He meets her

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"Uff... Finally, you are here... How much time will you take yaar... My wife gets ready faster than you...", shouted Raj at his best friend who is already late to the party Mr. Sehgal is throwing in his honor...

"Did you mean Ritika takes too much time in getting ready  ??", asked Arjun rising his brow...

"Ha..... Exactly, how much she may try, she'll look the same, don't know why she wastes so much time when she knew end result is not gonna improve, actually, I think she doesn't know it.... ", said Raj with annoyance remembering how his wife asked him to go and pick Arjun, then come back to pick her so that she gets some alone time to get ready without him nagging her...

"Now she does", said Arjun smirking at Ritika who is standing there glaring at her husband..... Raj stiffened, he didn't even dare to turn and face her, he cursed Arjun but he didn't care at all, he is having fun for life... For the next 10 minutes, Ritika chased Raj and did everything except murder... She gave 2-3 punches to Arjun as well but he didn't mind as he is very much enjoying his friend's misery...

"Next time, choose your words carefully, both of you", Ritika warned and walked out...

Both the friends followed her, Raj was about to sit in the driving seat but she gave a look saying she is not interested in sitting beside him, so he calmly went to the back seat cursing his friend, Arjun sat in the driver seat and tried to cheer Ritika, she too gave in to Arjun efforts and smiled...

Raj and Ritika had an arranged marriage, but they fell in love with each other at first sight... Ritika understands the friendship between Raj and Arjun, she never really came in between them which Arjun feared at the start... He actually thought that after marriage she would create problems regarding their joint firm, money, and property but she didn't even want to know about it, Arjun liked her attitude and slowly accepted her... She is the only woman he cares for deeply, like a family, after his mother, he does care about his staff but just as an employer, nothing more, nothing less...

All three reached the venue, Mr. Sehgal introduced Arjun to many big shots, and everyone praised Arjun for his talent, they even had offers for him but Arjun asked them to contact him during working hours... His attitude, and work ethics impressed them more... He wasn't dying to take up significant cases or clients which reflected his ability and confidence...

Raj as usual went to the bar, and Ritika started talking with some ladies, Arjun tried to stop his friend from having more shots but he wouldn't listen, today he is very happy for his friend and Ritika too gave him permission seeing his selfless happiness in his friend's success...

"Today... You can't stop me... I am so happy...", Said Raj in a slurry tone and started ordering two more for him..... Arjun shook his head and is about to say something when one girl approached him...

"Hey... Will you dance with me", asked the girl running her finger over Arjun's face...

He pushed her hand gently and looked away politely rejecting her, there he saw a group of girls staring at him as if he is some piece of meat... He got awkward and excused himself, he always got attention from the female population but like always he ignored it... He never let it pass more than a one-night stand that too when he is too stressed or loaded with work... And he does know that even they're looking for the same as him but right now he is not interested...

He is walking towards the gents' toilet as that is the only place he thought he would get peace right now but he saw something on the way which boiled his blood...

"What the hell do you think you are doing", shouted Arjun stomping towards the man who is manhandling a girl...

He observed the girl when he walked towards them, she seemed so innocent and pure that the place and all the people present over there seemed so wrong and evil in front of her... 

The man recognized him to be the infamous lawyer Arjun Kashyap and chose his words carefully...

"Mr. Kashyap..... Nice to meet you, I'm Inspector Shiv Khatri, and I'm not manhandling her, she is a prisoner", the man said shocking Arjun...

"What ??", Asked Arjun, shock visible on his face...

"Don't go on her face Sir, She is a bi**h", said Shiv Khatri eye raping the girl chewing Jarda(Indian chewing tobacco flavored with spices), and holding the girl's hand tightly making her wince with pain...

Arjun slapped the inspector without thinking even for a second, gently pulling the girl behind him protectively... The inspector glared at Arjun as if he wanted to kill him but didn't say anything as he didn't want to mess with a man as influential as Arjun Kashyap.

