Broken Souls

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Days passed by and the hearing is just a week away. Arjun collected the call records of Gagan Bharadwaj long back but he didn't get anything solid, but the way he informed his father about his arrival to India surprised Arjun, also why did Gagan return to India so suddenly in the mid-semester and he was murdered the next day. Arjun strongly felt someone intentionally made him come to India just to kill him, but he didn't have anything to prove it, it was just his gut feeling.

"Send me the call records of Gagan Bharadwaj, from 3 days before he was murdered", Arjun commanded as soon as the other person accepted his call... Arjun hung up as soon as he heard "right away sir" from the other side...

He reached home, freshened up and went to his study directly, and started listening to all the call recordings carefully, and one call conversation piqued his interest...

"Dad... I am coming to Mumbai tomorrow, I don't care what you think anymore, I won't let you use me for your political gain, enough is enough", said  Gagan

"Do.not.come here Gagan, if you do, no one can save you from me, I won't let you spoil my name let alone my political career", warned Jayant Bharadwaj.

"Do whatever you can dad, even I want to see how far you could you go to save your position", said Gagan hanging up

After hearing this, the only question that came into Arjun's mind is 'Did Jayant Bharadwaj kill his own son  ??'

He put the recordings in the evidence box and started his other works but numerous questions are running at the back of his mind...

He decided to find the reason why Gagan came to India so suddenly and why his father didn't want him to come in the first place...

The next day, Raj and Arjun sat in Arjun's cabin and both started discussing the incident...

"By Gagan's words, I think something huge happened and Jayant Bharadwaj's career is on the verge of ending and he was desperate to save his a**", stated Arjun

"But what's it  ?? How do you plan on finding ?? And Arjun, I strongly feel Gagan is the reason behind his father's problem", said Raj, and Arjun nodded in affirmation...

He called Swati and asked her to send Aarna inside

"Why do you want her here Arjun  ??", Raj asked, Arjun missed the slight irritation in Raj's voice...

"You will see...", Arjun stated...

Aarna came inside and immediately frowned seeing Raj there...

"Yes, Arjun... Make it fast, I have so much work", she said

"Come and settle down, we need to discuss something, it takes time", said Arjun seriously

"Arjun, I told you I have work, I need to get this done before next week", she said getting frustrated

"Sit. down", Arjun said strongly pointing to the chair beside Raj and Aarna sat down leaving a long sigh... "Now tell me why are you working so much, to get all of it done before next week  ?? You still have time for everything, and why the hell are you training the new interns making them stay after hours  ?? As if you won't be here to look after everything after next week  ??", asked Arjun... He did realize her working so much to make sure everything goes well even in her absence but he wanted to hear from her mouth... He didn't know why is she so worried about him and his firm  ?? Is it the gratitude for what he did or is it something else  ??

"Arjun, you know why", she huffed

"No, I don't...", said Arjun folding his hands...

"Arjun, the hearing is next week and I know I am getting sentenced, but I am fine, all thanks to you, you showed me what is life, thanks Arjun, really, if you are not there, I don't know wh...", she started but Arjun interrupted her by banging his fist on the table...

"Will you shut up  ?? There's a time when I want you to utter at least a word but now I myself want to plaster your mouth because all that comes out of it is pessimism", Arjun said angrily...

"Arjun... It's not like...", she started but he shut her up again

"Do not say a word, you are not going to that hell again, I know you don't trust me, but I trust myself, I believe I am not letting you go there again", he said sternly yet with slight softness...

She stared at him with all the affection and respect she has for him and he looked at her with longingness, she is beside him all the time but the fear of losing her never let him enjoy the time he had with her, he too doesn't know what they are Or maybe he does but doesn't want to think about it now...

Raj cleared his throat and both looked away... Arjun without any warning started playing the recordings one by one and hearing Gagan's voice, sweat beads formed on Aarna's face... She tried asking him to stop playing it but she kind of lost her voice...

"Wanna say something  ??", asked Arjun and she shook her head with so much difficulty... Arjun knew she wanted to say a lot but she is holding up very difficultly, Dr. Padmini already told Arjun that if Aarna is pushed beyond limits, there are high chances that she would say everything to him, only to him because she only trusts him... Arjun understood it's only a matter of a few minutes before she spills the whole truth but suddenly Raj stopped the recording...

