Wondering where he is ??

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Days passed and everyone fell into a routine... But there is a little change in Aarna's routine, she no more got harassed by Khatri... Though the physical abuse by Bimala and other inmates continued, it wasn't often like before... And she wasn't a fool to not understand who was behind it, but she didn't want to believe it... After all the betrayals she had faced in the past one and half years along with the ones she faced right after her birth, she is even afraid to develop hope... And she is so right... It's been 2 months since Arjun visited her or enquired about the events, after that day she didn't even hear his name anywhere... Arjun Kashyap is no different, he also tried to help her but accepted defeat seeing her unwillingness to cooperate... But she didn't blame him for leaving her case like others, all she felt is gratefulness towards him as today because of him, she didn't face sexual harassment from Khatri anymore... She knew she would be spending all her life in prison, she is mentally prepared for it, the least she could expect is to live securing her dignity till her last breath...

Raj is surprised to see Arjun, these days he never talked about Aarna or that case..... He knew something is wrong... Initially, he thought that Arjun is busy with other important cases and that's the reason he is not talking about the proceedings in CM's son's murder case... But days turned into months yet he didn't even utter about it not even by mistake and when Raj asked about it, he just said he didn't has anything to do with that case anymore...

What might have happened ?? Earlier Arjun was so determined to take up this case but now he didn't even wanna talk about it, what changed ?? And why ??
All these questions constantly popped up in Raj's mind but had answers to none...

Arjun continued his successful career winning all the cases he took up and celebrating his every victory... Today is no different, with his witty yet keen and pinpointed arguments, he sent a criminal who illegally acquired the land that belonged to farmers, adding to it, he killed two people, one engineer and a farmer who wanted to go against him... Arjun very cleverly trapped him in plan... He is celebrating with the poor farmers and their families... They lifted Arjun in the air and carried him all around outside the courtroom showing their gratitude...

That's when he saw those innocent eyes again... But there's not even a glint in those eyes seeing him... Not even anger, confusion, Or accusation for him for leaving her case in between... She averted her gaze like she doesn't even know or recognize him and walked away with the constables and staff that surrounded her... Every time he saw those handcuffs around her wrists, he feels a pang... His heart knew those soft and small hands didn't deserve those, but he is helpless...

"Why are you looking at her now ??, why now after all this ?? You left her case even before taking up Arjun...", questioned his best friend Raj...

"And you should be happy about it... No ??", questioned back Arjun

" Why are you doing this Arjun ?? Tell me the reason please....", pleaded Raj...

"Nothing much Raj, I gave up, I genuinely wanted to help her, but she is not cooperative, I talked to all those lawyers who wanted to help her like me but she didn't even utter a single word, she herself accepted the crime multiple times in the court... Till today, I won my every case not only because the 'truth' is with me, but also because my clients co-operated with me fully... Their hope and belief in me boosted my performance but she ?? She.... She is self-destructive, I can't help her, leave me, no one can help her", said Arjun...

"But you do know it won't be easy to get her cooperation but still you were determined, what happened now ??", Raj questioned with a sigh

"Okay..... You wanted to know the truth ?? Fine then listen, yes you are right, I was very determined to help her and was willing to bring her out of all this mess if she is innocent but a couple of months ago I received a call, do you know who made that call ??", asked Arjun with a dead serious face and Raj feared the worst...

"CM ??", Raj asked slowly and Arjun shook his head...

"No, his brother... Gagan's paternal uncle... He is the one who is looking after that case... He told me all the details regarding the case, even those details that are in favor of Aarna, that is their son's murderer... He told me that he wanted me to take up this case... He wanted only justice and if it's on her side and their son is at fault, they are ready to lose the case and everything to her... He said CM sir wanted only justice and he is ready to pay me anything for taking up Aarna's case...", Arjun said shocking Raj. "And that's when I understood that they are genuine people, what people talk about the chief minister is true, he is a nobleman, he might not be perfect, but he is genuine...", continued Arjun...

"And ?? We completely don't know about Aarna's side of the story", Raj asked...

"And she is not ready to share it too", said Arjun... "As I told you, I talked to all her previous lawyers and everyone said she isn't helpful even a bit and Mr. Bharadwaj (CM's brother) sent me all the proofs which prove she is the culprit..... Even after all that, he wanted me to handle her case, and bring out the truth, but I refused him because I can't waste my time on an already clear-cut case... During the same time, I got this farmers' land acquisition case, I wanted to give my 100% to this, so I decided to let it go, I was wrong about this case before, this is a straightforward case", said Arjun and Raj nodded at his friend still having some doubts but decided to save those for later.

