Taking the first step

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Arjun detailed Geeta how to approach this case in the court and he included different methodologies for different possibilities, Arjun himself took care of the minute things when it came to this case which surprised Geeta and Raj... He made sure to talk to Geeta and prepare her for the upcoming hearing at least once in two days... He never did that before, and this much interest is raising many doubts in Geeta..... She thought he is personally invested in this case but didn't know how to ask him that... Though Arjun never behaved like he is the boss, at the end of the day, he is and Geeta doesn't want to upset him but she couldn't hide her curiosity anymore...

"That's all for today Geeta, make sure you get thorough with these files, we'll discuss this day after tomorrow", he said dismissing her but frowned looking at her still sitting on the chair without moving...

"Is there something you wanna ask  ??", he asked lifting his head from the file...

She hesitated a bit and looking at her, he kept his file away and took the chair beside hers...

"Tell me, What is it ??", he said in his usual friendly tone which encouraged Geeta...

"What's so special about this case Arjun  ?? I have known you for 5 years, you were never worked up for any cases... How complicated it might be, you never lost your confidence..... But I can see the uncertainty and fear in your eyes, uncertainty I can understand, but fear  ??", she said still keeping some of her doubts to herself...

"This case is not as straightforward as it seems to be Geeta and the uncertainty and fear are not because of the thought of losing it, but because of Aarna's attitude..... She is a mystery to me..... I strongly feel she is innocent, but again why would a girl prefer jail and that horrible life even after being innocent  ?? What is stopping her from revealing things  ?? From the little research we did about her college life, she is an ambitious girl... She was a gold medalist, what exactly happened that she even lost the interest to pursue her graduation  ??", said Arjun thinking deeply about how to make her complete her education, whereas something else is running through Geeta's mind...

"This is the first time I am seeing the Arjun Kashyap talk about a client so much..... It came as a surprise but a pleasant one", said Geeta with a teasing glint...

"I get where you are coming from... There's nothing of that sort, This girl is intriguing and so do this case...", said Arjun...

"But the determination and hard work you are putting in, in this case, is 10 times more than any other case you took up till now... Why  ??", said Geeta determined to prove Arjun's attraction to Aarna but if she thinks she could convince him when he is determined not to get convinced, then she doesn't know Arjun Kashyap yet...

"It's not every day I get to fight against the chief minister of our state and winning it is something very prestigious, above all that, nothing can control my zeal to get justice for the innocents, and if the girl l is proven guilty, I'll make sure to get her death sentence...", said Arjun confidently with all his emotions hiding inside his heart... The word 'Death sentence' is enough to cause havoc inside him but he knows better than express his views to anyone... He is not supposed to feel anything towards his clients and he wants to maintain it that way...

"I'm convinced... You win...", Arjun smirked but it soon vanished after hearing her next words "But again, you are the most successful lawyer in the city, you ought to be convincing..... Have a great day Arjun", said Geeta leaving his cabin with a smirk...

"Damn it", he said to no one in particular before drowning himself in his work.....

The day got busy for everyone at 'MYHTHRIs' and before leaving for home Arjun went to Geeta and she is surprised to find him at her cubicle...

"I'm leaving, read these also before our meeting the day after tomorrow", said he, dropping a stack of files on her desk... "And yes, in the next meeting with her, you are getting her to agree to pursue her studies back..... We have got one more component added to our goal list for the next hearing now...... Challenging isn't it  ??", Arjun said throwing a smirk before walking out knowing how difficult it is to convince Aarna...

"Such a devil you are Arjun...", Geeta shouted and his smirk widened hearing her... She can't get off the hook after pushing his limits, can she ?? He drove off for his home thinking of ways to convince Aarna...

Two days after, Geeta went to visit Aarna... But this time, she has many things running in her brain... How in the hell could she make her agree when she isn't willing to say a single word  ?? Arjun would kill her if she didn't return successful... She cursed her curious self which decided to probe into her boss's feelings for this girl which led him to do this to her... Usually, Arjun would help her with everything related to this girl because miraculously she only reacts to Arjun but this time she isn't sure about Arjun helping her...