"Aarna you can leave", he said and Aarna ran off stabilizing herself...

"Why the hell did you do that  ??", Arjun screamed

"Didn't you see her  ?? She is struggling even to breathe, Arjun stop with this, She is not going to utter a word, let's try another way", said Raj

Arjun glared at Raj for spoiling the only chance he got to know the truth... He wouldn't get this chance again as Aarna got to know about his plan now... He cursed Raj and left the place leaving Raj with huge guilt...

The D-day arrived, and Aarna left for the court with the police, to avoid problems with people and party activists...

He entered and seeing Aarna with Khatri, he walked towards her, even though Chandini is there, Arjun didn't want to leave Aarna with that man even for a second. There's a combined hearing for Khatri too...

"You still have the audacity to stand here  ??", asked Arjun

"You already destroyed me Kashyap, but I am here to see your destruction today", he smirked at Arjun

"What I did to you is nothing in front of what I am gonna do today Khatri, and the destruction you are talking about is never gonna come, because I follow Dharma and my dharma never fails me", Arjun replied proudly...

The hearing started in the next half hour and Mr. Bhatt left no stone unturned to get Aarna, a life sentence Arjun's silence shocked Aarna and left all her well-wishers worried...

"She is accepting the crime in all her senses and since the defense has nothing more to say, I would request the court to sentence Ms. Aarna severely and do justice to my client who lost his innocent son", said Mr. Bhatt as his closing statement

"Anything you want to say, defense lawyer  ??", asked the judge for the final time

"Yes your honor, I didn't utter a word because I didn't want to interrupt the prosecutor with his flow of lies, yes my client Ms. Aarna is accepting the crime which she didn't commit and I can prove it to you...", started Arjun

"Objection your honor... Mr. Kashyap is making no sense, why would his client accept the crime, she is not a child to get influenced, nor a mentally ill patient, even if she is, She is cured now, by the reports written by Dr. Shekharan which are submitted to you as an evidence", said Mr. Bhatt

"I would request the honorable court to let me complete my statement", said Arjun calmly...

"Objection overruled", the judge said asking Arjun to continue

"Thank you, your honor, post-mortem reports of Mr. Gagan Bharadwaj submitted to you were morphed, Mr. Gagan Bharadwaj was already stabbed till the time my client reached the place of crime... These are the original reports, Dr. Milan was threatened to fake the reports, by whom and why it's the duty of the police to find in which they have terribly failed...", said Arjun submitting the original papers... He called Dr. Milan for questioning and he testified in favor of Aarna, later, Arjun called a neighbor to the scene of the crime to confirm Aarna's arrival...

"By all these, it's clearly proved that my client is innocent, I would request the honorable court to acquit my client and order the police department to find the real murderer who framed my client", finished Arjun... He knew the court would want strong evidence to acquit Aarna and what he submitted is very little but it's enough for now to get a next hearing and the very same happened...

"After hearing the arguments from both sides, the court decides to give Ms. Aarna one more chance to prove herself, court needs concrete evidence to believe her innocence, Court wants a clear explanation for why she is at the scene of the crime when the police found the body, and why she accepted the crime, the court orders the police department to investigate the matter more and warns to show results till the next hearing... And it will be held on....", the judge ended his statement by announcing the date...

And next, Khatri's hearing started, Arjun submitted all the evidence against him, Khatri also filed a case against Arjun for manhandling him when he was on duty but Arjun smartly defended himself with proof, and Aarna testified against Khatri saying why Arjun had to slap Khatri which surprised Arjun... He didn't expect her to do it... The smile didn't leave his face since that second... Arjun even presented the woman, Fatima whose life Khatri destroyed... And with that, he was sentenced lifetime... And the court is adjourned

Arjun stopped Khatri when he is taken by the police...

"What did I tell you ??", Arjun asked calmly...

"You will pay for it, you really think you could win against the chief minister  ?? My foot... Arjun Kashyap, you will be destroyed, he won't leave you", screamed Khatri...

"I'm not afraid of getting destroyed... I believe in justice and I'm sure justice is served here, rest all I don't care", Arjun said 

"Justice... Huh you still believe in that ?? Power is all you need Kashyap, and you don't have it", Said Khatri...

