Eight- Shackles

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Yoongi POV

The shackles on my feet and hands weighed my frail body down, making it difficult for me to move up the steps leading into the palace. I frowned when Baro hit me in the back with his baton.

The palace was much larger than I had expected it to be. I frowned when I saw one of the palace guards rushing towards me.

"Ah, hello! You must be prisoner 134340."

I nodded, not even bothering opening my mouth.

"My name is Jungkook. I am here to guide you to the prince's personal quarters. Baro, is it?" He squinted in the other guard's direction.

I heard Baro clear his throat before confirming.

"Well, since I am here, the prince has instructed for you to return to your duties in the prison. The prisoner will be returned when we are finished. Now, 134340, let's get moving. The prince doesn't like to be kept waiting, I hear."

I nodded again, following the male's footsteps.

I was guided across the palace to the prince's personal quarters. I was motioned to wait in the corner for the prince to arrive, watching the male enter only a few seconds later.

"Jungkook-ah, I asked that his shackles be removed."

Jungkook's eyes grew wide as he nodded. "You're right, Hoseok. I apologize. Let me do that now."

He rushed over and unlocked my shackles. I breathed out a sigh of relief once they were removed and set to the side.

Jungkook bowed in the prince's direction before exiting the room, shutting the doors behind him.

My eyes wandered around the room. There was an oversized bed with intricate detail carved in. A sitting area was behind me, containing thick, tufted velvet, a lush rug beneath my feet.

"So, Min Yoongi."

I flinch at the sound of my real name. I glanced over in his direction. He seems to notice my hesitation.
"H-How do you kn-"

"I'm the Prince. I just found your prison records."

I haven't heard my real name in close to five years. It sounds almost foreign to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I make direct eye contact with him.

"And why were you concerned about my records?"

He shrugged. "Because I wanted to know what lead you to receive the death penalty from my father. In all of our interactions, I didn't get any sort of vibe that would lead me to believe that was your fate given to you."

"Nobody should be budding up in my fucking business. I did what I did, now I'm in a cell, being abused by guards, just waiting to die."

He flinched slightly at my words. I tried not to seem bothered by the fact that he knows things about me. I wish he could've gotten to me for... me before knowing about my past. 

"Yoongi, I-I'm sorry if it seems like I was poking around in your past. I just..." He took a breath, walking over to the sitting area and sitting down after pouring himself a glass of whiskey. "I just find you fascinating, that's all."

He motioned for me to sit across from him. "Did you want anything to drink? Whiskey? Scotch?"

I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I, uh, can't drink alcoholic beverages. I figured that would be in my file, sir."

He leaned back with the glass in his hand, nodding his head slightly. "It was, but that was the guard's side of the story." He set his glass down and leaned forward so his elbows pressed against his legs. "I want to know your side of the story."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the thought of telling the Prince of Auralia the story behind my alcohol and drug abuse. "Yeah, no thank you."

His body shrunk as he leaned his back against the couch once more. "Yoongi, I'm not going to hurt you for telling me."

"It's not that."

"Then why are you not opening up to me?"

I could feel the guilt creeping up my throat, covering every ounce of my skin and being. I could feel myself starting to shake at the memories flooding back into my mind. 

I could hear the prince's voice faintly in the back of my mind, almost like a ghost from my past coming back to haunt me. 

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly, making me scream, trying to break free from the shackles that are keeping me attached to this couch. I shook my head violently, feeling my head hit something hard before the shackles were released. 

I closed my eyes shut as tight as I could as I awaited for the ghosts of my past to carry on, choosing to harass someone else besides me. 


When I reopened my eyes, I saw the prince on the ground, the guard from earlier helping him into a chair, obviously panicking. 

"Jungkook-ah, it's not a big deal."

"Hoseok, you're bleeding. It's my job to protect you." I watched as Jungkook grabbed a towel from the bathroom and used it to stop the blood coming out of the prince's nose. 

"W-W-What happened?" My voice was rough, probably from the screaming.

Jungkook sent a wary glance in my direction before going back to the prince, who only shrugged. "You seemed to be having a panic attack, and when I tried to put my arms around you to stop it, you shook your head so hard you hit my nose and knocked me to the ground. Jungkook was guarding the door, so he heard the commotion and came to help."

"I-I did that to your nose?" There is that dreaded feeling again. The guilt.

He smiled at me. "It's not a big deal, Yoongi. Trust me." 

I shook my head, unable to stand the feeling. "I-Holy fuck I hurt the prince. If the King finds out, I'll be killed tomorrow for all I know. I-I don't want to die. I want to live. I want to live so fucking bad, despite having nothing to live for. P-Please don't let m-me d-die." Before I knew it, I had tears running down my face. 

He shooed Jungkook away and got up to sit in front of me. He carefully reached up, asking for permission with his eyes, before wiping my tears away. I sniffled, feeling so utterly weak. Yet, I couldn't help but feel safe and warm in the prince's presence. There was something so comforting and homey with him.

"Listen, Yoongi. I won't let you die. I promise. I-I called you hear to try and discuss a way to explain your case to my father so you won't receive the death penalty. Your charge.. He shouldn't have given you the death penalty. You don't deserve to die, Yoongi."

"Why are you doing this for me?"

He shrugged, breaking out into a large smile before wincing slightly from the pain in his nose. "Because, like I said, you fascinate me. I want to know more about you, Min Yoongi." He checked the time on his watch and frowned. "I'm sorry, Yoongi, but I am under strict orders to have you returned to the prison by 5:00 o'clock sharp, and it's almost 4:45. I will be sure to come back down and visit you and discuss this some more, okay?"

I nodded, standing up. "Thank you for everything, Prince."

He wiped another tear off of my cheek before standing back, motioning for Jungkook to grab the shackles. "Please, call me Hoseok."



What do y'all think Yoongles did??

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