"Never abuse a girl, never ever... what's her crime ?? And why are you here ??", asked Arjun, the girl hid behind Arjun feeling protected for the first time in a long time...

"She murdered CM's son, She is a criminal", said Inspector Khatri trying to control his smirk seeing Arjun's face filled with shock and horror... Arjun slightly moved forward and two tears fell from the girl's eyes seeing the man who stood up for her protection going away, fear occupied her mind again... but Arjun again moved towards her covering her from Shiv Khatri's lustful glares...

"I asked another question, why are you here with her ??", asked Arjun impatiently waiting for the response...

"I can't tell you, Mr. Kashyap, it's a protocol", said Shiv sternly...

"Okay then, I'll lodge a complaint against you for harassing a woman and moving female prisoners without lady constables", said Arjun firmly... And Shiv knew that if the complaint is lodged, he has to fight the case and he knew he has a lot of faults and if his past crimes come to light, his job and his life would be at risk and he very well knew Arjun is capable of doing all of that to him...

"Sir... We're here to catch her accomplice in the murder case, we laid a trap", said Shiv Khatri hesitantly..... "Can we take her now sir, we're getting late", asked the inspector...

"Get lady constables, here, only then she is going with you", stated Arjun firmly covering the girl from Shiv Khatri's lustful gaze... "And I'm gonna take strict action against you for bringing her without female constables", he further stated angrily...

"Sir.... no sir.... they're here, to maintain secrecy, I asked them to stay out...", tried Shiv Khatri but Arjun countered his every reason with logic which left no option for Shiv Khatri except to call female constables who are waiting outside...

Bimala and Chandini with the other two male constables came there...

"Now can we take her ??", asked Shiv with irritation visible in his voice, Arjun gave a look that asked him to shut up and he immediately did...

"What's your name ??", asked Arjun very softly, turning to face her as if his slight harshness could break her soul...

He waited and waited but no words came from her mouth, but he didn't get impatient, he softly smiled at her and asked again "Would you please tell me your name dear ??"  

The girl clutched her dress tightly with her fists and kept opening her mouth like a fish but no words came out, Shiv Khatri nudged Bimala to tell Arjun that the girl never speaks, it's actually true, they never heard her speak, they only heard her cries, whimpers, winces... Bimala is about to tell Arjun when the girl opened her mouth shocking everyone...

"Aa......Aa......",  she started but closed her mouth having no confidence... she got some strange confidence seeing Arjun, there is this genuineness on his face which gave her strength, many people treated her worst than trash in the past year, but there are people who are sympathetic towards her, soft to her, but she never felt that confidence to say something after the series of events that took place after the CM son's death... 

"Yes ma(dear), don't be afraid, Just tell me your name please", pleaded Arjun very softly like she is a very delicate doll...

"Aarna...", she said fainting in his arms shocking Arjun. The way she uttered her name and her voice got imprinted in his mind and he knew the memory is not going to fade away for years to come...

He rushed her to the hospital with the help of the police, Raj and his wife too joined him to the hospital...

"Arjun, you got her admitted in the hospital, isse zyada kuch bhi krne ki zaroorat nahi hai, tum chalo yaha se(You don't have to do anything more than this, let's leave)", said Raj...

"We'll leave once we get the news that she is fine", said Arjun...

"No Arjun, she is a prisoner, she is the accused in CM's son's murder, and also you don't have permission to stay here for her, this is legally wrong and you know it", Raj said and Arjun nodded, his friend is right... Arjun asked Chandini to take care of the girl, as he can see only she is a nice person and is actually caring towards the girl among those wicked foxes... he also gave his personal number to Chandini and asked her to call if anything happens and left with Raj and Ritika...

"Why the hell wasn't I informed of this Raj ??", screamed Arjun as soon as they reached the house... on the way, his friend filled him in with some details about the murder case of the chief minister's son that happened a year back, actually the case was offered to Arjun that time from CM's side... but he was in London to enjoy his vacation after almost 4 years of working his a** off to stabilize the firm so Raj decided to handle that himself and he would inform Arjun if needed...