"Thank you, my work is done", whispered Arjun leaving the place with a wide smirk playing on his lips...

Khatri turned back to see the judge and also a few media people recording his statement...

"F**k you Arjun Kashyap", screamed Khatri losing his patience and the police dragged him to the jeep... 

Media played the only clip where Khatri said the CM will destroy Arjun, portraying the CM as a culprit not as a victim for the first time since Gagan's murder...

Arjun knew he need to use media wisely since it is always against the government... And CM could do nothing to stop them because if he did, his long-formed image as a person respecting freedom of speech would be affected badly... Well even if he attempts to shut down the journalists, he would face a lot of consequences if he is exposed. Either way, Arjun will benefit from it.

Arjun reached home, locked all the doors, and slept on the couch... This is the most stressful time since the time he was away from his mother when she lost his custody... The fear of losing Aarna had killed his sleep for days and since he is past that phase for now, he slept peacefully...

It's been 2 days since anyone saw Arjun... Aarna went to his place daily, kept ringing his bell for 15 minutes but he didn't open, he didn't even let his maids inside... He was hurt, he didn't want to let anyone affect him so much but unintentionally he allowed her, and the fact that she didn't care to tell him the truth did hurt him a lot...

On the third day, she couldn't bear his ignorance anymore...

"Arjun, open this damn door, else I am gonna break it", she shouted but she received no response... "Arjun... I am serious, I'll enter the house in any way possible, don't test my patience", she said again but no response...

She waited for 10 minutes for him but he didn't come out, on the 11th minute, she broke the glass window entering the house and Arjun looked at her shocked... He didn't actually think that she would break his window and enter...

"Why Arjun  ?? We all are so worried...", she said but he gave her a strong look which shut her up...

"Why are you all worried  ?? It's my break time, please go away and let me take some rest", he said turning his head to the television... She left a long sigh, and called Raj asking him to send someone to repair the broken glass window...

She started cleaning the messy house which is no less than a mini jungle, Arjun didn't say a word, he let her do what she is doing...

After hours of cleaning, she is finally satisfied, then cooked a simple meal for the both of them...

"Arjun... Come and have lunch", she said and he silently walked towards the table, served himself, and is about to walk away...

"Where are you going  ??", asked Aarna with a raised brow

"To the sofa, in the hall", answered Arjun with slight fear seeing her anger...

"I have just cleaned all the mess Arjun, dining table is for a purpose, use it", she said sternly

A slight smile formed on his lips, she reminded him of his mother...

"Arjun... Arjun... Beta where are you  ??", called his mother

"Ma, I am sitting near the television... Please ma, let me eat here, I am watching my favorite show", he whined...

"Arjun, there's a purpose, we bought a dining table, use it", Mythri told him sternly, and hearing her, he unwillingly got up holding his plate, and walked to the dining table...

"What's that smile for ??", she asked maintaining her stern posture with difficulty...

"Nothing, you just reminded me of my mother, thank you", he said suddenly hugging her... She got stiff but didn't push him away... Feeling her stiffness, he broke the hug and instantly moved away...

"Sorry", he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck... She broke into a wide smile seeing him go all shy...

"It's fine... Come let's eat", she said and he nodded settling on a chair just beside hers...

Both had lunch in a comfortable silence... They never communicated much in all these months of them knowing each other, it's each other's silence they understood the most and that's what made the bond they have today...

"Arjun... Don't get so worked up... I am okay with going back to jail, but not okay to see you like this... Please be fine and don't get yourself in danger, I can't bear even the thought of something happening to you...", she said and he looked shocked hearing her words, does she too have any feelings for him  ?? Like he does  ?? But her next words killed his hope.... "Because of me, I can't live with this guilt", she said disappointing him...

"It's my responsibility to save the innocent Aarna and you are innocent, I promised my mother to save every innocent soul that comes to me for justice and I would do it even at the cost of my life", he said having his food...

"Arjun...", she reprimanded slapping him... "Don't say that, nothing will happen to you", she said angrily and started eating her food while Arjun sat shocked with his left hand on his cheek where she slapped him...

"What  ??, you deserve it, I am not gonna apologize, eat now", she said and he ate calmly...

He liked the right she showed on him...