When Arjun is about to leave, Geeta called him...

"Arjun wait.....", Geeta said walking towards him...

"Geeta ?? You here ?? You don't have court appearances this week, then why are you here ??", asked Arjun surprised seeing her there...

"Arjun, I won't beat around the bush, I am here for Aarna... I know you don't wanna take up that case, but I think you should... I followed Chandini and made friends with her to find out how is Aarna and I did all that because you asked me to... and from what I heard, she seems to be innocent, please don't leave the case in the middle", Geeta pleaded Arjun...

"Geeta... I have made my decision, sorry, there won't be any change.....", replied Arjun in finality.

Geeta tried to convince him but he didn't listen to her at all...

"Okay fine..... I decided to take up her case, will you help me ?? Come on Arjun, you can do this much for me, can't you ??", Geeta pleaded...

"No Geeta..... I have nothing to do with that case..... And you are going against my beliefs by taking up this case..... So you won't be getting any help from me Or the firm... I cannot fire you because it's written in the employee agreement that all my employees are allowed to take up cases individually while still being a part of the firm if they aren't against the firm...", Arjun said and Geeta sighed...

"Arjun..... Please.....", Geeta tried but Arjun shook his head...

"And one more thing Geeta, you can't take up this case under Mythri justice firms, it's your individual headache, you are not allowed to use office property or resources for this case", said Arjun sternly...

"Arjun... This is ridiculous..... You can't do that to her... Let's support her, we can do that at least", Raj said looking quite surprised by his friend's behavior...

"Okay..... She can use the office property but she won't be getting any advice from you or me or any other senior lawyers in the firm", said Arjun...

"You'll regret this Arjun", said Geeta and went away as the trial is about to get started...

The public prosecutor on behalf of Gagan Bharadwaj and Mr. Bharadwaj made their way inside the court amidst the chaos media is creating... They finally made it inside..... Arjun greeted Mr. Bharadwaj very politely...

"I wish you would have taken up this case Mr. Kashyap", said Mr. Bharadwaj with a genuine smile...

"Please sir, call me Arjun... And I'm very proud that our state is in such a nobleman's hands, The Chief Minister is really a man of golden heart... It's his son who was killed but still, he wanted to make sure that justice is served and no innocent is punished... With such good people, I don't have to worry about justice..... Also, I don't think I can do this...", said Arjun politely, and as it was time, Mr. Bharadwaj and the public prosecutor went inside giving one last smile to Arjun...

The hearing started with the judge arriving and asking everyone to sit...

The public prosecutor ranted the same thing he does every time and Aarna is the same, standing there like a rock accepting her crime...

"Miss. Aarna... Do you have anything to say in your defense", the judge asked... and Aarna shook her head...

"Do you have a lawyer who can defend you ??", asked the judge patiently...

"Yes, your honor... I am Geeta Verma, I would like to take up this case", Geeta said...

Arjun and Raj are standing in the corridor and as soon as Arjun heard Geeta's words, he smirked and walked away to his car, And Raj followed with confusion etched on his face...

The next half-hour, the prosecutor and the new defense lawyer on behalf of Aarna argued and finally, Geeta succeeded in getting 3 months' time before the next hearing... Well, she knew it was not her victory but Mr. Bharadwaj's good heart... When Geeta thanked him outside the court, He said he wanted to give all the chances to Aarna to prove her innocence before punishing her... He sure is angry, hurt, and hated her for killing his only nephew but he wanted to play fair... Geeta joined her hands in front of him with respect and left there to fulfill some formalities... She decided to work on the case from this hour itself... She decided to collect all the information as she has the right as Aarna's lawyer now...

Arjun drove away to the firm humming some songs making Raj impatient...

Geeta called Raj and informed him about the happenings at the court... Raj told her a few encouragement-filled words and hung up...

Arjun smirked again thinking something and this time it became unbearable for Raj, he switched off the music but Arjun continued to hum the song...

"Will you shut that mouth and tell me what's happening ??", asked a very pissed Raj...

"What ??", Arjun asked cluelessly...

Raj glared at his friend and Arjun chuckled shaking his head...

"Okay fine will tell you everything, but this should bury in between us Raj, don't even mention any of this to anyone not even to Ritika...", Arjun uttered seriously...

"Okay... Go ahead...", Raj said anxiously...