But then the Chief Minister announced to all the people that his son's case will be solved the same as everyone else's, he promised people that only a government prosecutor will fight on his son's behalf, and if the girl is innocent and his son is at fault, he announced he would resign... and this announcement and his genuine concern for the girl who is accused in his son's murder case gained a lot of popularity for him among the people...

"Arjun, you were in London and having a good time after a really really long time... I thought of informing you if I couldn't handle it but the very next day, the chief minister's PA called me to inform you regarding their decision of having their case fought by a public prosecutor so I didn't find it necessary to tell you, and by the time you came to India, the news became old and everyone forgot about it", said Raj getting confused as why his friend is asking all those details from him now.

"Okay... leave all that, who is the prosecutor handling Gagan Bhardwaj's(CM's son) case ??", asked Arjun seriously...

"Don't remember the name but he is a very normal lawyer who doesn't have any success rate or proper experience... I was very surprised by the chief minister's decision, then I understood his plan, he must be sure that the girl only murdered his son, that might be the reason he is doing all this, showing as if giving a chance to the girl to prove her innocence, mahaan banna chahta tha(he wanted to become great) and he got succeeded... Seriously, must appreciate his smartness, he used even his dead son for his political gain... The way he played all the drama, no common man would understand his intentions, he made a fool out of their emotions", said, Raj.....

"He not only fooled common people Raj, but also fooled people like you, he wanted everyone to think in the way you are thinking, sach toh kuch aur hi hai(the truth is something else altogether)", said Arjun very slowly but Raj and Ritika heard it because of the pin-drop silence in the room...

"What do you mean Arjun, elaborate", asked Raj getting perplexed...

"What you think is not the truth Raj, for now, I can only say this, till I do my research and get the evidence, I don't want to disclose anything to anyone... And yes, I want all the details of this case on my table till morning, including all the proceedings and the improvement", said Arjun walking upstairs...

"What do you mean  ?? We're taking this case  ?? Why  ?? And you are gonna fight for the Chief Minister, if we fail, we'll be insulted, it will have a negative impact on our firm, that man has a lot of following among people, and why would you think that man will allow you to fight for his son, in the first place", asked Raj walking behind his friend...

"For nahi, (not for) against... We're gonna fight against the chief minister", said Arjun walking to his room and shutting the door to sleep leaving Raj in shock...

"Did he really say that  ??", Raj whispered to no one still in shock not understanding why his friend is doing this, he didn't even have a complete idea of the case... Arjun never took decisions this impulsively, he always thinks well, and researches thoroughly before taking up the case, Ritika came and patted her husband's shoulder bringing him out of his trance...

"It's okay Raj, Arjun might have thought it thoroughly", Ritika said making Raj more furious...

"Are you for real  ??, he is talking about going against the Chief Minister, also we know nothing about that girl... The whole world believes she is the culprit... He is gonna destroy everything we have built all these years but I will not let him", Raj said with determination...

"Raj, no... Don't do anything stupid that jeopardizes yiur friendship", warned Ritika... "That is the most beautiful thing you have Raj, don't spoil it"

Raj kicked the sofa table knowing she is right...

"How can he go inside like that, at least he could try convincing me... Huh... B**t**d", said Raj getting angry as Alcohol started kicking in... And Ritika understood this...

"Let's stay here for the night, you are not in a position to drive... You can talk to Arjun tomorrow morning... Hm  ??, everything will be fine... Calm down... Lay down now", Ritika said helping her husband to lie down... She covered him with a duvet and after he fell asleep, she went to talk to Arjun... She felt he is very disturbed... But she couldn't say anything in front of her already angry husband and fuel the tiff between the friends so she stayed quiet...

She knocked on Arjun's door and he immediately asked her to come inside, she knew he didn't sleep, he just doesn't want to answer Raj and that's the reason he walked away...

"I won't ask you why you wanted to take up the case, but I think you can at least share what you are feeling right now ??", asked Ritika settling beside him...