"Welcome welcome lawyer Sahiba... How is it going with the case  ??", said Khatri with his sarcasm evident in his tone... Geeta is not new to his comments, she would ignore them every time but today she is pissed beyond limits...

"It's going very good, soon you will see her get out of here... Or should I say out of your vile intentions  ??", spat Geeta making Khatri furious...

"That would never happen, she won't go anywhere..... If anything, you would see your career slipping away from your hands..... I promise you that..... ", shouted Khatri and Geeta left a humorless laugh... Before she could respond, she received a call from Arjun... She is surprised to see his call that too when she is to meet Aarna...

As soon as she took the call, he burst out or acted to burst out angrily...

"Where the hell are you Geeta  ?? I already told you, if you are to take Aarna's case, you can but you cannot ignore your loyalty and duty towards our firm... Looks like your concentration is on only one case...", he said and if she didn't know he is acting, she would have burst into tears hearing his rude tone...

"Arjun... Please give me some time, I came to talk to Aarna, after that I'll take care of my other work as well", she said...

"Okay... A half-hour is all you have, stop wasting time on useless things and get back to work", he said and she got his message... How can she be so stupid..... Arjun is hearing everything she is talking, he might have also heard her argument with Khatri and that's the reason he called her...

"Yes Arjun", she said hanging up...

"Your boss, the great lawyer, Arjun Kashyap was more arrogant than you, but what happened in the end  ?? Realised he could do nothing in this case and left it to save his leftover respect..... Follow his footsteps, and at least save your job...", Khatri said infuriating Geeta but she followed Arjun's advice... 'Stop wasting time on useless things and get back to work i.e Aarna.....' She repeated in her mind and went to meet Aarna dropping her phone and other Electronic devices in the box... She wondered how to make Aarna agree, this time there was no Arjun to convince her...

But to her surprise, she saw Aarna talking on the phone and Chandini looking at the alley carefully...

Aarna didn't say a word to what Arjun said and after 10 minutes, she hung up and what she said next not only shocked Geeta but herself too...

"I want to finish my graduation, where should I sign for petition  ??", Aarna said and it took 2 minutes for Geeta to regain her composure...

She took out the papers and took Aarna's signatures explaining the procedure and in the rest of the conversation all Aarna did is nod...

And finally, Geeta left with a huge grin on her face which surprised Khatri... He made a comment but she didn't care.... She collected her phone and laptop and walked out of the door...

Arjun sat in his office looking at the papers Aarna signed..... He is surprised she got convinced in a single time... He didn't expect this at all, he thought he needs to persuade her a lot and it was definitely gonna take 2-3 meets but she agreed at once... He recalled his conversation...

"Hi Aarna..... This is Arjun again", he said and she hummed...

"We don't have much time to exchange pleasantries though I will be the only one who does that in our conversation...", he said and she again hummed...

"Aarna... I want you to complete your studies, you were in your final year of Engineering when all this happened... I know it would be very hard for you to go to the same place and study but you need to... Education is empowerment, that's what I believe, education doesn't have to be degrees but that's what interests you, pursue it, become independent, fight your demons, no one would be able to help you until you help yourself...", he said and she hummed... But he can see there's no improvement... He is about to give up but wanted to tell her one thing heartfully...

"I understand you don't want to reveal what happened that night, trust me I won't force you to do that ever, I'll find one or the other way to reach the truth, but all I ask is to stand up for yourself, and your education, set your priorities and work on it... I know you have endured a lot but a little courage is what you need to show right now... This is definitely not how a gold medalist behaves...", he said the last part in disappointment..... This time there was not even hum or acknowledgment, he knew he crossed a line, she hung up and he wanted to punch himself for whatever things he spoke to her but looking at the paper with her signatures, he is left shocked...
What made her agree  ??

On the other side, Aarna's hands and legs shivered at what she has done..... How can she give into Arjun's words  ?? How did she even agree to complete her graduation..... She recalled her conversation with him, it's not even a conversation because he is the one who did all the talking..... His words affected her a lot and made her think..... Mostly because he sounded genuine, he is sincere and wanted to see her taking a brave step for herself... She remembered her past...