"It's true I left Aarna's case before even taking that up but there's a reason and that's not definitely because I gave up... I am suspicious of everything that's happening around me... Honestly, when Mr. Bharadwaj called me, I am very very surprised... Why does he so badly want me to take up the case ?? Are they really that good or all this a facade ?? And by the way, he told me all the details regarding the case, I understood that he is very closely following the developments... Because he very tactfully used the same proofs I found against Gagan to prove Aarna guilty... Something is definitely not right Raj... And whatever I said in the court, is all an act, we were being tracked...", Arjun said concentrating on the road...

"Geetha knew this ?? No right ??", Raj said as he is damn sure Geeta doesn't know any of this but he got surprised again...

"She does...", Arjun said... "And she intentionally mentioned following Chandini and befriending her to know Aarna's whereabouts... They already knew this Raj, she just brought that up so that it doesn't seem like an act", Arjun said...

"Damn... You guys were great... I know you for 20 years, yet I couldn't realize you were acting...", said Raj... And Arjun gave a proud smile to which Raj glared...

"So you think CM and his brother are playing a game against Aarna ??", asked Raj...

"Maybe, they may be playing against Aarna or for Aarna, that we have to find out..." Said Arjun shocking Raj...

"For Aarna ??, You mean Bharadwajs want to save Aarna, that's why giving so many chances to her ??", Raj uttered...

"It's a possibility, now don't ask me why... I am just listing out the possibilities, they might just want to gain sympathy and goodwill among people by acting genuine, or they might be trying to prove Aarna innocent and in return might win the elections applying reverse psychology, or there's a third possibility too... which is the CM and his family really wanted justice and they are really genuine like they seem to be... Till now, I haven't gotten any solid evidence to decide about their motives... So just considering everything", detailed Arjun...

"Arjun... Why do I feel that you are doubting that girl(Aarna) too ?? Don't you completely believe that Aarna is innocent ??", asked Raj...

"Raj... It's not like that, but you are right, I don't completely believe she is innocent, I have my doubts and I don't believe anything until I have concrete proof", said Arjun thinking something deeply...

"Geeta huh ?? You were planning all along this time with Geeta but didn't even say a word to me, don't you trust me Arjun ??", asked Raj...

"You know whether I trust you or not Raj, and why are you asking as if I'm doing this for the first time... I never share confidential information regarding a case unless it's necessary... And regarding this, I wasn't planning all this for a while, I decided it the very second I received Mr. Bharadwaj's call, my plan started that very second when I told him I won't be taking up Aarna's case, after that, I called Geeta and canceled her WFH asking her to join office immediately from the next day, I had an idea that Bharadwajs must be tapping our phones, that's why I told her everything when I met her in personal... Rest all you know", said Arjun taking the U-turn to their office...

Both the friends got back to their respective cabins and started working... Arjun started working on his current cases while at the back of his brain, he made plans for different possibilities...

Days passed with Arjun secretly helping Geeta or should say, Geeta, helping Arjun with the required files regarding Aarna's case... There are some loopholes he found in favor of Aarna but the thing which surprised Arjun is there's not even a single thing against Bhardwajs'. After a point of time, he stopped doubting Bhardwajs' intentions and kept his focus on Aarna and how to make her reveal things to Geeta... He suggested so many methods to Geeta to get Aarna talk but nothing really worked, Arjun spent hours training Geeta how to deal with Aarna and she did it perfectly but Aarna didn't respond much and Arjun Kashyap is losing patience now, he sent Raj to accompany Geeta and help her in getting something out of Aarna but Raj's presence didn't improve the situation...

Now Arjun has only one way that is to talk to her himself... But what would he tell her ?? That he was trying to trap the chief minister that's why he acted as if he wasn't interested in her case ?? No way in the hell... But he needed to cook up a story to make her trust him again... He knew her trust broke into pieces... But he can't take the risk of letting Bharadwajs know what he is up to, he needed to talk to her but without anyone's notice...

When Geeta went to visit her he made her sneak a phone inside with the help of Chandini...

"Hi Aarna, how are you ??", greeted Geetha with a smile, there's a slight hope in her tone and Aarna understood this, she too wanted to tell everything out but she just can't, she stopped trusting people long before... And a pinch of hope raised in her a couple of months seeing Arjun, but it got crushed before blooming...