After he is done with his food, she took his plate too and did all the dishes even though he said the maid would come the next day...

"So, you are fine now, right  ??", Aarna asked him...

"No, I am not, you got to show your anger", he said showing his cheek indicating the slap she gave him.... "But what about my anger  ?? My frustration", he asked her...

"You can slap me too if the anger is because of me", she said

"I would if that would reduce my frustration but it will only double my anger towards myself... I will get you acquitted for sure with or without your help and on that day, I'll show you all my anger", he said and she nodded...

In his determination, she can feel his love but she acted ignorant of the fact as she didn't want to spoil his life... She is a hardcore criminal, at least that's what the world believes and she let them... Whereas he is the infamous lawyer, they are not right for each other and she has that clarity but her stupid heart is not ready to leave the affection it's receiving from him...

"I'll leave now...", she said getting up

"Stay for some more time", he asked her

"Can't, I have some work Arjun, see you tomorrow", saying this she walked away though she felt his longing eyes on her...

The next day Arjun went to the office and resumed work usually not paying heed to all the stares he is getting from his employees... Why wouldn't he, this is the first time he stayed away from the office since he started the firm... Even though he went to other cities for case purposes, he made sure to stay in contact with Raj and others to check on how everything is going here but this time, he even switched off his phone...

Days passed by, and Arjun avoided everybody including Aarna and Raj... He got so indulged in the case that he even stopped taking timely meals, Aarna and Raj got so worried about him and Raj even blamed Aarna for how Arjun had become...

Aarna decided to talk to Arjun regarding his timings and food habits, she stayed in the office till 1 in the morning, she is hell-bent on talking to Arjun and just then he made his way inside...

"You are still here ??", he asked walking towards her...

"Yes, I'm here, because I wanted to talk to you Arjun... and you are available only during these times, so I had to stay back", she said folding her arms.

"I have nothing to talk about, you can leave", He said moving to his cabin... Aarna followed him, her anger is at peaks...

"What's wrong Arjun, why are you behaving like this ?? You are not eating, sleeping, not taking care of your health and you expect everyone to stay calm... Why ??", She screamed...

"Who the hell are you to care for me ?? Did I ever give you that right, you are not even my friend, you are my client Aarna, stay within your limits, you'll be out of this office and my life once you are acquitted... so, I'm repeating again,", he shouted... Tears formed in her eyes, this is the first time she got tears after joining Mythri firm, with the amount of respect she received there, she forgot all about her pain, and she got to fulfill her dream by working on her specialization and prove her worth which gave immense happiness and strength, but hearing Arjun's words, something stung in her heart, yes they never shook hands saying 'friends' but was that necessary ?? Their care and affection for each other say how important they are to each other... But now, all the things that happened between them seemed like a dream to her...

She gave one last look to Arjun before walking away...

"Wait...", he shouted from inside... She stopped but didn't turn back.... "It's not safe for you to go at this time, as I said, you are my responsibility till you are acquitted, after that You can do whatever you want, Please don't stay this late again and burden me, now come", he said walking to his car leaving her in tears... She wiped them and walked to his car. How the hell did she think he would be with her for lifetime, even though she thought of rejecting him if he ever asked... Now she laughed at herself for all those times she thought Arjun loved her...

He dropped her at Geeta's and drove away... She cried the whole night with a determination never to cry again for him but what future holds can shatter human determination...

Arjun didn't sleep the whole night, the way he behaved with Aarna didn't let him, but did he have a choice ?? He is sure he would get her acquitted but what would happen to them after that ?? What if she chose to leave him ?? Or worse, What if she accepts him with gratitude for what he did ?? He can't bear that, he didn't want to spoil her life,  He got so dependent on Aarna these days that without seeing her, he can't even work or eat properly, the last person he was this attached to was his mother, only he knew his situation when he lost her, he didn't want the history to repeat, and with Aarna's caring attitude, it's getting more and more difficult, so he had to do what he did, at least that's how he justified his act, but he didn't know how deeply he broke her with his words...

Note - The whole book is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited, Below is the link, Please DM me if you are facing any issues accessing it.

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A big shoutout to all my lovely and loyal readers who supported me through thick and thin... I couldn't thank you guys enough for all the appreciation and kindness you have shown towards me and my work. 

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