"Mother... When will my parents come to take me  ??", the little girl asked the generous mother who runs the orphanage...

"They will come soon, baby..... When you become good and successful, they will realize what a gem you are, and come to take you back to your home", the kind mother said caressing the little girl's cheek...

"Mother, I want to see my siblings, do I have one  ??", the little girl asked looking at the two kids who are brother-sister feeding each other...

"You do Aarna...... Not one, all the children present here are your siblings..... You need to study well and look after all these kids when I go to Jesus", mother said feeding her...

The little girl who saw the efforts the kind mother put into getting sponsors for the children's education, decided to give her best in everything, and from there, her journey to excel in everything started which was put to stop because of a cruel man's vile intentions...

When she heard the disappointment in Arjun's tone, she knew what she had to do... She is not going to give up, not at least regarding her education... Her life is already destroyed, she could never open her mouth regarding what happened that night but the least she could do for the mother who has done so much for her is to complete her graduation... She would surely get into trouble if he gets to know about her decision but he isn't a fool to hurt them just because she decided to pursue her dreams...

Her past flashed in front of her before she woke up, washed her face, and went to sleep...

The whole night Arjun didn't sleep, for the starting hour, he kept staring at her signatures which are gonna change her life... He caressed her handwriting, her signature is as beautiful as her... He shook his thoughts away and concentrated on what is needed to be done... He should make sure the court grants permission to complete her studies, this is the first step that could lead him to the truth..... He can try contacting her more this way...... Everything becomes easy for him then..... He prepared a checklist for the next hearing and he is determined to achieve everything written in it, the whole night he sat up making different plans and counterattacks...

He got more and more nervous with the hearing date nearing... He knew Aarna took the first step by signing the petition papers. He doesn't want to disappoint her and he doesn't want to lose this golden chance which could take him one step closer to the truth...

Though 'right to education is a basic right provided to every citizen of the country including prisoners, he is sure the prosecutor would definitely try to stop it but Arjun has his own plans to get his way with everything.....

Finally, The d-day is here, and Arjun is not yet ready to reveal himself as Aarna's lawyer, there are many things he wants to know and for that, he needs to show that he has nothing to do with the case but that doesn't mean he couldn't attend the hearing... One thing is for sure, Bhardwajs are up for a huge surprise seeing him at the court...

The session started with the normal proceedings and Geeta started with her argument which she was practicing for days and months together... Arjun wanted it to be so perfect that he not only strained himself but her too...

"Your honor, I would like to talk about that one thing which is considered as crucial evidence in any crime, weapon, in this case, murder weapon..... As mentioned in previous arguments, neither the police found the murder weapon nor a concrete proof that proves my client as the murderer", said Geeta...

"But your honor, Ms. Aarna is clearly accepting her crime..... There is someone else involved in this murder plan and to protect him/her, she is refusing to reveal anything regarding the murder weapon...", the prosecutor Mr. Chakraborty argued...

Geeta and Mr. Chakraborty argued fiercely before Geeta stated something which shocked the Bhardwajs.....

"Mental trauma... Your honor, I wanted to talk a bit about this... I didn't know why wasn't this done before but I wanted to reveal something today..... My client Ms. Aarna hasn't talked much in the past one and half years, that is from the time of the murder... You must have observed in the hearings too... The incident which happened 18 months ago has shaken her from within that she might have suffered trauma... And I suspect that's the reason behind her silence regarding the whole issue..... And not because she has something to hide or someone to protect...... With your permission, I would like to call Dr. Padmini Shekharan, a very reputed psychologist", Geeta pleaded

"Permission granted", the judge announced and a woman in her early fifties made her way to the dock...

Geeta asked her if there is a possibility of Aarna suffering any kind of trauma post the incident...

"Post-traumatic stress disorder, we normally call it PTSD, when someone sees, hears or experiences something shocking might lead to it, this usually leads to avoidance and emotional numbing, that is avoiding talking about that incident or blocking any memories regarding the incident, this can also lead to psychogenic muteness, where people stop talking about everything fearing they had to talk about that incident... There are very high chances of Ms. Aarna suffering from this...", said Dr. Padmini Shekharan...