Aarna nodded her head slightly to Geeta's question earning a sigh from her... Aarna never actually used words except for twice or thrice in these months and seeing the lack of response, Geeta got fed up and wanted to give up many times but Arjun stopped her, he, from time to time motivated Geeta and trained her to deal with Aarna but nothing really worked...

"Look Aarna, the thing we are gonna do should be between us...", started Geeta looking around... "Arjun wanted to talk to you, just talk to him... Please", Geeta continued looking at Chandini who stood at the passage to see if anyone is coming...

Aarna panicked hearing Arjun's name but stayed calm and shook her head in 'no'...

Geeta sighed loudly, Arjun already told her that there's a huge possibility of her rejecting this, and he also told her what to do to make her talk, she wondered how good Arjun is at reading people... She just hoped that this works...

"Look Aarna, if you don't talk, Arjun is gonna file a case against Khatri and others for assaulting you, just talk to him and let him know you are fine... That's all you have to do", Geeta said and Aarna nodded surprising Geeta...

She hid her grin and dialed Arjun...

"She is ready to talk to you Arjun", said Geeta handing the phone to Aarna who took it with shivering hands... She doesn't know why but she felt as if her life is gonna change after this phone call...

"Hello Aarna...", Arjun greeted her from the other side, his manly voice and the confidence in his tone caused fear in her spine... She stayed calm expecting him to continue...

"Aarna... Done with your duty for today ??", he asked in a casual tone... And her eyes slightly widened with his question and the tone he used, it's as if he is asking his friend about his daily work... And this is what that attracted her to Arjun and made her trust him, he didn't care about the time, he cared about making her comfortable, and waited patiently till she responded not for once did she see irritation or desperation in his tone, he is always this calm and composed...

She hummed in response... He went on asking some questions and she answered everything in humming but Arjun never minded...

"Thanks for talking to me Aarna, just wanted to let you know that you'll be out of the jail soon if you are innocent, and it would be done sooner if you co-operate with us... Now ask Geeta to dispose the SIM card ASAP", said Arjun and hung up leaving a shocked Aarna...

He smirked irritating Raj who is listening to the conversation since the phone is in speaker...

"Stop with that smirk you fool, before she used to respond at least to you, but now she stopped talking to you too, this means she doesn't trust you now... You lost her faith Arjun, why do you have to play this stupid game", Raj let out his frustration widening Arjun's smile...

"Seriously, that girl didn't utter a word and above all that, we risked so much just to sneak that phone inside and you talked for half hour, what's the use ??", said Raj and glared...

"Okay... Okay calm down... She didn't talk to me but she still trusts me", Arjun uttered confidently... And Raj calmed down seeing his friend's confidence...

"And do you think I'm a fool to ask Aarna, who hardly spoke 3 words to Geeta in so many meets, to alert Geeta about disposing the SIM card... I just wanted to know her intentions, if Aarna alerted Geeta, then it's a huge thing Raj, for her speaking a few words is a huge thing, and if she did that, we can conclude that she is grateful of what we are doing for her, but if she doesn't, it means she doesn't want to co-operate with us and wanted us to really back down...", said Arjun swirling in his chair...

Raj nodded when Arjun received a call on his landline...

"Arjun... Arjun... Aarna talked to me, you know she literally said that you asked me to dispose the SIM on urgent basis", squealed Geeta... "God, how did you do that Arjun ??", asked Geeta...

"Hahaha now leave all that and come to office", said Arjun hanging up after laughing at her excitement...

"She talked", Said Arjun with a smile and Raj nodded excitedly...

Arjun wanted to get all the files before taking over the case from Geeta, he feared the reports might be vanished suddenly if they get to know about his involvement in the case...

Arjun still didn't get clarity over the Bhardwajs and this is happening for the first time in his long and successful career as a criminal lawyer, but he has different plans prepared for every scenario and he thoroughly enjoyed the challenges it threw... Though he isn't clear about the result of the case, he has a clear cut idea about his approach...

But unlike Arjun, Aarna is still in confusion, she didn't understand why Arjun wanted to talk to her after all these months ?? And the fact that shook her is she still trusted him, and she couldn't believe she alerted Geeta just because Arjun asked her to... By doing that, she gave a clear hint that she is in support of Arjun and his team but she couldn't care less, she doesn't want Arjun or his team who genuinely wanted to help her, to suffer...

And hearing Arjun's words, again hope took it's previous place and the confidence and determination with which Arjun said those words about bringing her out of jail made her believe him...

Both of them slept with their own thoughts...

But Aarna's instincts are right, her life is really gonna change after that phone call.....

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