Blooming Trust

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"Arjun... What the hell did you do ??", Geeta stormed inside Arjun's cabin, he lifted his head looking at her... "Arjun, she is crazy, she wouldn't say anything, I feel like living with a ghost", Geeta complained...

It's been two days since Aarna started living with her but she didn't speak a word, and Geeta is getting frustrated, She expected her to talk at least when she is forced to live under the same roof with her but she is mistaken!

"Stop cribbing Geeta, It's with your consent, I took the decision, It's you who agreed to have Aarna at your place, accept the fact and try to live with harmony", Arjun said drowning himself in his files again...

"Arjun... it's not only that, she keeps doing all the work, She cooks, cleans, and even does my laundry, I tried to stop her, I keep on telling her not to, but that girl just doesn't listen to me, she doesn't even react, I don't even know if my words reach her ears...", Geeta said "Arjun, this is the only time she gets before joining work since you offered the job, She needs to rest, but she doesn't", Geeta ended with a long sigh and her words piqued Arjun's interest

"I'll talk to her...", said Arjun dismissing Geeta, she gave a look and walked away...

In the evening, Arjun is done with his work earlier than usual... He went to Geeta and asked her if she was done with her work, she said she would be done in 5 minutes, Arjun nodded and walked away informing her he would be dropping her off today and would talk to Aarna as well...

After 10 minutes, Geeta joined Arjun in his car and he drove off... Soon they both reached Geeta's Apartment...

Geeta opened the door with her keys and a small smile formed on Arjun's face when he saw Aarna sleeping on the sofa but the marks on her neck erased the smile instantly...

Geeta put her keys on the key holder and dropped her bag on the table in front of the sofa, with the sound, Aarna quickly woke up...

She went inside and brought two glasses of water... Arjun accepted a glass with a small thanks while Geeta glared at her...

"Did I ask for water ?? You are not my servant, why are you doing all these things ?? We are not even friends, why are you caring for me ?? I am just your flatmate, do. Not. Do. My. Chores", Geeta stated and Arjun immediately frowned

"Just have water Geeta, stop behaving so rudely", Arjun stated...

"I am rude ?? No, I am just being practical...She....", Geeta started but stopped when Aarna snatched the glass from Geeta and drank the water herself...

Geeta looked shocked and Arjun burst out laughing... A small smile formed on Aarna's lips too... Geeta came out of her shock and she too joined him...

"You are not what you show you are", Geeta said...

"No one is...", said Aarna looking at Arjun like she was hinting about something...

Yes, she decided to help Arjun with the case though not directly but by dropping very unusual clues... Because it's clear she can't directly tell him anything...

Arjun instantly understood she was trying to convey something but he is not sure about whom she is hinting?? If she is talking about the chief minister, then he already knew about him but she didn't know he knew so he decided to tell her...

"What do you mean ??", he asked to which she shook her head and went inside the kitchen taking the glasses...

"Arjun... You stay here, please... She will talk only in your presence, Please save me from my monologue, or I'll go crazy", Geeta said and Arjun chuckled...

"Aarna.... Could you please come here ?? I need to talk to you about a few things", Arjun called and Aarna came out getting nervous about what he would ask but he calmed her down by saying general things, he again got reminded of her reports looking at the now faint marks on her neck...

"When will the reports come ??", Arjun asked Geeta, the doctor's assistant came and collected samples...

"Day after tomorrow", answered Geeta...

"Okay...", he said and looked at Aarna, "So I wanted to talk about a few things, First, you'll be joining the office from coming Monday, second, you'll not do Geeta's chores, or if you want to, then you and Geeta have to share them. For example, if you do laundry, she has to do cooking, do you understand ??", Arjun stated calmly and she looked like she is not okay with the arrangement, she is not going to be a freeloader there... She decided it much before...

"Look you'll be receiving your salary at the end of the month, then you can pay for your expenses, and I have ordered a few clothes for you and this is some cash, Don't worry, I'll deduct it from your paycheck", Arjun said and Aarna nodded, no matter how much she wants to refuse him, she couldn't, she needed the clothes and cash to survive...

"And one last thing Aarna, what I am doing is just a help to another person, do not consider it charity, today I am helping you, and tomorrow I might need your help which I am sure you'll do for me right ??", Arjun said and she nodded... How honestly he puts her at ease... He doesn't lie to give her comfort but his way of delivering the truth doesn't hurt either... That is why he is such a famous lawyer, thought she...

