear to him through his secretary that he doesn't want him anywhere near and definitely not at his firm which is named after his mother, and where he feels her presence the most...

On seeing the longing in Ravinder's eyes, Shravan put the call on speaker...

"Uncle, that's a long story... I urgently want a sim card with a private number, I don't want anyone to tap or track me, I think Bharadwajs or to be precise the Chief Minister is having my phone tapped", said Arjun shocking both the men...

"Arjun... Don't forget you are talking to a sincere government servant who is loyal to the government always", said Shravan earning a glare from his friend...

"But the Shravan Goel I know is an honest man first, then a loyal public servant, uncle it's about an innocent life and you clearly know I won't do or support wrong", Arjun said

Ravinder signed his friend to accept it saying he would get it for him...

"Okay... I'll get it for you", Shravan said...

"When can I get it ??", asked Arjun desperately...

Ravinder understood his son's need, he showed 3 fingers to his friend...

"3 days", said Shravan, and Ravinder slapped his head, what he meant is 3 hours...

"3 days ?? No way, I want it till afternoon, umm... You have 6 hours to be precise", Arjun said...

"Young boy, aren't you demanding too much ??", Shravan asked with a teasing glint...

"Come on uncle, you can do it for me, can't you ?? Well if you can't, I have Aunty's number too", Arjun said threatening Shravan Goel who is hell afraid of his wife's nagging...

"Huh... You will get it in 4 hours... Bye", said Shravan and he heard Arjun's chuckling before he hung up...

Arjun's father made calls to his trusted men and got what his son wants ready and got it delivered to Arjun...

Doing something for his son gave him a little peace and happiness... Throughout his life, he gave only pain to his son, at least now he wants to see him happy and help him as much as he could...

Arjun disposed the sim after talking to Shravan and as he said, he received the sim card in less than 4 hours... Raj got Radhika's number... And Arjun knew there was a high chance that she wouldn't agree to help him but he has an advantage, he knew she cares for Aarna and he could use that.....

"Hello... Am I talking to Radhika Gupta", asked Arjun as soon as she took the call...

" Yes... This is she", she said doubtfully hearing a new but confident manly voice...

"Hello, I am lawyer Arjun Kashyap, my colleague is the one who is handling your friend's case", he started but is interrupted by her...

"Which friend ?? I don't know what are you talking about?? ", she said, he can clearly sense her nervous tone...

"Look, I know why you are saying this, I know Aarna herself told you not to reveal anything to anyone yesterday, but now she needs your help, she is the one who gave me your number... If you don't believe me, you can check the new lawyer who took up Aarna's case recently, her name is Geeta and she works in the Mythri justice firm which I own... You can do your research and then come to meet me... Also if you still don't trust me, I'll come with Geeta, Aarna's lawyer... We can meet there", Arjun said and he didn't hear anything from the other side. He knew she is convinced and all he needs is the last stroke and the ball will be in his court.

"Aarna is suffering a lot, she needs your help, don't back out, please..... Your little information can save lifetime pain and punishment for your friend, if you don't come today, no one can save her, and since she is accepting the crime, she might get a death sentence ", Arjun finished...

With his soft and convincing tone, his logic, and years of experience in manipulating people's thoughts, he got her...

"Where should I come ??", she asked with fear evident in her tone... Though she got ready to help him, she knew nothing about him and that's scaring the sh*t out of her... Arjun gave her the cafe details and hung up...

Radhika decided to check the whole history and then go, meet him...

There is a whole Wikipedia page on his name and seeing his reputation, there is this unknown trust formed in Radhika...

She found a picture of Geeta along with Aarna on a news site, the image is taken after getting permission for Aarna to complete her graduation...

Everything seemed fine to Radhika, and she decided to meet Arjun... If any info she knew could help her friend, then why not ??

Radhika left to meet Arjun but she didn't reveal herself first, she spotted Arjun from far away sitting along with Geeta and a man... She sighed in relief seeing his info right, she walked towards him...

"Arjun ??", She whispered...

Arjun immediately recognized the voice and person...

"Ms. Radhika Gupta, please have a seat", He said signing Geeta and Karan to make a move and they nodded...

Karan left first, to bring the car from the parking lot...

"If you are uncomfortable with me, Geeta can stay", Arjun said politely but surprisingly Radhika shook her head...

"No, I trust You, Mr. Kashyap, I have gone through your history, you have brought justice to so many people, please bring justice to my friend too... she is innocent, she can never commit a crime like that", said Radhika folding her hands...