"Note this point your honor", said Geeta followed by a few more relevant points she wanted from the doctor...

"Your honor, if you allow, I would like to ask a few questions to Dr. Shekharan", requested the prosecutor...

"You may Proceed", permitted the judge...

"Dr. Padmini, are you sure about Ms. Aarna suffering from PTSD  ??", asked Mr. Chakraborty

"As I said, there is a huge possibility but I can only tell you for sure after I examine her", said the doctor...

"So, you mean there is also a possibility of her not suffering from any trauma, just avoiding the topic because she is unwilling to talk about it, right  ??", asked the prosecutor...

"There's always a possibility but to act like this and to stay almost mute for 18 months in a row, a person needs a lot of training and should have known how to control your body mentally and physically in all circumstances ", she said and she was dismissed after that...

After this, Geeta even brought up the topic of Aarna's education and despite the prosecutor's hard effects to stop her from completing her graduation, the court has permitted Aarna but with very strict rules to follow... And she is allowed only to appear for exams. Except for that everything should be done in self-study. Only if the accused agrees to the conditions does the court permits her to study and Aarna readily agreed. The court announced the decision and also instructed the police and jail superintendent to take care of the arrangements for it...

"The court hereby instructs the jail superintendent and respective authorities to take care of the procedure and arrangements related to the 'accused' college visits during examinations. Also, the accused should immediately be examined by the doctors regarding her mental health condition. The court is adjourned till...... ", the judge pronounced and Arjun had to try harder to stop the happy grin that is ready to appear on his face...

He and Geeta made it seem like he visited the court as he has some important work there and on Geeta's insistence, he stayed there. Arjun observed Mr. Bharadwaj's face to find any kind of displeasure but all he saw is calmness... He seemed as if he is okay with everything that is happening...

It's as if Arjun could figure out everything that's related to the case except for these Bharadwajs' motives which is irritating him day by day... He still couldn't figure out what exactly they want  ??

After the hearing, Arjun maintained a calm facade but inside he is getting so happy, Aarna gets to study, finally, he did something for that girl...

Mr. Bharadwaj came to him...

"I'm surprised to see you here Arjun..... ", the old man said with a smile that seemed genuine to Arjun..... Either he should have mastered this skill or he is actually genuine otherwise nothing could escape Arjun's eye..... He could read people like he knows them for years...

"I had a hearing too Mr. Bharadwaj, and Geeta requested me to stay as she needed the moral support... This is the least I could do for my employee and a friend", Arjun said convincingly and the old man seemed to believe him...

"That's so nice of you Arjun, everyone needs a boss like you, I would have been happier if it was you instead of your employee", said Mr. Bharadwaj surprising Arjun and he did nothing to hide his surprise...

"I thought you would be upset as the prime accused in your nephew's murder is getting out to..... ", Arjun started...

"You still don't understand us... do you ?? We just want justice, and it's that girl's right... I'm happy..... Now excuse me", said Mr. Bharadwaj calmly and walked away...

But something in his words didn't seem right to Arjun this time...... If he knows that it's the girl's right, then why didn't he try to get her to complete her education earlier  ??

'What are you thinking Arjun  ?? Why would he do that for his nephew's accused murderer  ??' argued one side...

'Why not  ?? When he could ask a top lawyer like Arjun Kashyap to take up her case and volunteer to pay the fees, why not get her permission to complete her education  ?? What is he afraid of  ??' countered the other side of the brain...

'So many secrets to unveil..... Where should I start  ??' Wondered Arjun...

He stood leaning on a pillar when he saw Aarna come towards him or should say towards the exit with constables surrounding her... Khatri's face is pale like he is so upset with the news and a smirk appeared on Arjun's face seeing him that way...

Khatri saw red looking at Arjun's smirk... He so badly want to wipe that smirk off Arjun's face and he just knew how...

He dragged Aarna towards the exit holding her wrist hurting her angering Arjun, he moved towards them and slapped across Khatri's face shocking not only Khatri but everyone around them, and since this happened in a high court corridor the audience included fellow lawyers, a few judges, and many big officers...

As soon as the slap landed on Khatri's face, his grip loosened on Aarna's hand...