Arjun also stayed for dinner which of course Aarna cooked, he helped them in segregating the tasks, and Aarna took the responsibility of cooking and laundry, whereas Geeta opted for stocking the kitchen and cleaning as Aarna couldn't go out and roam freely...

Monday came sooner for Aarna than she anticipated... This is the first time in the last two years she would be facing actual people, normal people, not hardcore criminals, and heartless officials...

She got out of the auto and silently walked inside the huge office where she saw people running here and there, all she heard was loud chatter all around...

She walked to the reception area to ask about Arjun's cabin, he asked her to meet him for her appointment order, and other formalities, he already mailed her the offer letter and she took the hard copy in her hands to show it but her hands and legs shivered vigorously... Thankfully she saw Raj coming out of the elevator, though she hadn't talked to him ever, she at least knew him, she saw him as a bright light in the darkness this bunch of unknown yet sophisticated people had created around her... She ran towards him and seeing a girl running, everyone's attention shifted to her... Raj signed them to continue with their work...

He smiled at Aarna but also smirked thinking to trouble her a little for all the times she stayed mute troubling him...

He promised himself that he would do anything to make her talk...

"What are you doing here ??", Raj asked her though he very well knew why is she there...

Aarna handed him her offer letter and he looked at it carefully...

"Technical trainee ?? This is a law firm miss, You are clearly mistaken, we don't have this post in our firm, you can leave ", he said with a playful smirk... She understood his game very well...

She looked here and there to find any info about Arjun's cabin and thankfully someone said what she wanted to hear...

"Hey I am going to Arjun's cabin, I need his signatures", said Shekhar, an employee...

"Hey wait, Arjun will be here in the next few minutes, You can get his signatures then", answered Swati, Arjun's assistant who just came down with a stack of files in her hand and dropped them on Varun's desk before continuing with her work...

Aarna got what she wanted, she returned Raj's look which pissed him more...

"Woman I am your boss, you need to at least greet me if not the actual talk...", he said frustrated... She looked at him and tried to say something to the poor man when Arjun made his heroic entry, well that's what it is at least for her, courtesy, her unexplainable attraction to that man...

Seeing her, Arjun came to her and she handed him her offer letter, and he asked her to collect the appointment letter from Swati... She bent her head a little like a 'thank you' but Arjun is hell-bent on improving her communication skills...

"Words Ms. Aarna", he said in a professional tone which shocked the people there as Arjun was never the typical boss...

"Th... Thank you sir", she said and Raj glared at her...

"I was literally begging you to talk and you didn't, but when he said, the next minute your voice came out... Wow...", he made a sarcastic note

"Ms. Aarna, this kind of behavior is not accepted here, in Mythri's, our biggest strength is our communication, we share our issues, mostly professional and sometimes personal as well, and help each other in solving them... This is why we enjoy this success... You need to use your words more frequently, I hope I made myself clear", Arjun said, and hearing the bossy tone from him, the employees of Mythri's remained shocked....

"S... Sorry sir, will keep that in mind", Aarna said shocking Raj...

Raj leaned on Arjun's shoulder acting like he is fainting, and Arjun slapped his cheek to get him away...

"And you don't need to call me sir, we follow first name culture, you can call me Arjun, Aarna", he said with a warm smile coming out of his act of a strict boss hearing her speak a full sentence...

Hearing him, she nodded, he lifted his brow and she immediately corrected herself

"Yes Arjun", she said and Swati asked Aarna to follow her for appointment letter and introduce to the technical head...

As soon as she left, Raj again fell on Arjun...

"This is the biggest sentence I have heard her say... God that girl just made my day", Raj said dramatically making Arjun chuckle...

Days passed with everyone at Mythri's getting busy... Especially Arjun, the reports came, and one more piece of evidence against Khatri was added to Arjun's folder...

Aarna too got accustomed to the culture at Mythri's, you can't say she gelled well because she didn't, but she understood the culture and worked harder to prove herself... People treating her nicely is a far-fetched dream for her, but here, everyone treating her with respect irrespective of knowing she is an accused in the Chief Minister's son's murder case, gave her a positive view of life which she never had...

She started talking a little, people who didn't know Aarna before got pissed about her using very few words, whereas People like Arjun, Aarna's psychologist Dr. Padmini Shekharan, Chandini thought she could do a lot better but two people are the happiest... Raj and Geeta who used to get so frustrated with her silence earlier, when treated with a few words, are on cloud nine now...