"Ritika, please... I can't say anything right now...", said Arjun holding his head..... he himself didn't have any valid explanation for why he wanted to take up Aarna's case... The moment he saw her, his heart knew she is innocent...  But he cannot say that to anyone, he always thinks rationally, he only defends those people who he is sure are actually innocent but now...

"Arjun..... I know what you are thinking... I promise I won't judge you, I know you don't have anything solid to say that she is innocent, but...", Ritika started but Arjun interrupted her...

"she is innocent Ritika, I know, my heart feels she is innocent, that girl, did you look at her face ?? She is not capable of murder, leave all of this, I don't know why but I feel it's a big game, there is much more than that meets the eye... I feel many corrupt officials and politicians are involved in this and we can knock all of them down once this case gets solved", Said Arjun raking his hair with frustration...

"But you know it's not at all easy...", Whispered Ritika holding his shoulder...

"I know yaar... I didn't think about all that except for one thing... A victim should always get justice, my job is only to find who is the real victim here...", said Arjun thinking deeply...

"Are you sure about that Arjun ?? Is that your only goal ??", questioned Ritika hoping he would admit his attraction towards the girl... Arjun sighs deeply and stays silent... "What do you feel for her Arjun", Asked Ritika directly and he lets out a humorless laugh...

"Nothing Ritika... Do you think I'm taking this up because I feel something for her ?? You can't be serious, I'm just doing to bring the truth out... If she is the culprit, I will lead her to ruins...", said Arjun with determination and Ritika nodded believing him... Maybe she is the one who is overthinking...

They talked for a while, after which, Ritika went to her room and slept, but Arjun kept searching everything about the case, whatever details are available on the internet...

The next morning Raj woke up and without saying anything to Arjun, he left the home with Ritika, Arjun understood he is angry with him and decided to put all the logical information he had collected the previous night in front of his friend to get him convinced...

Arjun quickly freshened up and reached the office, Raj too reached the office and he asked the staff to hand over the details Arjun had asked the previous night before he reached...

After an hour, Arjun is ready with his explanation and walked to Raj's cabin, there he saw his friend looking into the files with a pissed-off look, he smiled at his antics, he is still a child who wants to be pacified and till then, he does everything to let people know that he is angry...

Arjun walked inside and Raj stood up glaring angrily at him...

"Don't you have manners, you should knock before walking inside someone's cabin", said Raj angrily...

"Abbe chup, ye manners kaa paat mujhe mat pada, bewkoof(oh shut up!, don't teach all this manners sh*t to me, idiot), now leave your anger and listen to me, if you still find it wrong, then we'll back out", Arjun said and hugged his friend...

Raj smiled and hugged Arjun back... Both the friends sat and started discussing the case from scratch... Arjun highlighted the facts which looked suspicious to him... and finally, Raj got convinced to take up this case... He can see the passion in his friend's eyes to bring justice to the victim, and after hearing Arjun, he also felt that there's something in that case that isn't meeting the eye...

"Coming to the time, The murder time is written as 3:15 AM at night in all the newspapers and I also watched all the clips of news channels, the same time was recorded there too, but look at the FIR and this report, see the statement of this person, it says that he heard the police siren at 3:20 AM, and this man lives just a street away from the farmhouse where the incident took place, how can they reach so soon ??" Said Arjun thinking deeply...

"What's there to think Arjun, they might be very near to the place, CM's son is residing there, obviously there'll be police nearby patrolling", said Raj...

"No Raj, there were no police vans in nearby areas that night, in fact no one knows that CM's son is gonna be there, he is supposed to be in London at that time, he discontinued his graduation and took admission to the University of the Southampton just a few months before his death... Even if someone called the police immediately after hearing the gunshot, it's impossible to reach within 5 minutes... there's something we're missing", said Arjun...

"What do you suspect ?? You think the death time that was informed to all of us was manipulated ??", questioned Raj...