"I'll do that but I can only if you help me...", Arjun said softly...

Geeta left calmly after bidding bye to Radhika and Arjun.....

"First thing, no one should know that I approached you to know the details of Aarna's case... The opponents are very strong, they would get cautious if they know about me handling this case......", Started Arjun and she politely nodded..... "Okay tell me about Aarna from the start, tell me each and every detail, every minor thing is important", he continued and she took a deep breath and nodded...

"Aarna is an orphan sir, Her father left her in front of the orphanage she grew up in when she was days old. The mother who took her in saw him doing that", She said remembering how broken Aarna looked when she shared her deepest pain with her(Radhika)

"How did the orphanage mother know that he was Aarna's father only and not any other man ??", Arjun asked

"She heard him talking to the baby Aarna calling her how he is unlucky to have a daughter...", Radhika said and Arjun nodded, though his heart pained listening to Aarna's pain, he didn't want to entertain any such feelings till the case is resolved...

"Aarna grew up in the orphanage, she is very much attached to the children that grew up with her in the orphanage and the mother as well... Mother could give you more details about Aarna's childhood and her family", Radhika said

"Okay, tell me about Gagan", Asked Arjun but as soon as he took his name, Radhika's face became weird, showing her disgust...

"That man deserves to die, I have never seen such a disgusting creature in my life", said Radhika, and Arjun's eyes furrowed in concentration and confusion...

"Elaborate", Arjun said coming into his full-on interrogating mode...

"From the time Aarna joined the college, he teased her and used to follow her always asking her to accept his offer", She said with disgust...

"What offer ??", Arjun asked...

"He... He asked Aarna to sleep with him", Arjun's eyes blazed with fire hearing her but he controlled his anger asking her to continue... "she knew he is the chief minister's son, so she maintained her distance from him, she never gave in to his demands and he never gave up either... she bore his torture for 3 years, but suddenly, something happened and he left the college... We thought finally god has listened to Aarna's prayers but after a few months, one day it was found he was dead and Aarna was near his dead body accepting the crime... my friend can never murder him, she is fierce, bold but only towards her career... Even when he commented dirtily on her, she never paid heed, she simply walked away without reacting much, I used to feel like slapping that b****rd, I was so surprised seeing her calmness and asked her if she ever gets angry..... then she said, she would often but there are no one to back her anger or bear her tantrums so she learned to cover them all", said Radhika with tears in her eyes...

"Please save my friend sir, I don't know why is this happening to only her...", Radhika said wiping her tears.....

"Do you have anything else to say ?? like any minor detail would do ?? any discussion or conversation between Aarna and Gagan ??", Arjun asked...

"No sir, they never talked, I mean Aarna never responded to his ways, she didn't say a word, and that hurt his ego more... he made everyone in the college against her, but she has me and for the rest of the people, she never cared...", Said Radhika proud of her friend

"Why weren't you afraid of his ways ??", Asked Arjun with amusement...

"What would he do sir ?? Anything he did, could become viral and his father would chop his head if he becomes a liability to him, and he knew I am capable enough to spoil his as well as his father's reputation", She said confidently which impressed Arjun a lot, he should have guessed this girl's caliber and courage when she decided to meet him in a matter of such a sensitive case without even having a solid proof that he is harmless...

"Thanks for the information Radhika, You can call me anytime whenever you remember any crucial detail about this case, This is my number, Please don't note or save it anywhere, you have to memorize it and call me only from a public telephone, I know it's hardly found in this city but you have to be careful, and one more thing, make sure no one notices your face while you talk on a phone, and one last thing", said Arjun and Radhika looked at him...

"You never met me", Arjun said getting up and walking away...

Radhika is pleasantly shocked by the way Arjun dealt with things... There's this strong voice inside her, that screamed Arjun could free her friend, only Arjun can... Only this man has the capacity to do it... With one last look his way, She too left from that place calmly...

Arjun immediately started digging in about the orphanage and the mother who took Aarna in...

Was she afraid for these people ?? Did anyone threaten her with their lives ?? He wanted to know every detail regarding it... He started probing more, it took him days to reach the roots of her past and what he got to know shook him from within... He understood the whole strategy behind the case but still is unclear about what exactly happened that night... But one thing is clear for him...

In the Next hearing, Bharadwajs are going to get the shock of their life seeing him as Aarna's lawyer...

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