"I have a proposal", said Aarna walking into Arjun's cabin...

This is how she is, no greetings and by now everyone got accustomed to it...

"What is it ??", he asked

"Blockchain.... Why don't we use Blockchain for database management and AI for predictions", she said

"Elaborate...", he asked with furrowed brows

All these days, while Arjun is busy in her case, she is busy lowering the operational costs for the firm in any way possible, She wanted to be of his help even though it's a small one, and that's when this idea stuck with her... She is an engineering graduate in Computer science, IT & systems, her one of the major subjects involved, blockchain, AI, and machine learning and she made a project on it which is exhibited in the state-level engineering talents... Her personal interest in the field made her learn about it more and develop a good knowledge of it.

She showed the plan she made for them and Arjun is highly impressed with her knowledge...

"We can implement this on an immediate basis", Arjun said already seeing the super success of her idea, If that happens, operational costs would go down by 4X at least, and then he could be able to offer higher pay to the employees, and increasing their profit margin goes without saying...

"No Arjun, we will implement it in smaller levels, to assess the compatibility of this system... I need to see whether servers support this or not", she stated...

"Okay, do whatever you want to, ask me for any assistance you need, explain it to Raj as well, and take his opinion", said Arjun and Aarna gave him a look and he chuckled understanding what she meant... Raj irritates Aarna a lot intentionally... That man just loves testing her patience

"Sorry, can't help, he is my partner, you need to explain to him as well", Arjun said

"I would request you do it sir, I have to go through some procedures, we are starting with the first level pilot testing tomorrow", she said, no stated, before leaving his cabin... Indirectly asking him to take Raj's opinion before tonight...

She knew that both friends had the same say... So she needn't have to worry...

Arjun sighed looking at the door and when she called him sir, she meant 'no argument', he might be winning almost all the arguments he'd be having in court, but with her, he wouldn't even get to put his views, he smiled thinking about it... Arjun couldn't understand what they are... His heart knew she is much more than a client to him but what did she feel ?? Does she feel the same or she just see him as the man who rescued her and did he actually rescue her ?? The main battle is still up in the air...

He shook his thoughts and resumed work as this is not the right time to think about all that... He called Raj to his cabin when he will be free, and Raj graced him with his presence after a few hours, Arjun detailed Aarna's idea, Raj said he had a few doubts and wanted to clarify with Aarna before giving his nod... Arjun raised a brow knowing what was running in Raj's mind...

"Bhai... Tu pitega, mai batara hu(Bro... She will beat you to pulp, I'm telling you", warned Arjun

"Look, Mr. Kashyap, I need to clear certain things with the Aarna before agreeing to it", Raj said trying to be professional and Arjun just sighed before calling Aarna to his cabin...

"Yes Arjun" " she said coming inside but left a deep sigh seeing Raj in Arjun's cabin, Arjun left an exasperated sigh and shrugged saying he tried to save her from this but couldn't, and she gave a polite nod...

"So, Aarna, explain", said Raj settling in the chair and Aarna gave him a look of 'Are-you-for-real'.... "Come on, start it, I don't have time", said Raj looking at his watch

"I was told that you have some queries regarding this, that's the reason I'm here", she replied giving a look of 'didn't-you-explain-him-anything' to Arjun, to which he nodded his head saying he did...

"oh well, right, query... the whole project is a query, starting with um..... how is deep learning used in this ??", started Raj and Aarna fumed in anger... this is the limit, they are kick-starting the pilot project the next day and this so-called partner of the firm is playing games to irritate her... she is working her a** off for this project and both Raj and Arjun knew this...

Aarna stormed off the cabin, returned with a book in her hand, 'Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning' written on it, and dropped it on the table just in front of Raj

"Read this and if you still have any queries, come to me", she said and Arjun stifled his laugh...

"Okay then, keep the pilot testing on hold till I get this right", Raj said seriously and Aarna's face is red with anger... For the past few weeks, she spent all her time on developing this project having very little or no sleep and this man just ordered to put it on hold, all for what ?? to satisfy his ego ??

"Now I have a lawyer to defend me, so I wouldn't think twice before killing you Raj, Don't make me a criminal", Aarna said seriously... As soon as the words left her mouth, Arjun's eyes widened followed by Aarna's...