"Ho sakta hai(it could be), or there's also a possibility that he was shot much before but he died at 3:15 AM...", said Arjun standing up and walking all around the room thinking deeply... "Let's imagine the basic case that might be possible for this report to be true Raj, it takes a minimum of 10 minutes for police to reach the farmhouse from the control room that too if they drive at a maximum speed... so let's imagine, Gagan was shot at 3:10 AM and someone called the police exactly at 3:10 AM and police reached in 10 minutes, i.e 3:20", said Arjun suddenly realizing something... and looking at Arjun's expressions, Raj understood that some plan is running in his head...

"What ??", Raj asked anxious to know what his friend is planning...

"You said that the chief minister wanted his son's case to be dealt with in the same way as any normal citizen's... right ??", Asked Arjun...

"Yes... Are you planning something ??", Raj asked getting up...

"So, will the developments of the case be transparent ??", asked Arjun...

"That's debatable Arjun, but if you become Aarna's lawyer, you will have complete access to the files, you can demand them, then why are you asking all this ??", Raj asked Arjun giving a quizzical look...

"Are you really this dumb or acting to be one now Raj ??, I can't let them know that I'll be taking this case yet, I have to talk to the girl, I need more details, and also I don't want to alert them...", said Arjun giving an 'obvious' look...

Raj nodded understandingly... 

"By the way... how is the girl ??", Asked Arjun remembering how she fainted in his arms the previous night...

"I don't know, she must be fine, as the lady constable didn't call you", answered Raj and Arjun nodded...

"We'll go meet her, be free at 3:00 PM, also fix an appointment with the concerned", said Arjun before barging out to take care of the other cases... Raj called the concerned and fixed their appointment, it isn't easy at all considering VVIPs involved in it, but Raj managed to get it using his contacts...

"Arjun, she is back in jail, I have taken the permission, but we got only 15 minutes", said Raj in a call with Arjun...

"That's okay for now", said Arjun and hung up.....

Somewhere in jail...

"On seeing a rich man, you started your dirty plans huh ??, What did he find in you that he supported you ha ??", screamed Khatri slapping Aarna... and she started crying...

"Aarna... huh... I so wanted to destroy this mouth with which you uttered your name, my hand is itching to slap these soft cheeks of yours from yesterday, but what to do, we are in the hospital", laughed Khatri pinching Aarna's cheeks tightly and pulling her hair making her wince...

"Look at her Bimala, how she is wincing, open your mouth and talk something you bi**h, yesterday you talked to him, didn't you, now what happened...", Khatri screamed slapping her once again and Bimala laughed sadistically...

Chandini felt really bad, she badly wanted to stop and tears formed at the corner of her eyes looking at the young girl suffering so much... She prayed to god to save the girl and just like that, her prayers are answered..... The telephone at Khatri's desk started ringing and he sighed her to take the call as he is busy torturing the poor girl... Chandini took the call and what the other person said brought a wide smile to her face but she covered it immediately before Khatri or Bimala could see it... Chandini hung up after receiving the message...

Khatri is holding Aarna's cheeks and moved towards her face to kiss her, she wriggled in his arms and pushed him with full force angrily glaring at him...

"You bi**h... I'll not leave you...", saying this Shiv Khatri moved towards Aarna but Chandini shouted panicking...

"Sir... Please control your anger, Mr. Arjun Kashyap and Raj Malhotra took permission to meet her, He'll be reaching here any minute", Said Chandini in a panicked voice to stop him from hurting the girl anymore and Shiv Khatri looked furiously at Chandini hearing the news, his mood got worse because of this, he couldn't even torture her now... Aarna's heart started beating faster with hope listening to the 'Kashyap' name but the hope died as soon as it came... she doesn't know why he is coming and even if he is coming, she knew she wouldn't talk about the incident ever... She is set for self-destruction, none could help her... 

"Sorry sir, I don't want you to face any trouble, that's why stopped you", covered Chandini...

"How the hell did he manage to get the permission ??", Screamed Shiv Khatri banging the table...

"When are they coming and how much time is provided ??", he asked

"Sir, at 3:00 PM, 15 minutes is provided", Chandini said with fear on her face looking at his anger...