Slapping an officer who is on duty is a lawful offense and Arjun didn't care about the consequences, he can fight the lawsuit but right now he needed to show Shiv Khatri his place...

He went near Khatri and told something in his ear which made him take a gulp in fear...

"If you wanna complain, go ahead, I am more than ready to fight the charges... We both knew why I slapped you, I won't hesitate to do so again and again if you repeat it", Arjun whispered looking at Aarna's hand which has bruises... "How would it feel to lose your job because of a rape case ?? Fatima huh ?? Kuch yaad aaya (remember  ??)", Arjun said in a dangerously calm tone which made Khatri sweat profusely... Arjun moved slightly away from Khatri and waited for him to say something...

Aarna who is just beside him heard everything but she didn't know how to react... In her 23 years of life, no one stood up for her as Arjun did... But why did he ?? she doesn't know...

Everyone waited for Khatri to say something, anything, at least threaten to file a case against Arjun... But the words that left his mouth surprised everyone and widened Arjun's smirk...

"I'm sorry Mr. Kashyap... Won't happen again", said Khatri and walked away, his subordinates followed him along with Aarna...

She wanted to look at him for once before leaving but she didn't have the courage to do so... This man is doing everything for her, trying his level best to give her life back but what is she doing to help  ?? What can she do  ?? Her hands are tied... The reason why she chose self-destruction ran through her mind...
She left without even looking at Arjun for once and this did affect Arjun, more than he wanted to agree...

The district magistrate, Shravan Goel, one of the very respected people in the society and a well-wisher of Arjun saw everything that occurred there... He wants to talk to Arjun ASAP... Because what he did today is highly unacceptable, what if Khatri decided to case against Arjun  ?? He didn't understand what suddenly happened to the calm boy he always knew... He messaged his wife to call Arjun for dinner that night... He knew Arjun wouldn't deny her as he respects her a lot... He gave a final look to Arjun before moving inside to complete the work for which he is actually there...

Geeta took steady steps towards Arjun, she never saw him so angry, it was not like he is a saint or a very calm person, he did shout, and scream when he got angry but the fire that was blazing in his eyes right now is very foreign to her or to anyone that knows Arjun except for his best friend Raj...

"Arjun...", Geeta called approaching him...

He hit the pillar with his fist hard before walking away startling her... She silently sat in the car and after she felt him calm down, she started the conversation...

"Arjun... That was uncalled for, you could have spoiled everything we achieved today", she said fearing him for the first time in the 5 years she has known him...

"Nothing would be spoiled, Geeta... I wouldn't let it happen... And I did nothing wrong... I would slap him again and again and again if he lay his finger on that girl...", said Arjun gritting his teeth... He didn't understand his feelings for the girl but whatever they are he wanted to protect them and save to himself... Because this is the first time he is getting that feeling to protect a woman so badly after his mother...

Geeta nodded, she didn't want to say a word... They reached the office and Arjun immediately went to his cabin asking his PA not to disturb him for an hour at least...

He decided to switch off his phone for an hour but decided against it... What if something urgent came up with Aarna  ?? Chandini would call him, only him... Because the girl he is feeling so protective about has no one... Why is he thinking so much about her so suddenly... He took a deep sigh, tried diverting his thoughts, and got successful... After an hour or so, he got back to his form forgetting everything or at least acting like it...

His phone blinked displaying 'Sushmita aunty'... He wondered why is she calling him now  ?? When she knows he would be at work... Nonetheless, he took the call...

"How is my son doing these days  ??", a smile made its way upon hearing her affectionate words... She is his mother's best friend and like a second mother to him...

"I am fine Aunty, how are you  ??", asked Arjun wondering why she called him... Not that he didn't like it...

"I am good Arjun... It's been long since you visited, why don't you come home for dinner tonight  ??" she said, and hearing his sigh she continued... "You are coming that's all, I am not listening to any excuses", said in her motherly tone and he couldn't refuse her when she gets so sweet...

"Umm..... Okay, Aunty, will come.....", he said, " Tell that old man not to stress so much about what happened in the court today", he added...

"You knew ?? He was thinking you didn't notice him...", said Sushmita with surprise...