"You are already one", said Raj, his comment would have made a huge impact on Aarna and Arjun under normal circumstances but both of them are shocked by her words... Did she mean she didn't murder Gagan ?? She is talking as if she isn't a criminal right now... thought Arjun

"I don't have time to satisfy your ego Raj", saying this, Aarna stormed out... Raj laughed but looking at Arjun's face, he knew something is wrong and soon Raj too realized what she said...

"Oh..... Sh*t.....", muttered Raj

"Till now I thought she murdered Gagan but under unavoidable circumstances, but now I'm not sure anymore if she actually murdered him ?? If she didn't kill Gagan, why did she take the blame, and the strange thing is if she didn't, who did ??", Arjun questioned... "As much as I try to unfold this mystery, it's getting twisted more and more...", Said Arjun raking his hair...

"This is the reason why Aarna decided not to talk much, this is why she shut her mouth so that she doesn't spill anything in the flow of emotions", Raj said...

"Damn you Raj, Only you can irritate her so much that she loses her calm... I get pissed by you always but I had to say this... Keep doing it... but in a different way, Now that she got to know, she will try to stay calm and shut her mouth but we need to get the clues from her, that's the only option, The Court Hearing is next month, we need to find out before everything slips away...", Arjun stated and Raj nodded though in distress...

"Everything is already slipping away Arjun, The people who called you the living form of justice are now calling you the other way... You are locking horns with the Chief Minister of our state, a lot is at stake... think about it again... I don't say you shouldn't save Aarna especially when she is innocent but sometimes you need to make tough choices", Raj said lowly...

"I have already made a choice Raj, We started this firm with the sole purpose of providing justice to everyone that comes to Mythri's in search of justice, if we leave even a single person vulnerable to unjust, there won't be meaning for my mother's sacrifice or my hard work... I won't compromise with justice in the fear of losing everything... I started from scratch, I can do that again but I won't let Aarna face the consequences for the things she didn't commit", said Arjun and walked away leaving Raj in a dilemma... He too wanted Aarna to get justice but not at the cost of losing everything, Arjun is clouded with his love and pride of being the evident follower of Dharma, but he can't let all those innocent people who are solely dependent on Mythri's suffer just for one single girl who is set for self-destruction. After some time, he too went to his cabin and started working...

Raj went home and shared his worries with his wife, she like always supported Arjun and also helped him to think from Arjun's point of view, she knew her husband isn't wrong but Arjun isn't either... And she knew how determined Arjun is when it came to work...

The next few days went with Aarna getting busier with the pilot testing going more successful than expected, which increased her workload, since Mythri's is a law firm, it didn't hire technical people much and she had to manage with the very few that are available... Arjun offered to outsource, but she refused as she didn't want to compromise with the quality and confidentiality of the project...

She avoided Arjun completely and whenever they had to face each other, she made sure she didn't meet his eye because she knew her eyes give away emotions when they saw his...

At last, the pilot phase started running smoothly and Aarna got free at 8 PM which is a lot earlier than her usual time..... She received her second month's salary just then and with a small smile, she transferred rent and other expenses to Geeta... and was about to book a cab when Arjun reached there...

"Come with me, I'll drop you", he said and she nodded following him as his tone said no arguments, and to be honest, she doesn't want to argue either.....

Arjun started the car after Aarna settled down, and drove off, Even after half-hour they didn't reach her flat yet she didn't question him... she always surprised him with her understanding...

After an hour more, he stopped the car near a Tapri(a small tea stall)...

"Kaka serves the world's best chai, this is mine and Raj's favorite spot", said Arjun and she nodded with a small smile..... He walked to the tapri which is on the opposite side of the road and she followed him... He who is walking ahead suddenly came to her, held her hand, and walked along with her, leaving her hand as soon as they crossed the road...

They both knew that Aarna's life is in danger, and maybe Arjun's too, but Arjun also knew the Chief minister was not stupid to attempt something like this... but still, he wanted to be on the safe side when it came to her life...

"Arjun...... Is that you ?? It's been so long, How are you beta", The elder lady asked lovingly touching Arjun's cheek...

"I'm fine kaki, How are you ??", Asked Arjun affectionately...

"I'm fine too", she said looking at Aarna...

"Kaka.... do chai(two Tea)", said Arjun

"acha.... all your greetings for your kaki and Chai(tea) Order to kaka", said the older man with a smile....