"Oh no, they'll be here anytime... There's no time to cover her bruises...", Shiv and Bimala panicked...

"Listen you... if you utter a single word about these or about me, I'll torture you so much that you'll forget even how to cry", Whispered Bimala pulling her hair tightly... Aarna nodded slightly wincing in pain...

"Chandini, take her to her cell, and from there, bring her near the booth, and listen bring her back immediately exactly in 15 minutes...", Commanded Khatri and Chandini nodded taking Aarna with her... She made her sit in the cell and looked here and there if there is anyone nearby

"Look... Aa...Aarna right ??", Chandini whispered and Aarna slightly nodded... "Listen to me carefully and answer me properly, Did he ever harass you sexually ??", whispered Chandini...

Tears fell from Aarna's eyes but nothing came out of her mouth and Chandini understood the matter...

"Did..... Did he r....rape you ??", Asked Chandini getting scared to hear the answer and seeing Aarna shaking her head in 'No', she took a deep breath...

"Uff..... thank god, now tell me, what did he do ??", Asked Chandini slowly holding Aarna's hands...

She waited and waited for an answer but nothing came, when Chandini is about to leave, Aarna held her hand and made her sit...

She showed her neck, chest, and waist... and Chandini understood the matter...

"I'll protect you from him, you don't deserve such treatment even if you really murdered the CM's son", Chandini said and Aarna just nodded not believing her completely... she stopped trusting people long back...

Chandini is asked to bring Aarna as there're visitors for her...  she started taking Aarna to the visiting room...

"Aarna, Take Arjun sir's help, he is a very good man, and he can definitely help, many people see him as a god, tell him everything", said Chandini while walking her to the visiting room... Aarna just looked at her but didn't respond in any way.

Arjun and Raj waited patiently in the waiting room and seeing Aarna and Chandini coming there, they stood up... She made Aarna sit and Arjun occupied the seat opposite to her, and beside him settled Raj...

"You can go now, I'll take care from here", Arjun politely said, Chandini nodded and walked away... Arjun is about to talk when Khatri came there from nowhere...

"You have only 15 minutes vakeel saab, (looking at his watch) oh maaf kijiye ga(sorry sir) only 12 minutes...", said Shiv Khatri controlling his smirk...

"I know Inspector, now would you please leave", Arjun asked politely, he knew Shiv Khatri is purposely trying to instigate him to prolong the discussion and avoid his talk with the girl...
Shiv Khatri is about to say something when Arjun again politely asked him to leave... and he left with an angry scowl at his plan failing...

"Hi... We don't have much time to discuss everything in detail... but answer us a few things Miss. Aarna, we are willing to help you out of this if you are innocent", Said Raj and she started shivering remembering everything... She started shaking her head vigorously intending she doesn't wanna share anything with them... Arjun just observed her and when he saw her panicking... he pulled his chair near to the table and looked at her face where he found the bruises...

"Raj... stop with your questions... let us have a small talk with Miss. Aarna... ??", Said Arjun calmly

"Your name is so unique, I haven't heard of it till now... What does it mean ??", asked Arjun further which surprised both Raj and Aarna...

Raj got shocked to see Arjun wasting the time, he knew how difficult it was to get these 15 minutes...

"Nahi bolna ??(don't want to say ??), okay no problem... oh no... I forgot to introduce myself Aarna.... so sorry, I'm Arjun, a lawyer by profession... I just wanted to see whether you are fine or not...", said Arjun...

Raj looked at Arjun as if he has gone mad...

"You are fine right ??", Asked Arjun and she nodded, reacting for the first time from the time she came there...

"Great, but Aarna... What are these bruises ?? Is there something wrong ??", Arjun asked seriously seeing the slap marks, it was clear to him that a man slapped her, and he also knew who that can be... but right now he is trying to know what topics trigger her, till now he understood that he won't be getting any straight answers...