"Of course, I saw him, I didn't wanna raise his blood pressure, that's the reason I stopped with one slap... Anyways let's discuss when I come there, see you in the evening Aunty", said Arjun hanging up...

The rest of the day passed without much drama and he is thankful, Raj decided to stay calm and not confront him about his 'little stunt' in the court, he is sure, Geeta must have filled Raj in with all the details but for some reason, he chose to stay calm and Arjun thanked his stars for the reappearance of his best friend's almost nonexistent maturity...

Packing his stuff, he left to the DC bungalow after informing Raj and his PA Swati... After the security checks he is allowed inside, he greeted the elderly couple and started with dinner...

"I specially cooked your favorite dishes, Arjun... Take some more rice beta...", Sushmita said caressing his hair which reminded him of his mother...

"Thanks, Aunty..... But you don't have to do it... Your cook cooks fine...", Arjun said giving a thankful smile to her...

"I know you miss homemade food, especially after Mythri's... Anyway, have this..... You know, I learned to make chicken masala from your mother only... Taste it and tell me... How is it made...", she said sitting beside him serving herself too... Arjun's chest tightened upon hearing about his mother but he controlled his emotions...

"It's very delicious Aunty..... Thanks for the dinner.....", Arjun said having his food...

"So..... Tell me everything ", Shravan Goel said directly jumping into the topic...

"Let him eat peacefully Shravan...", Sushmita told sternly and that shut him off and Arjun chuckled

The three of them finished their dinner and sat in the living room having deserts

"So... Now young man, Explain your behavior ?? ", asked Shravan sternly...

"Surely that man must have done something to deserve the slap, right Arjun  ??", Sushmita said taking Arjun's side and Arjun gave an innocent nod...

Shravan glared at the both of them and gave a serious look which is enough to make them cautious of what they speak next...

"Uncle... That man is abusing the girl... He deserves what he got... I don't regret it", Arjun said calmly...

"I know what kind of a man he is, but that doesn't justify your actions, Arjun, you slapped a police officer who is on duty that too in front of so many people and there are some judges in them, you know what that means  ?? You are lucky he didn't issue a complaint against you... What happened to you Arjun, you were never this impulsive...", questioned Shravan Goel...

"He wouldn't dare to complain against me, uncle... Don't worry, everything is under control. Just a few more days, he will go down soon...", said Arjun, confidence radiating from him...

"Sometimes, you remind me of your father Arjun... He too is...", started Shravan but Arjun stood up angrily...

"Uncle... Never ever compare me with him... I am nothing like him.... Do not call him my father, I don't have a father....", Arjun said fisting his hands to control his anger.

"Arjun... I didn't mean to... Calm down... Come and sit....", Shravan said calmly, He knew how much Arjun hates his father.

"No uncle, it's fine... Sorry if I said something wrong... Thanks for the dinner, Aunty... Bye... See you soon", said Arjun hugging Sushmita and making his way out...

"What's the need to talk about that man Shravan... You know how much Arjun hates him, you upset my boy...", screamed Sushmita...

" I know you hate Arjun's father for what he did to Mythri but he is regretting it badly Sushmita, all he wants now is his son's forgiveness and love... And like you love your friend, I too love my friend, I was angry with him, but eventually, I forgave him after seeing him change... And I am not doing this only for my friend, but also for Arjun... It's high time Arjun accepts his father, he needs him...", said Shravan walking to the study to work leaving Sushmita in thoughts...

Arjun drove at high speed, he didn't care about anything, all he wanted is for his anger and hatred to disappear for now... He couldn't bear the thought of that man... He didn't even care about himself while driving at that speed, he just wants to escape the pain, the betrayal his mother and he witnessed from the man who is supposed to love and protect them... But suddenly he slowed down the car and eventually the vehicle came to a halt... He can't act irresponsibly because of his hatred toward that one man... He needs to live for his mother, to fulfill his mother's dream, and for Aarna, he can't leave that girl in the middle like that, he needs to prove her innocence and free her...

With all these thoughts, he drove back to his home, and as soon as he reached his room, sleep took over because of the mental fatigue...

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