They continued bickering while the man prepared Chai for Arjun and Aarna, Arjun introduced Aarna as a friend to them... After receiving the chai, Arjun took her to the wooden bench which is behind the Tapri and a little away from it, The place is not visible from outside, except for those who have an idea of its existence, so it gives ample privacy...

They sat in silence enjoying the chai...

"You are right, this is the world's best chai", she said with a smile and he nodded...

"Why Aarna ?? Why can't you tell me everything ?? I know I told you I wouldn't ask you anything but it's getting tough day by day, I can't let you go into that hell again...", Arjun said calmly though he was anything but calm

"I don't want to go into that hell either Arjun, but do you think I have an option ?? Thanks for showing me the world before I go back to that black hole again... The confidence people see in me today is all because of you, I didn't even complete my graduation when I was in jail, I used to think I couldn't do anything even if I got out, I couldn't earn a single rupee or feed myself, it's like my self-confidence was completely crushed, but then you happened, you gradually returned everything I lost, the latest being my voice... Thank you, Arjun... But don't do anything more than this... Please I beg you", she said, her tone slightly breaking

"You are not going to jail again, not now, not ever, I wouldn't let you, I'll do anything and everything in my power to prove your innocence, with or without your help", he stated angrily...

"Arjun....", she started...

"Chai peelo(have your tea)", he said looking away and she nodded with tears in her eyes... Why is this man so adamant... His affection towards her overwhelmed her...

"You don't trust me ??", he said after almost 10 minutes of silence... She let out a chuckle which turned into full-blown laughter and he looked at her with great surprise...

"You really think I don't trust you ??", She asked, her laughter dying down but a wide smile still playing on her lips that automatically brought a smile to his face...

"No... I know you do trust me but...", he started

"Arjun, 'Trust' stopped existing for me a long ago, but if that word still has a place in my life, then it's because of you, for me, Trust is by you, I don't say a thing not because I don't trust you but because...", she said taking a deep breath... "Arjun, truth has the capacity to burn people down, I don't want you to suffer the brunt of it...", She added

"Why ?? I'm your lawyer Aarna, I'm supposed to do what I'm doing and I'm supposed to know the truth", He said... Hearing 'I'm your lawyer' from his mouth did hurt her but she didn't let it show on her face..... She has no right to feel whatever she is feeling and she is very well aware of this fact... Well, that's what she thought...

"No Arjun, I'm not gonna say a word, now if you are done with your questions, let's go, Geeta must be waiting for me", Aarna stated and got up, he sighed and walked to his car along with her after paying for the chai and bidding byes to the elderly couple...

Arjun dropped Aarna and drove away to his place... The fact that she trusts him so much made him the happiest but he didn't understand why is she thinking so much about revealing the truth..... In these few months, she changed so much, she is not the same Aarna who didn't utter a word, she started speaking, though she didn't interact with many people except for the few whom Arjun trusts a lot, yes Arjun's trust made her converse with them because if she went on her trust, she knew she would talk to no one, not even to Geeta... Trusting people is not her cup of tea, Arjun is an exception for it. Even after all the changes in her, there is this one thing that didn't change, her habit of staying mum when talking about that one dreadful night...

As the hearing neared, Arjun became a bundle of nerves because, unlike last time, he didn't have any new findings... and these days, if he tries to open one door, he finds 10 previously opened doors closed... He decided to plead with the court for some more time to collect the evidence which is very unlikely to get, considering the strong opposition they now have, their opponent now knows what they are dealing with and they will be more careful... Their opponent lawyer is now Mr. Bhatt, who is one of the highest-paid lawyers in the country, he is taking up the case from the next hearing and is famous for his victory in the courtroom, it's highly unlikely to get an extension... Arjun sighed remembering how Bharadwajs appointed Mr. Chakraborty, a normal government prosecutor as their prosecutor to make people believe that they follow every rule and law, to show that they were treated the same as any other citizen of the state... But when Mr. Chakraborty failed to handle Arjun even after so much preparation from the topmost lawyers, the chief minister thought to change the lawyer, but he can't change him though he has the right to, he can't let people doubt his intentions, so he ordered his men to attack Mr. Chakraborty and create it as an accident, so that he is unable to attend the court, giving a chance to change the lawyer... Arjun knew that it wasn't an accident but he couldn't prove that in court...

He is in a great dilemma when suddenly a thing struck in his mind... How the hell could he miss such an important thing, he cursed himself before making a call...

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