"Did Khatri do this to you ??, you can tell me, and I'll sue him...", said Arjun and he observed her shivering visibly but said nothing... "Raj... do one thing, talk to Varun and ask him to file harassment charges on behalf of Miss. Aarna", Arjun told Raj, Raj looked at his friend confused but Arjun sighed him to do what he said, Raj took out his phone and then Aarna started talking... Arjun smirked internally as he got to know her one weak spot using which he could make her talk...

"n.....No..... h..e...didn't d...do this..... I....fell down", said Aarna with difficulty... she barely talks and now her own voice makes her afraid...

Arjun and Raj know that she is lying but none questioned her about it...

"Okay... So Aarna, how is the food here ??, Is it good ??", Arjun asked again and she nodded....

"Hm... Okay..... why did you change so many lawyers in the starting ?? and why don't you have a lawyer to represent you ??", asked Arjun directly... "Let me be more specific, Why didn't you cooperate with any lawyer ??", asked Arjun very politely that for a second Aarna wanted to tell the truth to him but the very next second, she slapped herself mentally for even thinking like that...

Aarna sat silently... Arjun went on asking casual questions and she nodded her head for them but when he suddenly questioned her about the case, she became stiff and he observed it...

"So Aarna..."Arjun started but the Jail superintendent along with Inspector Shiv Khatri came there...

"Your time is up Mr. Kashyap, Please leave", the Jail Superintendent said and Shiv Khatri smirked openly at Arjun this time... He is told that this is the first and last time Arjun will be allowed to meet Aarna...

Chandini took Aarna away while Arjun and Raj left the place, and seeing Shiv's victory smirk, he understood the back story...

As soon as they came out, Raj started shouting at his friend...

"What was that ?? we got a chance to talk with her after a lot of difficulties and you wasted it asking her about food, laundry, and comforts ?? like seriously Arjun, what's wrong with you ??", Raj screamed angrily...

"Relax Raj, I might not get all the information that we need but I got enough to proceed with this... and did you see how she reacted to your questions... There's something wrong with her... It's clear, she doesn't trust us, We, first need to build trust with her... and We need to take action regarding her safety as well, Shiv Khatri is physically abusing her... We'll see that ba****d later, for now, let's concentrate on her safety...", said Arjun getting into the car and Raj followed him... 

They talked to the officials and within a week, there was a surprise visit from the officials regarding treating the inmates... and Shiv Khatri got an indirect warning from Arjun regarding his treatment towards Aarna...

 One Week after Arjun met Aarna in jail, On the metro train

"Hey Geeta, how are you ??", Said Chandini...

"I'm good Chandini, how about you ??", Asked Geeta who is her friend, both of them are metro buddies, they met in the metro a week ago and immediately hit it off, they formed a bond of sisters and love sharing their day with her...

"I haven't seen you in the last two days, where were you ??", asked Chandini...

"Work is so hectic these days yaar, so I'm going early and returning late from the office", told Geeta... and the conversation continued like that...

"Acha... how is that girl ??, Is she any better now ??", Asked Geeta, Chandini shared about Aarna without mentioning the name and any details except for she is an inmate and is getting tortured by their superior...

"As I told you, I have been always there for her but sir started getting pissed with me, so I couldn't do much about it, thankfully, there was a surprise visit from higher officials yesterday and that helped, My superior's(Shiv Khatri) behavior towards Aarna changed, he is being careful now...", Said Chandini...

"That's good", Said Geeta, Both of them continued their normal conversation and after some time, Chandini's stop arrived, she got up and left, while walking, her pocket diary fell from her bag and Geeta took it before she could give it to Chandini, she got down the metro and the doors got closed...

Chandini sighed to Geeta that she will take it tomorrow, Geeta nodded and the train started moving...

Geeta opened the diary and found a note "I know" written in it, a smile formed on Geeta's lips but she immediately covered it...

she got down and reached her place, freshened up and called someone from another phone...

"Arjun, she knows", Said Geeta in the call...

"I know, I expected this, okay continue doing what you are doing till further instructions, and your work from home continues till this is done Geeta, take care", Said Arjun hanging up smirking thinking about his plan...

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